
1. Basic Functions and Editing

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    1.1 Tutorial: Overview of essential Features



    Introduction | ✔️ Here you will learn about: - Basic elements of a map and map settings - Handling paths and boxes - Input options and uploads - Feedback from students - Discovering maps (media libraries) - User roles Maps of my School | You can unlock any map for your school with a teacher account and an admin account. https://www.edumaps.de/file/2126683832065426914.png/bzsyh7f Release: Maps of my school The map can then be found through the main menu. https://www.edumaps.de/file/14970047958363197759.png/9uaxcid “Maps of my School” in the menu On the “Maps of my School” page, all teachers, students, and the admin can find all the released maps. Likes, Ratings and Votings | If you activate the **Likes** in the box settings, a small heart with a counter appears directly below the box: https://www.edumaps.de/file/9948202437911588415.png/chk2f5z Likes (heart) per box If you activate the **Ratings** in the box settings, you have several options: - Assessment (Good | Average | Bad) - Answer (Yes | Maybe | No) - Voting (Option A | Option B | Option C) The rating appears as a dropdown below the box. https://www.edumaps.de/file/3783046625390634215.png/sktwe3p Ratings or votes per box In edit mode you can click on the counter to see the names of the users who have voted. Map History | For each map it is recorded which user made which changes. In the so-called “Map History” you can view all changes and see who has contributed to your map. To view the map history, go in edit mode and click on the three dots in the top right corner. Then select “Map History” from the dropdown. A page will open that looks like this: https://www.edumaps.de/file/10842451584003756603.png/wp0mv1m Example of a map history The individual entries are linked so that you can open each changed element directly. By clicking on the time icon you can open the revision history for each box. If you want to delete the entire history, click on the "Delete entire History" button at the top right. Box History (Revisions) | Each box has a revision history. That means all changes to the box are tracked and you can restore old versions with just one click. You can open the revision history of a box in edit mode. Click on the three dots next to the box and select “Revision” from the dropdown. https://www.edumaps.de/file/7901054990686468071.png/5gnbe1e Box menu with Revision History Then you can see the different versions of the box over time. These are displayed in a timeline. https://www.edumaps.de/file/6558794740017755578.png/m9pts3u Example of a Revision history You can restore any version by clicking on the “Restore” button located below each box version. Types of Accounts | - Admin and Superadmin - Teacher - Student - Standard (and individual customers) See also {Tutorial: User Roles on Edumaps}{https://www.edumaps.de/1045/1/acuyb12uou} Account Rights | - each user can completely remove all their data - every user can delete their account - Admin accounts can delete student and teacher accounts Rights of Admin Accounts (Schools) | - Create student accounts - Create teacher accounts (admin account only) - Create classes and assign students as you wish (also multiple times) - Assigning to another group is possible when changing classes See {Tutorial for Admins on Edumaps}{https://www.edumaps.de/1008/1/bpk12qmwjr/zdo0glozn4} Server | - Server in Germany - Server operator is a German company (Hetzner) - Technical and organizational measures: {Hetzner}{https://www.edumaps.de/img/datenschutz/2021-04-05-Hetzner-Matheretter-Edumaps-DSGVO.pdf} All Scripts on one Server | - All scripts are on our own server - no external scripts - especially no external tracking scripts https://www.edumaps.de/file/11896812799124225286.png/mz33tnr Protected Data | - Data transmission on the Internet via SSL (HTTPS) - Principle of data economy, i. e. Edumaps stores as little data as possible about the user - each user has full transparency as to what data is stored about him/her - the data can be removed at any time by the user himself/herself - Data is protected from the outside, no access by third parties Create Map / Edit Map | If you create a new map, Edumaps will help you to build the map step by step: 1. Specification of basic data such as title, background 2. Create path 3. Create box in path 4. Fill the box with content The following screenshot shows how a map (pinboard) looks like. https://www.edumaps.de/file/11261752783613192663.png/3qszcqu Screenshot: Elements of a Map There are several options you can specify: - Map title - Map format - Background - Font - Grade - Tags - Release - Extras https://www.edumaps.de/file/14028182027225808979.png/lqv7np0 Map Settings Map Formats | **Pinboard** The pinboard consists of paths. Each path contains boxes. Multiple paths are positioned side by side. https://www.edumaps.de/file/2387536848564589294.png/6rk7bku Map format: Pinboard **Timeline** The paths are horizontally arranged. The boxes are arranged from left to right. Multiple paths are positioned below each other. https://www.edumaps.de/file/10524896192514210868.png/xp3jac8 Map format: Timeline **Stickerwall** The boxes are freely arranged. There are no paths. https://www.edumaps.de/file/530150540731859997.png/0v6kh3d Map format: Stickerwall ❤️ Changing from one map format to another map format is possible at any time. Share Map | Options for sharing a Map: - Link to Map - Share with Class - Share with User - Share Path Group https://www.edumaps.de/file/9554967165091302395.png/ma0lw6s Options for Distributing a Map See {Tutorial: Sharing Maps with Access Rights}{https://www.edumaps.de/1047/1/siajhiablo} Copy Map | - Maps can be copied to customize them afterwards - Boxes and paths can be copied Collaboration in Realtime | Sharing the map link allows other users to collaborate on the map. Collaborative editing is possible **in real time**. The changes are immediately displayed to all editors. It is also possible to work on a map with several teachers and students **anonymously**. !#realtime Delete Map | Deleting a map with all its content is possible with one click. All paths and boxes of the map are deleted. Uploads are retained and can be deleted individually via the upload manager. Export Map / Import Map | **Export Options:** - Export map as a JSON file or CSV file - Export to Moodle as an MBZ file (Moodle course) - Export map as a static HTML package including all files of the map **Import Options:** - Import map from JSON file or CSV file - Import from Padlet - Import from Tutory collection You can also save a map by creating a copy of the map using “Copy Map”. Paths | The path settings contains the following options: -- Title of path -- Color of path title -- Hide title -- Add annotation -- Protect path -- Show path contents from -- Hide path in view https://www.edumaps.de/file/2372130083984256492.png/1ibmi35 Path Settings Input options for Boxes | In addition to uploads, the following inputs are possible directly in each box: - Enter Latex: \( \frac{1}{2} + x^{45y} + \sum \limits_{1}^{5} xy\) - Code as a block or as inline code, such as `y = 2*x` - Superscripts and subscripts in the text: x^{2} - Bold and italics: This is **bold** and this is ***italic***. - Thousands of Emojis, such as 😀 😇 😍 See {Tutorial: Inputs and Formatting in Box Editor}{https://www.edumaps.de/1003/1/e9o5ybwc3p} Links to external Websites | - Thumbnails are generated for all HTML links (as they display in the browser). Simply put a link directly in a single line. - Thumbnails of the websites are stored on the server. Uploads into Boxes | - Upload any media files (jpg, png, gif, mp3, mp4, ...) - Easy uploading by drag & drop - It is possible to insert an image (e.g. screenshot) from the clipboard with `CTRL + V` - Preview of pdf, docx, xlsx, pptx, ... with just one click - Microphone and webcam recordings are possible in every box - All files are stored on the server in compliance with data protection and protected from third parties. See also: https://www.edumaps.de/1005/1/c1g5yt7t1t/kr8pkqzn4j Edumaps: File Formats for Uploads Manage Uploads | Overview of all your uploads including display of your free storage: See {Tutorial: Upload Manager}{https://www.edumaps.de/1075/1/iq6mcbew6y/3gx2z3ykqw} Ratings of Boxes | For each box a drop down can be activated that the students can use to gauge their understanding. https://www.edumaps.de/file/14469155783788168434.png/8ccdmhh Dropdown for Ratings There are three types of ratings: 1. Assessment (get feedback on how the contents of a box is rated) 2. Answer (yes/maybe/no - make a poll) 3. Voting (get feedback on which option A, B or C is preferred) Comments | Comments can be activated for each box. With the help of the comment function, **discussions** can be held or students can submit their **solutions** (directly to the teacher). In the comments the following inputs are possible: - Text input - Image uploads - Audio recordings - Uploads of media files Comments can be set to be only visible to the teacher or to anyone viewing the map. All comments (including uploads) can be deleted by the teacher with just one click. 💖 Notifications about new comments are displayed directly on to the top right of the Edumaps website.Media Libraries | Through the main menu, you can find the Edumaps Media Library and, if available, the Edupool Media Library. https://www.edumaps.de/file/9745779353134396838.png/lovfbl3 “Edumaps Media Library” in menu Link: https://www.edumaps.de/search The Edupool Media Library provides the media licensed by your media center. Link: https://www.edumaps.de/search/media Boxes | The box settings contains the following options: -- Label -- Title -- Color of Box -- Hide Title -- Collapse Box -- Protect Box -- Comments -- Likes -- Ratings -- Calendar and Bookings -- Change Visibility https://www.edumaps.de/file/10623473548625282990.png/svvkezs Box Settings Introduction | ✔️ Here you will learn about: - Basic elements of a map and map settings - Handling paths and boxes - Input options and uploads - Feedback from students - Discovering maps (media libraries) - User roles Maps of my School | You can unlock any map for your school with a teacher account and an admin account. https://www.edumaps.de/file/2126683832065426914.png/bzsyh7f Release: Maps of my school The map can then be found through the main menu. https://www.edumaps.de/file/14970047958363197759.png/9uaxcid “Maps of my School” in the menu On the “Maps of my School” page, all teachers, students, and the admin can find all the released maps. Likes, Ratings and Votings | If you activate the **Likes** in the box settings, a small heart with a counter appears directly below the box: https://www.edumaps.de/file/9948202437911588415.png/chk2f5z Likes (heart) per box If you activate the **Ratings** in the box settings, you have several options: - Assessment (Good | Average | Bad) - Answer (Yes | Maybe | No) - Voting (Option A | Option B | Option C) The rating appears as a dropdown below the box. https://www.edumaps.de/file/3783046625390634215.png/sktwe3p Ratings or votes per box In edit mode you can click on the counter to see the names of the users who have voted. Map History | For each map it is recorded which user made which changes. In the so-called “Map History” you can view all changes and see who has contributed to your map. To view the map history, go in edit mode and click on the three dots in the top right corner. Then select “Map History” from the dropdown. A page will open that looks like this: https://www.edumaps.de/file/10842451584003756603.png/wp0mv1m Example of a map history The individual entries are linked so that you can open each changed element directly. By clicking on the time icon you can open the revision history for each box. If you want to delete the entire history, click on the "Delete entire History" button at the top right. Box History (Revisions) | Each box has a revision history. That means all changes to the box are tracked and you can restore old versions with just one click. You can open the revision history of a box in edit mode. Click on the three dots next to the box and select “Revision” from the dropdown. https://www.edumaps.de/file/7901054990686468071.png/5gnbe1e Box menu with Revision History Then you can see the different versions of the box over time. These are displayed in a timeline. https://www.edumaps.de/file/6558794740017755578.png/m9pts3u Example of a Revision history You can restore any version by clicking on the “Restore” button located below each box version. Types of Accounts | - Admin and Superadmin - Teacher - Student - Standard (and individual customers) See also {Tutorial: User Roles on Edumaps}{https://www.edumaps.de/1045/1/acuyb12uou} Account Rights | - each user can completely remove all their data - every user can delete their account - Admin accounts can delete student and teacher accounts Rights of Admin Accounts (Schools) | - Create student accounts - Create teacher accounts (admin account only) - Create classes and assign students as you wish (also multiple times) - Assigning to another group is possible when changing classes See {Tutorial for Admins on Edumaps}{https://www.edumaps.de/1008/1/bpk12qmwjr/zdo0glozn4} Server | - Server in Germany - Server operator is a German company (Hetzner) - Technical and organizational measures: {Hetzner}{https://www.edumaps.de/img/datenschutz/2021-04-05-Hetzner-Matheretter-Edumaps-DSGVO.pdf} All Scripts on one Server | - All scripts are on our own server - no external scripts - especially no external tracking scripts https://www.edumaps.de/file/11896812799124225286.png/mz33tnr Protected Data | - Data transmission on the Internet via SSL (HTTPS) - Principle of data economy, i. e. Edumaps stores as little data as possible about the user - each user has full transparency as to what data is stored about him/her - the data can be removed at any time by the user himself/herself - Data is protected from the outside, no access by third parties Create Map / Edit Map | If you create a new map, Edumaps will help you to build the map step by step: 1. Specification of basic data such as title, background 2. Create path 3. Create box in path 4. Fill the box with content The following screenshot shows how a map (pinboard) looks like. https://www.edumaps.de/file/11261752783613192663.png/3qszcqu Screenshot: Elements of a Map There are several options you can specify: - Map title - Map format - Background - Font - Grade - Tags - Release - Extras https://www.edumaps.de/file/14028182027225808979.png/lqv7np0 Map Settings Map Formats | **Pinboard** The pinboard consists of paths. Each path contains boxes. Multiple paths are positioned side by side. https://www.edumaps.de/file/2387536848564589294.png/6rk7bku Map format: Pinboard **Timeline** The paths are horizontally arranged. The boxes are arranged from left to right. Multiple paths are positioned below each other. https://www.edumaps.de/file/10524896192514210868.png/xp3jac8 Map format: Timeline **Stickerwall** The boxes are freely arranged. There are no paths. https://www.edumaps.de/file/530150540731859997.png/0v6kh3d Map format: Stickerwall ❤️ Changing from one map format to another map format is possible at any time. Share Map | Options for sharing a Map: - Link to Map - Share with Class - Share with User - Share Path Group https://www.edumaps.de/file/9554967165091302395.png/ma0lw6s Options for Distributing a Map See {Tutorial: Sharing Maps with Access Rights}{https://www.edumaps.de/1047/1/siajhiablo} Copy Map | - Maps can be copied to customize them afterwards - Boxes and paths can be copied Collaboration in Realtime | Sharing the map link allows other users to collaborate on the map. Collaborative editing is possible **in real time**. The changes are immediately displayed to all editors. It is also possible to work on a map with several teachers and students **anonymously**. !#realtime Delete Map | Deleting a map with all its content is possible with one click. All paths and boxes of the map are deleted. Uploads are retained and can be deleted individually via the upload manager. Export Map / Import Map | **Export Options:** - Export map as a JSON file or CSV file - Export to Moodle as an MBZ file (Moodle course) - Export map as a static HTML package including all files of the map **Import Options:** - Import map from JSON file or CSV file - Import from Padlet - Import from Tutory collection You can also save a map by creating a copy of the map using “Copy Map”. Paths | The path settings contains the following options: -- Title of path -- Color of path title -- Hide title -- Add annotation -- Protect path -- Show path contents from -- Hide path in view https://www.edumaps.de/file/2372130083984256492.png/1ibmi35 Path Settings Input options for Boxes | In addition to uploads, the following inputs are possible directly in each box: - Enter Latex: \( \frac{1}{2} + x^{45y} + \sum \limits_{1}^{5} xy\) - Code as a block or as inline code, such as `y = 2*x` - Superscripts and subscripts in the text: x^{2} - Bold and italics: This is **bold** and this is ***italic***. - Thousands of Emojis, such as 😀 😇 😍 See {Tutorial: Inputs and Formatting in Box Editor}{https://www.edumaps.de/1003/1/e9o5ybwc3p} Links to external Websites | - Thumbnails are generated for all HTML links (as they display in the browser). Simply put a link directly in a single line. - Thumbnails of the websites are stored on the server. Uploads into Boxes | - Upload any media files (jpg, png, gif, mp3, mp4, ...) - Easy uploading by drag & drop - It is possible to insert an image (e.g. screenshot) from the clipboard with `CTRL + V` - Preview of pdf, docx, xlsx, pptx, ... with just one click - Microphone and webcam recordings are possible in every box - All files are stored on the server in compliance with data protection and protected from third parties. See also: https://www.edumaps.de/1005/1/c1g5yt7t1t/kr8pkqzn4j Edumaps: File Formats for Uploads Manage Uploads | Overview of all your uploads including display of your free storage: See {Tutorial: Upload Manager}{https://www.edumaps.de/1075/1/iq6mcbew6y/3gx2z3ykqw} Ratings of Boxes | For each box a drop down can be activated that the students can use to gauge their understanding. https://www.edumaps.de/file/14469155783788168434.png/8ccdmhh Dropdown for Ratings There are three types of ratings: 1. Assessment (get feedback on how the contents of a box is rated) 2. Answer (yes/maybe/no - make a poll) 3. Voting (get feedback on which option A, B or C is preferred) Comments | Comments can be activated for each box. With the help of the comment function, **discussions** can be held or students can submit their **solutions** (directly to the teacher). In the comments the following inputs are possible: - Text input - Image uploads - Audio recordings - Uploads of media files Comments can be set to be only visible to the teacher or to anyone viewing the map. All comments (including uploads) can be deleted by the teacher with just one click. 💖 Notifications about new comments are displayed directly on to the top right of the Edumaps website.Media Libraries | Through the main menu, you can find the Edumaps Media Library and, if available, the Edupool Media Library. https://www.edumaps.de/file/9745779353134396838.png/lovfbl3 “Edumaps Media Library” in menu Link: https://www.edumaps.de/search The Edupool Media Library provides the media licensed by your media center. Link: https://www.edumaps.de/search/media Boxes | The box settings contains the following options: -- Label -- Title -- Color of Box -- Hide Title -- Collapse Box -- Protect Box -- Comments -- Likes -- Ratings -- Calendar and Bookings -- Change Visibility https://www.edumaps.de/file/10623473548625282990.png/svvkezs Box Settings Introduction | ✔️ Here you will learn about: - Basic elements of a map and map settings - Handling paths and boxes - Input options and uploads - Feedback from students - Discovering maps (media libraries) - User roles Maps of my School | You can unlock any map for your school with a teacher account and an admin account. https://www.edumaps.de/file/2126683832065426914.png/bzsyh7f Release: Maps of my school The map can then be found through the main menu. https://www.edumaps.de/file/14970047958363197759.png/9uaxcid “Maps of my School” in the menu On the “Maps of my School” page, all teachers, students, and the admin can find all the released maps. Likes, Ratings and Votings | If you activate the **Likes** in the box settings, a small heart with a counter appears directly below the box: https://www.edumaps.de/file/9948202437911588415.png/chk2f5z Likes (heart) per box If you activate the **Ratings** in the box settings, you have several options: - Assessment (Good | Average | Bad) - Answer (Yes | Maybe | No) - Voting (Option A | Option B | Option C) The rating appears as a dropdown below the box. https://www.edumaps.de/file/3783046625390634215.png/sktwe3p Ratings or votes per box In edit mode you can click on the counter to see the names of the users who have voted. Map History | For each map it is recorded which user made which changes. In the so-called “Map History” you can view all changes and see who has contributed to your map. To view the map history, go in edit mode and click on the three dots in the top right corner. Then select “Map History” from the dropdown. A page will open that looks like this: https://www.edumaps.de/file/10842451584003756603.png/wp0mv1m Example of a map history The individual entries are linked so that you can open each changed element directly. By clicking on the time icon you can open the revision history for each box. If you want to delete the entire history, click on the "Delete entire History" button at the top right. Box History (Revisions) | Each box has a revision history. That means all changes to the box are tracked and you can restore old versions with just one click. You can open the revision history of a box in edit mode. Click on the three dots next to the box and select “Revision” from the dropdown. https://www.edumaps.de/file/7901054990686468071.png/5gnbe1e Box menu with Revision History Then you can see the different versions of the box over time. These are displayed in a timeline. https://www.edumaps.de/file/6558794740017755578.png/m9pts3u Example of a Revision history You can restore any version by clicking on the “Restore” button located below each box version. Types of Accounts | - Admin and Superadmin - Teacher - Student - Standard (and individual customers) See also {Tutorial: User Roles on Edumaps}{https://www.edumaps.de/1045/1/acuyb12uou} Account Rights | - each user can completely remove all their data - every user can delete their account - Admin accounts can delete student and teacher accounts Rights of Admin Accounts (Schools) | - Create student accounts - Create teacher accounts (admin account only) - Create classes and assign students as you wish (also multiple times) - Assigning to another group is possible when changing classes See {Tutorial for Admins on Edumaps}{https://www.edumaps.de/1008/1/bpk12qmwjr/zdo0glozn4} Server | - Server in Germany - Server operator is a German company (Hetzner) - Technical and organizational measures: {Hetzner}{https://www.edumaps.de/img/datenschutz/2021-04-05-Hetzner-Matheretter-Edumaps-DSGVO.pdf} All Scripts on one Server | - All scripts are on our own server - no external scripts - especially no external tracking scripts https://www.edumaps.de/file/11896812799124225286.png/mz33tnr Protected Data | - Data transmission on the Internet via SSL (HTTPS) - Principle of data economy, i. e. Edumaps stores as little data as possible about the user - each user has full transparency as to what data is stored about him/her - the data can be removed at any time by the user himself/herself - Data is protected from the outside, no access by third parties Create Map / Edit Map | If you create a new map, Edumaps will help you to build the map step by step: 1. Specification of basic data such as title, background 2. Create path 3. Create box in path 4. Fill the box with content The following screenshot shows how a map (pinboard) looks like. https://www.edumaps.de/file/11261752783613192663.png/3qszcqu Screenshot: Elements of a Map There are several options you can specify: - Map title - Map format - Background - Font - Grade - Tags - Release - Extras https://www.edumaps.de/file/14028182027225808979.png/lqv7np0 Map Settings Map Formats | **Pinboard** The pinboard consists of paths. Each path contains boxes. Multiple paths are positioned side by side. https://www.edumaps.de/file/2387536848564589294.png/6rk7bku Map format: Pinboard **Timeline** The paths are horizontally arranged. The boxes are arranged from left to right. Multiple paths are positioned below each other. https://www.edumaps.de/file/10524896192514210868.png/xp3jac8 Map format: Timeline **Stickerwall** The boxes are freely arranged. There are no paths. https://www.edumaps.de/file/530150540731859997.png/0v6kh3d Map format: Stickerwall ❤️ Changing from one map format to another map format is possible at any time. Share Map | Options for sharing a Map: - Link to Map - Share with Class - Share with User - Share Path Group https://www.edumaps.de/file/9554967165091302395.png/ma0lw6s Options for Distributing a Map See {Tutorial: Sharing Maps with Access Rights}{https://www.edumaps.de/1047/1/siajhiablo} Copy Map | - Maps can be copied to customize them afterwards - Boxes and paths can be copied Collaboration in Realtime | Sharing the map link allows other users to collaborate on the map. Collaborative editing is possible **in real time**. The changes are immediately displayed to all editors. It is also possible to work on a map with several teachers and students **anonymously**. !#realtime Delete Map | Deleting a map with all its content is possible with one click. All paths and boxes of the map are deleted. Uploads are retained and can be deleted individually via the upload manager. Export Map / Import Map | **Export Options:** - Export map as a JSON file or CSV file - Export to Moodle as an MBZ file (Moodle course) - Export map as a static HTML package including all files of the map **Import Options:** - Import map from JSON file or CSV file - Import from Padlet - Import from Tutory collection You can also save a map by creating a copy of the map using “Copy Map”. Paths | The path settings contains the following options: -- Title of path -- Color of path title -- Hide title -- Add annotation -- Protect path -- Show path contents from -- Hide path in view https://www.edumaps.de/file/2372130083984256492.png/1ibmi35 Path Settings Input options for Boxes | In addition to uploads, the following inputs are possible directly in each box: - Enter Latex: \( \frac{1}{2} + x^{45y} + \sum \limits_{1}^{5} xy\) - Code as a block or as inline code, such as `y = 2*x` - Superscripts and subscripts in the text: x^{2} - Bold and italics: This is **bold** and this is ***italic***. - Thousands of Emojis, such as 😀 😇 😍 See {Tutorial: Inputs and Formatting in Box Editor}{https://www.edumaps.de/1003/1/e9o5ybwc3p} Links to external Websites | - Thumbnails are generated for all HTML links (as they display in the browser). Simply put a link directly in a single line. - Thumbnails of the websites are stored on the server. Uploads into Boxes | - Upload any media files (jpg, png, gif, mp3, mp4, ...) - Easy uploading by drag & drop - It is possible to insert an image (e.g. screenshot) from the clipboard with `CTRL + V` - Preview of pdf, docx, xlsx, pptx, ... with just one click - Microphone and webcam recordings are possible in every box - All files are stored on the server in compliance with data protection and protected from third parties. See also: https://www.edumaps.de/1005/1/c1g5yt7t1t/kr8pkqzn4j Edumaps: File Formats for Uploads Manage Uploads | Overview of all your uploads including display of your free storage: See {Tutorial: Upload Manager}{https://www.edumaps.de/1075/1/iq6mcbew6y/3gx2z3ykqw} Ratings of Boxes | For each box a drop down can be activated that the students can use to gauge their understanding. https://www.edumaps.de/file/14469155783788168434.png/8ccdmhh Dropdown for Ratings There are three types of ratings: 1. Assessment (get feedback on how the contents of a box is rated) 2. Answer (yes/maybe/no - make a poll) 3. Voting (get feedback on which option A, B or C is preferred) Comments | Comments can be activated for each box. With the help of the comment function, **discussions** can be held or students can submit their **solutions** (directly to the teacher). In the comments the following inputs are possible: - Text input - Image uploads - Audio recordings - Uploads of media files Comments can be set to be only visible to the teacher or to anyone viewing the map. All comments (including uploads) can be deleted by the teacher with just one click. 💖 Notifications about new comments are displayed directly on to the top right of the Edumaps website.Media Libraries | Through the main menu, you can find the Edumaps Media Library and, if available, the Edupool Media Library. https://www.edumaps.de/file/9745779353134396838.png/lovfbl3 “Edumaps Media Library” in menu Link: https://www.edumaps.de/search The Edupool Media Library provides the media licensed by your media center. Link: https://www.edumaps.de/search/media Boxes | The box settings contains the following options: -- Label -- Title -- Color of Box -- Hide Title -- Collapse Box -- Protect Box -- Comments -- Likes -- Ratings -- Calendar and Bookings -- Change Visibility https://www.edumaps.de/file/10623473548625282990.png/svvkezs Box Settings Introduction | ✔️ Here you will learn about: - Basic elements of a map and map settings - Handling paths and boxes - Input options and uploads - Feedback from students - Discovering maps (media libraries) - User roles Maps of my School | You can unlock any map for your school with a teacher account and an admin account. https://www.edumaps.de/file/2126683832065426914.png/bzsyh7f Release: Maps of my school The map can then be found through the main menu. https://www.edumaps.de/file/14970047958363197759.png/9uaxcid “Maps of my School” in the menu On the “Maps of my School” page, all teachers, students, and the admin can find all the released maps. Likes, Ratings and Votings | If you activate the **Likes** in the box settings, a small heart with a counter appears directly below the box: https://www.edumaps.de/file/9948202437911588415.png/chk2f5z Likes (heart) per box If you activate the **Ratings** in the box settings, you have several options: - Assessment (Good | Average | Bad) - Answer (Yes | Maybe | No) - Voting (Option A | Option B | Option C) The rating appears as a dropdown below the box. https://www.edumaps.de/file/3783046625390634215.png/sktwe3p Ratings or votes per box In edit mode you can click on the counter to see the names of the users who have voted. Map History | For each map it is recorded which user made which changes. In the so-called “Map History” you can view all changes and see who has contributed to your map. To view the map history, go in edit mode and click on the three dots in the top right corner. Then select “Map History” from the dropdown. A page will open that looks like this: https://www.edumaps.de/file/10842451584003756603.png/wp0mv1m Example of a map history The individual entries are linked so that you can open each changed element directly. By clicking on the time icon you can open the revision history for each box. If you want to delete the entire history, click on the "Delete entire History" button at the top right. Box History (Revisions) | Each box has a revision history. That means all changes to the box are tracked and you can restore old versions with just one click. You can open the revision history of a box in edit mode. Click on the three dots next to the box and select “Revision” from the dropdown. https://www.edumaps.de/file/7901054990686468071.png/5gnbe1e Box menu with Revision History Then you can see the different versions of the box over time. These are displayed in a timeline. https://www.edumaps.de/file/6558794740017755578.png/m9pts3u Example of a Revision history You can restore any version by clicking on the “Restore” button located below each box version. Types of Accounts | - Admin and Superadmin - Teacher - Student - Standard (and individual customers) See also {Tutorial: User Roles on Edumaps}{https://www.edumaps.de/1045/1/acuyb12uou} Account Rights | - each user can completely remove all their data - every user can delete their account - Admin accounts can delete student and teacher accounts Rights of Admin Accounts (Schools) | - Create student accounts - Create teacher accounts (admin account only) - Create classes and assign students as you wish (also multiple times) - Assigning to another group is possible when changing classes See {Tutorial for Admins on Edumaps}{https://www.edumaps.de/1008/1/bpk12qmwjr/zdo0glozn4} Server | - Server in Germany - Server operator is a German company (Hetzner) - Technical and organizational measures: {Hetzner}{https://www.edumaps.de/img/datenschutz/2021-04-05-Hetzner-Matheretter-Edumaps-DSGVO.pdf} All Scripts on one Server | - All scripts are on our own server - no external scripts - especially no external tracking scripts https://www.edumaps.de/file/11896812799124225286.png/mz33tnr Protected Data | - Data transmission on the Internet via SSL (HTTPS) - Principle of data economy, i. e. Edumaps stores as little data as possible about the user - each user has full transparency as to what data is stored about him/her - the data can be removed at any time by the user himself/herself - Data is protected from the outside, no access by third parties Create Map / Edit Map | If you create a new map, Edumaps will help you to build the map step by step: 1. Specification of basic data such as title, background 2. Create path 3. Create box in path 4. Fill the box with content The following screenshot shows how a map (pinboard) looks like. https://www.edumaps.de/file/11261752783613192663.png/3qszcqu Screenshot: Elements of a Map There are several options you can specify: - Map title - Map format - Background - Font - Grade - Tags - Release - Extras https://www.edumaps.de/file/14028182027225808979.png/lqv7np0 Map Settings Map Formats | **Pinboard** The pinboard consists of paths. Each path contains boxes. Multiple paths are positioned side by side. https://www.edumaps.de/file/2387536848564589294.png/6rk7bku Map format: Pinboard **Timeline** The paths are horizontally arranged. The boxes are arranged from left to right. Multiple paths are positioned below each other. https://www.edumaps.de/file/10524896192514210868.png/xp3jac8 Map format: Timeline **Stickerwall** The boxes are freely arranged. There are no paths. https://www.edumaps.de/file/530150540731859997.png/0v6kh3d Map format: Stickerwall ❤️ Changing from one map format to another map format is possible at any time. Share Map | Options for sharing a Map: - Link to Map - Share with Class - Share with User - Share Path Group https://www.edumaps.de/file/9554967165091302395.png/ma0lw6s Options for Distributing a Map See {Tutorial: Sharing Maps with Access Rights}{https://www.edumaps.de/1047/1/siajhiablo} Copy Map | - Maps can be copied to customize them afterwards - Boxes and paths can be copied Collaboration in Realtime | Sharing the map link allows other users to collaborate on the map. Collaborative editing is possible **in real time**. The changes are immediately displayed to all editors. It is also possible to work on a map with several teachers and students **anonymously**. !#realtime Delete Map | Deleting a map with all its content is possible with one click. All paths and boxes of the map are deleted. Uploads are retained and can be deleted individually via the upload manager. Export Map / Import Map | **Export Options:** - Export map as a JSON file or CSV file - Export to Moodle as an MBZ file (Moodle course) - Export map as a static HTML package including all files of the map **Import Options:** - Import map from JSON file or CSV file - Import from Padlet - Import from Tutory collection You can also save a map by creating a copy of the map using “Copy Map”. Paths | The path settings contains the following options: -- Title of path -- Color of path title -- Hide title -- Add annotation -- Protect path -- Show path contents from -- Hide path in view https://www.edumaps.de/file/2372130083984256492.png/1ibmi35 Path Settings Input options for Boxes | In addition to uploads, the following inputs are possible directly in each box: - Enter Latex: \( \frac{1}{2} + x^{45y} + \sum \limits_{1}^{5} xy\) - Code as a block or as inline code, such as `y = 2*x` - Superscripts and subscripts in the text: x^{2} - Bold and italics: This is **bold** and this is ***italic***. - Thousands of Emojis, such as 😀 😇 😍 See {Tutorial: Inputs and Formatting in Box Editor}{https://www.edumaps.de/1003/1/e9o5ybwc3p} Links to external Websites | - Thumbnails are generated for all HTML links (as they display in the browser). Simply put a link directly in a single line. - Thumbnails of the websites are stored on the server. Uploads into Boxes | - Upload any media files (jpg, png, gif, mp3, mp4, ...) - Easy uploading by drag & drop - It is possible to insert an image (e.g. screenshot) from the clipboard with `CTRL + V` - Preview of pdf, docx, xlsx, pptx, ... with just one click - Microphone and webcam recordings are possible in every box - All files are stored on the server in compliance with data protection and protected from third parties. See also: https://www.edumaps.de/1005/1/c1g5yt7t1t/kr8pkqzn4j Edumaps: File Formats for Uploads Manage Uploads | Overview of all your uploads including display of your free storage: See {Tutorial: Upload Manager}{https://www.edumaps.de/1075/1/iq6mcbew6y/3gx2z3ykqw} Ratings of Boxes | For each box a drop down can be activated that the students can use to gauge their understanding. https://www.edumaps.de/file/14469155783788168434.png/8ccdmhh Dropdown for Ratings There are three types of ratings: 1. Assessment (get feedback on how the contents of a box is rated) 2. Answer (yes/maybe/no - make a poll) 3. Voting (get feedback on which option A, B or C is preferred) Comments | Comments can be activated for each box. With the help of the comment function, **discussions** can be held or students can submit their **solutions** (directly to the teacher). In the comments the following inputs are possible: - Text input - Image uploads - Audio recordings - Uploads of media files Comments can be set to be only visible to the teacher or to anyone viewing the map. All comments (including uploads) can be deleted by the teacher with just one click. 💖 Notifications about new comments are displayed directly on to the top right of the Edumaps website.Media Libraries | Through the main menu, you can find the Edumaps Media Library and, if available, the Edupool Media Library. https://www.edumaps.de/file/9745779353134396838.png/lovfbl3 “Edumaps Media Library” in menu Link: https://www.edumaps.de/search The Edupool Media Library provides the media licensed by your media center. Link: https://www.edumaps.de/search/media Boxes | The box settings contains the following options: -- Label -- Title -- Color of Box -- Hide Title -- Collapse Box -- Protect Box -- Comments -- Likes -- Ratings -- Calendar and Bookings -- Change Visibility https://www.edumaps.de/file/10623473548625282990.png/svvkezs Box Settings Introduction | ✔️ Here you will learn about: - Basic elements of a map and map settings - Handling paths and boxes - Input options and uploads - Feedback from students - Discovering maps (media libraries) - User roles Maps of my School | You can unlock any map for your school with a teacher account and an admin account. https://www.edumaps.de/file/2126683832065426914.png/bzsyh7f Release: Maps of my school The map can then be found through the main menu. https://www.edumaps.de/file/14970047958363197759.png/9uaxcid “Maps of my School” in the menu On the “Maps of my School” page, all teachers, students, and the admin can find all the released maps. Likes, Ratings and Votings | If you activate the **Likes** in the box settings, a small heart with a counter appears directly below the box: https://www.edumaps.de/file/9948202437911588415.png/chk2f5z Likes (heart) per box If you activate the **Ratings** in the box settings, you have several options: - Assessment (Good | Average | Bad) - Answer (Yes | Maybe | No) - Voting (Option A | Option B | Option C) The rating appears as a dropdown below the box. https://www.edumaps.de/file/3783046625390634215.png/sktwe3p Ratings or votes per box In edit mode you can click on the counter to see the names of the users who have voted. Map History | For each map it is recorded which user made which changes. In the so-called “Map History” you can view all changes and see who has contributed to your map. To view the map history, go in edit mode and click on the three dots in the top right corner. Then select “Map History” from the dropdown. A page will open that looks like this: https://www.edumaps.de/file/10842451584003756603.png/wp0mv1m Example of a map history The individual entries are linked so that you can open each changed element directly. By clicking on the time icon you can open the revision history for each box. If you want to delete the entire history, click on the "Delete entire History" button at the top right. Box History (Revisions) | Each box has a revision history. That means all changes to the box are tracked and you can restore old versions with just one click. You can open the revision history of a box in edit mode. Click on the three dots next to the box and select “Revision” from the dropdown. https://www.edumaps.de/file/7901054990686468071.png/5gnbe1e Box menu with Revision History Then you can see the different versions of the box over time. These are displayed in a timeline. https://www.edumaps.de/file/6558794740017755578.png/m9pts3u Example of a Revision history You can restore any version by clicking on the “Restore” button located below each box version. Types of Accounts | - Admin and Superadmin - Teacher - Student - Standard (and individual customers) See also {Tutorial: User Roles on Edumaps}{https://www.edumaps.de/1045/1/acuyb12uou} Account Rights | - each user can completely remove all their data - every user can delete their account - Admin accounts can delete student and teacher accounts Rights of Admin Accounts (Schools) | - Create student accounts - Create teacher accounts (admin account only) - Create classes and assign students as you wish (also multiple times) - Assigning to another group is possible when changing classes See {Tutorial for Admins on Edumaps}{https://www.edumaps.de/1008/1/bpk12qmwjr/zdo0glozn4} Server | - Server in Germany - Server operator is a German company (Hetzner) - Technical and organizational measures: {Hetzner}{https://www.edumaps.de/img/datenschutz/2021-04-05-Hetzner-Matheretter-Edumaps-DSGVO.pdf} All Scripts on one Server | - All scripts are on our own server - no external scripts - especially no external tracking scripts https://www.edumaps.de/file/11896812799124225286.png/mz33tnr Protected Data | - Data transmission on the Internet via SSL (HTTPS) - Principle of data economy, i. e. Edumaps stores as little data as possible about the user - each user has full transparency as to what data is stored about him/her - the data can be removed at any time by the user himself/herself - Data is protected from the outside, no access by third parties Create Map / Edit Map | If you create a new map, Edumaps will help you to build the map step by step: 1. Specification of basic data such as title, background 2. Create path 3. Create box in path 4. Fill the box with content The following screenshot shows how a map (pinboard) looks like. https://www.edumaps.de/file/11261752783613192663.png/3qszcqu Screenshot: Elements of a Map There are several options you can specify: - Map title - Map format - Background - Font - Grade - Tags - Release - Extras https://www.edumaps.de/file/14028182027225808979.png/lqv7np0 Map Settings Map Formats | **Pinboard** The pinboard consists of paths. Each path contains boxes. Multiple paths are positioned side by side. https://www.edumaps.de/file/2387536848564589294.png/6rk7bku Map format: Pinboard **Timeline** The paths are horizontally arranged. The boxes are arranged from left to right. Multiple paths are positioned below each other. https://www.edumaps.de/file/10524896192514210868.png/xp3jac8 Map format: Timeline **Stickerwall** The boxes are freely arranged. There are no paths. https://www.edumaps.de/file/530150540731859997.png/0v6kh3d Map format: Stickerwall ❤️ Changing from one map format to another map format is possible at any time. Share Map | Options for sharing a Map: - Link to Map - Share with Class - Share with User - Share Path Group https://www.edumaps.de/file/9554967165091302395.png/ma0lw6s Options for Distributing a Map See {Tutorial: Sharing Maps with Access Rights}{https://www.edumaps.de/1047/1/siajhiablo} Copy Map | - Maps can be copied to customize them afterwards - Boxes and paths can be copied Collaboration in Realtime | Sharing the map link allows other users to collaborate on the map. Collaborative editing is possible **in real time**. The changes are immediately displayed to all editors. It is also possible to work on a map with several teachers and students **anonymously**. !#realtime Delete Map | Deleting a map with all its content is possible with one click. All paths and boxes of the map are deleted. Uploads are retained and can be deleted individually via the upload manager. Export Map / Import Map | **Export Options:** - Export map as a JSON file or CSV file - Export to Moodle as an MBZ file (Moodle course) - Export map as a static HTML package including all files of the map **Import Options:** - Import map from JSON file or CSV file - Import from Padlet - Import from Tutory collection You can also save a map by creating a copy of the map using “Copy Map”. Paths | The path settings contains the following options: -- Title of path -- Color of path title -- Hide title -- Add annotation -- Protect path -- Show path contents from -- Hide path in view https://www.edumaps.de/file/2372130083984256492.png/1ibmi35 Path Settings Input options for Boxes | In addition to uploads, the following inputs are possible directly in each box: - Enter Latex: \( \frac{1}{2} + x^{45y} + \sum \limits_{1}^{5} xy\) - Code as a block or as inline code, such as `y = 2*x` - Superscripts and subscripts in the text: x^{2} - Bold and italics: This is **bold** and this is ***italic***. - Thousands of Emojis, such as 😀 😇 😍 See {Tutorial: Inputs and Formatting in Box Editor}{https://www.edumaps.de/1003/1/e9o5ybwc3p} Links to external Websites | - Thumbnails are generated for all HTML links (as they display in the browser). Simply put a link directly in a single line. - Thumbnails of the websites are stored on the server. Uploads into Boxes | - Upload any media files (jpg, png, gif, mp3, mp4, ...) - Easy uploading by drag & drop - It is possible to insert an image (e.g. screenshot) from the clipboard with `CTRL + V` - Preview of pdf, docx, xlsx, pptx, ... with just one click - Microphone and webcam recordings are possible in every box - All files are stored on the server in compliance with data protection and protected from third parties. See also: https://www.edumaps.de/1005/1/c1g5yt7t1t/kr8pkqzn4j Edumaps: File Formats for Uploads Manage Uploads | Overview of all your uploads including display of your free storage: See {Tutorial: Upload Manager}{https://www.edumaps.de/1075/1/iq6mcbew6y/3gx2z3ykqw} Ratings of Boxes | For each box a drop down can be activated that the students can use to gauge their understanding. https://www.edumaps.de/file/14469155783788168434.png/8ccdmhh Dropdown for Ratings There are three types of ratings: 1. Assessment (get feedback on how the contents of a box is rated) 2. Answer (yes/maybe/no - make a poll) 3. Voting (get feedback on which option A, B or C is preferred) Comments | Comments can be activated for each box. With the help of the comment function, **discussions** can be held or students can submit their **solutions** (directly to the teacher). In the comments the following inputs are possible: - Text input - Image uploads - Audio recordings - Uploads of media files Comments can be set to be only visible to the teacher or to anyone viewing the map. All comments (including uploads) can be deleted by the teacher with just one click. 💖 Notifications about new comments are displayed directly on to the top right of the Edumaps website.Media Libraries | Through the main menu, you can find the Edumaps Media Library and, if available, the Edupool Media Library. https://www.edumaps.de/file/9745779353134396838.png/lovfbl3 “Edumaps Media Library” in menu Link: https://www.edumaps.de/search The Edupool Media Library provides the media licensed by your media center. Link: https://www.edumaps.de/search/media Boxes | The box settings contains the following options: -- Label -- Title -- Color of Box -- Hide Title -- Collapse Box -- Protect Box -- Comments -- Likes -- Ratings -- Calendar and Bookings -- Change Visibility https://www.edumaps.de/file/10623473548625282990.png/svvkezs Box Settings Introduction | ✔️ Here you will learn about: - Basic elements of a map and map settings - Handling paths and boxes - Input options and uploads - Feedback from students - Discovering maps (media libraries) - User roles Maps of my School | You can unlock any map for your school with a teacher account and an admin account. https://www.edumaps.de/file/2126683832065426914.png/bzsyh7f Release: Maps of my school The map can then be found through the main menu. https://www.edumaps.de/file/14970047958363197759.png/9uaxcid “Maps of my School” in the menu On the “Maps of my School” page, all teachers, students, and the admin can find all the released maps. Likes, Ratings and Votings | If you activate the **Likes** in the box settings, a small heart with a counter appears directly below the box: https://www.edumaps.de/file/9948202437911588415.png/chk2f5z Likes (heart) per box If you activate the **Ratings** in the box settings, you have several options: - Assessment (Good | Average | Bad) - Answer (Yes | Maybe | No) - Voting (Option A | Option B | Option C) The rating appears as a dropdown below the box. https://www.edumaps.de/file/3783046625390634215.png/sktwe3p Ratings or votes per box In edit mode you can click on the counter to see the names of the users who have voted. Map History | For each map it is recorded which user made which changes. In the so-called “Map History” you can view all changes and see who has contributed to your map. To view the map history, go in edit mode and click on the three dots in the top right corner. Then select “Map History” from the dropdown. A page will open that looks like this: https://www.edumaps.de/file/10842451584003756603.png/wp0mv1m Example of a map history The individual entries are linked so that you can open each changed element directly. By clicking on the time icon you can open the revision history for each box. If you want to delete the entire history, click on the "Delete entire History" button at the top right. Box History (Revisions) | Each box has a revision history. That means all changes to the box are tracked and you can restore old versions with just one click. You can open the revision history of a box in edit mode. Click on the three dots next to the box and select “Revision” from the dropdown. https://www.edumaps.de/file/7901054990686468071.png/5gnbe1e Box menu with Revision History Then you can see the different versions of the box over time. These are displayed in a timeline. https://www.edumaps.de/file/6558794740017755578.png/m9pts3u Example of a Revision history You can restore any version by clicking on the “Restore” button located below each box version. Types of Accounts | - Admin and Superadmin - Teacher - Student - Standard (and individual customers) See also {Tutorial: User Roles on Edumaps}{https://www.edumaps.de/1045/1/acuyb12uou} Account Rights | - each user can completely remove all their data - every user can delete their account - Admin accounts can delete student and teacher accounts Rights of Admin Accounts (Schools) | - Create student accounts - Create teacher accounts (admin account only) - Create classes and assign students as you wish (also multiple times) - Assigning to another group is possible when changing classes See {Tutorial for Admins on Edumaps}{https://www.edumaps.de/1008/1/bpk12qmwjr/zdo0glozn4} Server | - Server in Germany - Server operator is a German company (Hetzner) - Technical and organizational measures: {Hetzner}{https://www.edumaps.de/img/datenschutz/2021-04-05-Hetzner-Matheretter-Edumaps-DSGVO.pdf} All Scripts on one Server | - All scripts are on our own server - no external scripts - especially no external tracking scripts https://www.edumaps.de/file/11896812799124225286.png/mz33tnr Protected Data | - Data transmission on the Internet via SSL (HTTPS) - Principle of data economy, i. e. Edumaps stores as little data as possible about the user - each user has full transparency as to what data is stored about him/her - the data can be removed at any time by the user himself/herself - Data is protected from the outside, no access by third parties Create Map / Edit Map | If you create a new map, Edumaps will help you to build the map step by step: 1. Specification of basic data such as title, background 2. Create path 3. Create box in path 4. Fill the box with content The following screenshot shows how a map (pinboard) looks like. https://www.edumaps.de/file/11261752783613192663.png/3qszcqu Screenshot: Elements of a Map There are several options you can specify: - Map title - Map format - Background - Font - Grade - Tags - Release - Extras https://www.edumaps.de/file/14028182027225808979.png/lqv7np0 Map Settings Map Formats | **Pinboard** The pinboard consists of paths. Each path contains boxes. Multiple paths are positioned side by side. https://www.edumaps.de/file/2387536848564589294.png/6rk7bku Map format: Pinboard **Timeline** The paths are horizontally arranged. The boxes are arranged from left to right. Multiple paths are positioned below each other. https://www.edumaps.de/file/10524896192514210868.png/xp3jac8 Map format: Timeline **Stickerwall** The boxes are freely arranged. There are no paths. https://www.edumaps.de/file/530150540731859997.png/0v6kh3d Map format: Stickerwall ❤️ Changing from one map format to another map format is possible at any time. Share Map | Options for sharing a Map: - Link to Map - Share with Class - Share with User - Share Path Group https://www.edumaps.de/file/9554967165091302395.png/ma0lw6s Options for Distributing a Map See {Tutorial: Sharing Maps with Access Rights}{https://www.edumaps.de/1047/1/siajhiablo} Copy Map | - Maps can be copied to customize them afterwards - Boxes and paths can be copied Collaboration in Realtime | Sharing the map link allows other users to collaborate on the map. Collaborative editing is possible **in real time**. The changes are immediately displayed to all editors. It is also possible to work on a map with several teachers and students **anonymously**. !#realtime Delete Map | Deleting a map with all its content is possible with one click. All paths and boxes of the map are deleted. Uploads are retained and can be deleted individually via the upload manager. Export Map / Import Map | **Export Options:** - Export map as a JSON file or CSV file - Export to Moodle as an MBZ file (Moodle course) - Export map as a static HTML package including all files of the map **Import Options:** - Import map from JSON file or CSV file - Import from Padlet - Import from Tutory collection You can also save a map by creating a copy of the map using “Copy Map”. Paths | The path settings contains the following options: -- Title of path -- Color of path title -- Hide title -- Add annotation -- Protect path -- Show path contents from -- Hide path in view https://www.edumaps.de/file/2372130083984256492.png/1ibmi35 Path Settings Input options for Boxes | In addition to uploads, the following inputs are possible directly in each box: - Enter Latex: \( \frac{1}{2} + x^{45y} + \sum \limits_{1}^{5} xy\) - Code as a block or as inline code, such as `y = 2*x` - Superscripts and subscripts in the text: x^{2} - Bold and italics: This is **bold** and this is ***italic***. - Thousands of Emojis, such as 😀 😇 😍 See {Tutorial: Inputs and Formatting in Box Editor}{https://www.edumaps.de/1003/1/e9o5ybwc3p} Links to external Websites | - Thumbnails are generated for all HTML links (as they display in the browser). Simply put a link directly in a single line. - Thumbnails of the websites are stored on the server. Uploads into Boxes | - Upload any media files (jpg, png, gif, mp3, mp4, ...) - Easy uploading by drag & drop - It is possible to insert an image (e.g. screenshot) from the clipboard with `CTRL + V` - Preview of pdf, docx, xlsx, pptx, ... with just one click - Microphone and webcam recordings are possible in every box - All files are stored on the server in compliance with data protection and protected from third parties. See also: https://www.edumaps.de/1005/1/c1g5yt7t1t/kr8pkqzn4j Edumaps: File Formats for Uploads Manage Uploads | Overview of all your uploads including display of your free storage: See {Tutorial: Upload Manager}{https://www.edumaps.de/1075/1/iq6mcbew6y/3gx2z3ykqw} Ratings of Boxes | For each box a drop down can be activated that the students can use to gauge their understanding. https://www.edumaps.de/file/14469155783788168434.png/8ccdmhh Dropdown for Ratings There are three types of ratings: 1. Assessment (get feedback on how the contents of a box is rated) 2. Answer (yes/maybe/no - make a poll) 3. Voting (get feedback on which option A, B or C is preferred) Comments | Comments can be activated for each box. With the help of the comment function, **discussions** can be held or students can submit their **solutions** (directly to the teacher). In the comments the following inputs are possible: - Text input - Image uploads - Audio recordings - Uploads of media files Comments can be set to be only visible to the teacher or to anyone viewing the map. All comments (including uploads) can be deleted by the teacher with just one click. 💖 Notifications about new comments are displayed directly on to the top right of the Edumaps website.Media Libraries | Through the main menu, you can find the Edumaps Media Library and, if available, the Edupool Media Library. https://www.edumaps.de/file/9745779353134396838.png/lovfbl3 “Edumaps Media Library” in menu Link: https://www.edumaps.de/search The Edupool Media Library provides the media licensed by your media center. Link: https://www.edumaps.de/search/media Boxes | The box settings contains the following options: -- Label -- Title -- Color of Box -- Hide Title -- Collapse Box -- Protect Box -- Comments -- Likes -- Ratings -- Calendar and Bookings -- Change Visibility https://www.edumaps.de/file/10623473548625282990.png/svvkezs Box Settings Introduction | ✔️ Here you will learn about: - Basic elements of a map and map settings - Handling paths and boxes - Input options and uploads - Feedback from students - Discovering maps (media libraries) - User roles Maps of my School | You can unlock any map for your school with a teacher account and an admin account. https://www.edumaps.de/file/2126683832065426914.png/bzsyh7f Release: Maps of my school The map can then be found through the main menu. https://www.edumaps.de/file/14970047958363197759.png/9uaxcid “Maps of my School” in the menu On the “Maps of my School” page, all teachers, students, and the admin can find all the released maps. Likes, Ratings and Votings | If you activate the **Likes** in the box settings, a small heart with a counter appears directly below the box: https://www.edumaps.de/file/9948202437911588415.png/chk2f5z Likes (heart) per box If you activate the **Ratings** in the box settings, you have several options: - Assessment (Good | Average | Bad) - Answer (Yes | Maybe | No) - Voting (Option A | Option B | Option C) The rating appears as a dropdown below the box. https://www.edumaps.de/file/3783046625390634215.png/sktwe3p Ratings or votes per box In edit mode you can click on the counter to see the names of the users who have voted. Map History | For each map it is recorded which user made which changes. In the so-called “Map History” you can view all changes and see who has contributed to your map. To view the map history, go in edit mode and click on the three dots in the top right corner. Then select “Map History” from the dropdown. A page will open that looks like this: https://www.edumaps.de/file/10842451584003756603.png/wp0mv1m Example of a map history The individual entries are linked so that you can open each changed element directly. By clicking on the time icon you can open the revision history for each box. If you want to delete the entire history, click on the "Delete entire History" button at the top right. Box History (Revisions) | Each box has a revision history. That means all changes to the box are tracked and you can restore old versions with just one click. You can open the revision history of a box in edit mode. Click on the three dots next to the box and select “Revision” from the dropdown. https://www.edumaps.de/file/7901054990686468071.png/5gnbe1e Box menu with Revision History Then you can see the different versions of the box over time. These are displayed in a timeline. https://www.edumaps.de/file/6558794740017755578.png/m9pts3u Example of a Revision history You can restore any version by clicking on the “Restore” button located below each box version. Types of Accounts | - Admin and Superadmin - Teacher - Student - Standard (and individual customers) See also {Tutorial: User Roles on Edumaps}{https://www.edumaps.de/1045/1/acuyb12uou} Account Rights | - each user can completely remove all their data - every user can delete their account - Admin accounts can delete student and teacher accounts Rights of Admin Accounts (Schools) | - Create student accounts - Create teacher accounts (admin account only) - Create classes and assign students as you wish (also multiple times) - Assigning to another group is possible when changing classes See {Tutorial for Admins on Edumaps}{https://www.edumaps.de/1008/1/bpk12qmwjr/zdo0glozn4} Server | - Server in Germany - Server operator is a German company (Hetzner) - Technical and organizational measures: {Hetzner}{https://www.edumaps.de/img/datenschutz/2021-04-05-Hetzner-Matheretter-Edumaps-DSGVO.pdf} All Scripts on one Server | - All scripts are on our own server - no external scripts - especially no external tracking scripts https://www.edumaps.de/file/11896812799124225286.png/mz33tnr Protected Data | - Data transmission on the Internet via SSL (HTTPS) - Principle of data economy, i. e. Edumaps stores as little data as possible about the user - each user has full transparency as to what data is stored about him/her - the data can be removed at any time by the user himself/herself - Data is protected from the outside, no access by third parties Create Map / Edit Map | If you create a new map, Edumaps will help you to build the map step by step: 1. Specification of basic data such as title, background 2. Create path 3. Create box in path 4. Fill the box with content The following screenshot shows how a map (pinboard) looks like. https://www.edumaps.de/file/11261752783613192663.png/3qszcqu Screenshot: Elements of a Map There are several options you can specify: - Map title - Map format - Background - Font - Grade - Tags - Release - Extras https://www.edumaps.de/file/14028182027225808979.png/lqv7np0 Map Settings Map Formats | **Pinboard** The pinboard consists of paths. Each path contains boxes. Multiple paths are positioned side by side. https://www.edumaps.de/file/2387536848564589294.png/6rk7bku Map format: Pinboard **Timeline** The paths are horizontally arranged. The boxes are arranged from left to right. Multiple paths are positioned below each other. https://www.edumaps.de/file/10524896192514210868.png/xp3jac8 Map format: Timeline **Stickerwall** The boxes are freely arranged. There are no paths. https://www.edumaps.de/file/530150540731859997.png/0v6kh3d Map format: Stickerwall ❤️ Changing from one map format to another map format is possible at any time. Share Map | Options for sharing a Map: - Link to Map - Share with Class - Share with User - Share Path Group https://www.edumaps.de/file/9554967165091302395.png/ma0lw6s Options for Distributing a Map See {Tutorial: Sharing Maps with Access Rights}{https://www.edumaps.de/1047/1/siajhiablo} Copy Map | - Maps can be copied to customize them afterwards - Boxes and paths can be copied Collaboration in Realtime | Sharing the map link allows other users to collaborate on the map. Collaborative editing is possible **in real time**. The changes are immediately displayed to all editors. It is also possible to work on a map with several teachers and students **anonymously**. !#realtime Delete Map | Deleting a map with all its content is possible with one click. All paths and boxes of the map are deleted. Uploads are retained and can be deleted individually via the upload manager. Export Map / Import Map | **Export Options:** - Export map as a JSON file or CSV file - Export to Moodle as an MBZ file (Moodle course) - Export map as a static HTML package including all files of the map **Import Options:** - Import map from JSON file or CSV file - Import from Padlet - Import from Tutory collection You can also save a map by creating a copy of the map using “Copy Map”. Paths | The path settings contains the following options: -- Title of path -- Color of path title -- Hide title -- Add annotation -- Protect path -- Show path contents from -- Hide path in view https://www.edumaps.de/file/2372130083984256492.png/1ibmi35 Path Settings Input options for Boxes | In addition to uploads, the following inputs are possible directly in each box: - Enter Latex: \( \frac{1}{2} + x^{45y} + \sum \limits_{1}^{5} xy\) - Code as a block or as inline code, such as `y = 2*x` - Superscripts and subscripts in the text: x^{2} - Bold and italics: This is **bold** and this is ***italic***. - Thousands of Emojis, such as 😀 😇 😍 See {Tutorial: Inputs and Formatting in Box Editor}{https://www.edumaps.de/1003/1/e9o5ybwc3p} Links to external Websites | - Thumbnails are generated for all HTML links (as they display in the browser). Simply put a link directly in a single line. - Thumbnails of the websites are stored on the server. Uploads into Boxes | - Upload any media files (jpg, png, gif, mp3, mp4, ...) - Easy uploading by drag & drop - It is possible to insert an image (e.g. screenshot) from the clipboard with `CTRL + V` - Preview of pdf, docx, xlsx, pptx, ... with just one click - Microphone and webcam recordings are possible in every box - All files are stored on the server in compliance with data protection and protected from third parties. See also: https://www.edumaps.de/1005/1/c1g5yt7t1t/kr8pkqzn4j Edumaps: File Formats for Uploads Manage Uploads | Overview of all your uploads including display of your free storage: See {Tutorial: Upload Manager}{https://www.edumaps.de/1075/1/iq6mcbew6y/3gx2z3ykqw} Ratings of Boxes | For each box a drop down can be activated that the students can use to gauge their understanding. https://www.edumaps.de/file/14469155783788168434.png/8ccdmhh Dropdown for Ratings There are three types of ratings: 1. Assessment (get feedback on how the contents of a box is rated) 2. Answer (yes/maybe/no - make a poll) 3. Voting (get feedback on which option A, B or C is preferred) Comments | Comments can be activated for each box. With the help of the comment function, **discussions** can be held or students can submit their **solutions** (directly to the teacher). In the comments the following inputs are possible: - Text input - Image uploads - Audio recordings - Uploads of media files Comments can be set to be only visible to the teacher or to anyone viewing the map. All comments (including uploads) can be deleted by the teacher with just one click. 💖 Notifications about new comments are displayed directly on to the top right of the Edumaps website.Media Libraries | Through the main menu, you can find the Edumaps Media Library and, if available, the Edupool Media Library. https://www.edumaps.de/file/9745779353134396838.png/lovfbl3 “Edumaps Media Library” in menu Link: https://www.edumaps.de/search The Edupool Media Library provides the media licensed by your media center. Link: https://www.edumaps.de/search/media Boxes | The box settings contains the following options: -- Label -- Title -- Color of Box -- Hide Title -- Collapse Box -- Protect Box -- Comments -- Likes -- Ratings -- Calendar and Bookings -- Change Visibility https://www.edumaps.de/file/10623473548625282990.png/svvkezs Box Settings Introduction | ✔️ Here you will learn about: - Basic elements of a map and map settings - Handling paths and boxes - Input options and uploads - Feedback from students - Discovering maps (media libraries) - User roles Maps of my School | You can unlock any map for your school with a teacher account and an admin account. https://www.edumaps.de/file/2126683832065426914.png/bzsyh7f Release: Maps of my school The map can then be found through the main menu. https://www.edumaps.de/file/14970047958363197759.png/9uaxcid “Maps of my School” in the menu On the “Maps of my School” page, all teachers, students, and the admin can find all the released maps. Likes, Ratings and Votings | If you activate the **Likes** in the box settings, a small heart with a counter appears directly below the box: https://www.edumaps.de/file/9948202437911588415.png/chk2f5z Likes (heart) per box If you activate the **Ratings** in the box settings, you have several options: - Assessment (Good | Average | Bad) - Answer (Yes | Maybe | No) - Voting (Option A | Option B | Option C) The rating appears as a dropdown below the box. https://www.edumaps.de/file/3783046625390634215.png/sktwe3p Ratings or votes per box In edit mode you can click on the counter to see the names of the users who have voted. Map History | For each map it is recorded which user made which changes. In the so-called “Map History” you can view all changes and see who has contributed to your map. To view the map history, go in edit mode and click on the three dots in the top right corner. Then select “Map History” from the dropdown. A page will open that looks like this: https://www.edumaps.de/file/10842451584003756603.png/wp0mv1m Example of a map history The individual entries are linked so that you can open each changed element directly. By clicking on the time icon you can open the revision history for each box. If you want to delete the entire history, click on the "Delete entire History" button at the top right. Box History (Revisions) | Each box has a revision history. That means all changes to the box are tracked and you can restore old versions with just one click. You can open the revision history of a box in edit mode. Click on the three dots next to the box and select “Revision” from the dropdown. https://www.edumaps.de/file/7901054990686468071.png/5gnbe1e Box menu with Revision History Then you can see the different versions of the box over time. These are displayed in a timeline. https://www.edumaps.de/file/6558794740017755578.png/m9pts3u Example of a Revision history You can restore any version by clicking on the “Restore” button located below each box version. Types of Accounts | - Admin and Superadmin - Teacher - Student - Standard (and individual customers) See also {Tutorial: User Roles on Edumaps}{https://www.edumaps.de/1045/1/acuyb12uou} Account Rights | - each user can completely remove all their data - every user can delete their account - Admin accounts can delete student and teacher accounts Rights of Admin Accounts (Schools) | - Create student accounts - Create teacher accounts (admin account only) - Create classes and assign students as you wish (also multiple times) - Assigning to another group is possible when changing classes See {Tutorial for Admins on Edumaps}{https://www.edumaps.de/1008/1/bpk12qmwjr/zdo0glozn4} Server | - Server in Germany - Server operator is a German company (Hetzner) - Technical and organizational measures: {Hetzner}{https://www.edumaps.de/img/datenschutz/2021-04-05-Hetzner-Matheretter-Edumaps-DSGVO.pdf} All Scripts on one Server | - All scripts are on our own server - no external scripts - especially no external tracking scripts https://www.edumaps.de/file/11896812799124225286.png/mz33tnr Protected Data | - Data transmission on the Internet via SSL (HTTPS) - Principle of data economy, i. e. Edumaps stores as little data as possible about the user - each user has full transparency as to what data is stored about him/her - the data can be removed at any time by the user himself/herself - Data is protected from the outside, no access by third parties Create Map / Edit Map | If you create a new map, Edumaps will help you to build the map step by step: 1. Specification of basic data such as title, background 2. Create path 3. Create box in path 4. Fill the box with content The following screenshot shows how a map (pinboard) looks like. https://www.edumaps.de/file/11261752783613192663.png/3qszcqu Screenshot: Elements of a Map There are several options you can specify: - Map title - Map format - Background - Font - Grade - Tags - Release - Extras https://www.edumaps.de/file/14028182027225808979.png/lqv7np0 Map Settings Map Formats | **Pinboard** The pinboard consists of paths. Each path contains boxes. Multiple paths are positioned side by side. https://www.edumaps.de/file/2387536848564589294.png/6rk7bku Map format: Pinboard **Timeline** The paths are horizontally arranged. The boxes are arranged from left to right. Multiple paths are positioned below each other. https://www.edumaps.de/file/10524896192514210868.png/xp3jac8 Map format: Timeline **Stickerwall** The boxes are freely arranged. There are no paths. https://www.edumaps.de/file/530150540731859997.png/0v6kh3d Map format: Stickerwall ❤️ Changing from one map format to another map format is possible at any time. Share Map | Options for sharing a Map: - Link to Map - Share with Class - Share with User - Share Path Group https://www.edumaps.de/file/9554967165091302395.png/ma0lw6s Options for Distributing a Map See {Tutorial: Sharing Maps with Access Rights}{https://www.edumaps.de/1047/1/siajhiablo} Copy Map | - Maps can be copied to customize them afterwards - Boxes and paths can be copied Collaboration in Realtime | Sharing the map link allows other users to collaborate on the map. Collaborative editing is possible **in real time**. The changes are immediately displayed to all editors. It is also possible to work on a map with several teachers and students **anonymously**. !#realtime Delete Map | Deleting a map with all its content is possible with one click. All paths and boxes of the map are deleted. Uploads are retained and can be deleted individually via the upload manager. Export Map / Import Map | **Export Options:** - Export map as a JSON file or CSV file - Export to Moodle as an MBZ file (Moodle course) - Export map as a static HTML package including all files of the map **Import Options:** - Import map from JSON file or CSV file - Import from Padlet - Import from Tutory collection You can also save a map by creating a copy of the map using “Copy Map”. Paths | The path settings contains the following options: -- Title of path -- Color of path title -- Hide title -- Add annotation -- Protect path -- Show path contents from -- Hide path in view https://www.edumaps.de/file/2372130083984256492.png/1ibmi35 Path Settings Input options for Boxes | In addition to uploads, the following inputs are possible directly in each box: - Enter Latex: \( \frac{1}{2} + x^{45y} + \sum \limits_{1}^{5} xy\) - Code as a block or as inline code, such as `y = 2*x` - Superscripts and subscripts in the text: x^{2} - Bold and italics: This is **bold** and this is ***italic***. - Thousands of Emojis, such as 😀 😇 😍 See {Tutorial: Inputs and Formatting in Box Editor}{https://www.edumaps.de/1003/1/e9o5ybwc3p} Links to external Websites | - Thumbnails are generated for all HTML links (as they display in the browser). Simply put a link directly in a single line. - Thumbnails of the websites are stored on the server. Uploads into Boxes | - Upload any media files (jpg, png, gif, mp3, mp4, ...) - Easy uploading by drag & drop - It is possible to insert an image (e.g. screenshot) from the clipboard with `CTRL + V` - Preview of pdf, docx, xlsx, pptx, ... with just one click - Microphone and webcam recordings are possible in every box - All files are stored on the server in compliance with data protection and protected from third parties. See also: https://www.edumaps.de/1005/1/c1g5yt7t1t/kr8pkqzn4j Edumaps: File Formats for Uploads Manage Uploads | Overview of all your uploads including display of your free storage: See {Tutorial: Upload Manager}{https://www.edumaps.de/1075/1/iq6mcbew6y/3gx2z3ykqw} Ratings of Boxes | For each box a drop down can be activated that the students can use to gauge their understanding. https://www.edumaps.de/file/14469155783788168434.png/8ccdmhh Dropdown for Ratings There are three types of ratings: 1. Assessment (get feedback on how the contents of a box is rated) 2. Answer (yes/maybe/no - make a poll) 3. Voting (get feedback on which option A, B or C is preferred) Comments | Comments can be activated for each box. With the help of the comment function, **discussions** can be held or students can submit their **solutions** (directly to the teacher). In the comments the following inputs are possible: - Text input - Image uploads - Audio recordings - Uploads of media files Comments can be set to be only visible to the teacher or to anyone viewing the map. All comments (including uploads) can be deleted by the teacher with just one click. 💖 Notifications about new comments are displayed directly on to the top right of the Edumaps website.Media Libraries | Through the main menu, you can find the Edumaps Media Library and, if available, the Edupool Media Library. https://www.edumaps.de/file/9745779353134396838.png/lovfbl3 “Edumaps Media Library” in menu Link: https://www.edumaps.de/search The Edupool Media Library provides the media licensed by your media center. Link: https://www.edumaps.de/search/media Boxes | The box settings contains the following options: -- Label -- Title -- Color of Box -- Hide Title -- Collapse Box -- Protect Box -- Comments -- Likes -- Ratings -- Calendar and Bookings -- Change Visibility https://www.edumaps.de/file/10623473548625282990.png/svvkezs Box Settings Introduction | ✔️ Here you will learn about: - Basic elements of a map and map settings - Handling paths and boxes - Input options and uploads - Feedback from students - Discovering maps (media libraries) - User roles Maps of my School | You can unlock any map for your school with a teacher account and an admin account. https://www.edumaps.de/file/2126683832065426914.png/bzsyh7f Release: Maps of my school The map can then be found through the main menu. https://www.edumaps.de/file/14970047958363197759.png/9uaxcid “Maps of my School” in the menu On the “Maps of my School” page, all teachers, students, and the admin can find all the released maps. Likes, Ratings and Votings | If you activate the **Likes** in the box settings, a small heart with a counter appears directly below the box: https://www.edumaps.de/file/9948202437911588415.png/chk2f5z Likes (heart) per box If you activate the **Ratings** in the box settings, you have several options: - Assessment (Good | Average | Bad) - Answer (Yes | Maybe | No) - Voting (Option A | Option B | Option C) The rating appears as a dropdown below the box. https://www.edumaps.de/file/3783046625390634215.png/sktwe3p Ratings or votes per box In edit mode you can click on the counter to see the names of the users who have voted. Map History | For each map it is recorded which user made which changes. In the so-called “Map History” you can view all changes and see who has contributed to your map. To view the map history, go in edit mode and click on the three dots in the top right corner. Then select “Map History” from the dropdown. A page will open that looks like this: https://www.edumaps.de/file/10842451584003756603.png/wp0mv1m Example of a map history The individual entries are linked so that you can open each changed element directly. By clicking on the time icon you can open the revision history for each box. If you want to delete the entire history, click on the "Delete entire History" button at the top right. Box History (Revisions) | Each box has a revision history. That means all changes to the box are tracked and you can restore old versions with just one click. You can open the revision history of a box in edit mode. Click on the three dots next to the box and select “Revision” from the dropdown. https://www.edumaps.de/file/7901054990686468071.png/5gnbe1e Box menu with Revision History Then you can see the different versions of the box over time. These are displayed in a timeline. https://www.edumaps.de/file/6558794740017755578.png/m9pts3u Example of a Revision history You can restore any version by clicking on the “Restore” button located below each box version. Types of Accounts | - Admin and Superadmin - Teacher - Student - Standard (and individual customers) See also {Tutorial: User Roles on Edumaps}{https://www.edumaps.de/1045/1/acuyb12uou} Account Rights | - each user can completely remove all their data - every user can delete their account - Admin accounts can delete student and teacher accounts Rights of Admin Accounts (Schools) | - Create student accounts - Create teacher accounts (admin account only) - Create classes and assign students as you wish (also multiple times) - Assigning to another group is possible when changing classes See {Tutorial for Admins on Edumaps}{https://www.edumaps.de/1008/1/bpk12qmwjr/zdo0glozn4} Server | - Server in Germany - Server operator is a German company (Hetzner) - Technical and organizational measures: {Hetzner}{https://www.edumaps.de/img/datenschutz/2021-04-05-Hetzner-Matheretter-Edumaps-DSGVO.pdf} All Scripts on one Server | - All scripts are on our own server - no external scripts - especially no external tracking scripts https://www.edumaps.de/file/11896812799124225286.png/mz33tnr Protected Data | - Data transmission on the Internet via SSL (HTTPS) - Principle of data economy, i. e. Edumaps stores as little data as possible about the user - each user has full transparency as to what data is stored about him/her - the data can be removed at any time by the user himself/herself - Data is protected from the outside, no access by third parties Create Map / Edit Map | If you create a new map, Edumaps will help you to build the map step by step: 1. Specification of basic data such as title, background 2. Create path 3. Create box in path 4. Fill the box with content The following screenshot shows how a map (pinboard) looks like. https://www.edumaps.de/file/11261752783613192663.png/3qszcqu Screenshot: Elements of a Map There are several options you can specify: - Map title - Map format - Background - Font - Grade - Tags - Release - Extras https://www.edumaps.de/file/14028182027225808979.png/lqv7np0 Map Settings Map Formats | **Pinboard** The pinboard consists of paths. Each path contains boxes. Multiple paths are positioned side by side. https://www.edumaps.de/file/2387536848564589294.png/6rk7bku Map format: Pinboard **Timeline** The paths are horizontally arranged. The boxes are arranged from left to right. Multiple paths are positioned below each other. https://www.edumaps.de/file/10524896192514210868.png/xp3jac8 Map format: Timeline **Stickerwall** The boxes are freely arranged. There are no paths. https://www.edumaps.de/file/530150540731859997.png/0v6kh3d Map format: Stickerwall ❤️ Changing from one map format to another map format is possible at any time. Share Map | Options for sharing a Map: - Link to Map - Share with Class - Share with User - Share Path Group https://www.edumaps.de/file/9554967165091302395.png/ma0lw6s Options for Distributing a Map See {Tutorial: Sharing Maps with Access Rights}{https://www.edumaps.de/1047/1/siajhiablo} Copy Map | - Maps can be copied to customize them afterwards - Boxes and paths can be copied Collaboration in Realtime | Sharing the map link allows other users to collaborate on the map. Collaborative editing is possible **in real time**. The changes are immediately displayed to all editors. It is also possible to work on a map with several teachers and students **anonymously**. !#realtime Delete Map | Deleting a map with all its content is possible with one click. All paths and boxes of the map are deleted. Uploads are retained and can be deleted individually via the upload manager. Export Map / Import Map | **Export Options:** - Export map as a JSON file or CSV file - Export to Moodle as an MBZ file (Moodle course) - Export map as a static HTML package including all files of the map **Import Options:** - Import map from JSON file or CSV file - Import from Padlet - Import from Tutory collection You can also save a map by creating a copy of the map using “Copy Map”. Paths | The path settings contains the following options: -- Title of path -- Color of path title -- Hide title -- Add annotation -- Protect path -- Show path contents from -- Hide path in view https://www.edumaps.de/file/2372130083984256492.png/1ibmi35 Path Settings Input options for Boxes | In addition to uploads, the following inputs are possible directly in each box: - Enter Latex: \( \frac{1}{2} + x^{45y} + \sum \limits_{1}^{5} xy\) - Code as a block or as inline code, such as `y = 2*x` - Superscripts and subscripts in the text: x^{2} - Bold and italics: This is **bold** and this is ***italic***. - Thousands of Emojis, such as 😀 😇 😍 See {Tutorial: Inputs and Formatting in Box Editor}{https://www.edumaps.de/1003/1/e9o5ybwc3p} Links to external Websites | - Thumbnails are generated for all HTML links (as they display in the browser). Simply put a link directly in a single line. - Thumbnails of the websites are stored on the server. Uploads into Boxes | - Upload any media files (jpg, png, gif, mp3, mp4, ...) - Easy uploading by drag & drop - It is possible to insert an image (e.g. screenshot) from the clipboard with `CTRL + V` - Preview of pdf, docx, xlsx, pptx, ... with just one click - Microphone and webcam recordings are possible in every box - All files are stored on the server in compliance with data protection and protected from third parties. See also: https://www.edumaps.de/1005/1/c1g5yt7t1t/kr8pkqzn4j Edumaps: File Formats for Uploads Manage Uploads | Overview of all your uploads including display of your free storage: See {Tutorial: Upload Manager}{https://www.edumaps.de/1075/1/iq6mcbew6y/3gx2z3ykqw} Ratings of Boxes | For each box a drop down can be activated that the students can use to gauge their understanding. https://www.edumaps.de/file/14469155783788168434.png/8ccdmhh Dropdown for Ratings There are three types of ratings: 1. Assessment (get feedback on how the contents of a box is rated) 2. Answer (yes/maybe/no - make a poll) 3. Voting (get feedback on which option A, B or C is preferred) Comments | Comments can be activated for each box. With the help of the comment function, **discussions** can be held or students can submit their **solutions** (directly to the teacher). In the comments the following inputs are possible: - Text input - Image uploads - Audio recordings - Uploads of media files Comments can be set to be only visible to the teacher or to anyone viewing the map. All comments (including uploads) can be deleted by the teacher with just one click. 💖 Notifications about new comments are displayed directly on to the top right of the Edumaps website.Media Libraries | Through the main menu, you can find the Edumaps Media Library and, if available, the Edupool Media Library. https://www.edumaps.de/file/9745779353134396838.png/lovfbl3 “Edumaps Media Library” in menu Link: https://www.edumaps.de/search The Edupool Media Library provides the media licensed by your media center. Link: https://www.edumaps.de/search/media Boxes | The box settings contains the following options: -- Label -- Title -- Color of Box -- Hide Title -- Collapse Box -- Protect Box -- Comments -- Likes -- Ratings -- Calendar and Bookings -- Change Visibility https://www.edumaps.de/file/10623473548625282990.png/svvkezs Box Settings Introduction | ✔️ Here you will learn about: - Basic elements of a map and map settings - Handling paths and boxes - Input options and uploads - Feedback from students - Discovering maps (media libraries) - User roles Maps of my School | You can unlock any map for your school with a teacher account and an admin account. https://www.edumaps.de/file/2126683832065426914.png/bzsyh7f Release: Maps of my school The map can then be found through the main menu. https://www.edumaps.de/file/14970047958363197759.png/9uaxcid “Maps of my School” in the menu On the “Maps of my School” page, all teachers, students, and the admin can find all the released maps. Likes, Ratings and Votings | If you activate the **Likes** in the box settings, a small heart with a counter appears directly below the box: https://www.edumaps.de/file/9948202437911588415.png/chk2f5z Likes (heart) per box If you activate the **Ratings** in the box settings, you have several options: - Assessment (Good | Average | Bad) - Answer (Yes | Maybe | No) - Voting (Option A | Option B | Option C) The rating appears as a dropdown below the box. https://www.edumaps.de/file/3783046625390634215.png/sktwe3p Ratings or votes per box In edit mode you can click on the counter to see the names of the users who have voted. Map History | For each map it is recorded which user made which changes. In the so-called “Map History” you can view all changes and see who has contributed to your map. To view the map history, go in edit mode and click on the three dots in the top right corner. Then select “Map History” from the dropdown. A page will open that looks like this: https://www.edumaps.de/file/10842451584003756603.png/wp0mv1m Example of a map history The individual entries are linked so that you can open each changed element directly. By clicking on the time icon you can open the revision history for each box. If you want to delete the entire history, click on the "Delete entire History" button at the top right. Box History (Revisions) | Each box has a revision history. That means all changes to the box are tracked and you can restore old versions with just one click. You can open the revision history of a box in edit mode. Click on the three dots next to the box and select “Revision” from the dropdown. https://www.edumaps.de/file/7901054990686468071.png/5gnbe1e Box menu with Revision History Then you can see the different versions of the box over time. These are displayed in a timeline. https://www.edumaps.de/file/6558794740017755578.png/m9pts3u Example of a Revision history You can restore any version by clicking on the “Restore” button located below each box version. Types of Accounts | - Admin and Superadmin - Teacher - Student - Standard (and individual customers) See also {Tutorial: User Roles on Edumaps}{https://www.edumaps.de/1045/1/acuyb12uou} Account Rights | - each user can completely remove all their data - every user can delete their account - Admin accounts can delete student and teacher accounts Rights of Admin Accounts (Schools) | - Create student accounts - Create teacher accounts (admin account only) - Create classes and assign students as you wish (also multiple times) - Assigning to another group is possible when changing classes See {Tutorial for Admins on Edumaps}{https://www.edumaps.de/1008/1/bpk12qmwjr/zdo0glozn4} Server | - Server in Germany - Server operator is a German company (Hetzner) - Technical and organizational measures: {Hetzner}{https://www.edumaps.de/img/datenschutz/2021-04-05-Hetzner-Matheretter-Edumaps-DSGVO.pdf} All Scripts on one Server | - All scripts are on our own server - no external scripts - especially no external tracking scripts https://www.edumaps.de/file/11896812799124225286.png/mz33tnr Protected Data | - Data transmission on the Internet via SSL (HTTPS) - Principle of data economy, i. e. Edumaps stores as little data as possible about the user - each user has full transparency as to what data is stored about him/her - the data can be removed at any time by the user himself/herself - Data is protected from the outside, no access by third parties Create Map / Edit Map | If you create a new map, Edumaps will help you to build the map step by step: 1. Specification of basic data such as title, background 2. Create path 3. Create box in path 4. Fill the box with content The following screenshot shows how a map (pinboard) looks like. https://www.edumaps.de/file/11261752783613192663.png/3qszcqu Screenshot: Elements of a Map There are several options you can specify: - Map title - Map format - Background - Font - Grade - Tags - Release - Extras https://www.edumaps.de/file/14028182027225808979.png/lqv7np0 Map Settings Map Formats | **Pinboard** The pinboard consists of paths. Each path contains boxes. Multiple paths are positioned side by side. https://www.edumaps.de/file/2387536848564589294.png/6rk7bku Map format: Pinboard **Timeline** The paths are horizontally arranged. The boxes are arranged from left to right. Multiple paths are positioned below each other. https://www.edumaps.de/file/10524896192514210868.png/xp3jac8 Map format: Timeline **Stickerwall** The boxes are freely arranged. There are no paths. https://www.edumaps.de/file/530150540731859997.png/0v6kh3d Map format: Stickerwall ❤️ Changing from one map format to another map format is possible at any time. Share Map | Options for sharing a Map: - Link to Map - Share with Class - Share with User - Share Path Group https://www.edumaps.de/file/9554967165091302395.png/ma0lw6s Options for Distributing a Map See {Tutorial: Sharing Maps with Access Rights}{https://www.edumaps.de/1047/1/siajhiablo} Copy Map | - Maps can be copied to customize them afterwards - Boxes and paths can be copied Collaboration in Realtime | Sharing the map link allows other users to collaborate on the map. Collaborative editing is possible **in real time**. The changes are immediately displayed to all editors. It is also possible to work on a map with several teachers and students **anonymously**. !#realtime Delete Map | Deleting a map with all its content is possible with one click. All paths and boxes of the map are deleted. Uploads are retained and can be deleted individually via the upload manager. Export Map / Import Map | **Export Options:** - Export map as a JSON file or CSV file - Export to Moodle as an MBZ file (Moodle course) - Export map as a static HTML package including all files of the map **Import Options:** - Import map from JSON file or CSV file - Import from Padlet - Import from Tutory collection You can also save a map by creating a copy of the map using “Copy Map”. Paths | The path settings contains the following options: -- Title of path -- Color of path title -- Hide title -- Add annotation -- Protect path -- Show path contents from -- Hide path in view https://www.edumaps.de/file/2372130083984256492.png/1ibmi35 Path Settings Input options for Boxes | In addition to uploads, the following inputs are possible directly in each box: - Enter Latex: \( \frac{1}{2} + x^{45y} + \sum \limits_{1}^{5} xy\) - Code as a block or as inline code, such as `y = 2*x` - Superscripts and subscripts in the text: x^{2} - Bold and italics: This is **bold** and this is ***italic***. - Thousands of Emojis, such as 😀 😇 😍 See {Tutorial: Inputs and Formatting in Box Editor}{https://www.edumaps.de/1003/1/e9o5ybwc3p} Links to external Websites | - Thumbnails are generated for all HTML links (as they display in the browser). Simply put a link directly in a single line. - Thumbnails of the websites are stored on the server. Uploads into Boxes | - Upload any media files (jpg, png, gif, mp3, mp4, ...) - Easy uploading by drag & drop - It is possible to insert an image (e.g. screenshot) from the clipboard with `CTRL + V` - Preview of pdf, docx, xlsx, pptx, ... with just one click - Microphone and webcam recordings are possible in every box - All files are stored on the server in compliance with data protection and protected from third parties. See also: https://www.edumaps.de/1005/1/c1g5yt7t1t/kr8pkqzn4j Edumaps: File Formats for Uploads Manage Uploads | Overview of all your uploads including display of your free storage: See {Tutorial: Upload Manager}{https://www.edumaps.de/1075/1/iq6mcbew6y/3gx2z3ykqw} Ratings of Boxes | For each box a drop down can be activated that the students can use to gauge their understanding. https://www.edumaps.de/file/14469155783788168434.png/8ccdmhh Dropdown for Ratings There are three types of ratings: 1. Assessment (get feedback on how the contents of a box is rated) 2. Answer (yes/maybe/no - make a poll) 3. Voting (get feedback on which option A, B or C is preferred) Comments | Comments can be activated for each box. With the help of the comment function, **discussions** can be held or students can submit their **solutions** (directly to the teacher). In the comments the following inputs are possible: - Text input - Image uploads - Audio recordings - Uploads of media files Comments can be set to be only visible to the teacher or to anyone viewing the map. All comments (including uploads) can be deleted by the teacher with just one click. 💖 Notifications about new comments are displayed directly on to the top right of the Edumaps website.Media Libraries | Through the main menu, you can find the Edumaps Media Library and, if available, the Edupool Media Library. https://www.edumaps.de/file/9745779353134396838.png/lovfbl3 “Edumaps Media Library” in menu Link: https://www.edumaps.de/search The Edupool Media Library provides the media licensed by your media center. Link: https://www.edumaps.de/search/media Boxes | The box settings contains the following options: -- Label -- Title -- Color of Box -- Hide Title -- Collapse Box -- Protect Box -- Comments -- Likes -- Ratings -- Calendar and Bookings -- Change Visibility https://www.edumaps.de/file/10623473548625282990.png/svvkezs Box Settings Introduction | ✔️ Here you will learn about: - Basic elements of a map and map settings - Handling paths and boxes - Input options and uploads - Feedback from students - Discovering maps (media libraries) - User roles Maps of my School | You can unlock any map for your school with a teacher account and an admin account. https://www.edumaps.de/file/2126683832065426914.png/bzsyh7f Release: Maps of my school The map can then be found through the main menu. https://www.edumaps.de/file/14970047958363197759.png/9uaxcid “Maps of my School” in the menu On the “Maps of my School” page, all teachers, students, and the admin can find all the released maps. Likes, Ratings and Votings | If you activate the **Likes** in the box settings, a small heart with a counter appears directly below the box: https://www.edumaps.de/file/9948202437911588415.png/chk2f5z Likes (heart) per box If you activate the **Ratings** in the box settings, you have several options: - Assessment (Good | Average | Bad) - Answer (Yes | Maybe | No) - Voting (Option A | Option B | Option C) The rating appears as a dropdown below the box. https://www.edumaps.de/file/3783046625390634215.png/sktwe3p Ratings or votes per box In edit mode you can click on the counter to see the names of the users who have voted. Map History | For each map it is recorded which user made which changes. In the so-called “Map History” you can view all changes and see who has contributed to your map. To view the map history, go in edit mode and click on the three dots in the top right corner. Then select “Map History” from the dropdown. A page will open that looks like this: https://www.edumaps.de/file/10842451584003756603.png/wp0mv1m Example of a map history The individual entries are linked so that you can open each changed element directly. By clicking on the time icon you can open the revision history for each box. If you want to delete the entire history, click on the "Delete entire History" button at the top right. Box History (Revisions) | Each box has a revision history. That means all changes to the box are tracked and you can restore old versions with just one click. You can open the revision history of a box in edit mode. Click on the three dots next to the box and select “Revision” from the dropdown. https://www.edumaps.de/file/7901054990686468071.png/5gnbe1e Box menu with Revision History Then you can see the different versions of the box over time. These are displayed in a timeline. https://www.edumaps.de/file/6558794740017755578.png/m9pts3u Example of a Revision history You can restore any version by clicking on the “Restore” button located below each box version. Types of Accounts | - Admin and Superadmin - Teacher - Student - Standard (and individual customers) See also {Tutorial: User Roles on Edumaps}{https://www.edumaps.de/1045/1/acuyb12uou} Account Rights | - each user can completely remove all their data - every user can delete their account - Admin accounts can delete student and teacher accounts Rights of Admin Accounts (Schools) | - Create student accounts - Create teacher accounts (admin account only) - Create classes and assign students as you wish (also multiple times) - Assigning to another group is possible when changing classes See {Tutorial for Admins on Edumaps}{https://www.edumaps.de/1008/1/bpk12qmwjr/zdo0glozn4} Server | - Server in Germany - Server operator is a German company (Hetzner) - Technical and organizational measures: {Hetzner}{https://www.edumaps.de/img/datenschutz/2021-04-05-Hetzner-Matheretter-Edumaps-DSGVO.pdf} All Scripts on one Server | - All scripts are on our own server - no external scripts - especially no external tracking scripts https://www.edumaps.de/file/11896812799124225286.png/mz33tnr Protected Data | - Data transmission on the Internet via SSL (HTTPS) - Principle of data economy, i. e. Edumaps stores as little data as possible about the user - each user has full transparency as to what data is stored about him/her - the data can be removed at any time by the user himself/herself - Data is protected from the outside, no access by third parties Create Map / Edit Map | If you create a new map, Edumaps will help you to build the map step by step: 1. Specification of basic data such as title, background 2. Create path 3. Create box in path 4. Fill the box with content The following screenshot shows how a map (pinboard) looks like. https://www.edumaps.de/file/11261752783613192663.png/3qszcqu Screenshot: Elements of a Map There are several options you can specify: - Map title - Map format - Background - Font - Grade - Tags - Release - Extras https://www.edumaps.de/file/14028182027225808979.png/lqv7np0 Map Settings Map Formats | **Pinboard** The pinboard consists of paths. Each path contains boxes. Multiple paths are positioned side by side. https://www.edumaps.de/file/2387536848564589294.png/6rk7bku Map format: Pinboard **Timeline** The paths are horizontally arranged. The boxes are arranged from left to right. Multiple paths are positioned below each other. https://www.edumaps.de/file/10524896192514210868.png/xp3jac8 Map format: Timeline **Stickerwall** The boxes are freely arranged. There are no paths. https://www.edumaps.de/file/530150540731859997.png/0v6kh3d Map format: Stickerwall ❤️ Changing from one map format to another map format is possible at any time. Share Map | Options for sharing a Map: - Link to Map - Share with Class - Share with User - Share Path Group https://www.edumaps.de/file/9554967165091302395.png/ma0lw6s Options for Distributing a Map See {Tutorial: Sharing Maps with Access Rights}{https://www.edumaps.de/1047/1/siajhiablo} Copy Map | - Maps can be copied to customize them afterwards - Boxes and paths can be copied Collaboration in Realtime | Sharing the map link allows other users to collaborate on the map. Collaborative editing is possible **in real time**. The changes are immediately displayed to all editors. It is also possible to work on a map with several teachers and students **anonymously**. !#realtime Delete Map | Deleting a map with all its content is possible with one click. All paths and boxes of the map are deleted. Uploads are retained and can be deleted individually via the upload manager. Export Map / Import Map | **Export Options:** - Export map as a JSON file or CSV file - Export to Moodle as an MBZ file (Moodle course) - Export map as a static HTML package including all files of the map **Import Options:** - Import map from JSON file or CSV file - Import from Padlet - Import from Tutory collection You can also save a map by creating a copy of the map using “Copy Map”. Paths | The path settings contains the following options: -- Title of path -- Color of path title -- Hide title -- Add annotation -- Protect path -- Show path contents from -- Hide path in view https://www.edumaps.de/file/2372130083984256492.png/1ibmi35 Path Settings Input options for Boxes | In addition to uploads, the following inputs are possible directly in each box: - Enter Latex: \( \frac{1}{2} + x^{45y} + \sum \limits_{1}^{5} xy\) - Code as a block or as inline code, such as `y = 2*x` - Superscripts and subscripts in the text: x^{2} - Bold and italics: This is **bold** and this is ***italic***. - Thousands of Emojis, such as 😀 😇 😍 See {Tutorial: Inputs and Formatting in Box Editor}{https://www.edumaps.de/1003/1/e9o5ybwc3p} Links to external Websites | - Thumbnails are generated for all HTML links (as they display in the browser). Simply put a link directly in a single line. - Thumbnails of the websites are stored on the server. Uploads into Boxes | - Upload any media files (jpg, png, gif, mp3, mp4, ...) - Easy uploading by drag & drop - It is possible to insert an image (e.g. screenshot) from the clipboard with `CTRL + V` - Preview of pdf, docx, xlsx, pptx, ... with just one click - Microphone and webcam recordings are possible in every box - All files are stored on the server in compliance with data protection and protected from third parties. See also: https://www.edumaps.de/1005/1/c1g5yt7t1t/kr8pkqzn4j Edumaps: File Formats for Uploads Manage Uploads | Overview of all your uploads including display of your free storage: See {Tutorial: Upload Manager}{https://www.edumaps.de/1075/1/iq6mcbew6y/3gx2z3ykqw} Ratings of Boxes | For each box a drop down can be activated that the students can use to gauge their understanding. https://www.edumaps.de/file/14469155783788168434.png/8ccdmhh Dropdown for Ratings There are three types of ratings: 1. Assessment (get feedback on how the contents of a box is rated) 2. Answer (yes/maybe/no - make a poll) 3. Voting (get feedback on which option A, B or C is preferred) Comments | Comments can be activated for each box. With the help of the comment function, **discussions** can be held or students can submit their **solutions** (directly to the teacher). In the comments the following inputs are possible: - Text input - Image uploads - Audio recordings - Uploads of media files Comments can be set to be only visible to the teacher or to anyone viewing the map. All comments (including uploads) can be deleted by the teacher with just one click. 💖 Notifications about new comments are displayed directly on to the top right of the Edumaps website.Media Libraries | Through the main menu, you can find the Edumaps Media Library and, if available, the Edupool Media Library. https://www.edumaps.de/file/9745779353134396838.png/lovfbl3 “Edumaps Media Library” in menu Link: https://www.edumaps.de/search The Edupool Media Library provides the media licensed by your media center. Link: https://www.edumaps.de/search/media Boxes | The box settings contains the following options: -- Label -- Title -- Color of Box -- Hide Title -- Collapse Box -- Protect Box -- Comments -- Likes -- Ratings -- Calendar and Bookings -- Change Visibility https://www.edumaps.de/file/10623473548625282990.png/svvkezs Box Settings
  • Lesen

    1.2 Tutorial: Map Elements for Editing



    Box | Box content here ...Box | Box content here ...Box | Box content here ...Box | Box content here ...Box | Box content here ...Box | Box content here ...Box | Box content here ...Box | Box content here ...Box | Box content here ...Box | Box content here ...Box | Box content here ...
  • Lesen

    1.3 Tutorial: Inputs and Formatting in Box Editor



    (Semi)Transparent Background Colors | You can make the background of boxes and paths semi-transparent or fully transparent. To create a semi-transparent background you need to: 1. Edit the box and click “Edit color” (pencil icon). 2. Click “Edit Color” a second time 3. You will now see the transparency slider that you can adjust. If you want to apply the semi-transparent color to the whole box, you have to click on “Fill”. Introduction | ✔️ Here you will learn how the inputs in the box editor work: -- {Empty lines between elements}{!#lines} -- {Line breaks and new lines}{!#linebreaks} -- {Make words bold or italic}{!#bold} -- {Lists}{!#lists} -- {Indents}{!#indent} -- {Quotes}{!#quotes} -- {Links with Thumbnails}{!#thumbnails} -- {Links within text}{!#textlinks} -- {Labels for images and links}{!#labels} -- {Code Formatting}{!#code} -- {Use of Latex}{!#latex} -- {Superscripts and Subscripts}{!#supersub} -- {Hidden notes in boxes}{!#notes} -- {Spoilers}{!#spoiler} -- {Text color}{!#textcolor} -- {Background color for Text}{!#backgroundcolor} -- {Headlines}{!#headlines} -- {Horizontal dividing line}{!#divider} -- {Font sizes}{!#fontsizes} -- {Checkboxes}{!#checkboxes} -- {Tooltips for words (popups)}{!#tooltips} -- {Protect content with password}{!#password} -- {Conduct Polls}{!#polls} -- {Generate QR Codes}{!#qrcodes} -- {Create Tables}{!#tables} -- {Markdown}{!#markdown} ✔️ There are many formatting options that can be quickly applied. It only takes a few characters. ✔️ The formatting for texts is easy to learn. Formatting at a glance | The most frequently used formats shown at a glance: ``` *italic* and **bold** > Quote List: - One - Two Numbered list: 1. One 2. Two ?? Hidden text (spoiler)   Indented Text {Linked Text}{https://www.edumaps.de} ``` Use your own thumbnail | To set your own thumbnail of a website, proceed as follows: 1. Take a screenshot of the website. 2. Upload the screenshot into your box. 3. Enter the link to the website directly below the `UPLOAD1` text. 4. Also place an exclamation mark `!` in front of the link (`!LINK1`). This will link the preview image to the external website. 📝 **Input:** ``` UPLOAD1 !LINK1 ``` You can also add a title. Overall, it would look like this: ``` UPLOAD1 !LINK1 My Title ``` Font Sizes | You can set the font size differently for individual words. You can <big>increase</big> the font size and <small>decrease</small> the font size of words as follows: ``` <small>Small Text</small> <big>Big Text</big> ``` Changing the font size can be used in map titles, path titles, box titles and box contents. !#fontsizes Protect content with password | If you want to hide the content of a box and make it accessible only with a password, you can use the password function. Click on the dropdown arrow in the box editor and select "Password." Alternatively, you can also enter the password directly in the box editor: 📝 **Input:** ``` &&pw:yourpassword&& ``` Switch to the map view, and the content is now hidden and will only be displayed upon entering the correct password. !#password Conduct Polls | If you want to conduct a survey, where you specify the selectable options, you can use the {poll module}{https://www.edumaps.de/1086/1/xmgkv25gxf/f3u6hrdh5m}. You can find it in the dropdown under “Poll”. The poll must be enclosed within tags, for example: 📝 **Input:** ``` <poll> Option A Option B Option C </poll> ``` !#poll Generate QR Codes | If you want to generate a QR code, you can use the dropdown in the box editor and select “QR Code”. Enter the text or link that should be hidden behind the QR code. The QR code is generated dynamically immediately. You can change the text at any time. The QR code is updated instantly. 📝 **Input:** ``` {qrcode:My secrect text} ``` !#qrcodes Link text with upload | If you want to link a text that points to the upload, place an exclamation mark before and after `UPLOAD1` and then write the text to be linked, for example `!UPLOAD1! Example PDF`. This will link the text “Example PDF”. Alternatively, you can use curly brackets around `UPLOAD1` and insert the text as follows: `{My Example PDF}{UPLOAD1}`. This will link the text “My Example PDF”. Timed Spoiler | With the timed spoiler you can, for example, recreate learning with flashcards. Example: ??? This is a learning text that only appears for 10 seconds. If you click on the spoiler, it will be displayed for 10 seconds. Then it is hidden again. Timed spoilers are set with `???` at the beginning of a line. 📝 **Input:** ``` Example: ??? This is a learning text that only appears briefly. ``` !#timed-spoiler Create Tables | You can create tables in a box by entering the table as a code block. To do this, use 3 backticks (the ` character), then the table content, and then 3 backticks again. Example: ``` Head 1 | Head 2 | Head 3 Content A | Content B | ... 1235678 | 9012345 | ... ``` However, this requires manual formatting. !#tables Editor Bar | If you are working the first time with the editor, then the **editor bar** will help you to format the text. https://www.edumaps.de/file/4113787849728581552.png/i0wsuex Editor Bar Also note the other modules in the editor dropdown. https://www.edumaps.de/file/4094213677896413050.png/6brbb28 Modules in Editor Empty Lines between Elements | > Elements (photos, videos, links) have to be divided by empty lines. A contiguous text is recognized as **one element**, even though it continues on the next line. Example: ``` My text with line break ``` > My text with line break ⚠️ If we want to attach an image/video or a file, we have to insert **a blank line** in between. Otherwise the link belongs to the previous text. ❌ **Wrong:** ``` My text with line break New content here ``` ✔️ **Correct with new line in between:** ``` My text with line break New content here ``` !#lines Make words bold or italic | Bold with wrapping of two asterisks: **Bold text** Italic with wrapping of one asterisk: *Italic text* 📝 **Input:** ``` **Bold text** *Italic text* ``` Bold and italic: ``` ***bold-italic*** ``` !#bold Line breaks vs. new lines | Line breaks are rendered exactly as they are in the text editor. If you set a new line (with an empty line in front of it), then this counts as a new paragraph. However, if you just type Enter in the text editor and break the text, the text in the view is also broken. For example, the following input is displayed with line break: `It follows a new line.` !#linebreaks Simple List | You can generate a simple list with hyphens: - Test 1 - Test 2 - Test 3 📝 **Input:** ``` - Test 1 - Test 2 - Test 3 ``` !#lists Numbered List | Numbered lists can be created with double hyphens `--`: -- test 1 -- test 2 -- test 3 -- Hello and to the next line The numbering is done automatically. 📝 **Input:** ``` -- test 1 -- test 2 -- test 3 -- Hello and to the next line ``` 📝 **Alternative input with numbering:** ``` 1. test 1 2. test 2 3. test 3 4. Hello and to the next line ``` The numbering can also start with a different number. Example: 5. Fifth entry 6. Sixth entry 7. and so onCreate an indented list | A list can be indented by putting **a space** before each hyphen. Example: - One - Two - Three 📝 **Eingabe:** ```  - One  - Two  - Three ``` **Partial lists** are also possible: - Dog breeds - Dachshund - Shepherd - Beagle 📝 **Input:** ``` - Dog breeds - Dachshund - Shepherd - Beagle ``` Indent Text | Text can be indented by putting two spaces at the beginning of the line. For example: This is long indented text spanning multiple lines. 📝 **Input:** ``` This is long indented text spanning multiple lines. ``` !#indent Text indent with two levels | Text can be indented in two stages: Standard Indent Level 1 Indent Level 2 For the first level, two spaces have to be set at the beginning of the line. For the second stage, four spaces have to be set at the beginning of the line. 📝 **Input:** ``` Standard Indent Level 1 Indent Level 2 ``` Create Quotes | Quotations are created with a `>` at the beginning of the line: > All dreams can come true if we have the courage to follow them. 📝 **Input:** ``` > All dreams can come true if we have the courage to follow them. ``` A second type of quotations can be created with a `>>` at the beginning of the line: >> Errare humanum est. 📝 **Input:** ``` >> Errare humanum est. ``` !#quotes Links with Thumbnails | If a link to an external website is inserted, a **thumbnail** will be generated within 1 minute. For example: https://en.wikipedia.org/ 📝 **Input:** ``` https://en.wikipedia.org/ ``` ⚠️ A preview image is only generated if the link stands alone on a line. If the link is within text, it is displayed as a text link. !#thumbnails Link with thumbnail and custom text | If you want to set your own text under the thumbnail image, enter the text **directly on the next line** that follows the link. For example: https://en.wikipedia.org/ Website of Wikipedia 📝 **Input:** ``` https://en.wikipedia.org/ Website of Wikipedia ```Set text link (without thumbnail) | If you want to create a pure text link and prevent a link thumbnail image, put an exclamation mark `!` in front of the `https`. Oder aber man umschließt den Link mit geschweiften Klammern`{https://...}`. Example: This is a text link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canidae 📝 **Input:** ``` This is a text link: !https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canidae ``` or: ``` This is a text link: {https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canidae} ``` Links within Text | If the link is within the text, it is automatically displayed as an inline link - without a thumbnail image. Example of inline link: „This is an example link to https://www.wikipedia.de in the middle of the text.“ !#textlinks Link certain Text | If you want to link part of a text, this is also possible. Example: This is a {linked text}{https://www.edumaps.de/}. 📝 **Input:** ``` This is a {linked text}{https://www.edumaps.de/}. ``` Labels for Images and Links | A label (caption) can be assigned for each uploaded image, audio, video file, etc. This label (caption) can also be changed later on by changing the text below `UPLOAD`. `UPLOAD3 Photo of our School` to: `UPLOAD3 Photo of my old School` !#labels Info-Icon at Upload (image/PDF) | If you want to add information to your uploaded image or PDF (such as mentioning the source), you can do this as follows: 📝 **Input:** ``` UPLOAD3 {Source: https://www.externalpage.org/} ``` The text inside the curly brackets is displayed on the info icon when you mouse over or click on it. Example: https://www.edumaps.de/file/9060978978921139325.png/3jev7ad The info icon also works with the caption: 📝 **Input:** ``` UPLOAD3 Image label {Here is the text for the image} ``` Code Formatting | Set inline code with backticks. Example: `24·x + 12 = 5` `var x = 12;` `var y = 12;` `var z = x + y;` This way, you can also highlight `individual words`. However, they will have a monospaced font. 📝 **Input:** ``` Example: `24·x + 12 = 5` `var x = 12;` `var y = 12;` `var z = x + y;` ``` !#code Use of Latex | Latex as a block with surrounding dollar signs: $$ \int \limits_{2}^{\infty} + \frac{1}{2}·x^{45+y+{\alpha} } $$ Set Latex inline with \( 5x+2^x = 12 \) and continue writing. This can be used multiple times within a sentence \( x^2 \) und \( x^3 \). 📝 **Input:** ``` $$ \int \limits_{2}^{\infty} + \frac{1}{2}·x^{45+y+{\alpha} } $$ Set Latex inline with \( 5x+2^x = 12 \) and continue writing. This can be used multiple times within a sentence \( x^2 \) und \( x^3 \). ``` Note: For latex inside text labels, always use inline latex with `\( … \)` and not block latex. !#latex Superscripts and Subscripts | Superscript works with a caret and curly brackets. Example: x^{2y} Subscript works with underscore and curly brackets. Example: x_{1} 📝 **Input:** ``` Example: x^{2y} Example: x_{1} ``` !#supersub Hidden Notes in Boxes | You can add your own notes when you are in edit mode. **These notes are hidden in the map view.** Simply put two slashes `//` at the beginning of the line. The line will not be displayed in the map view. https://www.edumaps.de/file/18277788777790213356.png/eg4c12q Hidden note in edit mode !#notes Spoilers | Spoiler means: Content can be hidden and it can only be viewed when the user clicks on it. Example: ?? This is a hidden solution text. ?? https://www.edumaps.de/file/15951864615653000476.jpg/unhj8wy This is a hidden photo. Spoilers are simply set with `??` at the beginning of a line. 📝 **Input:** ``` Example: ?? This is a hidden solution text. ?? https://www.edumaps.de/file/15951864615653000476.jpg/unhj8wy This is a hidden photo. ``` !#spoiler Text Color | Words can be colored in any color. Example: This is a {blue word}{#0000FF}. 📝 **Input:** ``` This is a {blue word}{#0000FF}. ``` To do this, you need to know RGB color codes: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_colors#Basic_colors Examples of RGB color codes: - {red FF0000}{#FF0000} - {green 00FF00}{#00FF00} - {blue 0000FF}{#0000FF} - {gray 888888}{#888888} - {light grey CCC}{#CCC} - {maroon 800000}{#800000} - {yellow FFFF00}{#FFFF00} - {olive 808000}{#808000} - {lime green 00FF00}{#00FF00} - {dark green 008000}{#008000} - {sea green 008080}{#008080} - {navy blue 000080}{#000080} - {aqua 00FFFF}{#00FFFF} - {fuchsia FF00FF}{#FF00FF} - {violet 800080}{#800080} !#hexcolor !#textcolor Headlines | A heading can be set by putting a hash character `#` followed by a space at the beginning of the line. # My Headline 📝 **Input:** ``` # My Headline ``` !#headlines Horizontal Dividing Line | A horizontal line can be set inside a box with three hyphens `---` or `***`. Example: --- 📝 **Input:** ``` --- ``` !#divider Markdown | Our editor supports most of the Markdown syntax. Article about {Markdown (Wikipedia)}{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown}. If you have written your documents with Markdown, you can copy and paste their contents directly into our editor. !#markdown Tooltips for Words (Popups) | If you want to explain a certain word, a so-called "tooltip" is suitable for this, which displays an explanation as soon as the user moves the mouse over the word or clicks on the word on a mobile device. Example: An [Ocelot]{The ocelot is a species of carnivore native to Central and South America.} is not an [Axolotl]{The axolotl is an aquatic tailed amphibian}. 📝 **Input:** ``` An [ocelot]{The ocelot is a species of carnivore native to Central and South America.} is not an [axolotl]{The axolotl is an aquatic tailed amphibian}. ``` ⚠️ Tooltips may only consist of plain text and may not contain any links or uploads. !#tooltips Strikethrough and underline words | Strikethrough with enclosing two double tildes: ~~Strikethrough~~ Underlined with HTML syntax: <u>Underline</u> 📝 **Input:** ``` ~~Strikethrough~~ <u>Underline</u> ``` Crossed out and underlined: ``` ~~<u>Underline</u>~~ ``` Results in: ~~<u>Underline</u>~~ Background Color for Text | You can give any word or text a background color of your choice. To assign a background color, just add another hash `#` after the color code to an already colored word. Example: This is a {green word}{#CCFFCC#} and the next one is a {red word}{#FFA1A5#}. 📝 **Input:** ``` This is a {green word}{#CCFFCC#} and the next one is a {red word}{#FFA1A5#}. ``` Colors are specified using {RGB color codes}{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_colors#Basic_colors}. Examples of RGB color codes: {Red #FF0000}{#FF0000} | {Green #00FF00}{#00FF00} | {Blue #0000FF}{#0000FF} !#backgroundcolor Subheadlines | A subheading can be set with two hash characters `##` followed by a space at the beginning of the line: ## Second heading 📝 **Input:** ``` ## Second heading ``` Another subheading can be set with three hash characters `###` followed by a space at the beginning of the line: ### Third heading 📝 **Input:** ``` ### Third heading ```Special Headlines | A special heading can be set by putting an exclamation mark in front of the hash character, i.e. `$#`: $# Special heading 📝 **Input:** ``` $# Special heading ``` With the use of such headings, texts can be better structured visually.Checkboxes | Checkboxes are easy to create using Markdown syntax. Example: [x] First Element [x] Second Element [x] Third Element 📝 **Input:** ``` [x] First Element [ ] Second Element [x] Third Element ``` 💖 In edit mode, you can click on the checkboxes within a box to check or uncheck them. The state of the checkboxes is saved in the box content. !#checkboxes (Semi)Transparent Background Colors | You can make the background of boxes and paths semi-transparent or fully transparent. To create a semi-transparent background you need to: 1. Edit the box and click “Edit color” (pencil icon). 2. Click “Edit Color” a second time 3. You will now see the transparency slider that you can adjust. If you want to apply the semi-transparent color to the whole box, you have to click on “Fill”. Introduction | ✔️ Here you will learn how the inputs in the box editor work: -- {Empty lines between elements}{!#lines} -- {Line breaks and new lines}{!#linebreaks} -- {Make words bold or italic}{!#bold} -- {Lists}{!#lists} -- {Indents}{!#indent} -- {Quotes}{!#quotes} -- {Links with Thumbnails}{!#thumbnails} -- {Links within text}{!#textlinks} -- {Labels for images and links}{!#labels} -- {Code Formatting}{!#code} -- {Use of Latex}{!#latex} -- {Superscripts and Subscripts}{!#supersub} -- {Hidden notes in boxes}{!#notes} -- {Spoilers}{!#spoiler} -- {Text color}{!#textcolor} -- {Background color for Text}{!#backgroundcolor} -- {Headlines}{!#headlines} -- {Horizontal dividing line}{!#divider} -- {Font sizes}{!#fontsizes} -- {Checkboxes}{!#checkboxes} -- {Tooltips for words (popups)}{!#tooltips} -- {Protect content with password}{!#password} -- {Conduct Polls}{!#polls} -- {Generate QR Codes}{!#qrcodes} -- {Create Tables}{!#tables} -- {Markdown}{!#markdown} ✔️ There are many formatting options that can be quickly applied. It only takes a few characters. ✔️ The formatting for texts is easy to learn. Formatting at a glance | The most frequently used formats shown at a glance: ``` *italic* and **bold** > Quote List: - One - Two Numbered list: 1. One 2. Two ?? Hidden text (spoiler)   Indented Text {Linked Text}{https://www.edumaps.de} ``` Use your own thumbnail | To set your own thumbnail of a website, proceed as follows: 1. Take a screenshot of the website. 2. Upload the screenshot into your box. 3. Enter the link to the website directly below the `UPLOAD1` text. 4. Also place an exclamation mark `!` in front of the link (`!LINK1`). This will link the preview image to the external website. 📝 **Input:** ``` UPLOAD1 !LINK1 ``` You can also add a title. Overall, it would look like this: ``` UPLOAD1 !LINK1 My Title ``` Font Sizes | You can set the font size differently for individual words. You can <big>increase</big> the font size and <small>decrease</small> the font size of words as follows: ``` <small>Small Text</small> <big>Big Text</big> ``` Changing the font size can be used in map titles, path titles, box titles and box contents. !#fontsizes Protect content with password | If you want to hide the content of a box and make it accessible only with a password, you can use the password function. Click on the dropdown arrow in the box editor and select "Password." Alternatively, you can also enter the password directly in the box editor: 📝 **Input:** ``` &&pw:yourpassword&& ``` Switch to the map view, and the content is now hidden and will only be displayed upon entering the correct password. !#password Conduct Polls | If you want to conduct a survey, where you specify the selectable options, you can use the {poll module}{https://www.edumaps.de/1086/1/xmgkv25gxf/f3u6hrdh5m}. You can find it in the dropdown under “Poll”. The poll must be enclosed within tags, for example: 📝 **Input:** ``` <poll> Option A Option B Option C </poll> ``` !#poll Generate QR Codes | If you want to generate a QR code, you can use the dropdown in the box editor and select “QR Code”. Enter the text or link that should be hidden behind the QR code. The QR code is generated dynamically immediately. You can change the text at any time. The QR code is updated instantly. 📝 **Input:** ``` {qrcode:My secrect text} ``` !#qrcodes Link text with upload | If you want to link a text that points to the upload, place an exclamation mark before and after `UPLOAD1` and then write the text to be linked, for example `!UPLOAD1! Example PDF`. This will link the text “Example PDF”. Alternatively, you can use curly brackets around `UPLOAD1` and insert the text as follows: `{My Example PDF}{UPLOAD1}`. This will link the text “My Example PDF”. Timed Spoiler | With the timed spoiler you can, for example, recreate learning with flashcards. Example: ??? This is a learning text that only appears for 10 seconds. If you click on the spoiler, it will be displayed for 10 seconds. Then it is hidden again. Timed spoilers are set with `???` at the beginning of a line. 📝 **Input:** ``` Example: ??? This is a learning text that only appears briefly. ``` !#timed-spoiler Create Tables | You can create tables in a box by entering the table as a code block. To do this, use 3 backticks (the ` character), then the table content, and then 3 backticks again. Example: ``` Head 1 | Head 2 | Head 3 Content A | Content B | ... 1235678 | 9012345 | ... ``` However, this requires manual formatting. !#tables Editor Bar | If you are working the first time with the editor, then the **editor bar** will help you to format the text. https://www.edumaps.de/file/4113787849728581552.png/i0wsuex Editor Bar Also note the other modules in the editor dropdown. https://www.edumaps.de/file/4094213677896413050.png/6brbb28 Modules in Editor Empty Lines between Elements | > Elements (photos, videos, links) have to be divided by empty lines. A contiguous text is recognized as **one element**, even though it continues on the next line. Example: ``` My text with line break ``` > My text with line break ⚠️ If we want to attach an image/video or a file, we have to insert **a blank line** in between. Otherwise the link belongs to the previous text. ❌ **Wrong:** ``` My text with line break New content here ``` ✔️ **Correct with new line in between:** ``` My text with line break New content here ``` !#lines Make words bold or italic | Bold with wrapping of two asterisks: **Bold text** Italic with wrapping of one asterisk: *Italic text* 📝 **Input:** ``` **Bold text** *Italic text* ``` Bold and italic: ``` ***bold-italic*** ``` !#bold Line breaks vs. new lines | Line breaks are rendered exactly as they are in the text editor. If you set a new line (with an empty line in front of it), then this counts as a new paragraph. However, if you just type Enter in the text editor and break the text, the text in the view is also broken. For example, the following input is displayed with line break: `It follows a new line.` !#linebreaks Simple List | You can generate a simple list with hyphens: - Test 1 - Test 2 - Test 3 📝 **Input:** ``` - Test 1 - Test 2 - Test 3 ``` !#lists Numbered List | Numbered lists can be created with double hyphens `--`: -- test 1 -- test 2 -- test 3 -- Hello and to the next line The numbering is done automatically. 📝 **Input:** ``` -- test 1 -- test 2 -- test 3 -- Hello and to the next line ``` 📝 **Alternative input with numbering:** ``` 1. test 1 2. test 2 3. test 3 4. Hello and to the next line ``` The numbering can also start with a different number. Example: 5. Fifth entry 6. Sixth entry 7. and so onCreate an indented list | A list can be indented by putting **a space** before each hyphen. Example: - One - Two - Three 📝 **Eingabe:** ```  - One  - Two  - Three ``` **Partial lists** are also possible: - Dog breeds - Dachshund - Shepherd - Beagle 📝 **Input:** ``` - Dog breeds - Dachshund - Shepherd - Beagle ``` Indent Text | Text can be indented by putting two spaces at the beginning of the line. For example: This is long indented text spanning multiple lines. 📝 **Input:** ``` This is long indented text spanning multiple lines. ``` !#indent Text indent with two levels | Text can be indented in two stages: Standard Indent Level 1 Indent Level 2 For the first level, two spaces have to be set at the beginning of the line. For the second stage, four spaces have to be set at the beginning of the line. 📝 **Input:** ``` Standard Indent Level 1 Indent Level 2 ``` Create Quotes | Quotations are created with a `>` at the beginning of the line: > All dreams can come true if we have the courage to follow them. 📝 **Input:** ``` > All dreams can come true if we have the courage to follow them. ``` A second type of quotations can be created with a `>>` at the beginning of the line: >> Errare humanum est. 📝 **Input:** ``` >> Errare humanum est. ``` !#quotes Links with Thumbnails | If a link to an external website is inserted, a **thumbnail** will be generated within 1 minute. For example: https://en.wikipedia.org/ 📝 **Input:** ``` https://en.wikipedia.org/ ``` ⚠️ A preview image is only generated if the link stands alone on a line. If the link is within text, it is displayed as a text link. !#thumbnails Link with thumbnail and custom text | If you want to set your own text under the thumbnail image, enter the text **directly on the next line** that follows the link. For example: https://en.wikipedia.org/ Website of Wikipedia 📝 **Input:** ``` https://en.wikipedia.org/ Website of Wikipedia ```Set text link (without thumbnail) | If you want to create a pure text link and prevent a link thumbnail image, put an exclamation mark `!` in front of the `https`. Oder aber man umschließt den Link mit geschweiften Klammern`{https://...}`. Example: This is a text link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canidae 📝 **Input:** ``` This is a text link: !https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canidae ``` or: ``` This is a text link: {https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canidae} ``` Links within Text | If the link is within the text, it is automatically displayed as an inline link - without a thumbnail image. Example of inline link: „This is an example link to https://www.wikipedia.de in the middle of the text.“ !#textlinks Link certain Text | If you want to link part of a text, this is also possible. Example: This is a {linked text}{https://www.edumaps.de/}. 📝 **Input:** ``` This is a {linked text}{https://www.edumaps.de/}. ``` Labels for Images and Links | A label (caption) can be assigned for each uploaded image, audio, video file, etc. This label (caption) can also be changed later on by changing the text below `UPLOAD`. `UPLOAD3 Photo of our School` to: `UPLOAD3 Photo of my old School` !#labels Info-Icon at Upload (image/PDF) | If you want to add information to your uploaded image or PDF (such as mentioning the source), you can do this as follows: 📝 **Input:** ``` UPLOAD3 {Source: https://www.externalpage.org/} ``` The text inside the curly brackets is displayed on the info icon when you mouse over or click on it. Example: https://www.edumaps.de/file/9060978978921139325.png/3jev7ad The info icon also works with the caption: 📝 **Input:** ``` UPLOAD3 Image label {Here is the text for the image} ``` Code Formatting | Set inline code with backticks. Example: `24·x + 12 = 5` `var x = 12;` `var y = 12;` `var z = x + y;` This way, you can also highlight `individual words`. However, they will have a monospaced font. 📝 **Input:** ``` Example: `24·x + 12 = 5` `var x = 12;` `var y = 12;` `var z = x + y;` ``` !#code Use of Latex | Latex as a block with surrounding dollar signs: $$ \int \limits_{2}^{\infty} + \frac{1}{2}·x^{45+y+{\alpha} } $$ Set Latex inline with \( 5x+2^x = 12 \) and continue writing. This can be used multiple times within a sentence \( x^2 \) und \( x^3 \). 📝 **Input:** ``` $$ \int \limits_{2}^{\infty} + \frac{1}{2}·x^{45+y+{\alpha} } $$ Set Latex inline with \( 5x+2^x = 12 \) and continue writing. This can be used multiple times within a sentence \( x^2 \) und \( x^3 \). ``` Note: For latex inside text labels, always use inline latex with `\( … \)` and not block latex. !#latex Superscripts and Subscripts | Superscript works with a caret and curly brackets. Example: x^{2y} Subscript works with underscore and curly brackets. Example: x_{1} 📝 **Input:** ``` Example: x^{2y} Example: x_{1} ``` !#supersub Hidden Notes in Boxes | You can add your own notes when you are in edit mode. **These notes are hidden in the map view.** Simply put two slashes `//` at the beginning of the line. The line will not be displayed in the map view. https://www.edumaps.de/file/18277788777790213356.png/eg4c12q Hidden note in edit mode !#notes Spoilers | Spoiler means: Content can be hidden and it can only be viewed when the user clicks on it. Example: ?? This is a hidden solution text. ?? https://www.edumaps.de/file/15951864615653000476.jpg/unhj8wy This is a hidden photo. Spoilers are simply set with `??` at the beginning of a line. 📝 **Input:** ``` Example: ?? This is a hidden solution text. ?? https://www.edumaps.de/file/15951864615653000476.jpg/unhj8wy This is a hidden photo. ``` !#spoiler Text Color | Words can be colored in any color. Example: This is a {blue word}{#0000FF}. 📝 **Input:** ``` This is a {blue word}{#0000FF}. ``` To do this, you need to know RGB color codes: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_colors#Basic_colors Examples of RGB color codes: - {red FF0000}{#FF0000} - {green 00FF00}{#00FF00} - {blue 0000FF}{#0000FF} - {gray 888888}{#888888} - {light grey CCC}{#CCC} - {maroon 800000}{#800000} - {yellow FFFF00}{#FFFF00} - {olive 808000}{#808000} - {lime green 00FF00}{#00FF00} - {dark green 008000}{#008000} - {sea green 008080}{#008080} - {navy blue 000080}{#000080} - {aqua 00FFFF}{#00FFFF} - {fuchsia FF00FF}{#FF00FF} - {violet 800080}{#800080} !#hexcolor !#textcolor Headlines | A heading can be set by putting a hash character `#` followed by a space at the beginning of the line. # My Headline 📝 **Input:** ``` # My Headline ``` !#headlines Horizontal Dividing Line | A horizontal line can be set inside a box with three hyphens `---` or `***`. Example: --- 📝 **Input:** ``` --- ``` !#divider Markdown | Our editor supports most of the Markdown syntax. Article about {Markdown (Wikipedia)}{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown}. If you have written your documents with Markdown, you can copy and paste their contents directly into our editor. !#markdown Tooltips for Words (Popups) | If you want to explain a certain word, a so-called "tooltip" is suitable for this, which displays an explanation as soon as the user moves the mouse over the word or clicks on the word on a mobile device. Example: An [Ocelot]{The ocelot is a species of carnivore native to Central and South America.} is not an [Axolotl]{The axolotl is an aquatic tailed amphibian}. 📝 **Input:** ``` An [ocelot]{The ocelot is a species of carnivore native to Central and South America.} is not an [axolotl]{The axolotl is an aquatic tailed amphibian}. ``` ⚠️ Tooltips may only consist of plain text and may not contain any links or uploads. !#tooltips Strikethrough and underline words | Strikethrough with enclosing two double tildes: ~~Strikethrough~~ Underlined with HTML syntax: <u>Underline</u> 📝 **Input:** ``` ~~Strikethrough~~ <u>Underline</u> ``` Crossed out and underlined: ``` ~~<u>Underline</u>~~ ``` Results in: ~~<u>Underline</u>~~ Background Color for Text | You can give any word or text a background color of your choice. To assign a background color, just add another hash `#` after the color code to an already colored word. Example: This is a {green word}{#CCFFCC#} and the next one is a {red word}{#FFA1A5#}. 📝 **Input:** ``` This is a {green word}{#CCFFCC#} and the next one is a {red word}{#FFA1A5#}. ``` Colors are specified using {RGB color codes}{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_colors#Basic_colors}. Examples of RGB color codes: {Red #FF0000}{#FF0000} | {Green #00FF00}{#00FF00} | {Blue #0000FF}{#0000FF} !#backgroundcolor Subheadlines | A subheading can be set with two hash characters `##` followed by a space at the beginning of the line: ## Second heading 📝 **Input:** ``` ## Second heading ``` Another subheading can be set with three hash characters `###` followed by a space at the beginning of the line: ### Third heading 📝 **Input:** ``` ### Third heading ```Special Headlines | A special heading can be set by putting an exclamation mark in front of the hash character, i.e. `$#`: $# Special heading 📝 **Input:** ``` $# Special heading ``` With the use of such headings, texts can be better structured visually.Checkboxes | Checkboxes are easy to create using Markdown syntax. Example: [x] First Element [x] Second Element [x] Third Element 📝 **Input:** ``` [x] First Element [ ] Second Element [x] Third Element ``` 💖 In edit mode, you can click on the checkboxes within a box to check or uncheck them. The state of the checkboxes is saved in the box content. !#checkboxes (Semi)Transparent Background Colors | You can make the background of boxes and paths semi-transparent or fully transparent. To create a semi-transparent background you need to: 1. Edit the box and click “Edit color” (pencil icon). 2. Click “Edit Color” a second time 3. You will now see the transparency slider that you can adjust. If you want to apply the semi-transparent color to the whole box, you have to click on “Fill”. Introduction | ✔️ Here you will learn how the inputs in the box editor work: -- {Empty lines between elements}{!#lines} -- {Line breaks and new lines}{!#linebreaks} -- {Make words bold or italic}{!#bold} -- {Lists}{!#lists} -- {Indents}{!#indent} -- {Quotes}{!#quotes} -- {Links with Thumbnails}{!#thumbnails} -- {Links within text}{!#textlinks} -- {Labels for images and links}{!#labels} -- {Code Formatting}{!#code} -- {Use of Latex}{!#latex} -- {Superscripts and Subscripts}{!#supersub} -- {Hidden notes in boxes}{!#notes} -- {Spoilers}{!#spoiler} -- {Text color}{!#textcolor} -- {Background color for Text}{!#backgroundcolor} -- {Headlines}{!#headlines} -- {Horizontal dividing line}{!#divider} -- {Font sizes}{!#fontsizes} -- {Checkboxes}{!#checkboxes} -- {Tooltips for words (popups)}{!#tooltips} -- {Protect content with password}{!#password} -- {Conduct Polls}{!#polls} -- {Generate QR Codes}{!#qrcodes} -- {Create Tables}{!#tables} -- {Markdown}{!#markdown} ✔️ There are many formatting options that can be quickly applied. It only takes a few characters. ✔️ The formatting for texts is easy to learn. Formatting at a glance | The most frequently used formats shown at a glance: ``` *italic* and **bold** > Quote List: - One - Two Numbered list: 1. One 2. Two ?? Hidden text (spoiler)   Indented Text {Linked Text}{https://www.edumaps.de} ``` Use your own thumbnail | To set your own thumbnail of a website, proceed as follows: 1. Take a screenshot of the website. 2. Upload the screenshot into your box. 3. Enter the link to the website directly below the `UPLOAD1` text. 4. Also place an exclamation mark `!` in front of the link (`!LINK1`). This will link the preview image to the external website. 📝 **Input:** ``` UPLOAD1 !LINK1 ``` You can also add a title. Overall, it would look like this: ``` UPLOAD1 !LINK1 My Title ``` Font Sizes | You can set the font size differently for individual words. You can <big>increase</big> the font size and <small>decrease</small> the font size of words as follows: ``` <small>Small Text</small> <big>Big Text</big> ``` Changing the font size can be used in map titles, path titles, box titles and box contents. !#fontsizes Protect content with password | If you want to hide the content of a box and make it accessible only with a password, you can use the password function. Click on the dropdown arrow in the box editor and select "Password." Alternatively, you can also enter the password directly in the box editor: 📝 **Input:** ``` &&pw:yourpassword&& ``` Switch to the map view, and the content is now hidden and will only be displayed upon entering the correct password. !#password Conduct Polls | If you want to conduct a survey, where you specify the selectable options, you can use the {poll module}{https://www.edumaps.de/1086/1/xmgkv25gxf/f3u6hrdh5m}. You can find it in the dropdown under “Poll”. The poll must be enclosed within tags, for example: 📝 **Input:** ``` <poll> Option A Option B Option C </poll> ``` !#poll Generate QR Codes | If you want to generate a QR code, you can use the dropdown in the box editor and select “QR Code”. Enter the text or link that should be hidden behind the QR code. The QR code is generated dynamically immediately. You can change the text at any time. The QR code is updated instantly. 📝 **Input:** ``` {qrcode:My secrect text} ``` !#qrcodes Link text with upload | If you want to link a text that points to the upload, place an exclamation mark before and after `UPLOAD1` and then write the text to be linked, for example `!UPLOAD1! Example PDF`. This will link the text “Example PDF”. Alternatively, you can use curly brackets around `UPLOAD1` and insert the text as follows: `{My Example PDF}{UPLOAD1}`. This will link the text “My Example PDF”. Timed Spoiler | With the timed spoiler you can, for example, recreate learning with flashcards. Example: ??? This is a learning text that only appears for 10 seconds. If you click on the spoiler, it will be displayed for 10 seconds. Then it is hidden again. Timed spoilers are set with `???` at the beginning of a line. 📝 **Input:** ``` Example: ??? This is a learning text that only appears briefly. ``` !#timed-spoiler Create Tables | You can create tables in a box by entering the table as a code block. To do this, use 3 backticks (the ` character), then the table content, and then 3 backticks again. Example: ``` Head 1 | Head 2 | Head 3 Content A | Content B | ... 1235678 | 9012345 | ... ``` However, this requires manual formatting. !#tables Editor Bar | If you are working the first time with the editor, then the **editor bar** will help you to format the text. https://www.edumaps.de/file/4113787849728581552.png/i0wsuex Editor Bar Also note the other modules in the editor dropdown. https://www.edumaps.de/file/4094213677896413050.png/6brbb28 Modules in Editor Empty Lines between Elements | > Elements (photos, videos, links) have to be divided by empty lines. A contiguous text is recognized as **one element**, even though it continues on the next line. Example: ``` My text with line break ``` > My text with line break ⚠️ If we want to attach an image/video or a file, we have to insert **a blank line** in between. Otherwise the link belongs to the previous text. ❌ **Wrong:** ``` My text with line break New content here ``` ✔️ **Correct with new line in between:** ``` My text with line break New content here ``` !#lines Make words bold or italic | Bold with wrapping of two asterisks: **Bold text** Italic with wrapping of one asterisk: *Italic text* 📝 **Input:** ``` **Bold text** *Italic text* ``` Bold and italic: ``` ***bold-italic*** ``` !#bold Line breaks vs. new lines | Line breaks are rendered exactly as they are in the text editor. If you set a new line (with an empty line in front of it), then this counts as a new paragraph. However, if you just type Enter in the text editor and break the text, the text in the view is also broken. For example, the following input is displayed with line break: `It follows a new line.` !#linebreaks Simple List | You can generate a simple list with hyphens: - Test 1 - Test 2 - Test 3 📝 **Input:** ``` - Test 1 - Test 2 - Test 3 ``` !#lists Numbered List | Numbered lists can be created with double hyphens `--`: -- test 1 -- test 2 -- test 3 -- Hello and to the next line The numbering is done automatically. 📝 **Input:** ``` -- test 1 -- test 2 -- test 3 -- Hello and to the next line ``` 📝 **Alternative input with numbering:** ``` 1. test 1 2. test 2 3. test 3 4. Hello and to the next line ``` The numbering can also start with a different number. Example: 5. Fifth entry 6. Sixth entry 7. and so onCreate an indented list | A list can be indented by putting **a space** before each hyphen. Example: - One - Two - Three 📝 **Eingabe:** ```  - One  - Two  - Three ``` **Partial lists** are also possible: - Dog breeds - Dachshund - Shepherd - Beagle 📝 **Input:** ``` - Dog breeds - Dachshund - Shepherd - Beagle ``` Indent Text | Text can be indented by putting two spaces at the beginning of the line. For example: This is long indented text spanning multiple lines. 📝 **Input:** ``` This is long indented text spanning multiple lines. ``` !#indent Text indent with two levels | Text can be indented in two stages: Standard Indent Level 1 Indent Level 2 For the first level, two spaces have to be set at the beginning of the line. For the second stage, four spaces have to be set at the beginning of the line. 📝 **Input:** ``` Standard Indent Level 1 Indent Level 2 ``` Create Quotes | Quotations are created with a `>` at the beginning of the line: > All dreams can come true if we have the courage to follow them. 📝 **Input:** ``` > All dreams can come true if we have the courage to follow them. ``` A second type of quotations can be created with a `>>` at the beginning of the line: >> Errare humanum est. 📝 **Input:** ``` >> Errare humanum est. ``` !#quotes Links with Thumbnails | If a link to an external website is inserted, a **thumbnail** will be generated within 1 minute. For example: https://en.wikipedia.org/ 📝 **Input:** ``` https://en.wikipedia.org/ ``` ⚠️ A preview image is only generated if the link stands alone on a line. If the link is within text, it is displayed as a text link. !#thumbnails Link with thumbnail and custom text | If you want to set your own text under the thumbnail image, enter the text **directly on the next line** that follows the link. For example: https://en.wikipedia.org/ Website of Wikipedia 📝 **Input:** ``` https://en.wikipedia.org/ Website of Wikipedia ```Set text link (without thumbnail) | If you want to create a pure text link and prevent a link thumbnail image, put an exclamation mark `!` in front of the `https`. Oder aber man umschließt den Link mit geschweiften Klammern`{https://...}`. Example: This is a text link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canidae 📝 **Input:** ``` This is a text link: !https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canidae ``` or: ``` This is a text link: {https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canidae} ``` Links within Text | If the link is within the text, it is automatically displayed as an inline link - without a thumbnail image. Example of inline link: „This is an example link to https://www.wikipedia.de in the middle of the text.“ !#textlinks Link certain Text | If you want to link part of a text, this is also possible. Example: This is a {linked text}{https://www.edumaps.de/}. 📝 **Input:** ``` This is a {linked text}{https://www.edumaps.de/}. ``` Labels for Images and Links | A label (caption) can be assigned for each uploaded image, audio, video file, etc. This label (caption) can also be changed later on by changing the text below `UPLOAD`. `UPLOAD3 Photo of our School` to: `UPLOAD3 Photo of my old School` !#labels Info-Icon at Upload (image/PDF) | If you want to add information to your uploaded image or PDF (such as mentioning the source), you can do this as follows: 📝 **Input:** ``` UPLOAD3 {Source: https://www.externalpage.org/} ``` The text inside the curly brackets is displayed on the info icon when you mouse over or click on it. Example: https://www.edumaps.de/file/9060978978921139325.png/3jev7ad The info icon also works with the caption: 📝 **Input:** ``` UPLOAD3 Image label {Here is the text for the image} ``` Code Formatting | Set inline code with backticks. Example: `24·x + 12 = 5` `var x = 12;` `var y = 12;` `var z = x + y;` This way, you can also highlight `individual words`. However, they will have a monospaced font. 📝 **Input:** ``` Example: `24·x + 12 = 5` `var x = 12;` `var y = 12;` `var z = x + y;` ``` !#code Use of Latex | Latex as a block with surrounding dollar signs: $$ \int \limits_{2}^{\infty} + \frac{1}{2}·x^{45+y+{\alpha} } $$ Set Latex inline with \( 5x+2^x = 12 \) and continue writing. This can be used multiple times within a sentence \( x^2 \) und \( x^3 \). 📝 **Input:** ``` $$ \int \limits_{2}^{\infty} + \frac{1}{2}·x^{45+y+{\alpha} } $$ Set Latex inline with \( 5x+2^x = 12 \) and continue writing. This can be used multiple times within a sentence \( x^2 \) und \( x^3 \). ``` Note: For latex inside text labels, always use inline latex with `\( … \)` and not block latex. !#latex Superscripts and Subscripts | Superscript works with a caret and curly brackets. Example: x^{2y} Subscript works with underscore and curly brackets. Example: x_{1} 📝 **Input:** ``` Example: x^{2y} Example: x_{1} ``` !#supersub Hidden Notes in Boxes | You can add your own notes when you are in edit mode. **These notes are hidden in the map view.** Simply put two slashes `//` at the beginning of the line. The line will not be displayed in the map view. https://www.edumaps.de/file/18277788777790213356.png/eg4c12q Hidden note in edit mode !#notes Spoilers | Spoiler means: Content can be hidden and it can only be viewed when the user clicks on it. Example: ?? This is a hidden solution text. ?? https://www.edumaps.de/file/15951864615653000476.jpg/unhj8wy This is a hidden photo. Spoilers are simply set with `??` at the beginning of a line. 📝 **Input:** ``` Example: ?? This is a hidden solution text. ?? https://www.edumaps.de/file/15951864615653000476.jpg/unhj8wy This is a hidden photo. ``` !#spoiler Text Color | Words can be colored in any color. Example: This is a {blue word}{#0000FF}. 📝 **Input:** ``` This is a {blue word}{#0000FF}. ``` To do this, you need to know RGB color codes: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_colors#Basic_colors Examples of RGB color codes: - {red FF0000}{#FF0000} - {green 00FF00}{#00FF00} - {blue 0000FF}{#0000FF} - {gray 888888}{#888888} - {light grey CCC}{#CCC} - {maroon 800000}{#800000} - {yellow FFFF00}{#FFFF00} - {olive 808000}{#808000} - {lime green 00FF00}{#00FF00} - {dark green 008000}{#008000} - {sea green 008080}{#008080} - {navy blue 000080}{#000080} - {aqua 00FFFF}{#00FFFF} - {fuchsia FF00FF}{#FF00FF} - {violet 800080}{#800080} !#hexcolor !#textcolor Headlines | A heading can be set by putting a hash character `#` followed by a space at the beginning of the line. # My Headline 📝 **Input:** ``` # My Headline ``` !#headlines Horizontal Dividing Line | A horizontal line can be set inside a box with three hyphens `---` or `***`. Example: --- 📝 **Input:** ``` --- ``` !#divider Markdown | Our editor supports most of the Markdown syntax. Article about {Markdown (Wikipedia)}{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown}. If you have written your documents with Markdown, you can copy and paste their contents directly into our editor. !#markdown Tooltips for Words (Popups) | If you want to explain a certain word, a so-called "tooltip" is suitable for this, which displays an explanation as soon as the user moves the mouse over the word or clicks on the word on a mobile device. Example: An [Ocelot]{The ocelot is a species of carnivore native to Central and South America.} is not an [Axolotl]{The axolotl is an aquatic tailed amphibian}. 📝 **Input:** ``` An [ocelot]{The ocelot is a species of carnivore native to Central and South America.} is not an [axolotl]{The axolotl is an aquatic tailed amphibian}. ``` ⚠️ Tooltips may only consist of plain text and may not contain any links or uploads. !#tooltips Strikethrough and underline words | Strikethrough with enclosing two double tildes: ~~Strikethrough~~ Underlined with HTML syntax: <u>Underline</u> 📝 **Input:** ``` ~~Strikethrough~~ <u>Underline</u> ``` Crossed out and underlined: ``` ~~<u>Underline</u>~~ ``` Results in: ~~<u>Underline</u>~~ Background Color for Text | You can give any word or text a background color of your choice. To assign a background color, just add another hash `#` after the color code to an already colored word. Example: This is a {green word}{#CCFFCC#} and the next one is a {red word}{#FFA1A5#}. 📝 **Input:** ``` This is a {green word}{#CCFFCC#} and the next one is a {red word}{#FFA1A5#}. ``` Colors are specified using {RGB color codes}{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_colors#Basic_colors}. Examples of RGB color codes: {Red #FF0000}{#FF0000} | {Green #00FF00}{#00FF00} | {Blue #0000FF}{#0000FF} !#backgroundcolor Subheadlines | A subheading can be set with two hash characters `##` followed by a space at the beginning of the line: ## Second heading 📝 **Input:** ``` ## Second heading ``` Another subheading can be set with three hash characters `###` followed by a space at the beginning of the line: ### Third heading 📝 **Input:** ``` ### Third heading ```Special Headlines | A special heading can be set by putting an exclamation mark in front of the hash character, i.e. `$#`: $# Special heading 📝 **Input:** ``` $# Special heading ``` With the use of such headings, texts can be better structured visually.Checkboxes | Checkboxes are easy to create using Markdown syntax. Example: [x] First Element [x] Second Element [x] Third Element 📝 **Input:** ``` [x] First Element [ ] Second Element [x] Third Element ``` 💖 In edit mode, you can click on the checkboxes within a box to check or uncheck them. The state of the checkboxes is saved in the box content. !#checkboxes (Semi)Transparent Background Colors | You can make the background of boxes and paths semi-transparent or fully transparent. To create a semi-transparent background you need to: 1. Edit the box and click “Edit color” (pencil icon). 2. Click “Edit Color” a second time 3. You will now see the transparency slider that you can adjust. If you want to apply the semi-transparent color to the whole box, you have to click on “Fill”. Introduction | ✔️ Here you will learn how the inputs in the box editor work: -- {Empty lines between elements}{!#lines} -- {Line breaks and new lines}{!#linebreaks} -- {Make words bold or italic}{!#bold} -- {Lists}{!#lists} -- {Indents}{!#indent} -- {Quotes}{!#quotes} -- {Links with Thumbnails}{!#thumbnails} -- {Links within text}{!#textlinks} -- {Labels for images and links}{!#labels} -- {Code Formatting}{!#code} -- {Use of Latex}{!#latex} -- {Superscripts and Subscripts}{!#supersub} -- {Hidden notes in boxes}{!#notes} -- {Spoilers}{!#spoiler} -- {Text color}{!#textcolor} -- {Background color for Text}{!#backgroundcolor} -- {Headlines}{!#headlines} -- {Horizontal dividing line}{!#divider} -- {Font sizes}{!#fontsizes} -- {Checkboxes}{!#checkboxes} -- {Tooltips for words (popups)}{!#tooltips} -- {Protect content with password}{!#password} -- {Conduct Polls}{!#polls} -- {Generate QR Codes}{!#qrcodes} -- {Create Tables}{!#tables} -- {Markdown}{!#markdown} ✔️ There are many formatting options that can be quickly applied. It only takes a few characters. ✔️ The formatting for texts is easy to learn. Formatting at a glance | The most frequently used formats shown at a glance: ``` *italic* and **bold** > Quote List: - One - Two Numbered list: 1. One 2. Two ?? Hidden text (spoiler)   Indented Text {Linked Text}{https://www.edumaps.de} ``` Use your own thumbnail | To set your own thumbnail of a website, proceed as follows: 1. Take a screenshot of the website. 2. Upload the screenshot into your box. 3. Enter the link to the website directly below the `UPLOAD1` text. 4. Also place an exclamation mark `!` in front of the link (`!LINK1`). This will link the preview image to the external website. 📝 **Input:** ``` UPLOAD1 !LINK1 ``` You can also add a title. Overall, it would look like this: ``` UPLOAD1 !LINK1 My Title ``` Font Sizes | You can set the font size differently for individual words. You can <big>increase</big> the font size and <small>decrease</small> the font size of words as follows: ``` <small>Small Text</small> <big>Big Text</big> ``` Changing the font size can be used in map titles, path titles, box titles and box contents. !#fontsizes Protect content with password | If you want to hide the content of a box and make it accessible only with a password, you can use the password function. Click on the dropdown arrow in the box editor and select "Password." Alternatively, you can also enter the password directly in the box editor: 📝 **Input:** ``` &&pw:yourpassword&& ``` Switch to the map view, and the content is now hidden and will only be displayed upon entering the correct password. !#password Conduct Polls | If you want to conduct a survey, where you specify the selectable options, you can use the {poll module}{https://www.edumaps.de/1086/1/xmgkv25gxf/f3u6hrdh5m}. You can find it in the dropdown under “Poll”. The poll must be enclosed within tags, for example: 📝 **Input:** ``` <poll> Option A Option B Option C </poll> ``` !#poll Generate QR Codes | If you want to generate a QR code, you can use the dropdown in the box editor and select “QR Code”. Enter the text or link that should be hidden behind the QR code. The QR code is generated dynamically immediately. You can change the text at any time. The QR code is updated instantly. 📝 **Input:** ``` {qrcode:My secrect text} ``` !#qrcodes Link text with upload | If you want to link a text that points to the upload, place an exclamation mark before and after `UPLOAD1` and then write the text to be linked, for example `!UPLOAD1! Example PDF`. This will link the text “Example PDF”. Alternatively, you can use curly brackets around `UPLOAD1` and insert the text as follows: `{My Example PDF}{UPLOAD1}`. This will link the text “My Example PDF”. Timed Spoiler | With the timed spoiler you can, for example, recreate learning with flashcards. Example: ??? This is a learning text that only appears for 10 seconds. If you click on the spoiler, it will be displayed for 10 seconds. Then it is hidden again. Timed spoilers are set with `???` at the beginning of a line. 📝 **Input:** ``` Example: ??? This is a learning text that only appears briefly. ``` !#timed-spoiler Create Tables | You can create tables in a box by entering the table as a code block. To do this, use 3 backticks (the ` character), then the table content, and then 3 backticks again. Example: ``` Head 1 | Head 2 | Head 3 Content A | Content B | ... 1235678 | 9012345 | ... ``` However, this requires manual formatting. !#tables Editor Bar | If you are working the first time with the editor, then the **editor bar** will help you to format the text. https://www.edumaps.de/file/4113787849728581552.png/i0wsuex Editor Bar Also note the other modules in the editor dropdown. https://www.edumaps.de/file/4094213677896413050.png/6brbb28 Modules in Editor Empty Lines between Elements | > Elements (photos, videos, links) have to be divided by empty lines. A contiguous text is recognized as **one element**, even though it continues on the next line. Example: ``` My text with line break ``` > My text with line break ⚠️ If we want to attach an image/video or a file, we have to insert **a blank line** in between. Otherwise the link belongs to the previous text. ❌ **Wrong:** ``` My text with line break New content here ``` ✔️ **Correct with new line in between:** ``` My text with line break New content here ``` !#lines Make words bold or italic | Bold with wrapping of two asterisks: **Bold text** Italic with wrapping of one asterisk: *Italic text* 📝 **Input:** ``` **Bold text** *Italic text* ``` Bold and italic: ``` ***bold-italic*** ``` !#bold Line breaks vs. new lines | Line breaks are rendered exactly as they are in the text editor. If you set a new line (with an empty line in front of it), then this counts as a new paragraph. However, if you just type Enter in the text editor and break the text, the text in the view is also broken. For example, the following input is displayed with line break: `It follows a new line.` !#linebreaks Simple List | You can generate a simple list with hyphens: - Test 1 - Test 2 - Test 3 📝 **Input:** ``` - Test 1 - Test 2 - Test 3 ``` !#lists Numbered List | Numbered lists can be created with double hyphens `--`: -- test 1 -- test 2 -- test 3 -- Hello and to the next line The numbering is done automatically. 📝 **Input:** ``` -- test 1 -- test 2 -- test 3 -- Hello and to the next line ``` 📝 **Alternative input with numbering:** ``` 1. test 1 2. test 2 3. test 3 4. Hello and to the next line ``` The numbering can also start with a different number. Example: 5. Fifth entry 6. Sixth entry 7. and so onCreate an indented list | A list can be indented by putting **a space** before each hyphen. Example: - One - Two - Three 📝 **Eingabe:** ```  - One  - Two  - Three ``` **Partial lists** are also possible: - Dog breeds - Dachshund - Shepherd - Beagle 📝 **Input:** ``` - Dog breeds - Dachshund - Shepherd - Beagle ``` Indent Text | Text can be indented by putting two spaces at the beginning of the line. For example: This is long indented text spanning multiple lines. 📝 **Input:** ``` This is long indented text spanning multiple lines. ``` !#indent Text indent with two levels | Text can be indented in two stages: Standard Indent Level 1 Indent Level 2 For the first level, two spaces have to be set at the beginning of the line. For the second stage, four spaces have to be set at the beginning of the line. 📝 **Input:** ``` Standard Indent Level 1 Indent Level 2 ``` Create Quotes | Quotations are created with a `>` at the beginning of the line: > All dreams can come true if we have the courage to follow them. 📝 **Input:** ``` > All dreams can come true if we have the courage to follow them. ``` A second type of quotations can be created with a `>>` at the beginning of the line: >> Errare humanum est. 📝 **Input:** ``` >> Errare humanum est. ``` !#quotes Links with Thumbnails | If a link to an external website is inserted, a **thumbnail** will be generated within 1 minute. For example: https://en.wikipedia.org/ 📝 **Input:** ``` https://en.wikipedia.org/ ``` ⚠️ A preview image is only generated if the link stands alone on a line. If the link is within text, it is displayed as a text link. !#thumbnails Link with thumbnail and custom text | If you want to set your own text under the thumbnail image, enter the text **directly on the next line** that follows the link. For example: https://en.wikipedia.org/ Website of Wikipedia 📝 **Input:** ``` https://en.wikipedia.org/ Website of Wikipedia ```Set text link (without thumbnail) | If you want to create a pure text link and prevent a link thumbnail image, put an exclamation mark `!` in front of the `https`. Oder aber man umschließt den Link mit geschweiften Klammern`{https://...}`. Example: This is a text link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canidae 📝 **Input:** ``` This is a text link: !https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canidae ``` or: ``` This is a text link: {https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canidae} ``` Links within Text | If the link is within the text, it is automatically displayed as an inline link - without a thumbnail image. Example of inline link: „This is an example link to https://www.wikipedia.de in the middle of the text.“ !#textlinks Link certain Text | If you want to link part of a text, this is also possible. Example: This is a {linked text}{https://www.edumaps.de/}. 📝 **Input:** ``` This is a {linked text}{https://www.edumaps.de/}. ``` Labels for Images and Links | A label (caption) can be assigned for each uploaded image, audio, video file, etc. This label (caption) can also be changed later on by changing the text below `UPLOAD`. `UPLOAD3 Photo of our School` to: `UPLOAD3 Photo of my old School` !#labels Info-Icon at Upload (image/PDF) | If you want to add information to your uploaded image or PDF (such as mentioning the source), you can do this as follows: 📝 **Input:** ``` UPLOAD3 {Source: https://www.externalpage.org/} ``` The text inside the curly brackets is displayed on the info icon when you mouse over or click on it. Example: https://www.edumaps.de/file/9060978978921139325.png/3jev7ad The info icon also works with the caption: 📝 **Input:** ``` UPLOAD3 Image label {Here is the text for the image} ``` Code Formatting | Set inline code with backticks. Example: `24·x + 12 = 5` `var x = 12;` `var y = 12;` `var z = x + y;` This way, you can also highlight `individual words`. However, they will have a monospaced font. 📝 **Input:** ``` Example: `24·x + 12 = 5` `var x = 12;` `var y = 12;` `var z = x + y;` ``` !#code Use of Latex | Latex as a block with surrounding dollar signs: $$ \int \limits_{2}^{\infty} + \frac{1}{2}·x^{45+y+{\alpha} } $$ Set Latex inline with \( 5x+2^x = 12 \) and continue writing. This can be used multiple times within a sentence \( x^2 \) und \( x^3 \). 📝 **Input:** ``` $$ \int \limits_{2}^{\infty} + \frac{1}{2}·x^{45+y+{\alpha} } $$ Set Latex inline with \( 5x+2^x = 12 \) and continue writing. This can be used multiple times within a sentence \( x^2 \) und \( x^3 \). ``` Note: For latex inside text labels, always use inline latex with `\( … \)` and not block latex. !#latex Superscripts and Subscripts | Superscript works with a caret and curly brackets. Example: x^{2y} Subscript works with underscore and curly brackets. Example: x_{1} 📝 **Input:** ``` Example: x^{2y} Example: x_{1} ``` !#supersub Hidden Notes in Boxes | You can add your own notes when you are in edit mode. **These notes are hidden in the map view.** Simply put two slashes `//` at the beginning of the line. The line will not be displayed in the map view. https://www.edumaps.de/file/18277788777790213356.png/eg4c12q Hidden note in edit mode !#notes Spoilers | Spoiler means: Content can be hidden and it can only be viewed when the user clicks on it. Example: ?? This is a hidden solution text. ?? https://www.edumaps.de/file/15951864615653000476.jpg/unhj8wy This is a hidden photo. Spoilers are simply set with `??` at the beginning of a line. 📝 **Input:** ``` Example: ?? This is a hidden solution text. ?? https://www.edumaps.de/file/15951864615653000476.jpg/unhj8wy This is a hidden photo. ``` !#spoiler Text Color | Words can be colored in any color. Example: This is a {blue word}{#0000FF}. 📝 **Input:** ``` This is a {blue word}{#0000FF}. ``` To do this, you need to know RGB color codes: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_colors#Basic_colors Examples of RGB color codes: - {red FF0000}{#FF0000} - {green 00FF00}{#00FF00} - {blue 0000FF}{#0000FF} - {gray 888888}{#888888} - {light grey CCC}{#CCC} - {maroon 800000}{#800000} - {yellow FFFF00}{#FFFF00} - {olive 808000}{#808000} - {lime green 00FF00}{#00FF00} - {dark green 008000}{#008000} - {sea green 008080}{#008080} - {navy blue 000080}{#000080} - {aqua 00FFFF}{#00FFFF} - {fuchsia FF00FF}{#FF00FF} - {violet 800080}{#800080} !#hexcolor !#textcolor Headlines | A heading can be set by putting a hash character `#` followed by a space at the beginning of the line. # My Headline 📝 **Input:** ``` # My Headline ``` !#headlines Horizontal Dividing Line | A horizontal line can be set inside a box with three hyphens `---` or `***`. Example: --- 📝 **Input:** ``` --- ``` !#divider Markdown | Our editor supports most of the Markdown syntax. Article about {Markdown (Wikipedia)}{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown}. If you have written your documents with Markdown, you can copy and paste their contents directly into our editor. !#markdown Tooltips for Words (Popups) | If you want to explain a certain word, a so-called "tooltip" is suitable for this, which displays an explanation as soon as the user moves the mouse over the word or clicks on the word on a mobile device. Example: An [Ocelot]{The ocelot is a species of carnivore native to Central and South America.} is not an [Axolotl]{The axolotl is an aquatic tailed amphibian}. 📝 **Input:** ``` An [ocelot]{The ocelot is a species of carnivore native to Central and South America.} is not an [axolotl]{The axolotl is an aquatic tailed amphibian}. ``` ⚠️ Tooltips may only consist of plain text and may not contain any links or uploads. !#tooltips Strikethrough and underline words | Strikethrough with enclosing two double tildes: ~~Strikethrough~~ Underlined with HTML syntax: <u>Underline</u> 📝 **Input:** ``` ~~Strikethrough~~ <u>Underline</u> ``` Crossed out and underlined: ``` ~~<u>Underline</u>~~ ``` Results in: ~~<u>Underline</u>~~ Background Color for Text | You can give any word or text a background color of your choice. To assign a background color, just add another hash `#` after the color code to an already colored word. Example: This is a {green word}{#CCFFCC#} and the next one is a {red word}{#FFA1A5#}. 📝 **Input:** ``` This is a {green word}{#CCFFCC#} and the next one is a {red word}{#FFA1A5#}. ``` Colors are specified using {RGB color codes}{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_colors#Basic_colors}. Examples of RGB color codes: {Red #FF0000}{#FF0000} | {Green #00FF00}{#00FF00} | {Blue #0000FF}{#0000FF} !#backgroundcolor Subheadlines | A subheading can be set with two hash characters `##` followed by a space at the beginning of the line: ## Second heading 📝 **Input:** ``` ## Second heading ``` Another subheading can be set with three hash characters `###` followed by a space at the beginning of the line: ### Third heading 📝 **Input:** ``` ### Third heading ```Special Headlines | A special heading can be set by putting an exclamation mark in front of the hash character, i.e. `$#`: $# Special heading 📝 **Input:** ``` $# Special heading ``` With the use of such headings, texts can be better structured visually.Checkboxes | Checkboxes are easy to create using Markdown syntax. Example: [x] First Element [x] Second Element [x] Third Element 📝 **Input:** ``` [x] First Element [ ] Second Element [x] Third Element ``` 💖 In edit mode, you can click on the checkboxes within a box to check or uncheck them. The state of the checkboxes is saved in the box content. !#checkboxes (Semi)Transparent Background Colors | You can make the background of boxes and paths semi-transparent or fully transparent. To create a semi-transparent background you need to: 1. Edit the box and click “Edit color” (pencil icon). 2. Click “Edit Color” a second time 3. You will now see the transparency slider that you can adjust. If you want to apply the semi-transparent color to the whole box, you have to click on “Fill”. Introduction | ✔️ Here you will learn how the inputs in the box editor work: -- {Empty lines between elements}{!#lines} -- {Line breaks and new lines}{!#linebreaks} -- {Make words bold or italic}{!#bold} -- {Lists}{!#lists} -- {Indents}{!#indent} -- {Quotes}{!#quotes} -- {Links with Thumbnails}{!#thumbnails} -- {Links within text}{!#textlinks} -- {Labels for images and links}{!#labels} -- {Code Formatting}{!#code} -- {Use of Latex}{!#latex} -- {Superscripts and Subscripts}{!#supersub} -- {Hidden notes in boxes}{!#notes} -- {Spoilers}{!#spoiler} -- {Text color}{!#textcolor} -- {Background color for Text}{!#backgroundcolor} -- {Headlines}{!#headlines} -- {Horizontal dividing line}{!#divider} -- {Font sizes}{!#fontsizes} -- {Checkboxes}{!#checkboxes} -- {Tooltips for words (popups)}{!#tooltips} -- {Protect content with password}{!#password} -- {Conduct Polls}{!#polls} -- {Generate QR Codes}{!#qrcodes} -- {Create Tables}{!#tables} -- {Markdown}{!#markdown} ✔️ There are many formatting options that can be quickly applied. It only takes a few characters. ✔️ The formatting for texts is easy to learn. Formatting at a glance | The most frequently used formats shown at a glance: ``` *italic* and **bold** > Quote List: - One - Two Numbered list: 1. One 2. Two ?? Hidden text (spoiler)   Indented Text {Linked Text}{https://www.edumaps.de} ``` Use your own thumbnail | To set your own thumbnail of a website, proceed as follows: 1. Take a screenshot of the website. 2. Upload the screenshot into your box. 3. Enter the link to the website directly below the `UPLOAD1` text. 4. Also place an exclamation mark `!` in front of the link (`!LINK1`). This will link the preview image to the external website. 📝 **Input:** ``` UPLOAD1 !LINK1 ``` You can also add a title. Overall, it would look like this: ``` UPLOAD1 !LINK1 My Title ``` Font Sizes | You can set the font size differently for individual words. You can <big>increase</big> the font size and <small>decrease</small> the font size of words as follows: ``` <small>Small Text</small> <big>Big Text</big> ``` Changing the font size can be used in map titles, path titles, box titles and box contents. !#fontsizes Protect content with password | If you want to hide the content of a box and make it accessible only with a password, you can use the password function. Click on the dropdown arrow in the box editor and select "Password." Alternatively, you can also enter the password directly in the box editor: 📝 **Input:** ``` &&pw:yourpassword&& ``` Switch to the map view, and the content is now hidden and will only be displayed upon entering the correct password. !#password Conduct Polls | If you want to conduct a survey, where you specify the selectable options, you can use the {poll module}{https://www.edumaps.de/1086/1/xmgkv25gxf/f3u6hrdh5m}. You can find it in the dropdown under “Poll”. The poll must be enclosed within tags, for example: 📝 **Input:** ``` <poll> Option A Option B Option C </poll> ``` !#poll Generate QR Codes | If you want to generate a QR code, you can use the dropdown in the box editor and select “QR Code”. Enter the text or link that should be hidden behind the QR code. The QR code is generated dynamically immediately. You can change the text at any time. The QR code is updated instantly. 📝 **Input:** ``` {qrcode:My secrect text} ``` !#qrcodes Link text with upload | If you want to link a text that points to the upload, place an exclamation mark before and after `UPLOAD1` and then write the text to be linked, for example `!UPLOAD1! Example PDF`. This will link the text “Example PDF”. Alternatively, you can use curly brackets around `UPLOAD1` and insert the text as follows: `{My Example PDF}{UPLOAD1}`. This will link the text “My Example PDF”. Timed Spoiler | With the timed spoiler you can, for example, recreate learning with flashcards. Example: ??? This is a learning text that only appears for 10 seconds. If you click on the spoiler, it will be displayed for 10 seconds. Then it is hidden again. Timed spoilers are set with `???` at the beginning of a line. 📝 **Input:** ``` Example: ??? This is a learning text that only appears briefly. ``` !#timed-spoiler Create Tables | You can create tables in a box by entering the table as a code block. To do this, use 3 backticks (the ` character), then the table content, and then 3 backticks again. Example: ``` Head 1 | Head 2 | Head 3 Content A | Content B | ... 1235678 | 9012345 | ... ``` However, this requires manual formatting. !#tables Editor Bar | If you are working the first time with the editor, then the **editor bar** will help you to format the text. https://www.edumaps.de/file/4113787849728581552.png/i0wsuex Editor Bar Also note the other modules in the editor dropdown. https://www.edumaps.de/file/4094213677896413050.png/6brbb28 Modules in Editor Empty Lines between Elements | > Elements (photos, videos, links) have to be divided by empty lines. A contiguous text is recognized as **one element**, even though it continues on the next line. Example: ``` My text with line break ``` > My text with line break ⚠️ If we want to attach an image/video or a file, we have to insert **a blank line** in between. Otherwise the link belongs to the previous text. ❌ **Wrong:** ``` My text with line break New content here ``` ✔️ **Correct with new line in between:** ``` My text with line break New content here ``` !#lines Make words bold or italic | Bold with wrapping of two asterisks: **Bold text** Italic with wrapping of one asterisk: *Italic text* 📝 **Input:** ``` **Bold text** *Italic text* ``` Bold and italic: ``` ***bold-italic*** ``` !#bold Line breaks vs. new lines | Line breaks are rendered exactly as they are in the text editor. If you set a new line (with an empty line in front of it), then this counts as a new paragraph. However, if you just type Enter in the text editor and break the text, the text in the view is also broken. For example, the following input is displayed with line break: `It follows a new line.` !#linebreaks Simple List | You can generate a simple list with hyphens: - Test 1 - Test 2 - Test 3 📝 **Input:** ``` - Test 1 - Test 2 - Test 3 ``` !#lists Numbered List | Numbered lists can be created with double hyphens `--`: -- test 1 -- test 2 -- test 3 -- Hello and to the next line The numbering is done automatically. 📝 **Input:** ``` -- test 1 -- test 2 -- test 3 -- Hello and to the next line ``` 📝 **Alternative input with numbering:** ``` 1. test 1 2. test 2 3. test 3 4. Hello and to the next line ``` The numbering can also start with a different number. Example: 5. Fifth entry 6. Sixth entry 7. and so onCreate an indented list | A list can be indented by putting **a space** before each hyphen. Example: - One - Two - Three 📝 **Eingabe:** ```  - One  - Two  - Three ``` **Partial lists** are also possible: - Dog breeds - Dachshund - Shepherd - Beagle 📝 **Input:** ``` - Dog breeds - Dachshund - Shepherd - Beagle ``` Indent Text | Text can be indented by putting two spaces at the beginning of the line. For example: This is long indented text spanning multiple lines. 📝 **Input:** ``` This is long indented text spanning multiple lines. ``` !#indent Text indent with two levels | Text can be indented in two stages: Standard Indent Level 1 Indent Level 2 For the first level, two spaces have to be set at the beginning of the line. For the second stage, four spaces have to be set at the beginning of the line. 📝 **Input:** ``` Standard Indent Level 1 Indent Level 2 ``` Create Quotes | Quotations are created with a `>` at the beginning of the line: > All dreams can come true if we have the courage to follow them. 📝 **Input:** ``` > All dreams can come true if we have the courage to follow them. ``` A second type of quotations can be created with a `>>` at the beginning of the line: >> Errare humanum est. 📝 **Input:** ``` >> Errare humanum est. ``` !#quotes Links with Thumbnails | If a link to an external website is inserted, a **thumbnail** will be generated within 1 minute. For example: https://en.wikipedia.org/ 📝 **Input:** ``` https://en.wikipedia.org/ ``` ⚠️ A preview image is only generated if the link stands alone on a line. If the link is within text, it is displayed as a text link. !#thumbnails Link with thumbnail and custom text | If you want to set your own text under the thumbnail image, enter the text **directly on the next line** that follows the link. For example: https://en.wikipedia.org/ Website of Wikipedia 📝 **Input:** ``` https://en.wikipedia.org/ Website of Wikipedia ```Set text link (without thumbnail) | If you want to create a pure text link and prevent a link thumbnail image, put an exclamation mark `!` in front of the `https`. Oder aber man umschließt den Link mit geschweiften Klammern`{https://...}`. Example: This is a text link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canidae 📝 **Input:** ``` This is a text link: !https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canidae ``` or: ``` This is a text link: {https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canidae} ``` Links within Text | If the link is within the text, it is automatically displayed as an inline link - without a thumbnail image. Example of inline link: „This is an example link to https://www.wikipedia.de in the middle of the text.“ !#textlinks Link certain Text | If you want to link part of a text, this is also possible. Example: This is a {linked text}{https://www.edumaps.de/}. 📝 **Input:** ``` This is a {linked text}{https://www.edumaps.de/}. ``` Labels for Images and Links | A label (caption) can be assigned for each uploaded image, audio, video file, etc. This label (caption) can also be changed later on by changing the text below `UPLOAD`. `UPLOAD3 Photo of our School` to: `UPLOAD3 Photo of my old School` !#labels Info-Icon at Upload (image/PDF) | If you want to add information to your uploaded image or PDF (such as mentioning the source), you can do this as follows: 📝 **Input:** ``` UPLOAD3 {Source: https://www.externalpage.org/} ``` The text inside the curly brackets is displayed on the info icon when you mouse over or click on it. Example: https://www.edumaps.de/file/9060978978921139325.png/3jev7ad The info icon also works with the caption: 📝 **Input:** ``` UPLOAD3 Image label {Here is the text for the image} ``` Code Formatting | Set inline code with backticks. Example: `24·x + 12 = 5` `var x = 12;` `var y = 12;` `var z = x + y;` This way, you can also highlight `individual words`. However, they will have a monospaced font. 📝 **Input:** ``` Example: `24·x + 12 = 5` `var x = 12;` `var y = 12;` `var z = x + y;` ``` !#code Use of Latex | Latex as a block with surrounding dollar signs: $$ \int \limits_{2}^{\infty} + \frac{1}{2}·x^{45+y+{\alpha} } $$ Set Latex inline with \( 5x+2^x = 12 \) and continue writing. This can be used multiple times within a sentence \( x^2 \) und \( x^3 \). 📝 **Input:** ``` $$ \int \limits_{2}^{\infty} + \frac{1}{2}·x^{45+y+{\alpha} } $$ Set Latex inline with \( 5x+2^x = 12 \) and continue writing. This can be used multiple times within a sentence \( x^2 \) und \( x^3 \). ``` Note: For latex inside text labels, always use inline latex with `\( … \)` and not block latex. !#latex Superscripts and Subscripts | Superscript works with a caret and curly brackets. Example: x^{2y} Subscript works with underscore and curly brackets. Example: x_{1} 📝 **Input:** ``` Example: x^{2y} Example: x_{1} ``` !#supersub Hidden Notes in Boxes | You can add your own notes when you are in edit mode. **These notes are hidden in the map view.** Simply put two slashes `//` at the beginning of the line. The line will not be displayed in the map view. https://www.edumaps.de/file/18277788777790213356.png/eg4c12q Hidden note in edit mode !#notes Spoilers | Spoiler means: Content can be hidden and it can only be viewed when the user clicks on it. Example: ?? This is a hidden solution text. ?? https://www.edumaps.de/file/15951864615653000476.jpg/unhj8wy This is a hidden photo. Spoilers are simply set with `??` at the beginning of a line. 📝 **Input:** ``` Example: ?? This is a hidden solution text. ?? https://www.edumaps.de/file/15951864615653000476.jpg/unhj8wy This is a hidden photo. ``` !#spoiler Text Color | Words can be colored in any color. Example: This is a {blue word}{#0000FF}. 📝 **Input:** ``` This is a {blue word}{#0000FF}. ``` To do this, you need to know RGB color codes: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_colors#Basic_colors Examples of RGB color codes: - {red FF0000}{#FF0000} - {green 00FF00}{#00FF00} - {blue 0000FF}{#0000FF} - {gray 888888}{#888888} - {light grey CCC}{#CCC} - {maroon 800000}{#800000} - {yellow FFFF00}{#FFFF00} - {olive 808000}{#808000} - {lime green 00FF00}{#00FF00} - {dark green 008000}{#008000} - {sea green 008080}{#008080} - {navy blue 000080}{#000080} - {aqua 00FFFF}{#00FFFF} - {fuchsia FF00FF}{#FF00FF} - {violet 800080}{#800080} !#hexcolor !#textcolor Headlines | A heading can be set by putting a hash character `#` followed by a space at the beginning of the line. # My Headline 📝 **Input:** ``` # My Headline ``` !#headlines Horizontal Dividing Line | A horizontal line can be set inside a box with three hyphens `---` or `***`. Example: --- 📝 **Input:** ``` --- ``` !#divider Markdown | Our editor supports most of the Markdown syntax. Article about {Markdown (Wikipedia)}{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown}. If you have written your documents with Markdown, you can copy and paste their contents directly into our editor. !#markdown Tooltips for Words (Popups) | If you want to explain a certain word, a so-called "tooltip" is suitable for this, which displays an explanation as soon as the user moves the mouse over the word or clicks on the word on a mobile device. Example: An [Ocelot]{The ocelot is a species of carnivore native to Central and South America.} is not an [Axolotl]{The axolotl is an aquatic tailed amphibian}. 📝 **Input:** ``` An [ocelot]{The ocelot is a species of carnivore native to Central and South America.} is not an [axolotl]{The axolotl is an aquatic tailed amphibian}. ``` ⚠️ Tooltips may only consist of plain text and may not contain any links or uploads. !#tooltips Strikethrough and underline words | Strikethrough with enclosing two double tildes: ~~Strikethrough~~ Underlined with HTML syntax: <u>Underline</u> 📝 **Input:** ``` ~~Strikethrough~~ <u>Underline</u> ``` Crossed out and underlined: ``` ~~<u>Underline</u>~~ ``` Results in: ~~<u>Underline</u>~~ Background Color for Text | You can give any word or text a background color of your choice. To assign a background color, just add another hash `#` after the color code to an already colored word. Example: This is a {green word}{#CCFFCC#} and the next one is a {red word}{#FFA1A5#}. 📝 **Input:** ``` This is a {green word}{#CCFFCC#} and the next one is a {red word}{#FFA1A5#}. ``` Colors are specified using {RGB color codes}{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_colors#Basic_colors}. Examples of RGB color codes: {Red #FF0000}{#FF0000} | {Green #00FF00}{#00FF00} | {Blue #0000FF}{#0000FF} !#backgroundcolor Subheadlines | A subheading can be set with two hash characters `##` followed by a space at the beginning of the line: ## Second heading 📝 **Input:** ``` ## Second heading ``` Another subheading can be set with three hash characters `###` followed by a space at the beginning of the line: ### Third heading 📝 **Input:** ``` ### Third heading ```Special Headlines | A special heading can be set by putting an exclamation mark in front of the hash character, i.e. `$#`: $# Special heading 📝 **Input:** ``` $# Special heading ``` With the use of such headings, texts can be better structured visually.Checkboxes | Checkboxes are easy to create using Markdown syntax. Example: [x] First Element [x] Second Element [x] Third Element 📝 **Input:** ``` [x] First Element [ ] Second Element [x] Third Element ``` 💖 In edit mode, you can click on the checkboxes within a box to check or uncheck them. The state of the checkboxes is saved in the box content. !#checkboxes (Semi)Transparent Background Colors | You can make the background of boxes and paths semi-transparent or fully transparent. To create a semi-transparent background you need to: 1. Edit the box and click “Edit color” (pencil icon). 2. Click “Edit Color” a second time 3. You will now see the transparency slider that you can adjust. If you want to apply the semi-transparent color to the whole box, you have to click on “Fill”. Introduction | ✔️ Here you will learn how the inputs in the box editor work: -- {Empty lines between elements}{!#lines} -- {Line breaks and new lines}{!#linebreaks} -- {Make words bold or italic}{!#bold} -- {Lists}{!#lists} -- {Indents}{!#indent} -- {Quotes}{!#quotes} -- {Links with Thumbnails}{!#thumbnails} -- {Links within text}{!#textlinks} -- {Labels for images and links}{!#labels} -- {Code Formatting}{!#code} -- {Use of Latex}{!#latex} -- {Superscripts and Subscripts}{!#supersub} -- {Hidden notes in boxes}{!#notes} -- {Spoilers}{!#spoiler} -- {Text color}{!#textcolor} -- {Background color for Text}{!#backgroundcolor} -- {Headlines}{!#headlines} -- {Horizontal dividing line}{!#divider} -- {Font sizes}{!#fontsizes} -- {Checkboxes}{!#checkboxes} -- {Tooltips for words (popups)}{!#tooltips} -- {Protect content with password}{!#password} -- {Conduct Polls}{!#polls} -- {Generate QR Codes}{!#qrcodes} -- {Create Tables}{!#tables} -- {Markdown}{!#markdown} ✔️ There are many formatting options that can be quickly applied. It only takes a few characters. ✔️ The formatting for texts is easy to learn. Formatting at a glance | The most frequently used formats shown at a glance: ``` *italic* and **bold** > Quote List: - One - Two Numbered list: 1. One 2. Two ?? Hidden text (spoiler)   Indented Text {Linked Text}{https://www.edumaps.de} ``` Use your own thumbnail | To set your own thumbnail of a website, proceed as follows: 1. Take a screenshot of the website. 2. Upload the screenshot into your box. 3. Enter the link to the website directly below the `UPLOAD1` text. 4. Also place an exclamation mark `!` in front of the link (`!LINK1`). This will link the preview image to the external website. 📝 **Input:** ``` UPLOAD1 !LINK1 ``` You can also add a title. Overall, it would look like this: ``` UPLOAD1 !LINK1 My Title ``` Font Sizes | You can set the font size differently for individual words. You can <big>increase</big> the font size and <small>decrease</small> the font size of words as follows: ``` <small>Small Text</small> <big>Big Text</big> ``` Changing the font size can be used in map titles, path titles, box titles and box contents. !#fontsizes Protect content with password | If you want to hide the content of a box and make it accessible only with a password, you can use the password function. Click on the dropdown arrow in the box editor and select "Password." Alternatively, you can also enter the password directly in the box editor: 📝 **Input:** ``` &&pw:yourpassword&& ``` Switch to the map view, and the content is now hidden and will only be displayed upon entering the correct password. !#password Conduct Polls | If you want to conduct a survey, where you specify the selectable options, you can use the {poll module}{https://www.edumaps.de/1086/1/xmgkv25gxf/f3u6hrdh5m}. You can find it in the dropdown under “Poll”. The poll must be enclosed within tags, for example: 📝 **Input:** ``` <poll> Option A Option B Option C </poll> ``` !#poll Generate QR Codes | If you want to generate a QR code, you can use the dropdown in the box editor and select “QR Code”. Enter the text or link that should be hidden behind the QR code. The QR code is generated dynamically immediately. You can change the text at any time. The QR code is updated instantly. 📝 **Input:** ``` {qrcode:My secrect text} ``` !#qrcodes Link text with upload | If you want to link a text that points to the upload, place an exclamation mark before and after `UPLOAD1` and then write the text to be linked, for example `!UPLOAD1! Example PDF`. This will link the text “Example PDF”. Alternatively, you can use curly brackets around `UPLOAD1` and insert the text as follows: `{My Example PDF}{UPLOAD1}`. This will link the text “My Example PDF”. Timed Spoiler | With the timed spoiler you can, for example, recreate learning with flashcards. Example: ??? This is a learning text that only appears for 10 seconds. If you click on the spoiler, it will be displayed for 10 seconds. Then it is hidden again. Timed spoilers are set with `???` at the beginning of a line. 📝 **Input:** ``` Example: ??? This is a learning text that only appears briefly. ``` !#timed-spoiler Create Tables | You can create tables in a box by entering the table as a code block. To do this, use 3 backticks (the ` character), then the table content, and then 3 backticks again. Example: ``` Head 1 | Head 2 | Head 3 Content A | Content B | ... 1235678 | 9012345 | ... ``` However, this requires manual formatting. !#tables Editor Bar | If you are working the first time with the editor, then the **editor bar** will help you to format the text. https://www.edumaps.de/file/4113787849728581552.png/i0wsuex Editor Bar Also note the other modules in the editor dropdown. https://www.edumaps.de/file/4094213677896413050.png/6brbb28 Modules in Editor Empty Lines between Elements | > Elements (photos, videos, links) have to be divided by empty lines. A contiguous text is recognized as **one element**, even though it continues on the next line. Example: ``` My text with line break ``` > My text with line break ⚠️ If we want to attach an image/video or a file, we have to insert **a blank line** in between. Otherwise the link belongs to the previous text. ❌ **Wrong:** ``` My text with line break New content here ``` ✔️ **Correct with new line in between:** ``` My text with line break New content here ``` !#lines Make words bold or italic | Bold with wrapping of two asterisks: **Bold text** Italic with wrapping of one asterisk: *Italic text* 📝 **Input:** ``` **Bold text** *Italic text* ``` Bold and italic: ``` ***bold-italic*** ``` !#bold Line breaks vs. new lines | Line breaks are rendered exactly as they are in the text editor. If you set a new line (with an empty line in front of it), then this counts as a new paragraph. However, if you just type Enter in the text editor and break the text, the text in the view is also broken. For example, the following input is displayed with line break: `It follows a new line.` !#linebreaks Simple List | You can generate a simple list with hyphens: - Test 1 - Test 2 - Test 3 📝 **Input:** ``` - Test 1 - Test 2 - Test 3 ``` !#lists Numbered List | Numbered lists can be created with double hyphens `--`: -- test 1 -- test 2 -- test 3 -- Hello and to the next line The numbering is done automatically. 📝 **Input:** ``` -- test 1 -- test 2 -- test 3 -- Hello and to the next line ``` 📝 **Alternative input with numbering:** ``` 1. test 1 2. test 2 3. test 3 4. Hello and to the next line ``` The numbering can also start with a different number. Example: 5. Fifth entry 6. Sixth entry 7. and so onCreate an indented list | A list can be indented by putting **a space** before each hyphen. Example: - One - Two - Three 📝 **Eingabe:** ```  - One  - Two  - Three ``` **Partial lists** are also possible: - Dog breeds - Dachshund - Shepherd - Beagle 📝 **Input:** ``` - Dog breeds - Dachshund - Shepherd - Beagle ``` Indent Text | Text can be indented by putting two spaces at the beginning of the line. For example: This is long indented text spanning multiple lines. 📝 **Input:** ``` This is long indented text spanning multiple lines. ``` !#indent Text indent with two levels | Text can be indented in two stages: Standard Indent Level 1 Indent Level 2 For the first level, two spaces have to be set at the beginning of the line. For the second stage, four spaces have to be set at the beginning of the line. 📝 **Input:** ``` Standard Indent Level 1 Indent Level 2 ``` Create Quotes | Quotations are created with a `>` at the beginning of the line: > All dreams can come true if we have the courage to follow them. 📝 **Input:** ``` > All dreams can come true if we have the courage to follow them. ``` A second type of quotations can be created with a `>>` at the beginning of the line: >> Errare humanum est. 📝 **Input:** ``` >> Errare humanum est. ``` !#quotes Links with Thumbnails | If a link to an external website is inserted, a **thumbnail** will be generated within 1 minute. For example: https://en.wikipedia.org/ 📝 **Input:** ``` https://en.wikipedia.org/ ``` ⚠️ A preview image is only generated if the link stands alone on a line. If the link is within text, it is displayed as a text link. !#thumbnails Link with thumbnail and custom text | If you want to set your own text under the thumbnail image, enter the text **directly on the next line** that follows the link. For example: https://en.wikipedia.org/ Website of Wikipedia 📝 **Input:** ``` https://en.wikipedia.org/ Website of Wikipedia ```Set text link (without thumbnail) | If you want to create a pure text link and prevent a link thumbnail image, put an exclamation mark `!` in front of the `https`. Oder aber man umschließt den Link mit geschweiften Klammern`{https://...}`. Example: This is a text link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canidae 📝 **Input:** ``` This is a text link: !https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canidae ``` or: ``` This is a text link: {https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canidae} ``` Links within Text | If the link is within the text, it is automatically displayed as an inline link - without a thumbnail image. Example of inline link: „This is an example link to https://www.wikipedia.de in the middle of the text.“ !#textlinks Link certain Text | If you want to link part of a text, this is also possible. Example: This is a {linked text}{https://www.edumaps.de/}. 📝 **Input:** ``` This is a {linked text}{https://www.edumaps.de/}. ``` Labels for Images and Links | A label (caption) can be assigned for each uploaded image, audio, video file, etc. This label (caption) can also be changed later on by changing the text below `UPLOAD`. `UPLOAD3 Photo of our School` to: `UPLOAD3 Photo of my old School` !#labels Info-Icon at Upload (image/PDF) | If you want to add information to your uploaded image or PDF (such as mentioning the source), you can do this as follows: 📝 **Input:** ``` UPLOAD3 {Source: https://www.externalpage.org/} ``` The text inside the curly brackets is displayed on the info icon when you mouse over or click on it. Example: https://www.edumaps.de/file/9060978978921139325.png/3jev7ad The info icon also works with the caption: 📝 **Input:** ``` UPLOAD3 Image label {Here is the text for the image} ``` Code Formatting | Set inline code with backticks. Example: `24·x + 12 = 5` `var x = 12;` `var y = 12;` `var z = x + y;` This way, you can also highlight `individual words`. However, they will have a monospaced font. 📝 **Input:** ``` Example: `24·x + 12 = 5` `var x = 12;` `var y = 12;` `var z = x + y;` ``` !#code Use of Latex | Latex as a block with surrounding dollar signs: $$ \int \limits_{2}^{\infty} + \frac{1}{2}·x^{45+y+{\alpha} } $$ Set Latex inline with \( 5x+2^x = 12 \) and continue writing. This can be used multiple times within a sentence \( x^2 \) und \( x^3 \). 📝 **Input:** ``` $$ \int \limits_{2}^{\infty} + \frac{1}{2}·x^{45+y+{\alpha} } $$ Set Latex inline with \( 5x+2^x = 12 \) and continue writing. This can be used multiple times within a sentence \( x^2 \) und \( x^3 \). ``` Note: For latex inside text labels, always use inline latex with `\( … \)` and not block latex. !#latex Superscripts and Subscripts | Superscript works with a caret and curly brackets. Example: x^{2y} Subscript works with underscore and curly brackets. Example: x_{1} 📝 **Input:** ``` Example: x^{2y} Example: x_{1} ``` !#supersub Hidden Notes in Boxes | You can add your own notes when you are in edit mode. **These notes are hidden in the map view.** Simply put two slashes `//` at the beginning of the line. The line will not be displayed in the map view. https://www.edumaps.de/file/18277788777790213356.png/eg4c12q Hidden note in edit mode !#notes Spoilers | Spoiler means: Content can be hidden and it can only be viewed when the user clicks on it. Example: ?? This is a hidden solution text. ?? https://www.edumaps.de/file/15951864615653000476.jpg/unhj8wy This is a hidden photo. Spoilers are simply set with `??` at the beginning of a line. 📝 **Input:** ``` Example: ?? This is a hidden solution text. ?? https://www.edumaps.de/file/15951864615653000476.jpg/unhj8wy This is a hidden photo. ``` !#spoiler Text Color | Words can be colored in any color. Example: This is a {blue word}{#0000FF}. 📝 **Input:** ``` This is a {blue word}{#0000FF}. ``` To do this, you need to know RGB color codes: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_colors#Basic_colors Examples of RGB color codes: - {red FF0000}{#FF0000} - {green 00FF00}{#00FF00} - {blue 0000FF}{#0000FF} - {gray 888888}{#888888} - {light grey CCC}{#CCC} - {maroon 800000}{#800000} - {yellow FFFF00}{#FFFF00} - {olive 808000}{#808000} - {lime green 00FF00}{#00FF00} - {dark green 008000}{#008000} - {sea green 008080}{#008080} - {navy blue 000080}{#000080} - {aqua 00FFFF}{#00FFFF} - {fuchsia FF00FF}{#FF00FF} - {violet 800080}{#800080} !#hexcolor !#textcolor Headlines | A heading can be set by putting a hash character `#` followed by a space at the beginning of the line. # My Headline 📝 **Input:** ``` # My Headline ``` !#headlines Horizontal Dividing Line | A horizontal line can be set inside a box with three hyphens `---` or `***`. Example: --- 📝 **Input:** ``` --- ``` !#divider Markdown | Our editor supports most of the Markdown syntax. Article about {Markdown (Wikipedia)}{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown}. If you have written your documents with Markdown, you can copy and paste their contents directly into our editor. !#markdown Tooltips for Words (Popups) | If you want to explain a certain word, a so-called "tooltip" is suitable for this, which displays an explanation as soon as the user moves the mouse over the word or clicks on the word on a mobile device. Example: An [Ocelot]{The ocelot is a species of carnivore native to Central and South America.} is not an [Axolotl]{The axolotl is an aquatic tailed amphibian}. 📝 **Input:** ``` An [ocelot]{The ocelot is a species of carnivore native to Central and South America.} is not an [axolotl]{The axolotl is an aquatic tailed amphibian}. ``` ⚠️ Tooltips may only consist of plain text and may not contain any links or uploads. !#tooltips Strikethrough and underline words | Strikethrough with enclosing two double tildes: ~~Strikethrough~~ Underlined with HTML syntax: <u>Underline</u> 📝 **Input:** ``` ~~Strikethrough~~ <u>Underline</u> ``` Crossed out and underlined: ``` ~~<u>Underline</u>~~ ``` Results in: ~~<u>Underline</u>~~ Background Color for Text | You can give any word or text a background color of your choice. To assign a background color, just add another hash `#` after the color code to an already colored word. Example: This is a {green word}{#CCFFCC#} and the next one is a {red word}{#FFA1A5#}. 📝 **Input:** ``` This is a {green word}{#CCFFCC#} and the next one is a {red word}{#FFA1A5#}. ``` Colors are specified using {RGB color codes}{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_colors#Basic_colors}. Examples of RGB color codes: {Red #FF0000}{#FF0000} | {Green #00FF00}{#00FF00} | {Blue #0000FF}{#0000FF} !#backgroundcolor Subheadlines | A subheading can be set with two hash characters `##` followed by a space at the beginning of the line: ## Second heading 📝 **Input:** ``` ## Second heading ``` Another subheading can be set with three hash characters `###` followed by a space at the beginning of the line: ### Third heading 📝 **Input:** ``` ### Third heading ```Special Headlines | A special heading can be set by putting an exclamation mark in front of the hash character, i.e. `$#`: $# Special heading 📝 **Input:** ``` $# Special heading ``` With the use of such headings, texts can be better structured visually.Checkboxes | Checkboxes are easy to create using Markdown syntax. Example: [x] First Element [x] Second Element [x] Third Element 📝 **Input:** ``` [x] First Element [ ] Second Element [x] Third Element ``` 💖 In edit mode, you can click on the checkboxes within a box to check or uncheck them. The state of the checkboxes is saved in the box content. !#checkboxes (Semi)Transparent Background Colors | You can make the background of boxes and paths semi-transparent or fully transparent. To create a semi-transparent background you need to: 1. Edit the box and click “Edit color” (pencil icon). 2. Click “Edit Color” a second time 3. You will now see the transparency slider that you can adjust. If you want to apply the semi-transparent color to the whole box, you have to click on “Fill”. Introduction | ✔️ Here you will learn how the inputs in the box editor work: -- {Empty lines between elements}{!#lines} -- {Line breaks and new lines}{!#linebreaks} -- {Make words bold or italic}{!#bold} -- {Lists}{!#lists} -- {Indents}{!#indent} -- {Quotes}{!#quotes} -- {Links with Thumbnails}{!#thumbnails} -- {Links within text}{!#textlinks} -- {Labels for images and links}{!#labels} -- {Code Formatting}{!#code} -- {Use of Latex}{!#latex} -- {Superscripts and Subscripts}{!#supersub} -- {Hidden notes in boxes}{!#notes} -- {Spoilers}{!#spoiler} -- {Text color}{!#textcolor} -- {Background color for Text}{!#backgroundcolor} -- {Headlines}{!#headlines} -- {Horizontal dividing line}{!#divider} -- {Font sizes}{!#fontsizes} -- {Checkboxes}{!#checkboxes} -- {Tooltips for words (popups)}{!#tooltips} -- {Protect content with password}{!#password} -- {Conduct Polls}{!#polls} -- {Generate QR Codes}{!#qrcodes} -- {Create Tables}{!#tables} -- {Markdown}{!#markdown} ✔️ There are many formatting options that can be quickly applied. It only takes a few characters. ✔️ The formatting for texts is easy to learn. Formatting at a glance | The most frequently used formats shown at a glance: ``` *italic* and **bold** > Quote List: - One - Two Numbered list: 1. One 2. Two ?? Hidden text (spoiler)   Indented Text {Linked Text}{https://www.edumaps.de} ``` Use your own thumbnail | To set your own thumbnail of a website, proceed as follows: 1. Take a screenshot of the website. 2. Upload the screenshot into your box. 3. Enter the link to the website directly below the `UPLOAD1` text. 4. Also place an exclamation mark `!` in front of the link (`!LINK1`). This will link the preview image to the external website. 📝 **Input:** ``` UPLOAD1 !LINK1 ``` You can also add a title. Overall, it would look like this: ``` UPLOAD1 !LINK1 My Title ``` Font Sizes | You can set the font size differently for individual words. You can <big>increase</big> the font size and <small>decrease</small> the font size of words as follows: ``` <small>Small Text</small> <big>Big Text</big> ``` Changing the font size can be used in map titles, path titles, box titles and box contents. !#fontsizes Protect content with password | If you want to hide the content of a box and make it accessible only with a password, you can use the password function. Click on the dropdown arrow in the box editor and select "Password." Alternatively, you can also enter the password directly in the box editor: 📝 **Input:** ``` &&pw:yourpassword&& ``` Switch to the map view, and the content is now hidden and will only be displayed upon entering the correct password. !#password Conduct Polls | If you want to conduct a survey, where you specify the selectable options, you can use the {poll module}{https://www.edumaps.de/1086/1/xmgkv25gxf/f3u6hrdh5m}. You can find it in the dropdown under “Poll”. The poll must be enclosed within tags, for example: 📝 **Input:** ``` <poll> Option A Option B Option C </poll> ``` !#poll Generate QR Codes | If you want to generate a QR code, you can use the dropdown in the box editor and select “QR Code”. Enter the text or link that should be hidden behind the QR code. The QR code is generated dynamically immediately. You can change the text at any time. The QR code is updated instantly. 📝 **Input:** ``` {qrcode:My secrect text} ``` !#qrcodes Link text with upload | If you want to link a text that points to the upload, place an exclamation mark before and after `UPLOAD1` and then write the text to be linked, for example `!UPLOAD1! Example PDF`. This will link the text “Example PDF”. Alternatively, you can use curly brackets around `UPLOAD1` and insert the text as follows: `{My Example PDF}{UPLOAD1}`. This will link the text “My Example PDF”. Timed Spoiler | With the timed spoiler you can, for example, recreate learning with flashcards. Example: ??? This is a learning text that only appears for 10 seconds. If you click on the spoiler, it will be displayed for 10 seconds. Then it is hidden again. Timed spoilers are set with `???` at the beginning of a line. 📝 **Input:** ``` Example: ??? This is a learning text that only appears briefly. ``` !#timed-spoiler Create Tables | You can create tables in a box by entering the table as a code block. To do this, use 3 backticks (the ` character), then the table content, and then 3 backticks again. Example: ``` Head 1 | Head 2 | Head 3 Content A | Content B | ... 1235678 | 9012345 | ... ``` However, this requires manual formatting. !#tables Editor Bar | If you are working the first time with the editor, then the **editor bar** will help you to format the text. https://www.edumaps.de/file/4113787849728581552.png/i0wsuex Editor Bar Also note the other modules in the editor dropdown. https://www.edumaps.de/file/4094213677896413050.png/6brbb28 Modules in Editor Empty Lines between Elements | > Elements (photos, videos, links) have to be divided by empty lines. A contiguous text is recognized as **one element**, even though it continues on the next line. Example: ``` My text with line break ``` > My text with line break ⚠️ If we want to attach an image/video or a file, we have to insert **a blank line** in between. Otherwise the link belongs to the previous text. ❌ **Wrong:** ``` My text with line break New content here ``` ✔️ **Correct with new line in between:** ``` My text with line break New content here ``` !#lines Make words bold or italic | Bold with wrapping of two asterisks: **Bold text** Italic with wrapping of one asterisk: *Italic text* 📝 **Input:** ``` **Bold text** *Italic text* ``` Bold and italic: ``` ***bold-italic*** ``` !#bold Line breaks vs. new lines | Line breaks are rendered exactly as they are in the text editor. If you set a new line (with an empty line in front of it), then this counts as a new paragraph. However, if you just type Enter in the text editor and break the text, the text in the view is also broken. For example, the following input is displayed with line break: `It follows a new line.` !#linebreaks Simple List | You can generate a simple list with hyphens: - Test 1 - Test 2 - Test 3 📝 **Input:** ``` - Test 1 - Test 2 - Test 3 ``` !#lists Numbered List | Numbered lists can be created with double hyphens `--`: -- test 1 -- test 2 -- test 3 -- Hello and to the next line The numbering is done automatically. 📝 **Input:** ``` -- test 1 -- test 2 -- test 3 -- Hello and to the next line ``` 📝 **Alternative input with numbering:** ``` 1. test 1 2. test 2 3. test 3 4. Hello and to the next line ``` The numbering can also start with a different number. Example: 5. Fifth entry 6. Sixth entry 7. and so onCreate an indented list | A list can be indented by putting **a space** before each hyphen. Example: - One - Two - Three 📝 **Eingabe:** ```  - One  - Two  - Three ``` **Partial lists** are also possible: - Dog breeds - Dachshund - Shepherd - Beagle 📝 **Input:** ``` - Dog breeds - Dachshund - Shepherd - Beagle ``` Indent Text | Text can be indented by putting two spaces at the beginning of the line. For example: This is long indented text spanning multiple lines. 📝 **Input:** ``` This is long indented text spanning multiple lines. ``` !#indent Text indent with two levels | Text can be indented in two stages: Standard Indent Level 1 Indent Level 2 For the first level, two spaces have to be set at the beginning of the line. For the second stage, four spaces have to be set at the beginning of the line. 📝 **Input:** ``` Standard Indent Level 1 Indent Level 2 ``` Create Quotes | Quotations are created with a `>` at the beginning of the line: > All dreams can come true if we have the courage to follow them. 📝 **Input:** ``` > All dreams can come true if we have the courage to follow them. ``` A second type of quotations can be created with a `>>` at the beginning of the line: >> Errare humanum est. 📝 **Input:** ``` >> Errare humanum est. ``` !#quotes Links with Thumbnails | If a link to an external website is inserted, a **thumbnail** will be generated within 1 minute. For example: https://en.wikipedia.org/ 📝 **Input:** ``` https://en.wikipedia.org/ ``` ⚠️ A preview image is only generated if the link stands alone on a line. If the link is within text, it is displayed as a text link. !#thumbnails Link with thumbnail and custom text | If you want to set your own text under the thumbnail image, enter the text **directly on the next line** that follows the link. For example: https://en.wikipedia.org/ Website of Wikipedia 📝 **Input:** ``` https://en.wikipedia.org/ Website of Wikipedia ```Set text link (without thumbnail) | If you want to create a pure text link and prevent a link thumbnail image, put an exclamation mark `!` in front of the `https`. Oder aber man umschließt den Link mit geschweiften Klammern`{https://...}`. Example: This is a text link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canidae 📝 **Input:** ``` This is a text link: !https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canidae ``` or: ``` This is a text link: {https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canidae} ``` Links within Text | If the link is within the text, it is automatically displayed as an inline link - without a thumbnail image. Example of inline link: „This is an example link to https://www.wikipedia.de in the middle of the text.“ !#textlinks Link certain Text | If you want to link part of a text, this is also possible. Example: This is a {linked text}{https://www.edumaps.de/}. 📝 **Input:** ``` This is a {linked text}{https://www.edumaps.de/}. ``` Labels for Images and Links | A label (caption) can be assigned for each uploaded image, audio, video file, etc. This label (caption) can also be changed later on by changing the text below `UPLOAD`. `UPLOAD3 Photo of our School` to: `UPLOAD3 Photo of my old School` !#labels Info-Icon at Upload (image/PDF) | If you want to add information to your uploaded image or PDF (such as mentioning the source), you can do this as follows: 📝 **Input:** ``` UPLOAD3 {Source: https://www.externalpage.org/} ``` The text inside the curly brackets is displayed on the info icon when you mouse over or click on it. Example: https://www.edumaps.de/file/9060978978921139325.png/3jev7ad The info icon also works with the caption: 📝 **Input:** ``` UPLOAD3 Image label {Here is the text for the image} ``` Code Formatting | Set inline code with backticks. Example: `24·x + 12 = 5` `var x = 12;` `var y = 12;` `var z = x + y;` This way, you can also highlight `individual words`. However, they will have a monospaced font. 📝 **Input:** ``` Example: `24·x + 12 = 5` `var x = 12;` `var y = 12;` `var z = x + y;` ``` !#code Use of Latex | Latex as a block with surrounding dollar signs: $$ \int \limits_{2}^{\infty} + \frac{1}{2}·x^{45+y+{\alpha} } $$ Set Latex inline with \( 5x+2^x = 12 \) and continue writing. This can be used multiple times within a sentence \( x^2 \) und \( x^3 \). 📝 **Input:** ``` $$ \int \limits_{2}^{\infty} + \frac{1}{2}·x^{45+y+{\alpha} } $$ Set Latex inline with \( 5x+2^x = 12 \) and continue writing. This can be used multiple times within a sentence \( x^2 \) und \( x^3 \). ``` Note: For latex inside text labels, always use inline latex with `\( … \)` and not block latex. !#latex Superscripts and Subscripts | Superscript works with a caret and curly brackets. Example: x^{2y} Subscript works with underscore and curly brackets. Example: x_{1} 📝 **Input:** ``` Example: x^{2y} Example: x_{1} ``` !#supersub Hidden Notes in Boxes | You can add your own notes when you are in edit mode. **These notes are hidden in the map view.** Simply put two slashes `//` at the beginning of the line. The line will not be displayed in the map view. https://www.edumaps.de/file/18277788777790213356.png/eg4c12q Hidden note in edit mode !#notes Spoilers | Spoiler means: Content can be hidden and it can only be viewed when the user clicks on it. Example: ?? This is a hidden solution text. ?? https://www.edumaps.de/file/15951864615653000476.jpg/unhj8wy This is a hidden photo. Spoilers are simply set with `??` at the beginning of a line. 📝 **Input:** ``` Example: ?? This is a hidden solution text. ?? https://www.edumaps.de/file/15951864615653000476.jpg/unhj8wy This is a hidden photo. ``` !#spoiler Text Color | Words can be colored in any color. Example: This is a {blue word}{#0000FF}. 📝 **Input:** ``` This is a {blue word}{#0000FF}. ``` To do this, you need to know RGB color codes: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_colors#Basic_colors Examples of RGB color codes: - {red FF0000}{#FF0000} - {green 00FF00}{#00FF00} - {blue 0000FF}{#0000FF} - {gray 888888}{#888888} - {light grey CCC}{#CCC} - {maroon 800000}{#800000} - {yellow FFFF00}{#FFFF00} - {olive 808000}{#808000} - {lime green 00FF00}{#00FF00} - {dark green 008000}{#008000} - {sea green 008080}{#008080} - {navy blue 000080}{#000080} - {aqua 00FFFF}{#00FFFF} - {fuchsia FF00FF}{#FF00FF} - {violet 800080}{#800080} !#hexcolor !#textcolor Headlines | A heading can be set by putting a hash character `#` followed by a space at the beginning of the line. # My Headline 📝 **Input:** ``` # My Headline ``` !#headlines Horizontal Dividing Line | A horizontal line can be set inside a box with three hyphens `---` or `***`. Example: --- 📝 **Input:** ``` --- ``` !#divider Markdown | Our editor supports most of the Markdown syntax. Article about {Markdown (Wikipedia)}{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown}. If you have written your documents with Markdown, you can copy and paste their contents directly into our editor. !#markdown Tooltips for Words (Popups) | If you want to explain a certain word, a so-called "tooltip" is suitable for this, which displays an explanation as soon as the user moves the mouse over the word or clicks on the word on a mobile device. Example: An [Ocelot]{The ocelot is a species of carnivore native to Central and South America.} is not an [Axolotl]{The axolotl is an aquatic tailed amphibian}. 📝 **Input:** ``` An [ocelot]{The ocelot is a species of carnivore native to Central and South America.} is not an [axolotl]{The axolotl is an aquatic tailed amphibian}. ``` ⚠️ Tooltips may only consist of plain text and may not contain any links or uploads. !#tooltips Strikethrough and underline words | Strikethrough with enclosing two double tildes: ~~Strikethrough~~ Underlined with HTML syntax: <u>Underline</u> 📝 **Input:** ``` ~~Strikethrough~~ <u>Underline</u> ``` Crossed out and underlined: ``` ~~<u>Underline</u>~~ ``` Results in: ~~<u>Underline</u>~~ Background Color for Text | You can give any word or text a background color of your choice. To assign a background color, just add another hash `#` after the color code to an already colored word. Example: This is a {green word}{#CCFFCC#} and the next one is a {red word}{#FFA1A5#}. 📝 **Input:** ``` This is a {green word}{#CCFFCC#} and the next one is a {red word}{#FFA1A5#}. ``` Colors are specified using {RGB color codes}{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_colors#Basic_colors}. Examples of RGB color codes: {Red #FF0000}{#FF0000} | {Green #00FF00}{#00FF00} | {Blue #0000FF}{#0000FF} !#backgroundcolor Subheadlines | A subheading can be set with two hash characters `##` followed by a space at the beginning of the line: ## Second heading 📝 **Input:** ``` ## Second heading ``` Another subheading can be set with three hash characters `###` followed by a space at the beginning of the line: ### Third heading 📝 **Input:** ``` ### Third heading ```Special Headlines | A special heading can be set by putting an exclamation mark in front of the hash character, i.e. `$#`: $# Special heading 📝 **Input:** ``` $# Special heading ``` With the use of such headings, texts can be better structured visually.Checkboxes | Checkboxes are easy to create using Markdown syntax. Example: [x] First Element [x] Second Element [x] Third Element 📝 **Input:** ``` [x] First Element [ ] Second Element [x] Third Element ``` 💖 In edit mode, you can click on the checkboxes within a box to check or uncheck them. The state of the checkboxes is saved in the box content. !#checkboxes (Semi)Transparent Background Colors | You can make the background of boxes and paths semi-transparent or fully transparent. To create a semi-transparent background you need to: 1. Edit the box and click “Edit color” (pencil icon). 2. Click “Edit Color” a second time 3. You will now see the transparency slider that you can adjust. If you want to apply the semi-transparent color to the whole box, you have to click on “Fill”. Introduction | ✔️ Here you will learn how the inputs in the box editor work: -- {Empty lines between elements}{!#lines} -- {Line breaks and new lines}{!#linebreaks} -- {Make words bold or italic}{!#bold} -- {Lists}{!#lists} -- {Indents}{!#indent} -- {Quotes}{!#quotes} -- {Links with Thumbnails}{!#thumbnails} -- {Links within text}{!#textlinks} -- {Labels for images and links}{!#labels} -- {Code Formatting}{!#code} -- {Use of Latex}{!#latex} -- {Superscripts and Subscripts}{!#supersub} -- {Hidden notes in boxes}{!#notes} -- {Spoilers}{!#spoiler} -- {Text color}{!#textcolor} -- {Background color for Text}{!#backgroundcolor} -- {Headlines}{!#headlines} -- {Horizontal dividing line}{!#divider} -- {Font sizes}{!#fontsizes} -- {Checkboxes}{!#checkboxes} -- {Tooltips for words (popups)}{!#tooltips} -- {Protect content with password}{!#password} -- {Conduct Polls}{!#polls} -- {Generate QR Codes}{!#qrcodes} -- {Create Tables}{!#tables} -- {Markdown}{!#markdown} ✔️ There are many formatting options that can be quickly applied. It only takes a few characters. ✔️ The formatting for texts is easy to learn. Formatting at a glance | The most frequently used formats shown at a glance: ``` *italic* and **bold** > Quote List: - One - Two Numbered list: 1. One 2. Two ?? Hidden text (spoiler)   Indented Text {Linked Text}{https://www.edumaps.de} ``` Use your own thumbnail | To set your own thumbnail of a website, proceed as follows: 1. Take a screenshot of the website. 2. Upload the screenshot into your box. 3. Enter the link to the website directly below the `UPLOAD1` text. 4. Also place an exclamation mark `!` in front of the link (`!LINK1`). This will link the preview image to the external website. 📝 **Input:** ``` UPLOAD1 !LINK1 ``` You can also add a title. Overall, it would look like this: ``` UPLOAD1 !LINK1 My Title ``` Font Sizes | You can set the font size differently for individual words. You can <big>increase</big> the font size and <small>decrease</small> the font size of words as follows: ``` <small>Small Text</small> <big>Big Text</big> ``` Changing the font size can be used in map titles, path titles, box titles and box contents. !#fontsizes Protect content with password | If you want to hide the content of a box and make it accessible only with a password, you can use the password function. Click on the dropdown arrow in the box editor and select "Password." Alternatively, you can also enter the password directly in the box editor: 📝 **Input:** ``` &&pw:yourpassword&& ``` Switch to the map view, and the content is now hidden and will only be displayed upon entering the correct password. !#password Conduct Polls | If you want to conduct a survey, where you specify the selectable options, you can use the {poll module}{https://www.edumaps.de/1086/1/xmgkv25gxf/f3u6hrdh5m}. You can find it in the dropdown under “Poll”. The poll must be enclosed within tags, for example: 📝 **Input:** ``` <poll> Option A Option B Option C </poll> ``` !#poll Generate QR Codes | If you want to generate a QR code, you can use the dropdown in the box editor and select “QR Code”. Enter the text or link that should be hidden behind the QR code. The QR code is generated dynamically immediately. You can change the text at any time. The QR code is updated instantly. 📝 **Input:** ``` {qrcode:My secrect text} ``` !#qrcodes Link text with upload | If you want to link a text that points to the upload, place an exclamation mark before and after `UPLOAD1` and then write the text to be linked, for example `!UPLOAD1! Example PDF`. This will link the text “Example PDF”. Alternatively, you can use curly brackets around `UPLOAD1` and insert the text as follows: `{My Example PDF}{UPLOAD1}`. This will link the text “My Example PDF”. Timed Spoiler | With the timed spoiler you can, for example, recreate learning with flashcards. Example: ??? This is a learning text that only appears for 10 seconds. If you click on the spoiler, it will be displayed for 10 seconds. Then it is hidden again. Timed spoilers are set with `???` at the beginning of a line. 📝 **Input:** ``` Example: ??? This is a learning text that only appears briefly. ``` !#timed-spoiler Create Tables | You can create tables in a box by entering the table as a code block. To do this, use 3 backticks (the ` character), then the table content, and then 3 backticks again. Example: ``` Head 1 | Head 2 | Head 3 Content A | Content B | ... 1235678 | 9012345 | ... ``` However, this requires manual formatting. !#tables Editor Bar | If you are working the first time with the editor, then the **editor bar** will help you to format the text. https://www.edumaps.de/file/4113787849728581552.png/i0wsuex Editor Bar Also note the other modules in the editor dropdown. https://www.edumaps.de/file/4094213677896413050.png/6brbb28 Modules in Editor Empty Lines between Elements | > Elements (photos, videos, links) have to be divided by empty lines. A contiguous text is recognized as **one element**, even though it continues on the next line. Example: ``` My text with line break ``` > My text with line break ⚠️ If we want to attach an image/video or a file, we have to insert **a blank line** in between. Otherwise the link belongs to the previous text. ❌ **Wrong:** ``` My text with line break New content here ``` ✔️ **Correct with new line in between:** ``` My text with line break New content here ``` !#lines Make words bold or italic | Bold with wrapping of two asterisks: **Bold text** Italic with wrapping of one asterisk: *Italic text* 📝 **Input:** ``` **Bold text** *Italic text* ``` Bold and italic: ``` ***bold-italic*** ``` !#bold Line breaks vs. new lines | Line breaks are rendered exactly as they are in the text editor. If you set a new line (with an empty line in front of it), then this counts as a new paragraph. However, if you just type Enter in the text editor and break the text, the text in the view is also broken. For example, the following input is displayed with line break: `It follows a new line.` !#linebreaks Simple List | You can generate a simple list with hyphens: - Test 1 - Test 2 - Test 3 📝 **Input:** ``` - Test 1 - Test 2 - Test 3 ``` !#lists Numbered List | Numbered lists can be created with double hyphens `--`: -- test 1 -- test 2 -- test 3 -- Hello and to the next line The numbering is done automatically. 📝 **Input:** ``` -- test 1 -- test 2 -- test 3 -- Hello and to the next line ``` 📝 **Alternative input with numbering:** ``` 1. test 1 2. test 2 3. test 3 4. Hello and to the next line ``` The numbering can also start with a different number. Example: 5. Fifth entry 6. Sixth entry 7. and so onCreate an indented list | A list can be indented by putting **a space** before each hyphen. Example: - One - Two - Three 📝 **Eingabe:** ```  - One  - Two  - Three ``` **Partial lists** are also possible: - Dog breeds - Dachshund - Shepherd - Beagle 📝 **Input:** ``` - Dog breeds - Dachshund - Shepherd - Beagle ``` Indent Text | Text can be indented by putting two spaces at the beginning of the line. For example: This is long indented text spanning multiple lines. 📝 **Input:** ``` This is long indented text spanning multiple lines. ``` !#indent Text indent with two levels | Text can be indented in two stages: Standard Indent Level 1 Indent Level 2 For the first level, two spaces have to be set at the beginning of the line. For the second stage, four spaces have to be set at the beginning of the line. 📝 **Input:** ``` Standard Indent Level 1 Indent Level 2 ``` Create Quotes | Quotations are created with a `>` at the beginning of the line: > All dreams can come true if we have the courage to follow them. 📝 **Input:** ``` > All dreams can come true if we have the courage to follow them. ``` A second type of quotations can be created with a `>>` at the beginning of the line: >> Errare humanum est. 📝 **Input:** ``` >> Errare humanum est. ``` !#quotes Links with Thumbnails | If a link to an external website is inserted, a **thumbnail** will be generated within 1 minute. For example: https://en.wikipedia.org/ 📝 **Input:** ``` https://en.wikipedia.org/ ``` ⚠️ A preview image is only generated if the link stands alone on a line. If the link is within text, it is displayed as a text link. !#thumbnails Link with thumbnail and custom text | If you want to set your own text under the thumbnail image, enter the text **directly on the next line** that follows the link. For example: https://en.wikipedia.org/ Website of Wikipedia 📝 **Input:** ``` https://en.wikipedia.org/ Website of Wikipedia ```Set text link (without thumbnail) | If you want to create a pure text link and prevent a link thumbnail image, put an exclamation mark `!` in front of the `https`. Oder aber man umschließt den Link mit geschweiften Klammern`{https://...}`. Example: This is a text link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canidae 📝 **Input:** ``` This is a text link: !https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canidae ``` or: ``` This is a text link: {https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canidae} ``` Links within Text | If the link is within the text, it is automatically displayed as an inline link - without a thumbnail image. Example of inline link: „This is an example link to https://www.wikipedia.de in the middle of the text.“ !#textlinks Link certain Text | If you want to link part of a text, this is also possible. Example: This is a {linked text}{https://www.edumaps.de/}. 📝 **Input:** ``` This is a {linked text}{https://www.edumaps.de/}. ``` Labels for Images and Links | A label (caption) can be assigned for each uploaded image, audio, video file, etc. This label (caption) can also be changed later on by changing the text below `UPLOAD`. `UPLOAD3 Photo of our School` to: `UPLOAD3 Photo of my old School` !#labels Info-Icon at Upload (image/PDF) | If you want to add information to your uploaded image or PDF (such as mentioning the source), you can do this as follows: 📝 **Input:** ``` UPLOAD3 {Source: https://www.externalpage.org/} ``` The text inside the curly brackets is displayed on the info icon when you mouse over or click on it. Example: https://www.edumaps.de/file/9060978978921139325.png/3jev7ad The info icon also works with the caption: 📝 **Input:** ``` UPLOAD3 Image label {Here is the text for the image} ``` Code Formatting | Set inline code with backticks. Example: `24·x + 12 = 5` `var x = 12;` `var y = 12;` `var z = x + y;` This way, you can also highlight `individual words`. However, they will have a monospaced font. 📝 **Input:** ``` Example: `24·x + 12 = 5` `var x = 12;` `var y = 12;` `var z = x + y;` ``` !#code Use of Latex | Latex as a block with surrounding dollar signs: $$ \int \limits_{2}^{\infty} + \frac{1}{2}·x^{45+y+{\alpha} } $$ Set Latex inline with \( 5x+2^x = 12 \) and continue writing. This can be used multiple times within a sentence \( x^2 \) und \( x^3 \). 📝 **Input:** ``` $$ \int \limits_{2}^{\infty} + \frac{1}{2}·x^{45+y+{\alpha} } $$ Set Latex inline with \( 5x+2^x = 12 \) and continue writing. This can be used multiple times within a sentence \( x^2 \) und \( x^3 \). ``` Note: For latex inside text labels, always use inline latex with `\( … \)` and not block latex. !#latex Superscripts and Subscripts | Superscript works with a caret and curly brackets. Example: x^{2y} Subscript works with underscore and curly brackets. Example: x_{1} 📝 **Input:** ``` Example: x^{2y} Example: x_{1} ``` !#supersub Hidden Notes in Boxes | You can add your own notes when you are in edit mode. **These notes are hidden in the map view.** Simply put two slashes `//` at the beginning of the line. The line will not be displayed in the map view. https://www.edumaps.de/file/18277788777790213356.png/eg4c12q Hidden note in edit mode !#notes Spoilers | Spoiler means: Content can be hidden and it can only be viewed when the user clicks on it. Example: ?? This is a hidden solution text. ?? https://www.edumaps.de/file/15951864615653000476.jpg/unhj8wy This is a hidden photo. Spoilers are simply set with `??` at the beginning of a line. 📝 **Input:** ``` Example: ?? This is a hidden solution text. ?? https://www.edumaps.de/file/15951864615653000476.jpg/unhj8wy This is a hidden photo. ``` !#spoiler Text Color | Words can be colored in any color. Example: This is a {blue word}{#0000FF}. 📝 **Input:** ``` This is a {blue word}{#0000FF}. ``` To do this, you need to know RGB color codes: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_colors#Basic_colors Examples of RGB color codes: - {red FF0000}{#FF0000} - {green 00FF00}{#00FF00} - {blue 0000FF}{#0000FF} - {gray 888888}{#888888} - {light grey CCC}{#CCC} - {maroon 800000}{#800000} - {yellow FFFF00}{#FFFF00} - {olive 808000}{#808000} - {lime green 00FF00}{#00FF00} - {dark green 008000}{#008000} - {sea green 008080}{#008080} - {navy blue 000080}{#000080} - {aqua 00FFFF}{#00FFFF} - {fuchsia FF00FF}{#FF00FF} - {violet 800080}{#800080} !#hexcolor !#textcolor Headlines | A heading can be set by putting a hash character `#` followed by a space at the beginning of the line. # My Headline 📝 **Input:** ``` # My Headline ``` !#headlines Horizontal Dividing Line | A horizontal line can be set inside a box with three hyphens `---` or `***`. Example: --- 📝 **Input:** ``` --- ``` !#divider Markdown | Our editor supports most of the Markdown syntax. Article about {Markdown (Wikipedia)}{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown}. If you have written your documents with Markdown, you can copy and paste their contents directly into our editor. !#markdown Tooltips for Words (Popups) | If you want to explain a certain word, a so-called "tooltip" is suitable for this, which displays an explanation as soon as the user moves the mouse over the word or clicks on the word on a mobile device. Example: An [Ocelot]{The ocelot is a species of carnivore native to Central and South America.} is not an [Axolotl]{The axolotl is an aquatic tailed amphibian}. 📝 **Input:** ``` An [ocelot]{The ocelot is a species of carnivore native to Central and South America.} is not an [axolotl]{The axolotl is an aquatic tailed amphibian}. ``` ⚠️ Tooltips may only consist of plain text and may not contain any links or uploads. !#tooltips Strikethrough and underline words | Strikethrough with enclosing two double tildes: ~~Strikethrough~~ Underlined with HTML syntax: <u>Underline</u> 📝 **Input:** ``` ~~Strikethrough~~ <u>Underline</u> ``` Crossed out and underlined: ``` ~~<u>Underline</u>~~ ``` Results in: ~~<u>Underline</u>~~ Background Color for Text | You can give any word or text a background color of your choice. To assign a background color, just add another hash `#` after the color code to an already colored word. Example: This is a {green word}{#CCFFCC#} and the next one is a {red word}{#FFA1A5#}. 📝 **Input:** ``` This is a {green word}{#CCFFCC#} and the next one is a {red word}{#FFA1A5#}. ``` Colors are specified using {RGB color codes}{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_colors#Basic_colors}. Examples of RGB color codes: {Red #FF0000}{#FF0000} | {Green #00FF00}{#00FF00} | {Blue #0000FF}{#0000FF} !#backgroundcolor Subheadlines | A subheading can be set with two hash characters `##` followed by a space at the beginning of the line: ## Second heading 📝 **Input:** ``` ## Second heading ``` Another subheading can be set with three hash characters `###` followed by a space at the beginning of the line: ### Third heading 📝 **Input:** ``` ### Third heading ```Special Headlines | A special heading can be set by putting an exclamation mark in front of the hash character, i.e. `$#`: $# Special heading 📝 **Input:** ``` $# Special heading ``` With the use of such headings, texts can be better structured visually.Checkboxes | Checkboxes are easy to create using Markdown syntax. Example: [x] First Element [x] Second Element [x] Third Element 📝 **Input:** ``` [x] First Element [ ] Second Element [x] Third Element ``` 💖 In edit mode, you can click on the checkboxes within a box to check or uncheck them. The state of the checkboxes is saved in the box content. !#checkboxes (Semi)Transparent Background Colors | You can make the background of boxes and paths semi-transparent or fully transparent. To create a semi-transparent background you need to: 1. Edit the box and click “Edit color” (pencil icon). 2. Click “Edit Color” a second time 3. You will now see the transparency slider that you can adjust. If you want to apply the semi-transparent color to the whole box, you have to click on “Fill”. Introduction | ✔️ Here you will learn how the inputs in the box editor work: -- {Empty lines between elements}{!#lines} -- {Line breaks and new lines}{!#linebreaks} -- {Make words bold or italic}{!#bold} -- {Lists}{!#lists} -- {Indents}{!#indent} -- {Quotes}{!#quotes} -- {Links with Thumbnails}{!#thumbnails} -- {Links within text}{!#textlinks} -- {Labels for images and links}{!#labels} -- {Code Formatting}{!#code} -- {Use of Latex}{!#latex} -- {Superscripts and Subscripts}{!#supersub} -- {Hidden notes in boxes}{!#notes} -- {Spoilers}{!#spoiler} -- {Text color}{!#textcolor} -- {Background color for Text}{!#backgroundcolor} -- {Headlines}{!#headlines} -- {Horizontal dividing line}{!#divider} -- {Font sizes}{!#fontsizes} -- {Checkboxes}{!#checkboxes} -- {Tooltips for words (popups)}{!#tooltips} -- {Protect content with password}{!#password} -- {Conduct Polls}{!#polls} -- {Generate QR Codes}{!#qrcodes} -- {Create Tables}{!#tables} -- {Markdown}{!#markdown} ✔️ There are many formatting options that can be quickly applied. It only takes a few characters. ✔️ The formatting for texts is easy to learn. Formatting at a glance | The most frequently used formats shown at a glance: ``` *italic* and **bold** > Quote List: - One - Two Numbered list: 1. One 2. Two ?? Hidden text (spoiler)   Indented Text {Linked Text}{https://www.edumaps.de} ``` Use your own thumbnail | To set your own thumbnail of a website, proceed as follows: 1. Take a screenshot of the website. 2. Upload the screenshot into your box. 3. Enter the link to the website directly below the `UPLOAD1` text. 4. Also place an exclamation mark `!` in front of the link (`!LINK1`). This will link the preview image to the external website. 📝 **Input:** ``` UPLOAD1 !LINK1 ``` You can also add a title. Overall, it would look like this: ``` UPLOAD1 !LINK1 My Title ``` Font Sizes | You can set the font size differently for individual words. You can <big>increase</big> the font size and <small>decrease</small> the font size of words as follows: ``` <small>Small Text</small> <big>Big Text</big> ``` Changing the font size can be used in map titles, path titles, box titles and box contents. !#fontsizes Protect content with password | If you want to hide the content of a box and make it accessible only with a password, you can use the password function. Click on the dropdown arrow in the box editor and select "Password." Alternatively, you can also enter the password directly in the box editor: 📝 **Input:** ``` &&pw:yourpassword&& ``` Switch to the map view, and the content is now hidden and will only be displayed upon entering the correct password. !#password Conduct Polls | If you want to conduct a survey, where you specify the selectable options, you can use the {poll module}{https://www.edumaps.de/1086/1/xmgkv25gxf/f3u6hrdh5m}. You can find it in the dropdown under “Poll”. The poll must be enclosed within tags, for example: 📝 **Input:** ``` <poll> Option A Option B Option C </poll> ``` !#poll Generate QR Codes | If you want to generate a QR code, you can use the dropdown in the box editor and select “QR Code”. Enter the text or link that should be hidden behind the QR code. The QR code is generated dynamically immediately. You can change the text at any time. The QR code is updated instantly. 📝 **Input:** ``` {qrcode:My secrect text} ``` !#qrcodes Link text with upload | If you want to link a text that points to the upload, place an exclamation mark before and after `UPLOAD1` and then write the text to be linked, for example `!UPLOAD1! Example PDF`. This will link the text “Example PDF”. Alternatively, you can use curly brackets around `UPLOAD1` and insert the text as follows: `{My Example PDF}{UPLOAD1}`. This will link the text “My Example PDF”. Timed Spoiler | With the timed spoiler you can, for example, recreate learning with flashcards. Example: ??? This is a learning text that only appears for 10 seconds. If you click on the spoiler, it will be displayed for 10 seconds. Then it is hidden again. Timed spoilers are set with `???` at the beginning of a line. 📝 **Input:** ``` Example: ??? This is a learning text that only appears briefly. ``` !#timed-spoiler Create Tables | You can create tables in a box by entering the table as a code block. To do this, use 3 backticks (the ` character), then the table content, and then 3 backticks again. Example: ``` Head 1 | Head 2 | Head 3 Content A | Content B | ... 1235678 | 9012345 | ... ``` However, this requires manual formatting. !#tables Editor Bar | If you are working the first time with the editor, then the **editor bar** will help you to format the text. https://www.edumaps.de/file/4113787849728581552.png/i0wsuex Editor Bar Also note the other modules in the editor dropdown. https://www.edumaps.de/file/4094213677896413050.png/6brbb28 Modules in Editor Empty Lines between Elements | > Elements (photos, videos, links) have to be divided by empty lines. A contiguous text is recognized as **one element**, even though it continues on the next line. Example: ``` My text with line break ``` > My text with line break ⚠️ If we want to attach an image/video or a file, we have to insert **a blank line** in between. Otherwise the link belongs to the previous text. ❌ **Wrong:** ``` My text with line break New content here ``` ✔️ **Correct with new line in between:** ``` My text with line break New content here ``` !#lines Make words bold or italic | Bold with wrapping of two asterisks: **Bold text** Italic with wrapping of one asterisk: *Italic text* 📝 **Input:** ``` **Bold text** *Italic text* ``` Bold and italic: ``` ***bold-italic*** ``` !#bold Line breaks vs. new lines | Line breaks are rendered exactly as they are in the text editor. If you set a new line (with an empty line in front of it), then this counts as a new paragraph. However, if you just type Enter in the text editor and break the text, the text in the view is also broken. For example, the following input is displayed with line break: `It follows a new line.` !#linebreaks Simple List | You can generate a simple list with hyphens: - Test 1 - Test 2 - Test 3 📝 **Input:** ``` - Test 1 - Test 2 - Test 3 ``` !#lists Numbered List | Numbered lists can be created with double hyphens `--`: -- test 1 -- test 2 -- test 3 -- Hello and to the next line The numbering is done automatically. 📝 **Input:** ``` -- test 1 -- test 2 -- test 3 -- Hello and to the next line ``` 📝 **Alternative input with numbering:** ``` 1. test 1 2. test 2 3. test 3 4. Hello and to the next line ``` The numbering can also start with a different number. Example: 5. Fifth entry 6. Sixth entry 7. and so onCreate an indented list | A list can be indented by putting **a space** before each hyphen. Example: - One - Two - Three 📝 **Eingabe:** ```  - One  - Two  - Three ``` **Partial lists** are also possible: - Dog breeds - Dachshund - Shepherd - Beagle 📝 **Input:** ``` - Dog breeds - Dachshund - Shepherd - Beagle ``` Indent Text | Text can be indented by putting two spaces at the beginning of the line. For example: This is long indented text spanning multiple lines. 📝 **Input:** ``` This is long indented text spanning multiple lines. ``` !#indent Text indent with two levels | Text can be indented in two stages: Standard Indent Level 1 Indent Level 2 For the first level, two spaces have to be set at the beginning of the line. For the second stage, four spaces have to be set at the beginning of the line. 📝 **Input:** ``` Standard Indent Level 1 Indent Level 2 ``` Create Quotes | Quotations are created with a `>` at the beginning of the line: > All dreams can come true if we have the courage to follow them. 📝 **Input:** ``` > All dreams can come true if we have the courage to follow them. ``` A second type of quotations can be created with a `>>` at the beginning of the line: >> Errare humanum est. 📝 **Input:** ``` >> Errare humanum est. ``` !#quotes Links with Thumbnails | If a link to an external website is inserted, a **thumbnail** will be generated within 1 minute. For example: https://en.wikipedia.org/ 📝 **Input:** ``` https://en.wikipedia.org/ ``` ⚠️ A preview image is only generated if the link stands alone on a line. If the link is within text, it is displayed as a text link. !#thumbnails Link with thumbnail and custom text | If you want to set your own text under the thumbnail image, enter the text **directly on the next line** that follows the link. For example: https://en.wikipedia.org/ Website of Wikipedia 📝 **Input:** ``` https://en.wikipedia.org/ Website of Wikipedia ```Set text link (without thumbnail) | If you want to create a pure text link and prevent a link thumbnail image, put an exclamation mark `!` in front of the `https`. Oder aber man umschließt den Link mit geschweiften Klammern`{https://...}`. Example: This is a text link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canidae 📝 **Input:** ``` This is a text link: !https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canidae ``` or: ``` This is a text link: {https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canidae} ``` Links within Text | If the link is within the text, it is automatically displayed as an inline link - without a thumbnail image. Example of inline link: „This is an example link to https://www.wikipedia.de in the middle of the text.“ !#textlinks Link certain Text | If you want to link part of a text, this is also possible. Example: This is a {linked text}{https://www.edumaps.de/}. 📝 **Input:** ``` This is a {linked text}{https://www.edumaps.de/}. ``` Labels for Images and Links | A label (caption) can be assigned for each uploaded image, audio, video file, etc. This label (caption) can also be changed later on by changing the text below `UPLOAD`. `UPLOAD3 Photo of our School` to: `UPLOAD3 Photo of my old School` !#labels Info-Icon at Upload (image/PDF) | If you want to add information to your uploaded image or PDF (such as mentioning the source), you can do this as follows: 📝 **Input:** ``` UPLOAD3 {Source: https://www.externalpage.org/} ``` The text inside the curly brackets is displayed on the info icon when you mouse over or click on it. Example: https://www.edumaps.de/file/9060978978921139325.png/3jev7ad The info icon also works with the caption: 📝 **Input:** ``` UPLOAD3 Image label {Here is the text for the image} ``` Code Formatting | Set inline code with backticks. Example: `24·x + 12 = 5` `var x = 12;` `var y = 12;` `var z = x + y;` This way, you can also highlight `individual words`. However, they will have a monospaced font. 📝 **Input:** ``` Example: `24·x + 12 = 5` `var x = 12;` `var y = 12;` `var z = x + y;` ``` !#code Use of Latex | Latex as a block with surrounding dollar signs: $$ \int \limits_{2}^{\infty} + \frac{1}{2}·x^{45+y+{\alpha} } $$ Set Latex inline with \( 5x+2^x = 12 \) and continue writing. This can be used multiple times within a sentence \( x^2 \) und \( x^3 \). 📝 **Input:** ``` $$ \int \limits_{2}^{\infty} + \frac{1}{2}·x^{45+y+{\alpha} } $$ Set Latex inline with \( 5x+2^x = 12 \) and continue writing. This can be used multiple times within a sentence \( x^2 \) und \( x^3 \). ``` Note: For latex inside text labels, always use inline latex with `\( … \)` and not block latex. !#latex Superscripts and Subscripts | Superscript works with a caret and curly brackets. Example: x^{2y} Subscript works with underscore and curly brackets. Example: x_{1} 📝 **Input:** ``` Example: x^{2y} Example: x_{1} ``` !#supersub Hidden Notes in Boxes | You can add your own notes when you are in edit mode. **These notes are hidden in the map view.** Simply put two slashes `//` at the beginning of the line. The line will not be displayed in the map view. https://www.edumaps.de/file/18277788777790213356.png/eg4c12q Hidden note in edit mode !#notes Spoilers | Spoiler means: Content can be hidden and it can only be viewed when the user clicks on it. Example: ?? This is a hidden solution text. ?? https://www.edumaps.de/file/15951864615653000476.jpg/unhj8wy This is a hidden photo. Spoilers are simply set with `??` at the beginning of a line. 📝 **Input:** ``` Example: ?? This is a hidden solution text. ?? https://www.edumaps.de/file/15951864615653000476.jpg/unhj8wy This is a hidden photo. ``` !#spoiler Text Color | Words can be colored in any color. Example: This is a {blue word}{#0000FF}. 📝 **Input:** ``` This is a {blue word}{#0000FF}. ``` To do this, you need to know RGB color codes: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_colors#Basic_colors Examples of RGB color codes: - {red FF0000}{#FF0000} - {green 00FF00}{#00FF00} - {blue 0000FF}{#0000FF} - {gray 888888}{#888888} - {light grey CCC}{#CCC} - {maroon 800000}{#800000} - {yellow FFFF00}{#FFFF00} - {olive 808000}{#808000} - {lime green 00FF00}{#00FF00} - {dark green 008000}{#008000} - {sea green 008080}{#008080} - {navy blue 000080}{#000080} - {aqua 00FFFF}{#00FFFF} - {fuchsia FF00FF}{#FF00FF} - {violet 800080}{#800080} !#hexcolor !#textcolor Headlines | A heading can be set by putting a hash character `#` followed by a space at the beginning of the line. # My Headline 📝 **Input:** ``` # My Headline ``` !#headlines Horizontal Dividing Line | A horizontal line can be set inside a box with three hyphens `---` or `***`. Example: --- 📝 **Input:** ``` --- ``` !#divider Markdown | Our editor supports most of the Markdown syntax. Article about {Markdown (Wikipedia)}{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown}. If you have written your documents with Markdown, you can copy and paste their contents directly into our editor. !#markdown Tooltips for Words (Popups) | If you want to explain a certain word, a so-called "tooltip" is suitable for this, which displays an explanation as soon as the user moves the mouse over the word or clicks on the word on a mobile device. Example: An [Ocelot]{The ocelot is a species of carnivore native to Central and South America.} is not an [Axolotl]{The axolotl is an aquatic tailed amphibian}. 📝 **Input:** ``` An [ocelot]{The ocelot is a species of carnivore native to Central and South America.} is not an [axolotl]{The axolotl is an aquatic tailed amphibian}. ``` ⚠️ Tooltips may only consist of plain text and may not contain any links or uploads. !#tooltips Strikethrough and underline words | Strikethrough with enclosing two double tildes: ~~Strikethrough~~ Underlined with HTML syntax: <u>Underline</u> 📝 **Input:** ``` ~~Strikethrough~~ <u>Underline</u> ``` Crossed out and underlined: ``` ~~<u>Underline</u>~~ ``` Results in: ~~<u>Underline</u>~~ Background Color for Text | You can give any word or text a background color of your choice. To assign a background color, just add another hash `#` after the color code to an already colored word. Example: This is a {green word}{#CCFFCC#} and the next one is a {red word}{#FFA1A5#}. 📝 **Input:** ``` This is a {green word}{#CCFFCC#} and the next one is a {red word}{#FFA1A5#}. ``` Colors are specified using {RGB color codes}{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_colors#Basic_colors}. Examples of RGB color codes: {Red #FF0000}{#FF0000} | {Green #00FF00}{#00FF00} | {Blue #0000FF}{#0000FF} !#backgroundcolor Subheadlines | A subheading can be set with two hash characters `##` followed by a space at the beginning of the line: ## Second heading 📝 **Input:** ``` ## Second heading ``` Another subheading can be set with three hash characters `###` followed by a space at the beginning of the line: ### Third heading 📝 **Input:** ``` ### Third heading ```Special Headlines | A special heading can be set by putting an exclamation mark in front of the hash character, i.e. `$#`: $# Special heading 📝 **Input:** ``` $# Special heading ``` With the use of such headings, texts can be better structured visually.Checkboxes | Checkboxes are easy to create using Markdown syntax. Example: [x] First Element [x] Second Element [x] Third Element 📝 **Input:** ``` [x] First Element [ ] Second Element [x] Third Element ``` 💖 In edit mode, you can click on the checkboxes within a box to check or uncheck them. The state of the checkboxes is saved in the box content. !#checkboxes (Semi)Transparent Background Colors | You can make the background of boxes and paths semi-transparent or fully transparent. To create a semi-transparent background you need to: 1. Edit the box and click “Edit color” (pencil icon). 2. Click “Edit Color” a second time 3. You will now see the transparency slider that you can adjust. If you want to apply the semi-transparent color to the whole box, you have to click on “Fill”. Introduction | ✔️ Here you will learn how the inputs in the box editor work: -- {Empty lines between elements}{!#lines} -- {Line breaks and new lines}{!#linebreaks} -- {Make words bold or italic}{!#bold} -- {Lists}{!#lists} -- {Indents}{!#indent} -- {Quotes}{!#quotes} -- {Links with Thumbnails}{!#thumbnails} -- {Links within text}{!#textlinks} -- {Labels for images and links}{!#labels} -- {Code Formatting}{!#code} -- {Use of Latex}{!#latex} -- {Superscripts and Subscripts}{!#supersub} -- {Hidden notes in boxes}{!#notes} -- {Spoilers}{!#spoiler} -- {Text color}{!#textcolor} -- {Background color for Text}{!#backgroundcolor} -- {Headlines}{!#headlines} -- {Horizontal dividing line}{!#divider} -- {Font sizes}{!#fontsizes} -- {Checkboxes}{!#checkboxes} -- {Tooltips for words (popups)}{!#tooltips} -- {Protect content with password}{!#password} -- {Conduct Polls}{!#polls} -- {Generate QR Codes}{!#qrcodes} -- {Create Tables}{!#tables} -- {Markdown}{!#markdown} ✔️ There are many formatting options that can be quickly applied. It only takes a few characters. ✔️ The formatting for texts is easy to learn. Formatting at a glance | The most frequently used formats shown at a glance: ``` *italic* and **bold** > Quote List: - One - Two Numbered list: 1. One 2. Two ?? Hidden text (spoiler)   Indented Text {Linked Text}{https://www.edumaps.de} ``` Use your own thumbnail | To set your own thumbnail of a website, proceed as follows: 1. Take a screenshot of the website. 2. Upload the screenshot into your box. 3. Enter the link to the website directly below the `UPLOAD1` text. 4. Also place an exclamation mark `!` in front of the link (`!LINK1`). This will link the preview image to the external website. 📝 **Input:** ``` UPLOAD1 !LINK1 ``` You can also add a title. Overall, it would look like this: ``` UPLOAD1 !LINK1 My Title ``` Font Sizes | You can set the font size differently for individual words. You can <big>increase</big> the font size and <small>decrease</small> the font size of words as follows: ``` <small>Small Text</small> <big>Big Text</big> ``` Changing the font size can be used in map titles, path titles, box titles and box contents. !#fontsizes Protect content with password | If you want to hide the content of a box and make it accessible only with a password, you can use the password function. Click on the dropdown arrow in the box editor and select "Password." Alternatively, you can also enter the password directly in the box editor: 📝 **Input:** ``` &&pw:yourpassword&& ``` Switch to the map view, and the content is now hidden and will only be displayed upon entering the correct password. !#password Conduct Polls | If you want to conduct a survey, where you specify the selectable options, you can use the {poll module}{https://www.edumaps.de/1086/1/xmgkv25gxf/f3u6hrdh5m}. You can find it in the dropdown under “Poll”. The poll must be enclosed within tags, for example: 📝 **Input:** ``` <poll> Option A Option B Option C </poll> ``` !#poll Generate QR Codes | If you want to generate a QR code, you can use the dropdown in the box editor and select “QR Code”. Enter the text or link that should be hidden behind the QR code. The QR code is generated dynamically immediately. You can change the text at any time. The QR code is updated instantly. 📝 **Input:** ``` {qrcode:My secrect text} ``` !#qrcodes Link text with upload | If you want to link a text that points to the upload, place an exclamation mark before and after `UPLOAD1` and then write the text to be linked, for example `!UPLOAD1! Example PDF`. This will link the text “Example PDF”. Alternatively, you can use curly brackets around `UPLOAD1` and insert the text as follows: `{My Example PDF}{UPLOAD1}`. This will link the text “My Example PDF”. Timed Spoiler | With the timed spoiler you can, for example, recreate learning with flashcards. Example: ??? This is a learning text that only appears for 10 seconds. If you click on the spoiler, it will be displayed for 10 seconds. Then it is hidden again. Timed spoilers are set with `???` at the beginning of a line. 📝 **Input:** ``` Example: ??? This is a learning text that only appears briefly. ``` !#timed-spoiler Create Tables | You can create tables in a box by entering the table as a code block. To do this, use 3 backticks (the ` character), then the table content, and then 3 backticks again. Example: ``` Head 1 | Head 2 | Head 3 Content A | Content B | ... 1235678 | 9012345 | ... ``` However, this requires manual formatting. !#tables Editor Bar | If you are working the first time with the editor, then the **editor bar** will help you to format the text. https://www.edumaps.de/file/4113787849728581552.png/i0wsuex Editor Bar Also note the other modules in the editor dropdown. https://www.edumaps.de/file/4094213677896413050.png/6brbb28 Modules in Editor Empty Lines between Elements | > Elements (photos, videos, links) have to be divided by empty lines. A contiguous text is recognized as **one element**, even though it continues on the next line. Example: ``` My text with line break ``` > My text with line break ⚠️ If we want to attach an image/video or a file, we have to insert **a blank line** in between. Otherwise the link belongs to the previous text. ❌ **Wrong:** ``` My text with line break New content here ``` ✔️ **Correct with new line in between:** ``` My text with line break New content here ``` !#lines Make words bold or italic | Bold with wrapping of two asterisks: **Bold text** Italic with wrapping of one asterisk: *Italic text* 📝 **Input:** ``` **Bold text** *Italic text* ``` Bold and italic: ``` ***bold-italic*** ``` !#bold Line breaks vs. new lines | Line breaks are rendered exactly as they are in the text editor. If you set a new line (with an empty line in front of it), then this counts as a new paragraph. However, if you just type Enter in the text editor and break the text, the text in the view is also broken. For example, the following input is displayed with line break: `It follows a new line.` !#linebreaks Simple List | You can generate a simple list with hyphens: - Test 1 - Test 2 - Test 3 📝 **Input:** ``` - Test 1 - Test 2 - Test 3 ``` !#lists Numbered List | Numbered lists can be created with double hyphens `--`: -- test 1 -- test 2 -- test 3 -- Hello and to the next line The numbering is done automatically. 📝 **Input:** ``` -- test 1 -- test 2 -- test 3 -- Hello and to the next line ``` 📝 **Alternative input with numbering:** ``` 1. test 1 2. test 2 3. test 3 4. Hello and to the next line ``` The numbering can also start with a different number. Example: 5. Fifth entry 6. Sixth entry 7. and so onCreate an indented list | A list can be indented by putting **a space** before each hyphen. Example: - One - Two - Three 📝 **Eingabe:** ```  - One  - Two  - Three ``` **Partial lists** are also possible: - Dog breeds - Dachshund - Shepherd - Beagle 📝 **Input:** ``` - Dog breeds - Dachshund - Shepherd - Beagle ``` Indent Text | Text can be indented by putting two spaces at the beginning of the line. For example: This is long indented text spanning multiple lines. 📝 **Input:** ``` This is long indented text spanning multiple lines. ``` !#indent Text indent with two levels | Text can be indented in two stages: Standard Indent Level 1 Indent Level 2 For the first level, two spaces have to be set at the beginning of the line. For the second stage, four spaces have to be set at the beginning of the line. 📝 **Input:** ``` Standard Indent Level 1 Indent Level 2 ``` Create Quotes | Quotations are created with a `>` at the beginning of the line: > All dreams can come true if we have the courage to follow them. 📝 **Input:** ``` > All dreams can come true if we have the courage to follow them. ``` A second type of quotations can be created with a `>>` at the beginning of the line: >> Errare humanum est. 📝 **Input:** ``` >> Errare humanum est. ``` !#quotes Links with Thumbnails | If a link to an external website is inserted, a **thumbnail** will be generated within 1 minute. For example: https://en.wikipedia.org/ 📝 **Input:** ``` https://en.wikipedia.org/ ``` ⚠️ A preview image is only generated if the link stands alone on a line. If the link is within text, it is displayed as a text link. !#thumbnails Link with thumbnail and custom text | If you want to set your own text under the thumbnail image, enter the text **directly on the next line** that follows the link. For example: https://en.wikipedia.org/ Website of Wikipedia 📝 **Input:** ``` https://en.wikipedia.org/ Website of Wikipedia ```Set text link (without thumbnail) | If you want to create a pure text link and prevent a link thumbnail image, put an exclamation mark `!` in front of the `https`. Oder aber man umschließt den Link mit geschweiften Klammern`{https://...}`. Example: This is a text link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canidae 📝 **Input:** ``` This is a text link: !https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canidae ``` or: ``` This is a text link: {https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canidae} ``` Links within Text | If the link is within the text, it is automatically displayed as an inline link - without a thumbnail image. Example of inline link: „This is an example link to https://www.wikipedia.de in the middle of the text.“ !#textlinks Link certain Text | If you want to link part of a text, this is also possible. Example: This is a {linked text}{https://www.edumaps.de/}. 📝 **Input:** ``` This is a {linked text}{https://www.edumaps.de/}. ``` Labels for Images and Links | A label (caption) can be assigned for each uploaded image, audio, video file, etc. This label (caption) can also be changed later on by changing the text below `UPLOAD`. `UPLOAD3 Photo of our School` to: `UPLOAD3 Photo of my old School` !#labels Info-Icon at Upload (image/PDF) | If you want to add information to your uploaded image or PDF (such as mentioning the source), you can do this as follows: 📝 **Input:** ``` UPLOAD3 {Source: https://www.externalpage.org/} ``` The text inside the curly brackets is displayed on the info icon when you mouse over or click on it. Example: https://www.edumaps.de/file/9060978978921139325.png/3jev7ad The info icon also works with the caption: 📝 **Input:** ``` UPLOAD3 Image label {Here is the text for the image} ``` Code Formatting | Set inline code with backticks. Example: `24·x + 12 = 5` `var x = 12;` `var y = 12;` `var z = x + y;` This way, you can also highlight `individual words`. However, they will have a monospaced font. 📝 **Input:** ``` Example: `24·x + 12 = 5` `var x = 12;` `var y = 12;` `var z = x + y;` ``` !#code Use of Latex | Latex as a block with surrounding dollar signs: $$ \int \limits_{2}^{\infty} + \frac{1}{2}·x^{45+y+{\alpha} } $$ Set Latex inline with \( 5x+2^x = 12 \) and continue writing. This can be used multiple times within a sentence \( x^2 \) und \( x^3 \). 📝 **Input:** ``` $$ \int \limits_{2}^{\infty} + \frac{1}{2}·x^{45+y+{\alpha} } $$ Set Latex inline with \( 5x+2^x = 12 \) and continue writing. This can be used multiple times within a sentence \( x^2 \) und \( x^3 \). ``` Note: For latex inside text labels, always use inline latex with `\( … \)` and not block latex. !#latex Superscripts and Subscripts | Superscript works with a caret and curly brackets. Example: x^{2y} Subscript works with underscore and curly brackets. Example: x_{1} 📝 **Input:** ``` Example: x^{2y} Example: x_{1} ``` !#supersub Hidden Notes in Boxes | You can add your own notes when you are in edit mode. **These notes are hidden in the map view.** Simply put two slashes `//` at the beginning of the line. The line will not be displayed in the map view. https://www.edumaps.de/file/18277788777790213356.png/eg4c12q Hidden note in edit mode !#notes Spoilers | Spoiler means: Content can be hidden and it can only be viewed when the user clicks on it. Example: ?? This is a hidden solution text. ?? https://www.edumaps.de/file/15951864615653000476.jpg/unhj8wy This is a hidden photo. Spoilers are simply set with `??` at the beginning of a line. 📝 **Input:** ``` Example: ?? This is a hidden solution text. ?? https://www.edumaps.de/file/15951864615653000476.jpg/unhj8wy This is a hidden photo. ``` !#spoiler Text Color | Words can be colored in any color. Example: This is a {blue word}{#0000FF}. 📝 **Input:** ``` This is a {blue word}{#0000FF}. ``` To do this, you need to know RGB color codes: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_colors#Basic_colors Examples of RGB color codes: - {red FF0000}{#FF0000} - {green 00FF00}{#00FF00} - {blue 0000FF}{#0000FF} - {gray 888888}{#888888} - {light grey CCC}{#CCC} - {maroon 800000}{#800000} - {yellow FFFF00}{#FFFF00} - {olive 808000}{#808000} - {lime green 00FF00}{#00FF00} - {dark green 008000}{#008000} - {sea green 008080}{#008080} - {navy blue 000080}{#000080} - {aqua 00FFFF}{#00FFFF} - {fuchsia FF00FF}{#FF00FF} - {violet 800080}{#800080} !#hexcolor !#textcolor Headlines | A heading can be set by putting a hash character `#` followed by a space at the beginning of the line. # My Headline 📝 **Input:** ``` # My Headline ``` !#headlines Horizontal Dividing Line | A horizontal line can be set inside a box with three hyphens `---` or `***`. Example: --- 📝 **Input:** ``` --- ``` !#divider Markdown | Our editor supports most of the Markdown syntax. Article about {Markdown (Wikipedia)}{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown}. If you have written your documents with Markdown, you can copy and paste their contents directly into our editor. !#markdown Tooltips for Words (Popups) | If you want to explain a certain word, a so-called "tooltip" is suitable for this, which displays an explanation as soon as the user moves the mouse over the word or clicks on the word on a mobile device. Example: An [Ocelot]{The ocelot is a species of carnivore native to Central and South America.} is not an [Axolotl]{The axolotl is an aquatic tailed amphibian}. 📝 **Input:** ``` An [ocelot]{The ocelot is a species of carnivore native to Central and South America.} is not an [axolotl]{The axolotl is an aquatic tailed amphibian}. ``` ⚠️ Tooltips may only consist of plain text and may not contain any links or uploads. !#tooltips Strikethrough and underline words | Strikethrough with enclosing two double tildes: ~~Strikethrough~~ Underlined with HTML syntax: <u>Underline</u> 📝 **Input:** ``` ~~Strikethrough~~ <u>Underline</u> ``` Crossed out and underlined: ``` ~~<u>Underline</u>~~ ``` Results in: ~~<u>Underline</u>~~ Background Color for Text | You can give any word or text a background color of your choice. To assign a background color, just add another hash `#` after the color code to an already colored word. Example: This is a {green word}{#CCFFCC#} and the next one is a {red word}{#FFA1A5#}. 📝 **Input:** ``` This is a {green word}{#CCFFCC#} and the next one is a {red word}{#FFA1A5#}. ``` Colors are specified using {RGB color codes}{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_colors#Basic_colors}. Examples of RGB color codes: {Red #FF0000}{#FF0000} | {Green #00FF00}{#00FF00} | {Blue #0000FF}{#0000FF} !#backgroundcolor Subheadlines | A subheading can be set with two hash characters `##` followed by a space at the beginning of the line: ## Second heading 📝 **Input:** ``` ## Second heading ``` Another subheading can be set with three hash characters `###` followed by a space at the beginning of the line: ### Third heading 📝 **Input:** ``` ### Third heading ```Special Headlines | A special heading can be set by putting an exclamation mark in front of the hash character, i.e. `$#`: $# Special heading 📝 **Input:** ``` $# Special heading ``` With the use of such headings, texts can be better structured visually.Checkboxes | Checkboxes are easy to create using Markdown syntax. Example: [x] First Element [x] Second Element [x] Third Element 📝 **Input:** ``` [x] First Element [ ] Second Element [x] Third Element ``` 💖 In edit mode, you can click on the checkboxes within a box to check or uncheck them. The state of the checkboxes is saved in the box content. !#checkboxes (Semi)Transparent Background Colors | You can make the background of boxes and paths semi-transparent or fully transparent. To create a semi-transparent background you need to: 1. Edit the box and click “Edit color” (pencil icon). 2. Click “Edit Color” a second time 3. You will now see the transparency slider that you can adjust. If you want to apply the semi-transparent color to the whole box, you have to click on “Fill”. Introduction | ✔️ Here you will learn how the inputs in the box editor work: -- {Empty lines between elements}{!#lines} -- {Line breaks and new lines}{!#linebreaks} -- {Make words bold or italic}{!#bold} -- {Lists}{!#lists} -- {Indents}{!#indent} -- {Quotes}{!#quotes} -- {Links with Thumbnails}{!#thumbnails} -- {Links within text}{!#textlinks} -- {Labels for images and links}{!#labels} -- {Code Formatting}{!#code} -- {Use of Latex}{!#latex} -- {Superscripts and Subscripts}{!#supersub} -- {Hidden notes in boxes}{!#notes} -- {Spoilers}{!#spoiler} -- {Text color}{!#textcolor} -- {Background color for Text}{!#backgroundcolor} -- {Headlines}{!#headlines} -- {Horizontal dividing line}{!#divider} -- {Font sizes}{!#fontsizes} -- {Checkboxes}{!#checkboxes} -- {Tooltips for words (popups)}{!#tooltips} -- {Protect content with password}{!#password} -- {Conduct Polls}{!#polls} -- {Generate QR Codes}{!#qrcodes} -- {Create Tables}{!#tables} -- {Markdown}{!#markdown} ✔️ There are many formatting options that can be quickly applied. It only takes a few characters. ✔️ The formatting for texts is easy to learn. Formatting at a glance | The most frequently used formats shown at a glance: ``` *italic* and **bold** > Quote List: - One - Two Numbered list: 1. One 2. Two ?? Hidden text (spoiler)   Indented Text {Linked Text}{https://www.edumaps.de} ``` Use your own thumbnail | To set your own thumbnail of a website, proceed as follows: 1. Take a screenshot of the website. 2. Upload the screenshot into your box. 3. Enter the link to the website directly below the `UPLOAD1` text. 4. Also place an exclamation mark `!` in front of the link (`!LINK1`). This will link the preview image to the external website. 📝 **Input:** ``` UPLOAD1 !LINK1 ``` You can also add a title. Overall, it would look like this: ``` UPLOAD1 !LINK1 My Title ``` Font Sizes | You can set the font size differently for individual words. You can <big>increase</big> the font size and <small>decrease</small> the font size of words as follows: ``` <small>Small Text</small> <big>Big Text</big> ``` Changing the font size can be used in map titles, path titles, box titles and box contents. !#fontsizes Protect content with password | If you want to hide the content of a box and make it accessible only with a password, you can use the password function. Click on the dropdown arrow in the box editor and select "Password." Alternatively, you can also enter the password directly in the box editor: 📝 **Input:** ``` &&pw:yourpassword&& ``` Switch to the map view, and the content is now hidden and will only be displayed upon entering the correct password. !#password Conduct Polls | If you want to conduct a survey, where you specify the selectable options, you can use the {poll module}{https://www.edumaps.de/1086/1/xmgkv25gxf/f3u6hrdh5m}. You can find it in the dropdown under “Poll”. The poll must be enclosed within tags, for example: 📝 **Input:** ``` <poll> Option A Option B Option C </poll> ``` !#poll Generate QR Codes | If you want to generate a QR code, you can use the dropdown in the box editor and select “QR Code”. Enter the text or link that should be hidden behind the QR code. The QR code is generated dynamically immediately. You can change the text at any time. The QR code is updated instantly. 📝 **Input:** ``` {qrcode:My secrect text} ``` !#qrcodes Link text with upload | If you want to link a text that points to the upload, place an exclamation mark before and after `UPLOAD1` and then write the text to be linked, for example `!UPLOAD1! Example PDF`. This will link the text “Example PDF”. Alternatively, you can use curly brackets around `UPLOAD1` and insert the text as follows: `{My Example PDF}{UPLOAD1}`. This will link the text “My Example PDF”. Timed Spoiler | With the timed spoiler you can, for example, recreate learning with flashcards. Example: ??? This is a learning text that only appears for 10 seconds. If you click on the spoiler, it will be displayed for 10 seconds. Then it is hidden again. Timed spoilers are set with `???` at the beginning of a line. 📝 **Input:** ``` Example: ??? This is a learning text that only appears briefly. ``` !#timed-spoiler Create Tables | You can create tables in a box by entering the table as a code block. To do this, use 3 backticks (the ` character), then the table content, and then 3 backticks again. Example: ``` Head 1 | Head 2 | Head 3 Content A | Content B | ... 1235678 | 9012345 | ... ``` However, this requires manual formatting. !#tables Editor Bar | If you are working the first time with the editor, then the **editor bar** will help you to format the text. https://www.edumaps.de/file/4113787849728581552.png/i0wsuex Editor Bar Also note the other modules in the editor dropdown. https://www.edumaps.de/file/4094213677896413050.png/6brbb28 Modules in Editor Empty Lines between Elements | > Elements (photos, videos, links) have to be divided by empty lines. A contiguous text is recognized as **one element**, even though it continues on the next line. Example: ``` My text with line break ``` > My text with line break ⚠️ If we want to attach an image/video or a file, we have to insert **a blank line** in between. Otherwise the link belongs to the previous text. ❌ **Wrong:** ``` My text with line break New content here ``` ✔️ **Correct with new line in between:** ``` My text with line break New content here ``` !#lines Make words bold or italic | Bold with wrapping of two asterisks: **Bold text** Italic with wrapping of one asterisk: *Italic text* 📝 **Input:** ``` **Bold text** *Italic text* ``` Bold and italic: ``` ***bold-italic*** ``` !#bold Line breaks vs. new lines | Line breaks are rendered exactly as they are in the text editor. If you set a new line (with an empty line in front of it), then this counts as a new paragraph. However, if you just type Enter in the text editor and break the text, the text in the view is also broken. For example, the following input is displayed with line break: `It follows a new line.` !#linebreaks Simple List | You can generate a simple list with hyphens: - Test 1 - Test 2 - Test 3 📝 **Input:** ``` - Test 1 - Test 2 - Test 3 ``` !#lists Numbered List | Numbered lists can be created with double hyphens `--`: -- test 1 -- test 2 -- test 3 -- Hello and to the next line The numbering is done automatically. 📝 **Input:** ``` -- test 1 -- test 2 -- test 3 -- Hello and to the next line ``` 📝 **Alternative input with numbering:** ``` 1. test 1 2. test 2 3. test 3 4. Hello and to the next line ``` The numbering can also start with a different number. Example: 5. Fifth entry 6. Sixth entry 7. and so onCreate an indented list | A list can be indented by putting **a space** before each hyphen. Example: - One - Two - Three 📝 **Eingabe:** ```  - One  - Two  - Three ``` **Partial lists** are also possible: - Dog breeds - Dachshund - Shepherd - Beagle 📝 **Input:** ``` - Dog breeds - Dachshund - Shepherd - Beagle ``` Indent Text | Text can be indented by putting two spaces at the beginning of the line. For example: This is long indented text spanning multiple lines. 📝 **Input:** ``` This is long indented text spanning multiple lines. ``` !#indent Text indent with two levels | Text can be indented in two stages: Standard Indent Level 1 Indent Level 2 For the first level, two spaces have to be set at the beginning of the line. For the second stage, four spaces have to be set at the beginning of the line. 📝 **Input:** ``` Standard Indent Level 1 Indent Level 2 ``` Create Quotes | Quotations are created with a `>` at the beginning of the line: > All dreams can come true if we have the courage to follow them. 📝 **Input:** ``` > All dreams can come true if we have the courage to follow them. ``` A second type of quotations can be created with a `>>` at the beginning of the line: >> Errare humanum est. 📝 **Input:** ``` >> Errare humanum est. ``` !#quotes Links with Thumbnails | If a link to an external website is inserted, a **thumbnail** will be generated within 1 minute. For example: https://en.wikipedia.org/ 📝 **Input:** ``` https://en.wikipedia.org/ ``` ⚠️ A preview image is only generated if the link stands alone on a line. If the link is within text, it is displayed as a text link. !#thumbnails Link with thumbnail and custom text | If you want to set your own text under the thumbnail image, enter the text **directly on the next line** that follows the link. For example: https://en.wikipedia.org/ Website of Wikipedia 📝 **Input:** ``` https://en.wikipedia.org/ Website of Wikipedia ```Set text link (without thumbnail) | If you want to create a pure text link and prevent a link thumbnail image, put an exclamation mark `!` in front of the `https`. Oder aber man umschließt den Link mit geschweiften Klammern`{https://...}`. Example: This is a text link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canidae 📝 **Input:** ``` This is a text link: !https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canidae ``` or: ``` This is a text link: {https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canidae} ``` Links within Text | If the link is within the text, it is automatically displayed as an inline link - without a thumbnail image. Example of inline link: „This is an example link to https://www.wikipedia.de in the middle of the text.“ !#textlinks Link certain Text | If you want to link part of a text, this is also possible. Example: This is a {linked text}{https://www.edumaps.de/}. 📝 **Input:** ``` This is a {linked text}{https://www.edumaps.de/}. ``` Labels for Images and Links | A label (caption) can be assigned for each uploaded image, audio, video file, etc. This label (caption) can also be changed later on by changing the text below `UPLOAD`. `UPLOAD3 Photo of our School` to: `UPLOAD3 Photo of my old School` !#labels Info-Icon at Upload (image/PDF) | If you want to add information to your uploaded image or PDF (such as mentioning the source), you can do this as follows: 📝 **Input:** ``` UPLOAD3 {Source: https://www.externalpage.org/} ``` The text inside the curly brackets is displayed on the info icon when you mouse over or click on it. Example: https://www.edumaps.de/file/9060978978921139325.png/3jev7ad The info icon also works with the caption: 📝 **Input:** ``` UPLOAD3 Image label {Here is the text for the image} ``` Code Formatting | Set inline code with backticks. Example: `24·x + 12 = 5` `var x = 12;` `var y = 12;` `var z = x + y;` This way, you can also highlight `individual words`. However, they will have a monospaced font. 📝 **Input:** ``` Example: `24·x + 12 = 5` `var x = 12;` `var y = 12;` `var z = x + y;` ``` !#code Use of Latex | Latex as a block with surrounding dollar signs: $$ \int \limits_{2}^{\infty} + \frac{1}{2}·x^{45+y+{\alpha} } $$ Set Latex inline with \( 5x+2^x = 12 \) and continue writing. This can be used multiple times within a sentence \( x^2 \) und \( x^3 \). 📝 **Input:** ``` $$ \int \limits_{2}^{\infty} + \frac{1}{2}·x^{45+y+{\alpha} } $$ Set Latex inline with \( 5x+2^x = 12 \) and continue writing. This can be used multiple times within a sentence \( x^2 \) und \( x^3 \). ``` Note: For latex inside text labels, always use inline latex with `\( … \)` and not block latex. !#latex Superscripts and Subscripts | Superscript works with a caret and curly brackets. Example: x^{2y} Subscript works with underscore and curly brackets. Example: x_{1} 📝 **Input:** ``` Example: x^{2y} Example: x_{1} ``` !#supersub Hidden Notes in Boxes | You can add your own notes when you are in edit mode. **These notes are hidden in the map view.** Simply put two slashes `//` at the beginning of the line. The line will not be displayed in the map view. https://www.edumaps.de/file/18277788777790213356.png/eg4c12q Hidden note in edit mode !#notes Spoilers | Spoiler means: Content can be hidden and it can only be viewed when the user clicks on it. Example: ?? This is a hidden solution text. ?? https://www.edumaps.de/file/15951864615653000476.jpg/unhj8wy This is a hidden photo. Spoilers are simply set with `??` at the beginning of a line. 📝 **Input:** ``` Example: ?? This is a hidden solution text. ?? https://www.edumaps.de/file/15951864615653000476.jpg/unhj8wy This is a hidden photo. ``` !#spoiler Text Color | Words can be colored in any color. Example: This is a {blue word}{#0000FF}. 📝 **Input:** ``` This is a {blue word}{#0000FF}. ``` To do this, you need to know RGB color codes: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_colors#Basic_colors Examples of RGB color codes: - {red FF0000}{#FF0000} - {green 00FF00}{#00FF00} - {blue 0000FF}{#0000FF} - {gray 888888}{#888888} - {light grey CCC}{#CCC} - {maroon 800000}{#800000} - {yellow FFFF00}{#FFFF00} - {olive 808000}{#808000} - {lime green 00FF00}{#00FF00} - {dark green 008000}{#008000} - {sea green 008080}{#008080} - {navy blue 000080}{#000080} - {aqua 00FFFF}{#00FFFF} - {fuchsia FF00FF}{#FF00FF} - {violet 800080}{#800080} !#hexcolor !#textcolor Headlines | A heading can be set by putting a hash character `#` followed by a space at the beginning of the line. # My Headline 📝 **Input:** ``` # My Headline ``` !#headlines Horizontal Dividing Line | A horizontal line can be set inside a box with three hyphens `---` or `***`. Example: --- 📝 **Input:** ``` --- ``` !#divider Markdown | Our editor supports most of the Markdown syntax. Article about {Markdown (Wikipedia)}{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown}. If you have written your documents with Markdown, you can copy and paste their contents directly into our editor. !#markdown Tooltips for Words (Popups) | If you want to explain a certain word, a so-called "tooltip" is suitable for this, which displays an explanation as soon as the user moves the mouse over the word or clicks on the word on a mobile device. Example: An [Ocelot]{The ocelot is a species of carnivore native to Central and South America.} is not an [Axolotl]{The axolotl is an aquatic tailed amphibian}. 📝 **Input:** ``` An [ocelot]{The ocelot is a species of carnivore native to Central and South America.} is not an [axolotl]{The axolotl is an aquatic tailed amphibian}. ``` ⚠️ Tooltips may only consist of plain text and may not contain any links or uploads. !#tooltips Strikethrough and underline words | Strikethrough with enclosing two double tildes: ~~Strikethrough~~ Underlined with HTML syntax: <u>Underline</u> 📝 **Input:** ``` ~~Strikethrough~~ <u>Underline</u> ``` Crossed out and underlined: ``` ~~<u>Underline</u>~~ ``` Results in: ~~<u>Underline</u>~~ Background Color for Text | You can give any word or text a background color of your choice. To assign a background color, just add another hash `#` after the color code to an already colored word. Example: This is a {green word}{#CCFFCC#} and the next one is a {red word}{#FFA1A5#}. 📝 **Input:** ``` This is a {green word}{#CCFFCC#} and the next one is a {red word}{#FFA1A5#}. ``` Colors are specified using {RGB color codes}{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_colors#Basic_colors}. Examples of RGB color codes: {Red #FF0000}{#FF0000} | {Green #00FF00}{#00FF00} | {Blue #0000FF}{#0000FF} !#backgroundcolor Subheadlines | A subheading can be set with two hash characters `##` followed by a space at the beginning of the line: ## Second heading 📝 **Input:** ``` ## Second heading ``` Another subheading can be set with three hash characters `###` followed by a space at the beginning of the line: ### Third heading 📝 **Input:** ``` ### Third heading ```Special Headlines | A special heading can be set by putting an exclamation mark in front of the hash character, i.e. `$#`: $# Special heading 📝 **Input:** ``` $# Special heading ``` With the use of such headings, texts can be better structured visually.Checkboxes | Checkboxes are easy to create using Markdown syntax. Example: [x] First Element [x] Second Element [x] Third Element 📝 **Input:** ``` [x] First Element [ ] Second Element [x] Third Element ``` 💖 In edit mode, you can click on the checkboxes within a box to check or uncheck them. The state of the checkboxes is saved in the box content. !#checkboxes
  • Lesen

    1.4 Tutorial: Map Settings



    Introduction | ✔️ Here you will get to know the map settings: -- {Title of the Map}{!#title} -- {Map Format}{!#format} -- {Background}{!#background} -- {Font}{!#font} -- {Grade Level}{!#grade} -- {Tags}{!#tags} -- {Release}{!#release} -- {Extras}{!#extras} ✔️ Creating a map is very easy. You will quickly become familiar with the map settings. Settings | https://www.edumaps.de/file/12236757706387156513.png/00pg7jt Map Settings Title of the Map | You can choose any title for your map. You can also insert emojis. Characters from any language are possible. There are no restrictions. !#title Format text in the title | The text of the title can also be formatted. The following formatting options are possible: 1. Set **bold** and *italic* with asterisks. ``` **Bold** heading and here is an *italic word*. ``` 2. Line breaks are possible with two backslashes. ``` First line of the title \\ Second line ``` 3. **Colors** can be set with hex color codes: ``` My {red title}{#00F} ``` 4. **Font size** The font size can be increased or decreased as follows: ``` <big>My large title</big> and <small>a small text</small> ``` !#titleformat Map Format | **Pinboard** The pinboard consists of tracks. Each track contains boxes. Multiple tracks are positioned side by side. https://www.edumaps.de/file/2387536848564589294.png/6rk7bku Map format: Pinboard **Timeline** The tracks run horizontally. The boxes are arranged from left to right. Multiple tracks are positioned one below the other. https://www.edumaps.de/file/10524896192514210868.png/xp3jac8 Map format: Timeline **Sticker Wall** The boxes are freely arranged. There are no tracks. https://www.edumaps.de/file/530150540731859997.png/0v6kh3d Map format: Sticker Wall ❤️ A switch from one map format to another map format is possible at any time. !#format Background | You can customize the background of your map as you like. - You can choose from the available background images. - You can upload your own background image using the "Own Image" button. - You can select any color using the color wheel. - If you want to enter a color code, click on the small pencil icon next to the color wheel. - By clicking on "Darken", the background will be darkened, which often leads to better readability of the map. https://www.edumaps.de/file/16109865824591845040.png/q741kst Selecting the background of the map !#background Font | You can choose one of the 12 available fonts. https://www.edumaps.de/file/17351625685026144148.png/a75np9q Font Selection Notes: - FAQ: {How can I change the font size of a map?}{https://www.edumaps.de/faq#a75000} - FAQ: {Why can additional fonts not be integrated?}{https://www.edumaps.de/faq#a250000} - FAQ: {Why is the set font displayed correctly on a PC/MAC but not on some smartphones and tablets?}{https://www.edumaps.de/faq#a1400} !#fontGrade | When you select a grade level, a small map of the grade level appears under the map title. https://www.edumaps.de/file/3069726482437650216.png/72xtbkl Specification of the grade level !#grade Tags | Under “Tags“ you can assign keywords to your map. These keywords help you quickly filter your maps. Under {“My Maps”}(https://www.edumaps.de/user/maps), you can then click on a tag to quickly find all maps associated with that tag. https://www.edumaps.de/file/4089248948230679505.png/idxujfk Tags for your Maps !#tags Release | Under “Sharing” you can share the map with all your students and teachers. Click on “My School (Read)” and save the map, so the map is immediately available under {"Maps of my School"}{https://www.edumaps.de/maps/school}. https://www.edumaps.de/file/10955974501965393373.png/x9bngxh Sharing the Map for your School You will also find the option “Teachers can edit th map”. Check the box, and all teachers at your school can edit this map. !#release Extras | Under “Extras”, you will find many settings for advanced users. https://www.edumaps.de/file/17443401223552488628.png/anjx8vr Settings via Map Extras In detail, these are: - Assign map password - Access only for registered users of my school - Read link allows editing - Disable map copying - Hide map title - Hide download buttons - Hide participants - Open links in same tab - Fewer settings for students and anonymous - Only map owner can create arrows, images, labels - Edit arrows, images, text labels only by creator - No live updates - Fixed path height (scroll) - Always full box height - No minimum box height - Fixed box height (min: 100, max: 700) - Fixed path width (min: 300, max: 700) - Box spacing bottom (min: 0, max: 300) - Path distance right (min: 10, max: 300) - Font size in boxes (min: 10, max: 20) - Font size of path titles (min: 10, max: 20) - Rounding box corners (min: 0, max: 50) - Rounding path corners (min: 0, max: 20) - Regenerate map link - Map language !#extras Introduction | ✔️ Here you will get to know the map settings: -- {Title of the Map}{!#title} -- {Map Format}{!#format} -- {Background}{!#background} -- {Font}{!#font} -- {Grade Level}{!#grade} -- {Tags}{!#tags} -- {Release}{!#release} -- {Extras}{!#extras} ✔️ Creating a map is very easy. You will quickly become familiar with the map settings. Settings | https://www.edumaps.de/file/12236757706387156513.png/00pg7jt Map Settings Title of the Map | You can choose any title for your map. You can also insert emojis. Characters from any language are possible. There are no restrictions. !#title Format text in the title | The text of the title can also be formatted. The following formatting options are possible: 1. Set **bold** and *italic* with asterisks. ``` **Bold** heading and here is an *italic word*. ``` 2. Line breaks are possible with two backslashes. ``` First line of the title \\ Second line ``` 3. **Colors** can be set with hex color codes: ``` My {red title}{#00F} ``` 4. **Font size** The font size can be increased or decreased as follows: ``` <big>My large title</big> and <small>a small text</small> ``` !#titleformat Map Format | **Pinboard** The pinboard consists of tracks. Each track contains boxes. Multiple tracks are positioned side by side. https://www.edumaps.de/file/2387536848564589294.png/6rk7bku Map format: Pinboard **Timeline** The tracks run horizontally. The boxes are arranged from left to right. Multiple tracks are positioned one below the other. https://www.edumaps.de/file/10524896192514210868.png/xp3jac8 Map format: Timeline **Sticker Wall** The boxes are freely arranged. There are no tracks. https://www.edumaps.de/file/530150540731859997.png/0v6kh3d Map format: Sticker Wall ❤️ A switch from one map format to another map format is possible at any time. !#format Background | You can customize the background of your map as you like. - You can choose from the available background images. - You can upload your own background image using the "Own Image" button. - You can select any color using the color wheel. - If you want to enter a color code, click on the small pencil icon next to the color wheel. - By clicking on "Darken", the background will be darkened, which often leads to better readability of the map. https://www.edumaps.de/file/16109865824591845040.png/q741kst Selecting the background of the map !#background Font | You can choose one of the 12 available fonts. https://www.edumaps.de/file/17351625685026144148.png/a75np9q Font Selection Notes: - FAQ: {How can I change the font size of a map?}{https://www.edumaps.de/faq#a75000} - FAQ: {Why can additional fonts not be integrated?}{https://www.edumaps.de/faq#a250000} - FAQ: {Why is the set font displayed correctly on a PC/MAC but not on some smartphones and tablets?}{https://www.edumaps.de/faq#a1400} !#fontGrade | When you select a grade level, a small map of the grade level appears under the map title. https://www.edumaps.de/file/3069726482437650216.png/72xtbkl Specification of the grade level !#grade Tags | Under “Tags“ you can assign keywords to your map. These keywords help you quickly filter your maps. Under {“My Maps”}(https://www.edumaps.de/user/maps), you can then click on a tag to quickly find all maps associated with that tag. https://www.edumaps.de/file/4089248948230679505.png/idxujfk Tags for your Maps !#tags Release | Under “Sharing” you can share the map with all your students and teachers. Click on “My School (Read)” and save the map, so the map is immediately available under {"Maps of my School"}{https://www.edumaps.de/maps/school}. https://www.edumaps.de/file/10955974501965393373.png/x9bngxh Sharing the Map for your School You will also find the option “Teachers can edit th map”. Check the box, and all teachers at your school can edit this map. !#release Extras | Under “Extras”, you will find many settings for advanced users. https://www.edumaps.de/file/17443401223552488628.png/anjx8vr Settings via Map Extras In detail, these are: - Assign map password - Access only for registered users of my school - Read link allows editing - Disable map copying - Hide map title - Hide download buttons - Hide participants - Open links in same tab - Fewer settings for students and anonymous - Only map owner can create arrows, images, labels - Edit arrows, images, text labels only by creator - No live updates - Fixed path height (scroll) - Always full box height - No minimum box height - Fixed box height (min: 100, max: 700) - Fixed path width (min: 300, max: 700) - Box spacing bottom (min: 0, max: 300) - Path distance right (min: 10, max: 300) - Font size in boxes (min: 10, max: 20) - Font size of path titles (min: 10, max: 20) - Rounding box corners (min: 0, max: 50) - Rounding path corners (min: 0, max: 20) - Regenerate map link - Map language !#extras Introduction | ✔️ Here you will get to know the map settings: -- {Title of the Map}{!#title} -- {Map Format}{!#format} -- {Background}{!#background} -- {Font}{!#font} -- {Grade Level}{!#grade} -- {Tags}{!#tags} -- {Release}{!#release} -- {Extras}{!#extras} ✔️ Creating a map is very easy. You will quickly become familiar with the map settings. Settings | https://www.edumaps.de/file/12236757706387156513.png/00pg7jt Map Settings Title of the Map | You can choose any title for your map. You can also insert emojis. Characters from any language are possible. There are no restrictions. !#title Format text in the title | The text of the title can also be formatted. The following formatting options are possible: 1. Set **bold** and *italic* with asterisks. ``` **Bold** heading and here is an *italic word*. ``` 2. Line breaks are possible with two backslashes. ``` First line of the title \\ Second line ``` 3. **Colors** can be set with hex color codes: ``` My {red title}{#00F} ``` 4. **Font size** The font size can be increased or decreased as follows: ``` <big>My large title</big> and <small>a small text</small> ``` !#titleformat Map Format | **Pinboard** The pinboard consists of tracks. Each track contains boxes. Multiple tracks are positioned side by side. https://www.edumaps.de/file/2387536848564589294.png/6rk7bku Map format: Pinboard **Timeline** The tracks run horizontally. The boxes are arranged from left to right. Multiple tracks are positioned one below the other. https://www.edumaps.de/file/10524896192514210868.png/xp3jac8 Map format: Timeline **Sticker Wall** The boxes are freely arranged. There are no tracks. https://www.edumaps.de/file/530150540731859997.png/0v6kh3d Map format: Sticker Wall ❤️ A switch from one map format to another map format is possible at any time. !#format Background | You can customize the background of your map as you like. - You can choose from the available background images. - You can upload your own background image using the "Own Image" button. - You can select any color using the color wheel. - If you want to enter a color code, click on the small pencil icon next to the color wheel. - By clicking on "Darken", the background will be darkened, which often leads to better readability of the map. https://www.edumaps.de/file/16109865824591845040.png/q741kst Selecting the background of the map !#background Font | You can choose one of the 12 available fonts. https://www.edumaps.de/file/17351625685026144148.png/a75np9q Font Selection Notes: - FAQ: {How can I change the font size of a map?}{https://www.edumaps.de/faq#a75000} - FAQ: {Why can additional fonts not be integrated?}{https://www.edumaps.de/faq#a250000} - FAQ: {Why is the set font displayed correctly on a PC/MAC but not on some smartphones and tablets?}{https://www.edumaps.de/faq#a1400} !#fontGrade | When you select a grade level, a small map of the grade level appears under the map title. https://www.edumaps.de/file/3069726482437650216.png/72xtbkl Specification of the grade level !#grade Tags | Under “Tags“ you can assign keywords to your map. These keywords help you quickly filter your maps. Under {“My Maps”}(https://www.edumaps.de/user/maps), you can then click on a tag to quickly find all maps associated with that tag. https://www.edumaps.de/file/4089248948230679505.png/idxujfk Tags for your Maps !#tags Release | Under “Sharing” you can share the map with all your students and teachers. Click on “My School (Read)” and save the map, so the map is immediately available under {"Maps of my School"}{https://www.edumaps.de/maps/school}. https://www.edumaps.de/file/10955974501965393373.png/x9bngxh Sharing the Map for your School You will also find the option “Teachers can edit th map”. Check the box, and all teachers at your school can edit this map. !#release Extras | Under “Extras”, you will find many settings for advanced users. https://www.edumaps.de/file/17443401223552488628.png/anjx8vr Settings via Map Extras In detail, these are: - Assign map password - Access only for registered users of my school - Read link allows editing - Disable map copying - Hide map title - Hide download buttons - Hide participants - Open links in same tab - Fewer settings for students and anonymous - Only map owner can create arrows, images, labels - Edit arrows, images, text labels only by creator - No live updates - Fixed path height (scroll) - Always full box height - No minimum box height - Fixed box height (min: 100, max: 700) - Fixed path width (min: 300, max: 700) - Box spacing bottom (min: 0, max: 300) - Path distance right (min: 10, max: 300) - Font size in boxes (min: 10, max: 20) - Font size of path titles (min: 10, max: 20) - Rounding box corners (min: 0, max: 50) - Rounding path corners (min: 0, max: 20) - Regenerate map link - Map language !#extras Introduction | ✔️ Here you will get to know the map settings: -- {Title of the Map}{!#title} -- {Map Format}{!#format} -- {Background}{!#background} -- {Font}{!#font} -- {Grade Level}{!#grade} -- {Tags}{!#tags} -- {Release}{!#release} -- {Extras}{!#extras} ✔️ Creating a map is very easy. You will quickly become familiar with the map settings. Settings | https://www.edumaps.de/file/12236757706387156513.png/00pg7jt Map Settings Title of the Map | You can choose any title for your map. You can also insert emojis. Characters from any language are possible. There are no restrictions. !#title Format text in the title | The text of the title can also be formatted. The following formatting options are possible: 1. Set **bold** and *italic* with asterisks. ``` **Bold** heading and here is an *italic word*. ``` 2. Line breaks are possible with two backslashes. ``` First line of the title \\ Second line ``` 3. **Colors** can be set with hex color codes: ``` My {red title}{#00F} ``` 4. **Font size** The font size can be increased or decreased as follows: ``` <big>My large title</big> and <small>a small text</small> ``` !#titleformat Map Format | **Pinboard** The pinboard consists of tracks. Each track contains boxes. Multiple tracks are positioned side by side. https://www.edumaps.de/file/2387536848564589294.png/6rk7bku Map format: Pinboard **Timeline** The tracks run horizontally. The boxes are arranged from left to right. Multiple tracks are positioned one below the other. https://www.edumaps.de/file/10524896192514210868.png/xp3jac8 Map format: Timeline **Sticker Wall** The boxes are freely arranged. There are no tracks. https://www.edumaps.de/file/530150540731859997.png/0v6kh3d Map format: Sticker Wall ❤️ A switch from one map format to another map format is possible at any time. !#format Background | You can customize the background of your map as you like. - You can choose from the available background images. - You can upload your own background image using the "Own Image" button. - You can select any color using the color wheel. - If you want to enter a color code, click on the small pencil icon next to the color wheel. - By clicking on "Darken", the background will be darkened, which often leads to better readability of the map. https://www.edumaps.de/file/16109865824591845040.png/q741kst Selecting the background of the map !#background Font | You can choose one of the 12 available fonts. https://www.edumaps.de/file/17351625685026144148.png/a75np9q Font Selection Notes: - FAQ: {How can I change the font size of a map?}{https://www.edumaps.de/faq#a75000} - FAQ: {Why can additional fonts not be integrated?}{https://www.edumaps.de/faq#a250000} - FAQ: {Why is the set font displayed correctly on a PC/MAC but not on some smartphones and tablets?}{https://www.edumaps.de/faq#a1400} !#fontGrade | When you select a grade level, a small map of the grade level appears under the map title. https://www.edumaps.de/file/3069726482437650216.png/72xtbkl Specification of the grade level !#grade Tags | Under “Tags“ you can assign keywords to your map. These keywords help you quickly filter your maps. Under {“My Maps”}(https://www.edumaps.de/user/maps), you can then click on a tag to quickly find all maps associated with that tag. https://www.edumaps.de/file/4089248948230679505.png/idxujfk Tags for your Maps !#tags Release | Under “Sharing” you can share the map with all your students and teachers. Click on “My School (Read)” and save the map, so the map is immediately available under {"Maps of my School"}{https://www.edumaps.de/maps/school}. https://www.edumaps.de/file/10955974501965393373.png/x9bngxh Sharing the Map for your School You will also find the option “Teachers can edit th map”. Check the box, and all teachers at your school can edit this map. !#release Extras | Under “Extras”, you will find many settings for advanced users. https://www.edumaps.de/file/17443401223552488628.png/anjx8vr Settings via Map Extras In detail, these are: - Assign map password - Access only for registered users of my school - Read link allows editing - Disable map copying - Hide map title - Hide download buttons - Hide participants - Open links in same tab - Fewer settings for students and anonymous - Only map owner can create arrows, images, labels - Edit arrows, images, text labels only by creator - No live updates - Fixed path height (scroll) - Always full box height - No minimum box height - Fixed box height (min: 100, max: 700) - Fixed path width (min: 300, max: 700) - Box spacing bottom (min: 0, max: 300) - Path distance right (min: 10, max: 300) - Font size in boxes (min: 10, max: 20) - Font size of path titles (min: 10, max: 20) - Rounding box corners (min: 0, max: 50) - Rounding path corners (min: 0, max: 20) - Regenerate map link - Map language !#extras Introduction | ✔️ Here you will get to know the map settings: -- {Title of the Map}{!#title} -- {Map Format}{!#format} -- {Background}{!#background} -- {Font}{!#font} -- {Grade Level}{!#grade} -- {Tags}{!#tags} -- {Release}{!#release} -- {Extras}{!#extras} ✔️ Creating a map is very easy. You will quickly become familiar with the map settings. Settings | https://www.edumaps.de/file/12236757706387156513.png/00pg7jt Map Settings Title of the Map | You can choose any title for your map. You can also insert emojis. Characters from any language are possible. There are no restrictions. !#title Format text in the title | The text of the title can also be formatted. The following formatting options are possible: 1. Set **bold** and *italic* with asterisks. ``` **Bold** heading and here is an *italic word*. ``` 2. Line breaks are possible with two backslashes. ``` First line of the title \\ Second line ``` 3. **Colors** can be set with hex color codes: ``` My {red title}{#00F} ``` 4. **Font size** The font size can be increased or decreased as follows: ``` <big>My large title</big> and <small>a small text</small> ``` !#titleformat Map Format | **Pinboard** The pinboard consists of tracks. Each track contains boxes. Multiple tracks are positioned side by side. https://www.edumaps.de/file/2387536848564589294.png/6rk7bku Map format: Pinboard **Timeline** The tracks run horizontally. The boxes are arranged from left to right. Multiple tracks are positioned one below the other. https://www.edumaps.de/file/10524896192514210868.png/xp3jac8 Map format: Timeline **Sticker Wall** The boxes are freely arranged. There are no tracks. https://www.edumaps.de/file/530150540731859997.png/0v6kh3d Map format: Sticker Wall ❤️ A switch from one map format to another map format is possible at any time. !#format Background | You can customize the background of your map as you like. - You can choose from the available background images. - You can upload your own background image using the "Own Image" button. - You can select any color using the color wheel. - If you want to enter a color code, click on the small pencil icon next to the color wheel. - By clicking on "Darken", the background will be darkened, which often leads to better readability of the map. https://www.edumaps.de/file/16109865824591845040.png/q741kst Selecting the background of the map !#background Font | You can choose one of the 12 available fonts. https://www.edumaps.de/file/17351625685026144148.png/a75np9q Font Selection Notes: - FAQ: {How can I change the font size of a map?}{https://www.edumaps.de/faq#a75000} - FAQ: {Why can additional fonts not be integrated?}{https://www.edumaps.de/faq#a250000} - FAQ: {Why is the set font displayed correctly on a PC/MAC but not on some smartphones and tablets?}{https://www.edumaps.de/faq#a1400} !#fontGrade | When you select a grade level, a small map of the grade level appears under the map title. https://www.edumaps.de/file/3069726482437650216.png/72xtbkl Specification of the grade level !#grade Tags | Under “Tags“ you can assign keywords to your map. These keywords help you quickly filter your maps. Under {“My Maps”}(https://www.edumaps.de/user/maps), you can then click on a tag to quickly find all maps associated with that tag. https://www.edumaps.de/file/4089248948230679505.png/idxujfk Tags for your Maps !#tags Release | Under “Sharing” you can share the map with all your students and teachers. Click on “My School (Read)” and save the map, so the map is immediately available under {"Maps of my School"}{https://www.edumaps.de/maps/school}. https://www.edumaps.de/file/10955974501965393373.png/x9bngxh Sharing the Map for your School You will also find the option “Teachers can edit th map”. Check the box, and all teachers at your school can edit this map. !#release Extras | Under “Extras”, you will find many settings for advanced users. https://www.edumaps.de/file/17443401223552488628.png/anjx8vr Settings via Map Extras In detail, these are: - Assign map password - Access only for registered users of my school - Read link allows editing - Disable map copying - Hide map title - Hide download buttons - Hide participants - Open links in same tab - Fewer settings for students and anonymous - Only map owner can create arrows, images, labels - Edit arrows, images, text labels only by creator - No live updates - Fixed path height (scroll) - Always full box height - No minimum box height - Fixed box height (min: 100, max: 700) - Fixed path width (min: 300, max: 700) - Box spacing bottom (min: 0, max: 300) - Path distance right (min: 10, max: 300) - Font size in boxes (min: 10, max: 20) - Font size of path titles (min: 10, max: 20) - Rounding box corners (min: 0, max: 50) - Rounding path corners (min: 0, max: 20) - Regenerate map link - Map language !#extras Introduction | ✔️ Here you will get to know the map settings: -- {Title of the Map}{!#title} -- {Map Format}{!#format} -- {Background}{!#background} -- {Font}{!#font} -- {Grade Level}{!#grade} -- {Tags}{!#tags} -- {Release}{!#release} -- {Extras}{!#extras} ✔️ Creating a map is very easy. You will quickly become familiar with the map settings. Settings | https://www.edumaps.de/file/12236757706387156513.png/00pg7jt Map Settings Title of the Map | You can choose any title for your map. You can also insert emojis. Characters from any language are possible. There are no restrictions. !#title Format text in the title | The text of the title can also be formatted. The following formatting options are possible: 1. Set **bold** and *italic* with asterisks. ``` **Bold** heading and here is an *italic word*. ``` 2. Line breaks are possible with two backslashes. ``` First line of the title \\ Second line ``` 3. **Colors** can be set with hex color codes: ``` My {red title}{#00F} ``` 4. **Font size** The font size can be increased or decreased as follows: ``` <big>My large title</big> and <small>a small text</small> ``` !#titleformat Map Format | **Pinboard** The pinboard consists of tracks. Each track contains boxes. Multiple tracks are positioned side by side. https://www.edumaps.de/file/2387536848564589294.png/6rk7bku Map format: Pinboard **Timeline** The tracks run horizontally. The boxes are arranged from left to right. Multiple tracks are positioned one below the other. https://www.edumaps.de/file/10524896192514210868.png/xp3jac8 Map format: Timeline **Sticker Wall** The boxes are freely arranged. There are no tracks. https://www.edumaps.de/file/530150540731859997.png/0v6kh3d Map format: Sticker Wall ❤️ A switch from one map format to another map format is possible at any time. !#format Background | You can customize the background of your map as you like. - You can choose from the available background images. - You can upload your own background image using the "Own Image" button. - You can select any color using the color wheel. - If you want to enter a color code, click on the small pencil icon next to the color wheel. - By clicking on "Darken", the background will be darkened, which often leads to better readability of the map. https://www.edumaps.de/file/16109865824591845040.png/q741kst Selecting the background of the map !#background Font | You can choose one of the 12 available fonts. https://www.edumaps.de/file/17351625685026144148.png/a75np9q Font Selection Notes: - FAQ: {How can I change the font size of a map?}{https://www.edumaps.de/faq#a75000} - FAQ: {Why can additional fonts not be integrated?}{https://www.edumaps.de/faq#a250000} - FAQ: {Why is the set font displayed correctly on a PC/MAC but not on some smartphones and tablets?}{https://www.edumaps.de/faq#a1400} !#fontGrade | When you select a grade level, a small map of the grade level appears under the map title. https://www.edumaps.de/file/3069726482437650216.png/72xtbkl Specification of the grade level !#grade Tags | Under “Tags“ you can assign keywords to your map. These keywords help you quickly filter your maps. Under {“My Maps”}(https://www.edumaps.de/user/maps), you can then click on a tag to quickly find all maps associated with that tag. https://www.edumaps.de/file/4089248948230679505.png/idxujfk Tags for your Maps !#tags Release | Under “Sharing” you can share the map with all your students and teachers. Click on “My School (Read)” and save the map, so the map is immediately available under {"Maps of my School"}{https://www.edumaps.de/maps/school}. https://www.edumaps.de/file/10955974501965393373.png/x9bngxh Sharing the Map for your School You will also find the option “Teachers can edit th map”. Check the box, and all teachers at your school can edit this map. !#release Extras | Under “Extras”, you will find many settings for advanced users. https://www.edumaps.de/file/17443401223552488628.png/anjx8vr Settings via Map Extras In detail, these are: - Assign map password - Access only for registered users of my school - Read link allows editing - Disable map copying - Hide map title - Hide download buttons - Hide participants - Open links in same tab - Fewer settings for students and anonymous - Only map owner can create arrows, images, labels - Edit arrows, images, text labels only by creator - No live updates - Fixed path height (scroll) - Always full box height - No minimum box height - Fixed box height (min: 100, max: 700) - Fixed path width (min: 300, max: 700) - Box spacing bottom (min: 0, max: 300) - Path distance right (min: 10, max: 300) - Font size in boxes (min: 10, max: 20) - Font size of path titles (min: 10, max: 20) - Rounding box corners (min: 0, max: 50) - Rounding path corners (min: 0, max: 20) - Regenerate map link - Map language !#extras Introduction | ✔️ Here you will get to know the map settings: -- {Title of the Map}{!#title} -- {Map Format}{!#format} -- {Background}{!#background} -- {Font}{!#font} -- {Grade Level}{!#grade} -- {Tags}{!#tags} -- {Release}{!#release} -- {Extras}{!#extras} ✔️ Creating a map is very easy. You will quickly become familiar with the map settings. Settings | https://www.edumaps.de/file/12236757706387156513.png/00pg7jt Map Settings Title of the Map | You can choose any title for your map. You can also insert emojis. Characters from any language are possible. There are no restrictions. !#title Format text in the title | The text of the title can also be formatted. The following formatting options are possible: 1. Set **bold** and *italic* with asterisks. ``` **Bold** heading and here is an *italic word*. ``` 2. Line breaks are possible with two backslashes. ``` First line of the title \\ Second line ``` 3. **Colors** can be set with hex color codes: ``` My {red title}{#00F} ``` 4. **Font size** The font size can be increased or decreased as follows: ``` <big>My large title</big> and <small>a small text</small> ``` !#titleformat Map Format | **Pinboard** The pinboard consists of tracks. Each track contains boxes. Multiple tracks are positioned side by side. https://www.edumaps.de/file/2387536848564589294.png/6rk7bku Map format: Pinboard **Timeline** The tracks run horizontally. The boxes are arranged from left to right. Multiple tracks are positioned one below the other. https://www.edumaps.de/file/10524896192514210868.png/xp3jac8 Map format: Timeline **Sticker Wall** The boxes are freely arranged. There are no tracks. https://www.edumaps.de/file/530150540731859997.png/0v6kh3d Map format: Sticker Wall ❤️ A switch from one map format to another map format is possible at any time. !#format Background | You can customize the background of your map as you like. - You can choose from the available background images. - You can upload your own background image using the "Own Image" button. - You can select any color using the color wheel. - If you want to enter a color code, click on the small pencil icon next to the color wheel. - By clicking on "Darken", the background will be darkened, which often leads to better readability of the map. https://www.edumaps.de/file/16109865824591845040.png/q741kst Selecting the background of the map !#background Font | You can choose one of the 12 available fonts. https://www.edumaps.de/file/17351625685026144148.png/a75np9q Font Selection Notes: - FAQ: {How can I change the font size of a map?}{https://www.edumaps.de/faq#a75000} - FAQ: {Why can additional fonts not be integrated?}{https://www.edumaps.de/faq#a250000} - FAQ: {Why is the set font displayed correctly on a PC/MAC but not on some smartphones and tablets?}{https://www.edumaps.de/faq#a1400} !#fontGrade | When you select a grade level, a small map of the grade level appears under the map title. https://www.edumaps.de/file/3069726482437650216.png/72xtbkl Specification of the grade level !#grade Tags | Under “Tags“ you can assign keywords to your map. These keywords help you quickly filter your maps. Under {“My Maps”}(https://www.edumaps.de/user/maps), you can then click on a tag to quickly find all maps associated with that tag. https://www.edumaps.de/file/4089248948230679505.png/idxujfk Tags for your Maps !#tags Release | Under “Sharing” you can share the map with all your students and teachers. Click on “My School (Read)” and save the map, so the map is immediately available under {"Maps of my School"}{https://www.edumaps.de/maps/school}. https://www.edumaps.de/file/10955974501965393373.png/x9bngxh Sharing the Map for your School You will also find the option “Teachers can edit th map”. Check the box, and all teachers at your school can edit this map. !#release Extras | Under “Extras”, you will find many settings for advanced users. https://www.edumaps.de/file/17443401223552488628.png/anjx8vr Settings via Map Extras In detail, these are: - Assign map password - Access only for registered users of my school - Read link allows editing - Disable map copying - Hide map title - Hide download buttons - Hide participants - Open links in same tab - Fewer settings for students and anonymous - Only map owner can create arrows, images, labels - Edit arrows, images, text labels only by creator - No live updates - Fixed path height (scroll) - Always full box height - No minimum box height - Fixed box height (min: 100, max: 700) - Fixed path width (min: 300, max: 700) - Box spacing bottom (min: 0, max: 300) - Path distance right (min: 10, max: 300) - Font size in boxes (min: 10, max: 20) - Font size of path titles (min: 10, max: 20) - Rounding box corners (min: 0, max: 50) - Rounding path corners (min: 0, max: 20) - Regenerate map link - Map language !#extras Introduction | ✔️ Here you will get to know the map settings: -- {Title of the Map}{!#title} -- {Map Format}{!#format} -- {Background}{!#background} -- {Font}{!#font} -- {Grade Level}{!#grade} -- {Tags}{!#tags} -- {Release}{!#release} -- {Extras}{!#extras} ✔️ Creating a map is very easy. You will quickly become familiar with the map settings. Settings | https://www.edumaps.de/file/12236757706387156513.png/00pg7jt Map Settings Title of the Map | You can choose any title for your map. You can also insert emojis. Characters from any language are possible. There are no restrictions. !#title Format text in the title | The text of the title can also be formatted. The following formatting options are possible: 1. Set **bold** and *italic* with asterisks. ``` **Bold** heading and here is an *italic word*. ``` 2. Line breaks are possible with two backslashes. ``` First line of the title \\ Second line ``` 3. **Colors** can be set with hex color codes: ``` My {red title}{#00F} ``` 4. **Font size** The font size can be increased or decreased as follows: ``` <big>My large title</big> and <small>a small text</small> ``` !#titleformat Map Format | **Pinboard** The pinboard consists of tracks. Each track contains boxes. Multiple tracks are positioned side by side. https://www.edumaps.de/file/2387536848564589294.png/6rk7bku Map format: Pinboard **Timeline** The tracks run horizontally. The boxes are arranged from left to right. Multiple tracks are positioned one below the other. https://www.edumaps.de/file/10524896192514210868.png/xp3jac8 Map format: Timeline **Sticker Wall** The boxes are freely arranged. There are no tracks. https://www.edumaps.de/file/530150540731859997.png/0v6kh3d Map format: Sticker Wall ❤️ A switch from one map format to another map format is possible at any time. !#format Background | You can customize the background of your map as you like. - You can choose from the available background images. - You can upload your own background image using the "Own Image" button. - You can select any color using the color wheel. - If you want to enter a color code, click on the small pencil icon next to the color wheel. - By clicking on "Darken", the background will be darkened, which often leads to better readability of the map. https://www.edumaps.de/file/16109865824591845040.png/q741kst Selecting the background of the map !#background Font | You can choose one of the 12 available fonts. https://www.edumaps.de/file/17351625685026144148.png/a75np9q Font Selection Notes: - FAQ: {How can I change the font size of a map?}{https://www.edumaps.de/faq#a75000} - FAQ: {Why can additional fonts not be integrated?}{https://www.edumaps.de/faq#a250000} - FAQ: {Why is the set font displayed correctly on a PC/MAC but not on some smartphones and tablets?}{https://www.edumaps.de/faq#a1400} !#fontGrade | When you select a grade level, a small map of the grade level appears under the map title. https://www.edumaps.de/file/3069726482437650216.png/72xtbkl Specification of the grade level !#grade Tags | Under “Tags“ you can assign keywords to your map. These keywords help you quickly filter your maps. Under {“My Maps”}(https://www.edumaps.de/user/maps), you can then click on a tag to quickly find all maps associated with that tag. https://www.edumaps.de/file/4089248948230679505.png/idxujfk Tags for your Maps !#tags Release | Under “Sharing” you can share the map with all your students and teachers. Click on “My School (Read)” and save the map, so the map is immediately available under {"Maps of my School"}{https://www.edumaps.de/maps/school}. https://www.edumaps.de/file/10955974501965393373.png/x9bngxh Sharing the Map for your School You will also find the option “Teachers can edit th map”. Check the box, and all teachers at your school can edit this map. !#release Extras | Under “Extras”, you will find many settings for advanced users. https://www.edumaps.de/file/17443401223552488628.png/anjx8vr Settings via Map Extras In detail, these are: - Assign map password - Access only for registered users of my school - Read link allows editing - Disable map copying - Hide map title - Hide download buttons - Hide participants - Open links in same tab - Fewer settings for students and anonymous - Only map owner can create arrows, images, labels - Edit arrows, images, text labels only by creator - No live updates - Fixed path height (scroll) - Always full box height - No minimum box height - Fixed box height (min: 100, max: 700) - Fixed path width (min: 300, max: 700) - Box spacing bottom (min: 0, max: 300) - Path distance right (min: 10, max: 300) - Font size in boxes (min: 10, max: 20) - Font size of path titles (min: 10, max: 20) - Rounding box corners (min: 0, max: 50) - Rounding path corners (min: 0, max: 20) - Regenerate map link - Map language !#extras Introduction | ✔️ Here you will get to know the map settings: -- {Title of the Map}{!#title} -- {Map Format}{!#format} -- {Background}{!#background} -- {Font}{!#font} -- {Grade Level}{!#grade} -- {Tags}{!#tags} -- {Release}{!#release} -- {Extras}{!#extras} ✔️ Creating a map is very easy. You will quickly become familiar with the map settings. Settings | https://www.edumaps.de/file/12236757706387156513.png/00pg7jt Map Settings Title of the Map | You can choose any title for your map. You can also insert emojis. Characters from any language are possible. There are no restrictions. !#title Format text in the title | The text of the title can also be formatted. The following formatting options are possible: 1. Set **bold** and *italic* with asterisks. ``` **Bold** heading and here is an *italic word*. ``` 2. Line breaks are possible with two backslashes. ``` First line of the title \\ Second line ``` 3. **Colors** can be set with hex color codes: ``` My {red title}{#00F} ``` 4. **Font size** The font size can be increased or decreased as follows: ``` <big>My large title</big> and <small>a small text</small> ``` !#titleformat Map Format | **Pinboard** The pinboard consists of tracks. Each track contains boxes. Multiple tracks are positioned side by side. https://www.edumaps.de/file/2387536848564589294.png/6rk7bku Map format: Pinboard **Timeline** The tracks run horizontally. The boxes are arranged from left to right. Multiple tracks are positioned one below the other. https://www.edumaps.de/file/10524896192514210868.png/xp3jac8 Map format: Timeline **Sticker Wall** The boxes are freely arranged. There are no tracks. https://www.edumaps.de/file/530150540731859997.png/0v6kh3d Map format: Sticker Wall ❤️ A switch from one map format to another map format is possible at any time. !#format Background | You can customize the background of your map as you like. - You can choose from the available background images. - You can upload your own background image using the "Own Image" button. - You can select any color using the color wheel. - If you want to enter a color code, click on the small pencil icon next to the color wheel. - By clicking on "Darken", the background will be darkened, which often leads to better readability of the map. https://www.edumaps.de/file/16109865824591845040.png/q741kst Selecting the background of the map !#background Font | You can choose one of the 12 available fonts. https://www.edumaps.de/file/17351625685026144148.png/a75np9q Font Selection Notes: - FAQ: {How can I change the font size of a map?}{https://www.edumaps.de/faq#a75000} - FAQ: {Why can additional fonts not be integrated?}{https://www.edumaps.de/faq#a250000} - FAQ: {Why is the set font displayed correctly on a PC/MAC but not on some smartphones and tablets?}{https://www.edumaps.de/faq#a1400} !#fontGrade | When you select a grade level, a small map of the grade level appears under the map title. https://www.edumaps.de/file/3069726482437650216.png/72xtbkl Specification of the grade level !#grade Tags | Under “Tags“ you can assign keywords to your map. These keywords help you quickly filter your maps. Under {“My Maps”}(https://www.edumaps.de/user/maps), you can then click on a tag to quickly find all maps associated with that tag. https://www.edumaps.de/file/4089248948230679505.png/idxujfk Tags for your Maps !#tags Release | Under “Sharing” you can share the map with all your students and teachers. Click on “My School (Read)” and save the map, so the map is immediately available under {"Maps of my School"}{https://www.edumaps.de/maps/school}. https://www.edumaps.de/file/10955974501965393373.png/x9bngxh Sharing the Map for your School You will also find the option “Teachers can edit th map”. Check the box, and all teachers at your school can edit this map. !#release Extras | Under “Extras”, you will find many settings for advanced users. https://www.edumaps.de/file/17443401223552488628.png/anjx8vr Settings via Map Extras In detail, these are: - Assign map password - Access only for registered users of my school - Read link allows editing - Disable map copying - Hide map title - Hide download buttons - Hide participants - Open links in same tab - Fewer settings for students and anonymous - Only map owner can create arrows, images, labels - Edit arrows, images, text labels only by creator - No live updates - Fixed path height (scroll) - Always full box height - No minimum box height - Fixed box height (min: 100, max: 700) - Fixed path width (min: 300, max: 700) - Box spacing bottom (min: 0, max: 300) - Path distance right (min: 10, max: 300) - Font size in boxes (min: 10, max: 20) - Font size of path titles (min: 10, max: 20) - Rounding box corners (min: 0, max: 50) - Rounding path corners (min: 0, max: 20) - Regenerate map link - Map language !#extras Introduction | ✔️ Here you will get to know the map settings: -- {Title of the Map}{!#title} -- {Map Format}{!#format} -- {Background}{!#background} -- {Font}{!#font} -- {Grade Level}{!#grade} -- {Tags}{!#tags} -- {Release}{!#release} -- {Extras}{!#extras} ✔️ Creating a map is very easy. You will quickly become familiar with the map settings. Settings | https://www.edumaps.de/file/12236757706387156513.png/00pg7jt Map Settings Title of the Map | You can choose any title for your map. You can also insert emojis. Characters from any language are possible. There are no restrictions. !#title Format text in the title | The text of the title can also be formatted. The following formatting options are possible: 1. Set **bold** and *italic* with asterisks. ``` **Bold** heading and here is an *italic word*. ``` 2. Line breaks are possible with two backslashes. ``` First line of the title \\ Second line ``` 3. **Colors** can be set with hex color codes: ``` My {red title}{#00F} ``` 4. **Font size** The font size can be increased or decreased as follows: ``` <big>My large title</big> and <small>a small text</small> ``` !#titleformat Map Format | **Pinboard** The pinboard consists of tracks. Each track contains boxes. Multiple tracks are positioned side by side. https://www.edumaps.de/file/2387536848564589294.png/6rk7bku Map format: Pinboard **Timeline** The tracks run horizontally. The boxes are arranged from left to right. Multiple tracks are positioned one below the other. https://www.edumaps.de/file/10524896192514210868.png/xp3jac8 Map format: Timeline **Sticker Wall** The boxes are freely arranged. There are no tracks. https://www.edumaps.de/file/530150540731859997.png/0v6kh3d Map format: Sticker Wall ❤️ A switch from one map format to another map format is possible at any time. !#format Background | You can customize the background of your map as you like. - You can choose from the available background images. - You can upload your own background image using the "Own Image" button. - You can select any color using the color wheel. - If you want to enter a color code, click on the small pencil icon next to the color wheel. - By clicking on "Darken", the background will be darkened, which often leads to better readability of the map. https://www.edumaps.de/file/16109865824591845040.png/q741kst Selecting the background of the map !#background Font | You can choose one of the 12 available fonts. https://www.edumaps.de/file/17351625685026144148.png/a75np9q Font Selection Notes: - FAQ: {How can I change the font size of a map?}{https://www.edumaps.de/faq#a75000} - FAQ: {Why can additional fonts not be integrated?}{https://www.edumaps.de/faq#a250000} - FAQ: {Why is the set font displayed correctly on a PC/MAC but not on some smartphones and tablets?}{https://www.edumaps.de/faq#a1400} !#fontGrade | When you select a grade level, a small map of the grade level appears under the map title. https://www.edumaps.de/file/3069726482437650216.png/72xtbkl Specification of the grade level !#grade Tags | Under “Tags“ you can assign keywords to your map. These keywords help you quickly filter your maps. Under {“My Maps”}(https://www.edumaps.de/user/maps), you can then click on a tag to quickly find all maps associated with that tag. https://www.edumaps.de/file/4089248948230679505.png/idxujfk Tags for your Maps !#tags Release | Under “Sharing” you can share the map with all your students and teachers. Click on “My School (Read)” and save the map, so the map is immediately available under {"Maps of my School"}{https://www.edumaps.de/maps/school}. https://www.edumaps.de/file/10955974501965393373.png/x9bngxh Sharing the Map for your School You will also find the option “Teachers can edit th map”. Check the box, and all teachers at your school can edit this map. !#release Extras | Under “Extras”, you will find many settings for advanced users. https://www.edumaps.de/file/17443401223552488628.png/anjx8vr Settings via Map Extras In detail, these are: - Assign map password - Access only for registered users of my school - Read link allows editing - Disable map copying - Hide map title - Hide download buttons - Hide participants - Open links in same tab - Fewer settings for students and anonymous - Only map owner can create arrows, images, labels - Edit arrows, images, text labels only by creator - No live updates - Fixed path height (scroll) - Always full box height - No minimum box height - Fixed box height (min: 100, max: 700) - Fixed path width (min: 300, max: 700) - Box spacing bottom (min: 0, max: 300) - Path distance right (min: 10, max: 300) - Font size in boxes (min: 10, max: 20) - Font size of path titles (min: 10, max: 20) - Rounding box corners (min: 0, max: 50) - Rounding path corners (min: 0, max: 20) - Regenerate map link - Map language !#extras Introduction | ✔️ Here you will get to know the map settings: -- {Title of the Map}{!#title} -- {Map Format}{!#format} -- {Background}{!#background} -- {Font}{!#font} -- {Grade Level}{!#grade} -- {Tags}{!#tags} -- {Release}{!#release} -- {Extras}{!#extras} ✔️ Creating a map is very easy. You will quickly become familiar with the map settings. Settings | https://www.edumaps.de/file/12236757706387156513.png/00pg7jt Map Settings Title of the Map | You can choose any title for your map. You can also insert emojis. Characters from any language are possible. There are no restrictions. !#title Format text in the title | The text of the title can also be formatted. The following formatting options are possible: 1. Set **bold** and *italic* with asterisks. ``` **Bold** heading and here is an *italic word*. ``` 2. Line breaks are possible with two backslashes. ``` First line of the title \\ Second line ``` 3. **Colors** can be set with hex color codes: ``` My {red title}{#00F} ``` 4. **Font size** The font size can be increased or decreased as follows: ``` <big>My large title</big> and <small>a small text</small> ``` !#titleformat Map Format | **Pinboard** The pinboard consists of tracks. Each track contains boxes. Multiple tracks are positioned side by side. https://www.edumaps.de/file/2387536848564589294.png/6rk7bku Map format: Pinboard **Timeline** The tracks run horizontally. The boxes are arranged from left to right. Multiple tracks are positioned one below the other. https://www.edumaps.de/file/10524896192514210868.png/xp3jac8 Map format: Timeline **Sticker Wall** The boxes are freely arranged. There are no tracks. https://www.edumaps.de/file/530150540731859997.png/0v6kh3d Map format: Sticker Wall ❤️ A switch from one map format to another map format is possible at any time. !#format Background | You can customize the background of your map as you like. - You can choose from the available background images. - You can upload your own background image using the "Own Image" button. - You can select any color using the color wheel. - If you want to enter a color code, click on the small pencil icon next to the color wheel. - By clicking on "Darken", the background will be darkened, which often leads to better readability of the map. https://www.edumaps.de/file/16109865824591845040.png/q741kst Selecting the background of the map !#background Font | You can choose one of the 12 available fonts. https://www.edumaps.de/file/17351625685026144148.png/a75np9q Font Selection Notes: - FAQ: {How can I change the font size of a map?}{https://www.edumaps.de/faq#a75000} - FAQ: {Why can additional fonts not be integrated?}{https://www.edumaps.de/faq#a250000} - FAQ: {Why is the set font displayed correctly on a PC/MAC but not on some smartphones and tablets?}{https://www.edumaps.de/faq#a1400} !#fontGrade | When you select a grade level, a small map of the grade level appears under the map title. https://www.edumaps.de/file/3069726482437650216.png/72xtbkl Specification of the grade level !#grade Tags | Under “Tags“ you can assign keywords to your map. These keywords help you quickly filter your maps. Under {“My Maps”}(https://www.edumaps.de/user/maps), you can then click on a tag to quickly find all maps associated with that tag. https://www.edumaps.de/file/4089248948230679505.png/idxujfk Tags for your Maps !#tags Release | Under “Sharing” you can share the map with all your students and teachers. Click on “My School (Read)” and save the map, so the map is immediately available under {"Maps of my School"}{https://www.edumaps.de/maps/school}. https://www.edumaps.de/file/10955974501965393373.png/x9bngxh Sharing the Map for your School You will also find the option “Teachers can edit th map”. Check the box, and all teachers at your school can edit this map. !#release Extras | Under “Extras”, you will find many settings for advanced users. https://www.edumaps.de/file/17443401223552488628.png/anjx8vr Settings via Map Extras In detail, these are: - Assign map password - Access only for registered users of my school - Read link allows editing - Disable map copying - Hide map title - Hide download buttons - Hide participants - Open links in same tab - Fewer settings for students and anonymous - Only map owner can create arrows, images, labels - Edit arrows, images, text labels only by creator - No live updates - Fixed path height (scroll) - Always full box height - No minimum box height - Fixed box height (min: 100, max: 700) - Fixed path width (min: 300, max: 700) - Box spacing bottom (min: 0, max: 300) - Path distance right (min: 10, max: 300) - Font size in boxes (min: 10, max: 20) - Font size of path titles (min: 10, max: 20) - Rounding box corners (min: 0, max: 50) - Rounding path corners (min: 0, max: 20) - Regenerate map link - Map language !#extras
  • Lesen

    1.5 Tutorial: Path Settings



    Introduction | ✔️ Here you will learn about all the important settings for the path: -- {Title of the Path}{!#title} -- {Linking Path Title}{!#linking} -- {Color of the Path Title}{!#color} -- {Hide Title}{!#hidetitle} -- {Add Annotations}{!#annotations} -- {Protect Path}{!#protect} -- {Show path contents from}{!#showcontents} -- {Hide Path in View}{!#hideinview} Path Settings | https://www.edumaps.de/file/17138079660435945183.png/ppjuyxf Path Settings (Screenshot) Title of the Path | You can set the title of your path as you like. You can also insert emojis. Characters from any language are possible. There are no restrictions. !#title Format Text in the Title | For Advanced Users: You can also style the text of the title. The following formatting options are possible: 1. **Bold** and *Italic* with asterisks. ``` **Bold Heading** and here is an *italic word*. ``` 2. **Line Breaks** are possible with two backslashes. ``` First line of the title \\ Second line ``` 3. **Colors** can be set with hex color codes: ``` My {blue title}{#00F} ``` 4. **Font Size** The font size can be increased or decreased as follows: ``` <big>My big title</big> and <small>a small text</small> ``` Linking Path Title | You can link a path title by simply adding the link after the path title. For example, see Map: https://www.edumaps.de/1019/1/jm16nsu7lq Mathematics Quotes and Sayings 📝 Input (Example): ``` Box Title https://www.wikipedia.org/ ``` !#linking Path Title Color | You can color each path title. Defined colors are available for this purpose. https://www.edumaps.de/file/3755083524615089504.png/e24xcjh Colors for Path Titles Click on the edit pencil icon to display additional settings. https://www.edumaps.de/file/18173540885354598921.png/csqyxav Advanced Settings for Path Color Here, you can select a color from the color wheel and adjust the brightness of the color. You can also input a hexadecimal color code. This is useful if you want to use the exact color code from another path. !#color Hide Title | Here you can hide the title. It will then not be displayed in the map view. https://www.edumaps.de/file/14661734791780635154.png/y75n8oj Hide title <small>In edit mode, you will still see the path title, as this is where access to the path settings is made.</small> !#hidetitle Add Annotation | In the path settings, you can insert your own annotations. These annotations appear below the path title. https://www.edumaps.de/file/2562514518155186801.jpg/veq9smp Annotation on the path New lines are accommodated in the annotations. You can also apply formatting for bold and italic. **📝 Input (Example):** ``` **Prerequisites:** These are my annotations on the topic. Second line with more information. ``` !#annotations Protect Path | If the map is edited by others, this path and all the boxes it contains are locked. Only the map owner can make changes. https://www.edumaps.de/file/1473119303995028191.png/x2mh7ek Protected Path !#protect Show path contents from | Here you can set the time (day optional with time) from which the path will be displayed in the map view. https://www.edumaps.de/file/9383764404804898714.png/urvmapw Option "Show content starting on" By default, the path title is displayed in the map view with a small banner "Appears on (date)." If you check the box "Hide entire path until then (in view)", the entire path will be hidden in the view. !#showcontents Hide path in view | You can permanently hide the path in the map view by enabling the “Hide path in view” option. https://www.edumaps.de/file/9740484293539900723.jpg/7niuijg Hide path in map view However, the path will still be displayed in edit mode. Tip: If you also want to hide paths in edit mode, create individual views via the {Share path group}{https://www.edumaps.de/1047/1/siajhiablo/fv6nobr4hp#pathgroup}. !#hideinview Introduction | ✔️ Here you will learn about all the important settings for the path: -- {Title of the Path}{!#title} -- {Linking Path Title}{!#linking} -- {Color of the Path Title}{!#color} -- {Hide Title}{!#hidetitle} -- {Add Annotations}{!#annotations} -- {Protect Path}{!#protect} -- {Show path contents from}{!#showcontents} -- {Hide Path in View}{!#hideinview} Path Settings | https://www.edumaps.de/file/17138079660435945183.png/ppjuyxf Path Settings (Screenshot) Title of the Path | You can set the title of your path as you like. You can also insert emojis. Characters from any language are possible. There are no restrictions. !#title Format Text in the Title | For Advanced Users: You can also style the text of the title. The following formatting options are possible: 1. **Bold** and *Italic* with asterisks. ``` **Bold Heading** and here is an *italic word*. ``` 2. **Line Breaks** are possible with two backslashes. ``` First line of the title \\ Second line ``` 3. **Colors** can be set with hex color codes: ``` My {blue title}{#00F} ``` 4. **Font Size** The font size can be increased or decreased as follows: ``` <big>My big title</big> and <small>a small text</small> ``` Linking Path Title | You can link a path title by simply adding the link after the path title. For example, see Map: https://www.edumaps.de/1019/1/jm16nsu7lq Mathematics Quotes and Sayings 📝 Input (Example): ``` Box Title https://www.wikipedia.org/ ``` !#linking Path Title Color | You can color each path title. Defined colors are available for this purpose. https://www.edumaps.de/file/3755083524615089504.png/e24xcjh Colors for Path Titles Click on the edit pencil icon to display additional settings. https://www.edumaps.de/file/18173540885354598921.png/csqyxav Advanced Settings for Path Color Here, you can select a color from the color wheel and adjust the brightness of the color. You can also input a hexadecimal color code. This is useful if you want to use the exact color code from another path. !#color Hide Title | Here you can hide the title. It will then not be displayed in the map view. https://www.edumaps.de/file/14661734791780635154.png/y75n8oj Hide title <small>In edit mode, you will still see the path title, as this is where access to the path settings is made.</small> !#hidetitle Add Annotation | In the path settings, you can insert your own annotations. These annotations appear below the path title. https://www.edumaps.de/file/2562514518155186801.jpg/veq9smp Annotation on the path New lines are accommodated in the annotations. You can also apply formatting for bold and italic. **📝 Input (Example):** ``` **Prerequisites:** These are my annotations on the topic. Second line with more information. ``` !#annotations Protect Path | If the map is edited by others, this path and all the boxes it contains are locked. Only the map owner can make changes. https://www.edumaps.de/file/1473119303995028191.png/x2mh7ek Protected Path !#protect Show path contents from | Here you can set the time (day optional with time) from which the path will be displayed in the map view. https://www.edumaps.de/file/9383764404804898714.png/urvmapw Option "Show content starting on" By default, the path title is displayed in the map view with a small banner "Appears on (date)." If you check the box "Hide entire path until then (in view)", the entire path will be hidden in the view. !#showcontents Hide path in view | You can permanently hide the path in the map view by enabling the “Hide path in view” option. https://www.edumaps.de/file/9740484293539900723.jpg/7niuijg Hide path in map view However, the path will still be displayed in edit mode. Tip: If you also want to hide paths in edit mode, create individual views via the {Share path group}{https://www.edumaps.de/1047/1/siajhiablo/fv6nobr4hp#pathgroup}. !#hideinview Introduction | ✔️ Here you will learn about all the important settings for the path: -- {Title of the Path}{!#title} -- {Linking Path Title}{!#linking} -- {Color of the Path Title}{!#color} -- {Hide Title}{!#hidetitle} -- {Add Annotations}{!#annotations} -- {Protect Path}{!#protect} -- {Show path contents from}{!#showcontents} -- {Hide Path in View}{!#hideinview} Path Settings | https://www.edumaps.de/file/17138079660435945183.png/ppjuyxf Path Settings (Screenshot) Title of the Path | You can set the title of your path as you like. You can also insert emojis. Characters from any language are possible. There are no restrictions. !#title Format Text in the Title | For Advanced Users: You can also style the text of the title. The following formatting options are possible: 1. **Bold** and *Italic* with asterisks. ``` **Bold Heading** and here is an *italic word*. ``` 2. **Line Breaks** are possible with two backslashes. ``` First line of the title \\ Second line ``` 3. **Colors** can be set with hex color codes: ``` My {blue title}{#00F} ``` 4. **Font Size** The font size can be increased or decreased as follows: ``` <big>My big title</big> and <small>a small text</small> ``` Linking Path Title | You can link a path title by simply adding the link after the path title. For example, see Map: https://www.edumaps.de/1019/1/jm16nsu7lq Mathematics Quotes and Sayings 📝 Input (Example): ``` Box Title https://www.wikipedia.org/ ``` !#linking Path Title Color | You can color each path title. Defined colors are available for this purpose. https://www.edumaps.de/file/3755083524615089504.png/e24xcjh Colors for Path Titles Click on the edit pencil icon to display additional settings. https://www.edumaps.de/file/18173540885354598921.png/csqyxav Advanced Settings for Path Color Here, you can select a color from the color wheel and adjust the brightness of the color. You can also input a hexadecimal color code. This is useful if you want to use the exact color code from another path. !#color Hide Title | Here you can hide the title. It will then not be displayed in the map view. https://www.edumaps.de/file/14661734791780635154.png/y75n8oj Hide title <small>In edit mode, you will still see the path title, as this is where access to the path settings is made.</small> !#hidetitle Add Annotation | In the path settings, you can insert your own annotations. These annotations appear below the path title. https://www.edumaps.de/file/2562514518155186801.jpg/veq9smp Annotation on the path New lines are accommodated in the annotations. You can also apply formatting for bold and italic. **📝 Input (Example):** ``` **Prerequisites:** These are my annotations on the topic. Second line with more information. ``` !#annotations Protect Path | If the map is edited by others, this path and all the boxes it contains are locked. Only the map owner can make changes. https://www.edumaps.de/file/1473119303995028191.png/x2mh7ek Protected Path !#protect Show path contents from | Here you can set the time (day optional with time) from which the path will be displayed in the map view. https://www.edumaps.de/file/9383764404804898714.png/urvmapw Option "Show content starting on" By default, the path title is displayed in the map view with a small banner "Appears on (date)." If you check the box "Hide entire path until then (in view)", the entire path will be hidden in the view. !#showcontents Hide path in view | You can permanently hide the path in the map view by enabling the “Hide path in view” option. https://www.edumaps.de/file/9740484293539900723.jpg/7niuijg Hide path in map view However, the path will still be displayed in edit mode. Tip: If you also want to hide paths in edit mode, create individual views via the {Share path group}{https://www.edumaps.de/1047/1/siajhiablo/fv6nobr4hp#pathgroup}. !#hideinview Introduction | ✔️ Here you will learn about all the important settings for the path: -- {Title of the Path}{!#title} -- {Linking Path Title}{!#linking} -- {Color of the Path Title}{!#color} -- {Hide Title}{!#hidetitle} -- {Add Annotations}{!#annotations} -- {Protect Path}{!#protect} -- {Show path contents from}{!#showcontents} -- {Hide Path in View}{!#hideinview} Path Settings | https://www.edumaps.de/file/17138079660435945183.png/ppjuyxf Path Settings (Screenshot) Title of the Path | You can set the title of your path as you like. You can also insert emojis. Characters from any language are possible. There are no restrictions. !#title Format Text in the Title | For Advanced Users: You can also style the text of the title. The following formatting options are possible: 1. **Bold** and *Italic* with asterisks. ``` **Bold Heading** and here is an *italic word*. ``` 2. **Line Breaks** are possible with two backslashes. ``` First line of the title \\ Second line ``` 3. **Colors** can be set with hex color codes: ``` My {blue title}{#00F} ``` 4. **Font Size** The font size can be increased or decreased as follows: ``` <big>My big title</big> and <small>a small text</small> ``` Linking Path Title | You can link a path title by simply adding the link after the path title. For example, see Map: https://www.edumaps.de/1019/1/jm16nsu7lq Mathematics Quotes and Sayings 📝 Input (Example): ``` Box Title https://www.wikipedia.org/ ``` !#linking Path Title Color | You can color each path title. Defined colors are available for this purpose. https://www.edumaps.de/file/3755083524615089504.png/e24xcjh Colors for Path Titles Click on the edit pencil icon to display additional settings. https://www.edumaps.de/file/18173540885354598921.png/csqyxav Advanced Settings for Path Color Here, you can select a color from the color wheel and adjust the brightness of the color. You can also input a hexadecimal color code. This is useful if you want to use the exact color code from another path. !#color Hide Title | Here you can hide the title. It will then not be displayed in the map view. https://www.edumaps.de/file/14661734791780635154.png/y75n8oj Hide title <small>In edit mode, you will still see the path title, as this is where access to the path settings is made.</small> !#hidetitle Add Annotation | In the path settings, you can insert your own annotations. These annotations appear below the path title. https://www.edumaps.de/file/2562514518155186801.jpg/veq9smp Annotation on the path New lines are accommodated in the annotations. You can also apply formatting for bold and italic. **📝 Input (Example):** ``` **Prerequisites:** These are my annotations on the topic. Second line with more information. ``` !#annotations Protect Path | If the map is edited by others, this path and all the boxes it contains are locked. Only the map owner can make changes. https://www.edumaps.de/file/1473119303995028191.png/x2mh7ek Protected Path !#protect Show path contents from | Here you can set the time (day optional with time) from which the path will be displayed in the map view. https://www.edumaps.de/file/9383764404804898714.png/urvmapw Option "Show content starting on" By default, the path title is displayed in the map view with a small banner "Appears on (date)." If you check the box "Hide entire path until then (in view)", the entire path will be hidden in the view. !#showcontents Hide path in view | You can permanently hide the path in the map view by enabling the “Hide path in view” option. https://www.edumaps.de/file/9740484293539900723.jpg/7niuijg Hide path in map view However, the path will still be displayed in edit mode. Tip: If you also want to hide paths in edit mode, create individual views via the {Share path group}{https://www.edumaps.de/1047/1/siajhiablo/fv6nobr4hp#pathgroup}. !#hideinview Introduction | ✔️ Here you will learn about all the important settings for the path: -- {Title of the Path}{!#title} -- {Linking Path Title}{!#linking} -- {Color of the Path Title}{!#color} -- {Hide Title}{!#hidetitle} -- {Add Annotations}{!#annotations} -- {Protect Path}{!#protect} -- {Show path contents from}{!#showcontents} -- {Hide Path in View}{!#hideinview} Path Settings | https://www.edumaps.de/file/17138079660435945183.png/ppjuyxf Path Settings (Screenshot) Title of the Path | You can set the title of your path as you like. You can also insert emojis. Characters from any language are possible. There are no restrictions. !#title Format Text in the Title | For Advanced Users: You can also style the text of the title. The following formatting options are possible: 1. **Bold** and *Italic* with asterisks. ``` **Bold Heading** and here is an *italic word*. ``` 2. **Line Breaks** are possible with two backslashes. ``` First line of the title \\ Second line ``` 3. **Colors** can be set with hex color codes: ``` My {blue title}{#00F} ``` 4. **Font Size** The font size can be increased or decreased as follows: ``` <big>My big title</big> and <small>a small text</small> ``` Linking Path Title | You can link a path title by simply adding the link after the path title. For example, see Map: https://www.edumaps.de/1019/1/jm16nsu7lq Mathematics Quotes and Sayings 📝 Input (Example): ``` Box Title https://www.wikipedia.org/ ``` !#linking Path Title Color | You can color each path title. Defined colors are available for this purpose. https://www.edumaps.de/file/3755083524615089504.png/e24xcjh Colors for Path Titles Click on the edit pencil icon to display additional settings. https://www.edumaps.de/file/18173540885354598921.png/csqyxav Advanced Settings for Path Color Here, you can select a color from the color wheel and adjust the brightness of the color. You can also input a hexadecimal color code. This is useful if you want to use the exact color code from another path. !#color Hide Title | Here you can hide the title. It will then not be displayed in the map view. https://www.edumaps.de/file/14661734791780635154.png/y75n8oj Hide title <small>In edit mode, you will still see the path title, as this is where access to the path settings is made.</small> !#hidetitle Add Annotation | In the path settings, you can insert your own annotations. These annotations appear below the path title. https://www.edumaps.de/file/2562514518155186801.jpg/veq9smp Annotation on the path New lines are accommodated in the annotations. You can also apply formatting for bold and italic. **📝 Input (Example):** ``` **Prerequisites:** These are my annotations on the topic. Second line with more information. ``` !#annotations Protect Path | If the map is edited by others, this path and all the boxes it contains are locked. Only the map owner can make changes. https://www.edumaps.de/file/1473119303995028191.png/x2mh7ek Protected Path !#protect Show path contents from | Here you can set the time (day optional with time) from which the path will be displayed in the map view. https://www.edumaps.de/file/9383764404804898714.png/urvmapw Option "Show content starting on" By default, the path title is displayed in the map view with a small banner "Appears on (date)." If you check the box "Hide entire path until then (in view)", the entire path will be hidden in the view. !#showcontents Hide path in view | You can permanently hide the path in the map view by enabling the “Hide path in view” option. https://www.edumaps.de/file/9740484293539900723.jpg/7niuijg Hide path in map view However, the path will still be displayed in edit mode. Tip: If you also want to hide paths in edit mode, create individual views via the {Share path group}{https://www.edumaps.de/1047/1/siajhiablo/fv6nobr4hp#pathgroup}. !#hideinview Introduction | ✔️ Here you will learn about all the important settings for the path: -- {Title of the Path}{!#title} -- {Linking Path Title}{!#linking} -- {Color of the Path Title}{!#color} -- {Hide Title}{!#hidetitle} -- {Add Annotations}{!#annotations} -- {Protect Path}{!#protect} -- {Show path contents from}{!#showcontents} -- {Hide Path in View}{!#hideinview} Path Settings | https://www.edumaps.de/file/17138079660435945183.png/ppjuyxf Path Settings (Screenshot) Title of the Path | You can set the title of your path as you like. You can also insert emojis. Characters from any language are possible. There are no restrictions. !#title Format Text in the Title | For Advanced Users: You can also style the text of the title. The following formatting options are possible: 1. **Bold** and *Italic* with asterisks. ``` **Bold Heading** and here is an *italic word*. ``` 2. **Line Breaks** are possible with two backslashes. ``` First line of the title \\ Second line ``` 3. **Colors** can be set with hex color codes: ``` My {blue title}{#00F} ``` 4. **Font Size** The font size can be increased or decreased as follows: ``` <big>My big title</big> and <small>a small text</small> ``` Linking Path Title | You can link a path title by simply adding the link after the path title. For example, see Map: https://www.edumaps.de/1019/1/jm16nsu7lq Mathematics Quotes and Sayings 📝 Input (Example): ``` Box Title https://www.wikipedia.org/ ``` !#linking Path Title Color | You can color each path title. Defined colors are available for this purpose. https://www.edumaps.de/file/3755083524615089504.png/e24xcjh Colors for Path Titles Click on the edit pencil icon to display additional settings. https://www.edumaps.de/file/18173540885354598921.png/csqyxav Advanced Settings for Path Color Here, you can select a color from the color wheel and adjust the brightness of the color. You can also input a hexadecimal color code. This is useful if you want to use the exact color code from another path. !#color Hide Title | Here you can hide the title. It will then not be displayed in the map view. https://www.edumaps.de/file/14661734791780635154.png/y75n8oj Hide title <small>In edit mode, you will still see the path title, as this is where access to the path settings is made.</small> !#hidetitle Add Annotation | In the path settings, you can insert your own annotations. These annotations appear below the path title. https://www.edumaps.de/file/2562514518155186801.jpg/veq9smp Annotation on the path New lines are accommodated in the annotations. You can also apply formatting for bold and italic. **📝 Input (Example):** ``` **Prerequisites:** These are my annotations on the topic. Second line with more information. ``` !#annotations Protect Path | If the map is edited by others, this path and all the boxes it contains are locked. Only the map owner can make changes. https://www.edumaps.de/file/1473119303995028191.png/x2mh7ek Protected Path !#protect Show path contents from | Here you can set the time (day optional with time) from which the path will be displayed in the map view. https://www.edumaps.de/file/9383764404804898714.png/urvmapw Option "Show content starting on" By default, the path title is displayed in the map view with a small banner "Appears on (date)." If you check the box "Hide entire path until then (in view)", the entire path will be hidden in the view. !#showcontents Hide path in view | You can permanently hide the path in the map view by enabling the “Hide path in view” option. https://www.edumaps.de/file/9740484293539900723.jpg/7niuijg Hide path in map view However, the path will still be displayed in edit mode. Tip: If you also want to hide paths in edit mode, create individual views via the {Share path group}{https://www.edumaps.de/1047/1/siajhiablo/fv6nobr4hp#pathgroup}. !#hideinview Introduction | ✔️ Here you will learn about all the important settings for the path: -- {Title of the Path}{!#title} -- {Linking Path Title}{!#linking} -- {Color of the Path Title}{!#color} -- {Hide Title}{!#hidetitle} -- {Add Annotations}{!#annotations} -- {Protect Path}{!#protect} -- {Show path contents from}{!#showcontents} -- {Hide Path in View}{!#hideinview} Path Settings | https://www.edumaps.de/file/17138079660435945183.png/ppjuyxf Path Settings (Screenshot) Title of the Path | You can set the title of your path as you like. You can also insert emojis. Characters from any language are possible. There are no restrictions. !#title Format Text in the Title | For Advanced Users: You can also style the text of the title. The following formatting options are possible: 1. **Bold** and *Italic* with asterisks. ``` **Bold Heading** and here is an *italic word*. ``` 2. **Line Breaks** are possible with two backslashes. ``` First line of the title \\ Second line ``` 3. **Colors** can be set with hex color codes: ``` My {blue title}{#00F} ``` 4. **Font Size** The font size can be increased or decreased as follows: ``` <big>My big title</big> and <small>a small text</small> ``` Linking Path Title | You can link a path title by simply adding the link after the path title. For example, see Map: https://www.edumaps.de/1019/1/jm16nsu7lq Mathematics Quotes and Sayings 📝 Input (Example): ``` Box Title https://www.wikipedia.org/ ``` !#linking Path Title Color | You can color each path title. Defined colors are available for this purpose. https://www.edumaps.de/file/3755083524615089504.png/e24xcjh Colors for Path Titles Click on the edit pencil icon to display additional settings. https://www.edumaps.de/file/18173540885354598921.png/csqyxav Advanced Settings for Path Color Here, you can select a color from the color wheel and adjust the brightness of the color. You can also input a hexadecimal color code. This is useful if you want to use the exact color code from another path. !#color Hide Title | Here you can hide the title. It will then not be displayed in the map view. https://www.edumaps.de/file/14661734791780635154.png/y75n8oj Hide title <small>In edit mode, you will still see the path title, as this is where access to the path settings is made.</small> !#hidetitle Add Annotation | In the path settings, you can insert your own annotations. These annotations appear below the path title. https://www.edumaps.de/file/2562514518155186801.jpg/veq9smp Annotation on the path New lines are accommodated in the annotations. You can also apply formatting for bold and italic. **📝 Input (Example):** ``` **Prerequisites:** These are my annotations on the topic. Second line with more information. ``` !#annotations Protect Path | If the map is edited by others, this path and all the boxes it contains are locked. Only the map owner can make changes. https://www.edumaps.de/file/1473119303995028191.png/x2mh7ek Protected Path !#protect Show path contents from | Here you can set the time (day optional with time) from which the path will be displayed in the map view. https://www.edumaps.de/file/9383764404804898714.png/urvmapw Option "Show content starting on" By default, the path title is displayed in the map view with a small banner "Appears on (date)." If you check the box "Hide entire path until then (in view)", the entire path will be hidden in the view. !#showcontents Hide path in view | You can permanently hide the path in the map view by enabling the “Hide path in view” option. https://www.edumaps.de/file/9740484293539900723.jpg/7niuijg Hide path in map view However, the path will still be displayed in edit mode. Tip: If you also want to hide paths in edit mode, create individual views via the {Share path group}{https://www.edumaps.de/1047/1/siajhiablo/fv6nobr4hp#pathgroup}. !#hideinview Introduction | ✔️ Here you will learn about all the important settings for the path: -- {Title of the Path}{!#title} -- {Linking Path Title}{!#linking} -- {Color of the Path Title}{!#color} -- {Hide Title}{!#hidetitle} -- {Add Annotations}{!#annotations} -- {Protect Path}{!#protect} -- {Show path contents from}{!#showcontents} -- {Hide Path in View}{!#hideinview} Path Settings | https://www.edumaps.de/file/17138079660435945183.png/ppjuyxf Path Settings (Screenshot) Title of the Path | You can set the title of your path as you like. You can also insert emojis. Characters from any language are possible. There are no restrictions. !#title Format Text in the Title | For Advanced Users: You can also style the text of the title. The following formatting options are possible: 1. **Bold** and *Italic* with asterisks. ``` **Bold Heading** and here is an *italic word*. ``` 2. **Line Breaks** are possible with two backslashes. ``` First line of the title \\ Second line ``` 3. **Colors** can be set with hex color codes: ``` My {blue title}{#00F} ``` 4. **Font Size** The font size can be increased or decreased as follows: ``` <big>My big title</big> and <small>a small text</small> ``` Linking Path Title | You can link a path title by simply adding the link after the path title. For example, see Map: https://www.edumaps.de/1019/1/jm16nsu7lq Mathematics Quotes and Sayings 📝 Input (Example): ``` Box Title https://www.wikipedia.org/ ``` !#linking Path Title Color | You can color each path title. Defined colors are available for this purpose. https://www.edumaps.de/file/3755083524615089504.png/e24xcjh Colors for Path Titles Click on the edit pencil icon to display additional settings. https://www.edumaps.de/file/18173540885354598921.png/csqyxav Advanced Settings for Path Color Here, you can select a color from the color wheel and adjust the brightness of the color. You can also input a hexadecimal color code. This is useful if you want to use the exact color code from another path. !#color Hide Title | Here you can hide the title. It will then not be displayed in the map view. https://www.edumaps.de/file/14661734791780635154.png/y75n8oj Hide title <small>In edit mode, you will still see the path title, as this is where access to the path settings is made.</small> !#hidetitle Add Annotation | In the path settings, you can insert your own annotations. These annotations appear below the path title. https://www.edumaps.de/file/2562514518155186801.jpg/veq9smp Annotation on the path New lines are accommodated in the annotations. You can also apply formatting for bold and italic. **📝 Input (Example):** ``` **Prerequisites:** These are my annotations on the topic. Second line with more information. ``` !#annotations Protect Path | If the map is edited by others, this path and all the boxes it contains are locked. Only the map owner can make changes. https://www.edumaps.de/file/1473119303995028191.png/x2mh7ek Protected Path !#protect Show path contents from | Here you can set the time (day optional with time) from which the path will be displayed in the map view. https://www.edumaps.de/file/9383764404804898714.png/urvmapw Option "Show content starting on" By default, the path title is displayed in the map view with a small banner "Appears on (date)." If you check the box "Hide entire path until then (in view)", the entire path will be hidden in the view. !#showcontents Hide path in view | You can permanently hide the path in the map view by enabling the “Hide path in view” option. https://www.edumaps.de/file/9740484293539900723.jpg/7niuijg Hide path in map view However, the path will still be displayed in edit mode. Tip: If you also want to hide paths in edit mode, create individual views via the {Share path group}{https://www.edumaps.de/1047/1/siajhiablo/fv6nobr4hp#pathgroup}. !#hideinview Introduction | ✔️ Here you will learn about all the important settings for the path: -- {Title of the Path}{!#title} -- {Linking Path Title}{!#linking} -- {Color of the Path Title}{!#color} -- {Hide Title}{!#hidetitle} -- {Add Annotations}{!#annotations} -- {Protect Path}{!#protect} -- {Show path contents from}{!#showcontents} -- {Hide Path in View}{!#hideinview} Path Settings | https://www.edumaps.de/file/17138079660435945183.png/ppjuyxf Path Settings (Screenshot) Title of the Path | You can set the title of your path as you like. You can also insert emojis. Characters from any language are possible. There are no restrictions. !#title Format Text in the Title | For Advanced Users: You can also style the text of the title. The following formatting options are possible: 1. **Bold** and *Italic* with asterisks. ``` **Bold Heading** and here is an *italic word*. ``` 2. **Line Breaks** are possible with two backslashes. ``` First line of the title \\ Second line ``` 3. **Colors** can be set with hex color codes: ``` My {blue title}{#00F} ``` 4. **Font Size** The font size can be increased or decreased as follows: ``` <big>My big title</big> and <small>a small text</small> ``` Linking Path Title | You can link a path title by simply adding the link after the path title. For example, see Map: https://www.edumaps.de/1019/1/jm16nsu7lq Mathematics Quotes and Sayings 📝 Input (Example): ``` Box Title https://www.wikipedia.org/ ``` !#linking Path Title Color | You can color each path title. Defined colors are available for this purpose. https://www.edumaps.de/file/3755083524615089504.png/e24xcjh Colors for Path Titles Click on the edit pencil icon to display additional settings. https://www.edumaps.de/file/18173540885354598921.png/csqyxav Advanced Settings for Path Color Here, you can select a color from the color wheel and adjust the brightness of the color. You can also input a hexadecimal color code. This is useful if you want to use the exact color code from another path. !#color Hide Title | Here you can hide the title. It will then not be displayed in the map view. https://www.edumaps.de/file/14661734791780635154.png/y75n8oj Hide title <small>In edit mode, you will still see the path title, as this is where access to the path settings is made.</small> !#hidetitle Add Annotation | In the path settings, you can insert your own annotations. These annotations appear below the path title. https://www.edumaps.de/file/2562514518155186801.jpg/veq9smp Annotation on the path New lines are accommodated in the annotations. You can also apply formatting for bold and italic. **📝 Input (Example):** ``` **Prerequisites:** These are my annotations on the topic. Second line with more information. ``` !#annotations Protect Path | If the map is edited by others, this path and all the boxes it contains are locked. Only the map owner can make changes. https://www.edumaps.de/file/1473119303995028191.png/x2mh7ek Protected Path !#protect Show path contents from | Here you can set the time (day optional with time) from which the path will be displayed in the map view. https://www.edumaps.de/file/9383764404804898714.png/urvmapw Option "Show content starting on" By default, the path title is displayed in the map view with a small banner "Appears on (date)." If you check the box "Hide entire path until then (in view)", the entire path will be hidden in the view. !#showcontents Hide path in view | You can permanently hide the path in the map view by enabling the “Hide path in view” option. https://www.edumaps.de/file/9740484293539900723.jpg/7niuijg Hide path in map view However, the path will still be displayed in edit mode. Tip: If you also want to hide paths in edit mode, create individual views via the {Share path group}{https://www.edumaps.de/1047/1/siajhiablo/fv6nobr4hp#pathgroup}. !#hideinview Introduction | ✔️ Here you will learn about all the important settings for the path: -- {Title of the Path}{!#title} -- {Linking Path Title}{!#linking} -- {Color of the Path Title}{!#color} -- {Hide Title}{!#hidetitle} -- {Add Annotations}{!#annotations} -- {Protect Path}{!#protect} -- {Show path contents from}{!#showcontents} -- {Hide Path in View}{!#hideinview} Path Settings | https://www.edumaps.de/file/17138079660435945183.png/ppjuyxf Path Settings (Screenshot) Title of the Path | You can set the title of your path as you like. You can also insert emojis. Characters from any language are possible. There are no restrictions. !#title Format Text in the Title | For Advanced Users: You can also style the text of the title. The following formatting options are possible: 1. **Bold** and *Italic* with asterisks. ``` **Bold Heading** and here is an *italic word*. ``` 2. **Line Breaks** are possible with two backslashes. ``` First line of the title \\ Second line ``` 3. **Colors** can be set with hex color codes: ``` My {blue title}{#00F} ``` 4. **Font Size** The font size can be increased or decreased as follows: ``` <big>My big title</big> and <small>a small text</small> ``` Linking Path Title | You can link a path title by simply adding the link after the path title. For example, see Map: https://www.edumaps.de/1019/1/jm16nsu7lq Mathematics Quotes and Sayings 📝 Input (Example): ``` Box Title https://www.wikipedia.org/ ``` !#linking Path Title Color | You can color each path title. Defined colors are available for this purpose. https://www.edumaps.de/file/3755083524615089504.png/e24xcjh Colors for Path Titles Click on the edit pencil icon to display additional settings. https://www.edumaps.de/file/18173540885354598921.png/csqyxav Advanced Settings for Path Color Here, you can select a color from the color wheel and adjust the brightness of the color. You can also input a hexadecimal color code. This is useful if you want to use the exact color code from another path. !#color Hide Title | Here you can hide the title. It will then not be displayed in the map view. https://www.edumaps.de/file/14661734791780635154.png/y75n8oj Hide title <small>In edit mode, you will still see the path title, as this is where access to the path settings is made.</small> !#hidetitle Add Annotation | In the path settings, you can insert your own annotations. These annotations appear below the path title. https://www.edumaps.de/file/2562514518155186801.jpg/veq9smp Annotation on the path New lines are accommodated in the annotations. You can also apply formatting for bold and italic. **📝 Input (Example):** ``` **Prerequisites:** These are my annotations on the topic. Second line with more information. ``` !#annotations Protect Path | If the map is edited by others, this path and all the boxes it contains are locked. Only the map owner can make changes. https://www.edumaps.de/file/1473119303995028191.png/x2mh7ek Protected Path !#protect Show path contents from | Here you can set the time (day optional with time) from which the path will be displayed in the map view. https://www.edumaps.de/file/9383764404804898714.png/urvmapw Option "Show content starting on" By default, the path title is displayed in the map view with a small banner "Appears on (date)." If you check the box "Hide entire path until then (in view)", the entire path will be hidden in the view. !#showcontents Hide path in view | You can permanently hide the path in the map view by enabling the “Hide path in view” option. https://www.edumaps.de/file/9740484293539900723.jpg/7niuijg Hide path in map view However, the path will still be displayed in edit mode. Tip: If you also want to hide paths in edit mode, create individual views via the {Share path group}{https://www.edumaps.de/1047/1/siajhiablo/fv6nobr4hp#pathgroup}. !#hideinview Introduction | ✔️ Here you will learn about all the important settings for the path: -- {Title of the Path}{!#title} -- {Linking Path Title}{!#linking} -- {Color of the Path Title}{!#color} -- {Hide Title}{!#hidetitle} -- {Add Annotations}{!#annotations} -- {Protect Path}{!#protect} -- {Show path contents from}{!#showcontents} -- {Hide Path in View}{!#hideinview} Path Settings | https://www.edumaps.de/file/17138079660435945183.png/ppjuyxf Path Settings (Screenshot) Title of the Path | You can set the title of your path as you like. You can also insert emojis. Characters from any language are possible. There are no restrictions. !#title Format Text in the Title | For Advanced Users: You can also style the text of the title. The following formatting options are possible: 1. **Bold** and *Italic* with asterisks. ``` **Bold Heading** and here is an *italic word*. ``` 2. **Line Breaks** are possible with two backslashes. ``` First line of the title \\ Second line ``` 3. **Colors** can be set with hex color codes: ``` My {blue title}{#00F} ``` 4. **Font Size** The font size can be increased or decreased as follows: ``` <big>My big title</big> and <small>a small text</small> ``` Linking Path Title | You can link a path title by simply adding the link after the path title. For example, see Map: https://www.edumaps.de/1019/1/jm16nsu7lq Mathematics Quotes and Sayings 📝 Input (Example): ``` Box Title https://www.wikipedia.org/ ``` !#linking Path Title Color | You can color each path title. Defined colors are available for this purpose. https://www.edumaps.de/file/3755083524615089504.png/e24xcjh Colors for Path Titles Click on the edit pencil icon to display additional settings. https://www.edumaps.de/file/18173540885354598921.png/csqyxav Advanced Settings for Path Color Here, you can select a color from the color wheel and adjust the brightness of the color. You can also input a hexadecimal color code. This is useful if you want to use the exact color code from another path. !#color Hide Title | Here you can hide the title. It will then not be displayed in the map view. https://www.edumaps.de/file/14661734791780635154.png/y75n8oj Hide title <small>In edit mode, you will still see the path title, as this is where access to the path settings is made.</small> !#hidetitle Add Annotation | In the path settings, you can insert your own annotations. These annotations appear below the path title. https://www.edumaps.de/file/2562514518155186801.jpg/veq9smp Annotation on the path New lines are accommodated in the annotations. You can also apply formatting for bold and italic. **📝 Input (Example):** ``` **Prerequisites:** These are my annotations on the topic. Second line with more information. ``` !#annotations Protect Path | If the map is edited by others, this path and all the boxes it contains are locked. Only the map owner can make changes. https://www.edumaps.de/file/1473119303995028191.png/x2mh7ek Protected Path !#protect Show path contents from | Here you can set the time (day optional with time) from which the path will be displayed in the map view. https://www.edumaps.de/file/9383764404804898714.png/urvmapw Option "Show content starting on" By default, the path title is displayed in the map view with a small banner "Appears on (date)." If you check the box "Hide entire path until then (in view)", the entire path will be hidden in the view. !#showcontents Hide path in view | You can permanently hide the path in the map view by enabling the “Hide path in view” option. https://www.edumaps.de/file/9740484293539900723.jpg/7niuijg Hide path in map view However, the path will still be displayed in edit mode. Tip: If you also want to hide paths in edit mode, create individual views via the {Share path group}{https://www.edumaps.de/1047/1/siajhiablo/fv6nobr4hp#pathgroup}. !#hideinview
  • Lesen

    1.6 Tutorial: Box Settings



    Introduction | ✔️ Here you will learn all the important settings for the **box**: -- {Box Title}{!#title} -- {Link Title}{!#link} -- {Box Label}{!#label} -- {Box Color}{!#color} -- {Hide Title}{!#hidetitle} -- {Collapse Box}{!#collapse} -- {Protect Box}{!#protect} -- {Comments}{!#comments} -- {Likes}{!#likes} -- {Ratings}{!#ratings} -- {Calendar and Bookings}{!#calendar} -- {Change Visibility}{!#visibility} -- {Visibility Settings}{!#visibilityset} -- {Extra: Reminder for Box}{!#reminder} Box Settings | https://www.edumaps.de/file/4102715414931568139.png/7kamk2g Box Settings (Screenshot) Title of the Box | You can set the title as you like. You can also insert emojis. Characters from any language are possible. There are no restrictions. **Font Color** By clicking on the black-and-white icon, you can change the box title to white or black. https://www.edumaps.de/file/2330912534521729413.png/lhs7sh0 Color of the box title (black/white) !#titleFormat text in the title | For Advanced Users: You can also style the text of the title. The following formatting options are available: 1. Set **Bold** and *Italic* with asterisks. ``` **Bold Heading** and here is an *italic word*. ``` 2. **Line breaks** can be achieved with two backslashes. ``` First line of the title \\ Second line ``` 3. **Colors** can be set using hex color codes: ``` My {blue title}{#00F} ``` 4. **Font size** Font size can be increased or decreased as follows: ``` <big>My blue title</big> and <small>a small text</small> ``` Linking the Title | You can link the box title by simply adding the link right after the box title. https://www.edumaps.de/file/4576783972436474687.png/sp77rac Example: Linked Box Title 📝 Input (Example): ``` Box title https://www.wikipedia.org/ ``` !#linking Label of the Box | The box label is located to the left above the box title. You can use the label, for example, to name the theme of the box content with a keyword or to specify a school subject. The labels are also suitable for numbering boxes sequentially. https://www.edumaps.de/file/14376257199302736934.png/2wg9erm Label of the Box !#labelColor of the Box | You can color each box title. Defined colors are available for this purpose. https://www.edumaps.de/file/9547937096390932293.png/q1d1z9y Color for box title Click on the edit pencil icon to display additional settings. https://www.edumaps.de/file/2037507929951157651.png/3mfphso Advanced settings for box color Here you can set a color code and adjust the brightness of the color. Additionally, you can completely fill the box with color. https://www.edumaps.de/file/2108209213847857574.png/oqcj4kl Color-filled box Click on the pencil icon once more, and the following options will appear: https://www.edumaps.de/file/9774572519952078452.png/plncbum Transparency settings for box color You can also enter a hexadecimal color code here. This is helpful if you want to apply the exact color code from another box. !#color Hide Title | Here you can hide the title. It will then not be displayed in the map view. https://www.edumaps.de/file/3950168171974892181.png/d6yt06e Hide box title <small>In edit mode, you will still see the box title, as this is where access to the box settings occurs.</small> !#hidetitle Collapse Box | If you enable the “Collapse Box” option, you can choose whether the box is fully collapsed or only partially collapsed. https://www.edumaps.de/file/1143961398935415042.png/4lp85yv !#collapse Protect Box | If the map is edited by others, this box is locked. Only the map owner can make changes. https://www.edumaps.de/file/3439385271386716011.png/lx23w3d Protected Box If the box creator is not the map owner, they can only make changes to the box if they are not editing anonymously. !#protect Comments | You can enable the comment function for the box. Then you will see two options: 1. “All Users” - All users can read comments. This allows for discussions. 2. “Only Me” - Only you can read comments. Helpful for private messages or homework submissions, etc. https://www.edumaps.de/file/14878592075088685850.png/bmledbr Comments on the Box !#comments Likes | Enable likes for your box, so that other users can leave their likes by clicking on the heart icon. https://www.edumaps.de/file/2768305788982838767.png/zipm6rb Likes for the Box !#likes Ratings | Enable ratings for your box, and three options will be available: 1. “Evaluate” - Dropdown with Good, Medium, Poor 2. “Answer” - Dropdown with Yes, Maybe, No 3. “Vote” - Dropdown with Option A, Option B, Option C https://www.edumaps.de/file/4052730991695140027.png/xu4wopu Ratings for the box https://www.edumaps.de/file/4547196965543215421.png/oq26ucl Rating in “Answer” mode !#ratings Calendar and Bookings | Activate “Calendar and Bookings” for your box, and three options are available: 1. **“Booking System”** - The box can be booked as a course. 2. **“Rental System”** - Usable for equipment rental and room leasing. 3. **“Calendar”** - The box receives a calendar. Usable for school and lesson planning, events, projects. https://www.edumaps.de/file/7811967929955510271.png/5y3aujo Activated option “Calendar and Bookings” These modules are comprehensive. Please take a look at the tutorials: 1. {Tutorial: Booking System}{https://www.edumaps.de/1046/1/mtp976esa8} 2. {Tutorial: Rental System}{https://www.edumaps.de/1055/1/pec424hul6} 3. {Tutorial: Calendar for Boxes}{https://www.edumaps.de/1059/1/1p018vc669} !#kalender Change Visibility | You can control the visibility in the map view via the “Change Visibility” option. There are three options available: 1. “Hide box” 2. “Hide box content” 3. “Show box from …” https://www.edumaps.de/file/1209252241877573591.png/5w0dqfi Option “Change Visibility” !#visibility Visibility Settings | **1. Hide Box** The box will be completely hidden in the map view. **2. Hide Box Content** Only the box content will be hidden in the map view. The box title remains visible. **3. Show Box from …** Here you can set the time from which the box will be displayed in the map view. https://www.edumaps.de/file/11770386603050721418.png/wjhlue8 Option “Show Box from” Enable the option “Hide entire box until then” so that the box is not visible in the map view. Otherwise, the box title will be displayed with the note “Appears on …”. https://www.edumaps.de/file/12408192946993642937.png/9sjud1h Example of a Box with Appearance Date **Additional Option: Hide from Students** Further down, you will find the option "Hide from students in edit mode", allowing you to make the box invisible to students even during editing. !#visibilityset Extra: Reminder for Box | You can set a reminder for any box you want if the box is on one of your maps. The following setting is required for this: -- Open your map in edit mode. -- Find your box and click on the three dots, then select "Edit" from the dropdown menu. The box settings opens. -- In the “Label” input field, enter the date in ISO format. That means year-month-day. For example, `2024-06-15`. -- Place a hash symbol directly before the date, so it looks like this: `#2024-06-15` -- Save the box. Done. Every morning at 7 AM, our server checks all boxes to see if such a date has been entered. The reminder is always triggered one day in advance. For the example with `#2024-06-15`, a notification would be generated on 06/14/2024. This means you will always be reminded of the box one day before the set date. You will see the notification as a yellow bell in the top right corner. Click on it to open the "Notifications" page. !#reminder Introduction | ✔️ Here you will learn all the important settings for the **box**: -- {Box Title}{!#title} -- {Link Title}{!#link} -- {Box Label}{!#label} -- {Box Color}{!#color} -- {Hide Title}{!#hidetitle} -- {Collapse Box}{!#collapse} -- {Protect Box}{!#protect} -- {Comments}{!#comments} -- {Likes}{!#likes} -- {Ratings}{!#ratings} -- {Calendar and Bookings}{!#calendar} -- {Change Visibility}{!#visibility} -- {Visibility Settings}{!#visibilityset} -- {Extra: Reminder for Box}{!#reminder} Box Settings | https://www.edumaps.de/file/4102715414931568139.png/7kamk2g Box Settings (Screenshot) Title of the Box | You can set the title as you like. You can also insert emojis. Characters from any language are possible. There are no restrictions. **Font Color** By clicking on the black-and-white icon, you can change the box title to white or black. https://www.edumaps.de/file/2330912534521729413.png/lhs7sh0 Color of the box title (black/white) !#titleFormat text in the title | For Advanced Users: You can also style the text of the title. The following formatting options are available: 1. Set **Bold** and *Italic* with asterisks. ``` **Bold Heading** and here is an *italic word*. ``` 2. **Line breaks** can be achieved with two backslashes. ``` First line of the title \\ Second line ``` 3. **Colors** can be set using hex color codes: ``` My {blue title}{#00F} ``` 4. **Font size** Font size can be increased or decreased as follows: ``` <big>My blue title</big> and <small>a small text</small> ``` Linking the Title | You can link the box title by simply adding the link right after the box title. https://www.edumaps.de/file/4576783972436474687.png/sp77rac Example: Linked Box Title 📝 Input (Example): ``` Box title https://www.wikipedia.org/ ``` !#linking Label of the Box | The box label is located to the left above the box title. You can use the label, for example, to name the theme of the box content with a keyword or to specify a school subject. The labels are also suitable for numbering boxes sequentially. https://www.edumaps.de/file/14376257199302736934.png/2wg9erm Label of the Box !#labelColor of the Box | You can color each box title. Defined colors are available for this purpose. https://www.edumaps.de/file/9547937096390932293.png/q1d1z9y Color for box title Click on the edit pencil icon to display additional settings. https://www.edumaps.de/file/2037507929951157651.png/3mfphso Advanced settings for box color Here you can set a color code and adjust the brightness of the color. Additionally, you can completely fill the box with color. https://www.edumaps.de/file/2108209213847857574.png/oqcj4kl Color-filled box Click on the pencil icon once more, and the following options will appear: https://www.edumaps.de/file/9774572519952078452.png/plncbum Transparency settings for box color You can also enter a hexadecimal color code here. This is helpful if you want to apply the exact color code from another box. !#color Hide Title | Here you can hide the title. It will then not be displayed in the map view. https://www.edumaps.de/file/3950168171974892181.png/d6yt06e Hide box title <small>In edit mode, you will still see the box title, as this is where access to the box settings occurs.</small> !#hidetitle Collapse Box | If you enable the “Collapse Box” option, you can choose whether the box is fully collapsed or only partially collapsed. https://www.edumaps.de/file/1143961398935415042.png/4lp85yv !#collapse Protect Box | If the map is edited by others, this box is locked. Only the map owner can make changes. https://www.edumaps.de/file/3439385271386716011.png/lx23w3d Protected Box If the box creator is not the map owner, they can only make changes to the box if they are not editing anonymously. !#protect Comments | You can enable the comment function for the box. Then you will see two options: 1. “All Users” - All users can read comments. This allows for discussions. 2. “Only Me” - Only you can read comments. Helpful for private messages or homework submissions, etc. https://www.edumaps.de/file/14878592075088685850.png/bmledbr Comments on the Box !#comments Likes | Enable likes for your box, so that other users can leave their likes by clicking on the heart icon. https://www.edumaps.de/file/2768305788982838767.png/zipm6rb Likes for the Box !#likes Ratings | Enable ratings for your box, and three options will be available: 1. “Evaluate” - Dropdown with Good, Medium, Poor 2. “Answer” - Dropdown with Yes, Maybe, No 3. “Vote” - Dropdown with Option A, Option B, Option C https://www.edumaps.de/file/4052730991695140027.png/xu4wopu Ratings for the box https://www.edumaps.de/file/4547196965543215421.png/oq26ucl Rating in “Answer” mode !#ratings Calendar and Bookings | Activate “Calendar and Bookings” for your box, and three options are available: 1. **“Booking System”** - The box can be booked as a course. 2. **“Rental System”** - Usable for equipment rental and room leasing. 3. **“Calendar”** - The box receives a calendar. Usable for school and lesson planning, events, projects. https://www.edumaps.de/file/7811967929955510271.png/5y3aujo Activated option “Calendar and Bookings” These modules are comprehensive. Please take a look at the tutorials: 1. {Tutorial: Booking System}{https://www.edumaps.de/1046/1/mtp976esa8} 2. {Tutorial: Rental System}{https://www.edumaps.de/1055/1/pec424hul6} 3. {Tutorial: Calendar for Boxes}{https://www.edumaps.de/1059/1/1p018vc669} !#kalender Change Visibility | You can control the visibility in the map view via the “Change Visibility” option. There are three options available: 1. “Hide box” 2. “Hide box content” 3. “Show box from …” https://www.edumaps.de/file/1209252241877573591.png/5w0dqfi Option “Change Visibility” !#visibility Visibility Settings | **1. Hide Box** The box will be completely hidden in the map view. **2. Hide Box Content** Only the box content will be hidden in the map view. The box title remains visible. **3. Show Box from …** Here you can set the time from which the box will be displayed in the map view. https://www.edumaps.de/file/11770386603050721418.png/wjhlue8 Option “Show Box from” Enable the option “Hide entire box until then” so that the box is not visible in the map view. Otherwise, the box title will be displayed with the note “Appears on …”. https://www.edumaps.de/file/12408192946993642937.png/9sjud1h Example of a Box with Appearance Date **Additional Option: Hide from Students** Further down, you will find the option "Hide from students in edit mode", allowing you to make the box invisible to students even during editing. !#visibilityset Extra: Reminder for Box | You can set a reminder for any box you want if the box is on one of your maps. The following setting is required for this: -- Open your map in edit mode. -- Find your box and click on the three dots, then select "Edit" from the dropdown menu. The box settings opens. -- In the “Label” input field, enter the date in ISO format. That means year-month-day. For example, `2024-06-15`. -- Place a hash symbol directly before the date, so it looks like this: `#2024-06-15` -- Save the box. Done. Every morning at 7 AM, our server checks all boxes to see if such a date has been entered. The reminder is always triggered one day in advance. For the example with `#2024-06-15`, a notification would be generated on 06/14/2024. This means you will always be reminded of the box one day before the set date. You will see the notification as a yellow bell in the top right corner. Click on it to open the "Notifications" page. !#reminder Introduction | ✔️ Here you will learn all the important settings for the **box**: -- {Box Title}{!#title} -- {Link Title}{!#link} -- {Box Label}{!#label} -- {Box Color}{!#color} -- {Hide Title}{!#hidetitle} -- {Collapse Box}{!#collapse} -- {Protect Box}{!#protect} -- {Comments}{!#comments} -- {Likes}{!#likes} -- {Ratings}{!#ratings} -- {Calendar and Bookings}{!#calendar} -- {Change Visibility}{!#visibility} -- {Visibility Settings}{!#visibilityset} -- {Extra: Reminder for Box}{!#reminder} Box Settings | https://www.edumaps.de/file/4102715414931568139.png/7kamk2g Box Settings (Screenshot) Title of the Box | You can set the title as you like. You can also insert emojis. Characters from any language are possible. There are no restrictions. **Font Color** By clicking on the black-and-white icon, you can change the box title to white or black. https://www.edumaps.de/file/2330912534521729413.png/lhs7sh0 Color of the box title (black/white) !#titleFormat text in the title | For Advanced Users: You can also style the text of the title. The following formatting options are available: 1. Set **Bold** and *Italic* with asterisks. ``` **Bold Heading** and here is an *italic word*. ``` 2. **Line breaks** can be achieved with two backslashes. ``` First line of the title \\ Second line ``` 3. **Colors** can be set using hex color codes: ``` My {blue title}{#00F} ``` 4. **Font size** Font size can be increased or decreased as follows: ``` <big>My blue title</big> and <small>a small text</small> ``` Linking the Title | You can link the box title by simply adding the link right after the box title. https://www.edumaps.de/file/4576783972436474687.png/sp77rac Example: Linked Box Title 📝 Input (Example): ``` Box title https://www.wikipedia.org/ ``` !#linking Label of the Box | The box label is located to the left above the box title. You can use the label, for example, to name the theme of the box content with a keyword or to specify a school subject. The labels are also suitable for numbering boxes sequentially. https://www.edumaps.de/file/14376257199302736934.png/2wg9erm Label of the Box !#labelColor of the Box | You can color each box title. Defined colors are available for this purpose. https://www.edumaps.de/file/9547937096390932293.png/q1d1z9y Color for box title Click on the edit pencil icon to display additional settings. https://www.edumaps.de/file/2037507929951157651.png/3mfphso Advanced settings for box color Here you can set a color code and adjust the brightness of the color. Additionally, you can completely fill the box with color. https://www.edumaps.de/file/2108209213847857574.png/oqcj4kl Color-filled box Click on the pencil icon once more, and the following options will appear: https://www.edumaps.de/file/9774572519952078452.png/plncbum Transparency settings for box color You can also enter a hexadecimal color code here. This is helpful if you want to apply the exact color code from another box. !#color Hide Title | Here you can hide the title. It will then not be displayed in the map view. https://www.edumaps.de/file/3950168171974892181.png/d6yt06e Hide box title <small>In edit mode, you will still see the box title, as this is where access to the box settings occurs.</small> !#hidetitle Collapse Box | If you enable the “Collapse Box” option, you can choose whether the box is fully collapsed or only partially collapsed. https://www.edumaps.de/file/1143961398935415042.png/4lp85yv !#collapse Protect Box | If the map is edited by others, this box is locked. Only the map owner can make changes. https://www.edumaps.de/file/3439385271386716011.png/lx23w3d Protected Box If the box creator is not the map owner, they can only make changes to the box if they are not editing anonymously. !#protect Comments | You can enable the comment function for the box. Then you will see two options: 1. “All Users” - All users can read comments. This allows for discussions. 2. “Only Me” - Only you can read comments. Helpful for private messages or homework submissions, etc. https://www.edumaps.de/file/14878592075088685850.png/bmledbr Comments on the Box !#comments Likes | Enable likes for your box, so that other users can leave their likes by clicking on the heart icon. https://www.edumaps.de/file/2768305788982838767.png/zipm6rb Likes for the Box !#likes Ratings | Enable ratings for your box, and three options will be available: 1. “Evaluate” - Dropdown with Good, Medium, Poor 2. “Answer” - Dropdown with Yes, Maybe, No 3. “Vote” - Dropdown with Option A, Option B, Option C https://www.edumaps.de/file/4052730991695140027.png/xu4wopu Ratings for the box https://www.edumaps.de/file/4547196965543215421.png/oq26ucl Rating in “Answer” mode !#ratings Calendar and Bookings | Activate “Calendar and Bookings” for your box, and three options are available: 1. **“Booking System”** - The box can be booked as a course. 2. **“Rental System”** - Usable for equipment rental and room leasing. 3. **“Calendar”** - The box receives a calendar. Usable for school and lesson planning, events, projects. https://www.edumaps.de/file/7811967929955510271.png/5y3aujo Activated option “Calendar and Bookings” These modules are comprehensive. Please take a look at the tutorials: 1. {Tutorial: Booking System}{https://www.edumaps.de/1046/1/mtp976esa8} 2. {Tutorial: Rental System}{https://www.edumaps.de/1055/1/pec424hul6} 3. {Tutorial: Calendar for Boxes}{https://www.edumaps.de/1059/1/1p018vc669} !#kalender Change Visibility | You can control the visibility in the map view via the “Change Visibility” option. There are three options available: 1. “Hide box” 2. “Hide box content” 3. “Show box from …” https://www.edumaps.de/file/1209252241877573591.png/5w0dqfi Option “Change Visibility” !#visibility Visibility Settings | **1. Hide Box** The box will be completely hidden in the map view. **2. Hide Box Content** Only the box content will be hidden in the map view. The box title remains visible. **3. Show Box from …** Here you can set the time from which the box will be displayed in the map view. https://www.edumaps.de/file/11770386603050721418.png/wjhlue8 Option “Show Box from” Enable the option “Hide entire box until then” so that the box is not visible in the map view. Otherwise, the box title will be displayed with the note “Appears on …”. https://www.edumaps.de/file/12408192946993642937.png/9sjud1h Example of a Box with Appearance Date **Additional Option: Hide from Students** Further down, you will find the option "Hide from students in edit mode", allowing you to make the box invisible to students even during editing. !#visibilityset Extra: Reminder for Box | You can set a reminder for any box you want if the box is on one of your maps. The following setting is required for this: -- Open your map in edit mode. -- Find your box and click on the three dots, then select "Edit" from the dropdown menu. The box settings opens. -- In the “Label” input field, enter the date in ISO format. That means year-month-day. For example, `2024-06-15`. -- Place a hash symbol directly before the date, so it looks like this: `#2024-06-15` -- Save the box. Done. Every morning at 7 AM, our server checks all boxes to see if such a date has been entered. The reminder is always triggered one day in advance. For the example with `#2024-06-15`, a notification would be generated on 06/14/2024. This means you will always be reminded of the box one day before the set date. You will see the notification as a yellow bell in the top right corner. Click on it to open the "Notifications" page. !#reminder Introduction | ✔️ Here you will learn all the important settings for the **box**: -- {Box Title}{!#title} -- {Link Title}{!#link} -- {Box Label}{!#label} -- {Box Color}{!#color} -- {Hide Title}{!#hidetitle} -- {Collapse Box}{!#collapse} -- {Protect Box}{!#protect} -- {Comments}{!#comments} -- {Likes}{!#likes} -- {Ratings}{!#ratings} -- {Calendar and Bookings}{!#calendar} -- {Change Visibility}{!#visibility} -- {Visibility Settings}{!#visibilityset} -- {Extra: Reminder for Box}{!#reminder} Box Settings | https://www.edumaps.de/file/4102715414931568139.png/7kamk2g Box Settings (Screenshot) Title of the Box | You can set the title as you like. You can also insert emojis. Characters from any language are possible. There are no restrictions. **Font Color** By clicking on the black-and-white icon, you can change the box title to white or black. https://www.edumaps.de/file/2330912534521729413.png/lhs7sh0 Color of the box title (black/white) !#titleFormat text in the title | For Advanced Users: You can also style the text of the title. The following formatting options are available: 1. Set **Bold** and *Italic* with asterisks. ``` **Bold Heading** and here is an *italic word*. ``` 2. **Line breaks** can be achieved with two backslashes. ``` First line of the title \\ Second line ``` 3. **Colors** can be set using hex color codes: ``` My {blue title}{#00F} ``` 4. **Font size** Font size can be increased or decreased as follows: ``` <big>My blue title</big> and <small>a small text</small> ``` Linking the Title | You can link the box title by simply adding the link right after the box title. https://www.edumaps.de/file/4576783972436474687.png/sp77rac Example: Linked Box Title 📝 Input (Example): ``` Box title https://www.wikipedia.org/ ``` !#linking Label of the Box | The box label is located to the left above the box title. You can use the label, for example, to name the theme of the box content with a keyword or to specify a school subject. The labels are also suitable for numbering boxes sequentially. https://www.edumaps.de/file/14376257199302736934.png/2wg9erm Label of the Box !#labelColor of the Box | You can color each box title. Defined colors are available for this purpose. https://www.edumaps.de/file/9547937096390932293.png/q1d1z9y Color for box title Click on the edit pencil icon to display additional settings. https://www.edumaps.de/file/2037507929951157651.png/3mfphso Advanced settings for box color Here you can set a color code and adjust the brightness of the color. Additionally, you can completely fill the box with color. https://www.edumaps.de/file/2108209213847857574.png/oqcj4kl Color-filled box Click on the pencil icon once more, and the following options will appear: https://www.edumaps.de/file/9774572519952078452.png/plncbum Transparency settings for box color You can also enter a hexadecimal color code here. This is helpful if you want to apply the exact color code from another box. !#color Hide Title | Here you can hide the title. It will then not be displayed in the map view. https://www.edumaps.de/file/3950168171974892181.png/d6yt06e Hide box title <small>In edit mode, you will still see the box title, as this is where access to the box settings occurs.</small> !#hidetitle Collapse Box | If you enable the “Collapse Box” option, you can choose whether the box is fully collapsed or only partially collapsed. https://www.edumaps.de/file/1143961398935415042.png/4lp85yv !#collapse Protect Box | If the map is edited by others, this box is locked. Only the map owner can make changes. https://www.edumaps.de/file/3439385271386716011.png/lx23w3d Protected Box If the box creator is not the map owner, they can only make changes to the box if they are not editing anonymously. !#protect Comments | You can enable the comment function for the box. Then you will see two options: 1. “All Users” - All users can read comments. This allows for discussions. 2. “Only Me” - Only you can read comments. Helpful for private messages or homework submissions, etc. https://www.edumaps.de/file/14878592075088685850.png/bmledbr Comments on the Box !#comments Likes | Enable likes for your box, so that other users can leave their likes by clicking on the heart icon. https://www.edumaps.de/file/2768305788982838767.png/zipm6rb Likes for the Box !#likes Ratings | Enable ratings for your box, and three options will be available: 1. “Evaluate” - Dropdown with Good, Medium, Poor 2. “Answer” - Dropdown with Yes, Maybe, No 3. “Vote” - Dropdown with Option A, Option B, Option C https://www.edumaps.de/file/4052730991695140027.png/xu4wopu Ratings for the box https://www.edumaps.de/file/4547196965543215421.png/oq26ucl Rating in “Answer” mode !#ratings Calendar and Bookings | Activate “Calendar and Bookings” for your box, and three options are available: 1. **“Booking System”** - The box can be booked as a course. 2. **“Rental System”** - Usable for equipment rental and room leasing. 3. **“Calendar”** - The box receives a calendar. Usable for school and lesson planning, events, projects. https://www.edumaps.de/file/7811967929955510271.png/5y3aujo Activated option “Calendar and Bookings” These modules are comprehensive. Please take a look at the tutorials: 1. {Tutorial: Booking System}{https://www.edumaps.de/1046/1/mtp976esa8} 2. {Tutorial: Rental System}{https://www.edumaps.de/1055/1/pec424hul6} 3. {Tutorial: Calendar for Boxes}{https://www.edumaps.de/1059/1/1p018vc669} !#kalender Change Visibility | You can control the visibility in the map view via the “Change Visibility” option. There are three options available: 1. “Hide box” 2. “Hide box content” 3. “Show box from …” https://www.edumaps.de/file/1209252241877573591.png/5w0dqfi Option “Change Visibility” !#visibility Visibility Settings | **1. Hide Box** The box will be completely hidden in the map view. **2. Hide Box Content** Only the box content will be hidden in the map view. The box title remains visible. **3. Show Box from …** Here you can set the time from which the box will be displayed in the map view. https://www.edumaps.de/file/11770386603050721418.png/wjhlue8 Option “Show Box from” Enable the option “Hide entire box until then” so that the box is not visible in the map view. Otherwise, the box title will be displayed with the note “Appears on …”. https://www.edumaps.de/file/12408192946993642937.png/9sjud1h Example of a Box with Appearance Date **Additional Option: Hide from Students** Further down, you will find the option "Hide from students in edit mode", allowing you to make the box invisible to students even during editing. !#visibilityset Extra: Reminder for Box | You can set a reminder for any box you want if the box is on one of your maps. The following setting is required for this: -- Open your map in edit mode. -- Find your box and click on the three dots, then select "Edit" from the dropdown menu. The box settings opens. -- In the “Label” input field, enter the date in ISO format. That means year-month-day. For example, `2024-06-15`. -- Place a hash symbol directly before the date, so it looks like this: `#2024-06-15` -- Save the box. Done. Every morning at 7 AM, our server checks all boxes to see if such a date has been entered. The reminder is always triggered one day in advance. For the example with `#2024-06-15`, a notification would be generated on 06/14/2024. This means you will always be reminded of the box one day before the set date. You will see the notification as a yellow bell in the top right corner. Click on it to open the "Notifications" page. !#reminder Introduction | ✔️ Here you will learn all the important settings for the **box**: -- {Box Title}{!#title} -- {Link Title}{!#link} -- {Box Label}{!#label} -- {Box Color}{!#color} -- {Hide Title}{!#hidetitle} -- {Collapse Box}{!#collapse} -- {Protect Box}{!#protect} -- {Comments}{!#comments} -- {Likes}{!#likes} -- {Ratings}{!#ratings} -- {Calendar and Bookings}{!#calendar} -- {Change Visibility}{!#visibility} -- {Visibility Settings}{!#visibilityset} -- {Extra: Reminder for Box}{!#reminder} Box Settings | https://www.edumaps.de/file/4102715414931568139.png/7kamk2g Box Settings (Screenshot) Title of the Box | You can set the title as you like. You can also insert emojis. Characters from any language are possible. There are no restrictions. **Font Color** By clicking on the black-and-white icon, you can change the box title to white or black. https://www.edumaps.de/file/2330912534521729413.png/lhs7sh0 Color of the box title (black/white) !#titleFormat text in the title | For Advanced Users: You can also style the text of the title. The following formatting options are available: 1. Set **Bold** and *Italic* with asterisks. ``` **Bold Heading** and here is an *italic word*. ``` 2. **Line breaks** can be achieved with two backslashes. ``` First line of the title \\ Second line ``` 3. **Colors** can be set using hex color codes: ``` My {blue title}{#00F} ``` 4. **Font size** Font size can be increased or decreased as follows: ``` <big>My blue title</big> and <small>a small text</small> ``` Linking the Title | You can link the box title by simply adding the link right after the box title. https://www.edumaps.de/file/4576783972436474687.png/sp77rac Example: Linked Box Title 📝 Input (Example): ``` Box title https://www.wikipedia.org/ ``` !#linking Label of the Box | The box label is located to the left above the box title. You can use the label, for example, to name the theme of the box content with a keyword or to specify a school subject. The labels are also suitable for numbering boxes sequentially. https://www.edumaps.de/file/14376257199302736934.png/2wg9erm Label of the Box !#labelColor of the Box | You can color each box title. Defined colors are available for this purpose. https://www.edumaps.de/file/9547937096390932293.png/q1d1z9y Color for box title Click on the edit pencil icon to display additional settings. https://www.edumaps.de/file/2037507929951157651.png/3mfphso Advanced settings for box color Here you can set a color code and adjust the brightness of the color. Additionally, you can completely fill the box with color. https://www.edumaps.de/file/2108209213847857574.png/oqcj4kl Color-filled box Click on the pencil icon once more, and the following options will appear: https://www.edumaps.de/file/9774572519952078452.png/plncbum Transparency settings for box color You can also enter a hexadecimal color code here. This is helpful if you want to apply the exact color code from another box. !#color Hide Title | Here you can hide the title. It will then not be displayed in the map view. https://www.edumaps.de/file/3950168171974892181.png/d6yt06e Hide box title <small>In edit mode, you will still see the box title, as this is where access to the box settings occurs.</small> !#hidetitle Collapse Box | If you enable the “Collapse Box” option, you can choose whether the box is fully collapsed or only partially collapsed. https://www.edumaps.de/file/1143961398935415042.png/4lp85yv !#collapse Protect Box | If the map is edited by others, this box is locked. Only the map owner can make changes. https://www.edumaps.de/file/3439385271386716011.png/lx23w3d Protected Box If the box creator is not the map owner, they can only make changes to the box if they are not editing anonymously. !#protect Comments | You can enable the comment function for the box. Then you will see two options: 1. “All Users” - All users can read comments. This allows for discussions. 2. “Only Me” - Only you can read comments. Helpful for private messages or homework submissions, etc. https://www.edumaps.de/file/14878592075088685850.png/bmledbr Comments on the Box !#comments Likes | Enable likes for your box, so that other users can leave their likes by clicking on the heart icon. https://www.edumaps.de/file/2768305788982838767.png/zipm6rb Likes for the Box !#likes Ratings | Enable ratings for your box, and three options will be available: 1. “Evaluate” - Dropdown with Good, Medium, Poor 2. “Answer” - Dropdown with Yes, Maybe, No 3. “Vote” - Dropdown with Option A, Option B, Option C https://www.edumaps.de/file/4052730991695140027.png/xu4wopu Ratings for the box https://www.edumaps.de/file/4547196965543215421.png/oq26ucl Rating in “Answer” mode !#ratings Calendar and Bookings | Activate “Calendar and Bookings” for your box, and three options are available: 1. **“Booking System”** - The box can be booked as a course. 2. **“Rental System”** - Usable for equipment rental and room leasing. 3. **“Calendar”** - The box receives a calendar. Usable for school and lesson planning, events, projects. https://www.edumaps.de/file/7811967929955510271.png/5y3aujo Activated option “Calendar and Bookings” These modules are comprehensive. Please take a look at the tutorials: 1. {Tutorial: Booking System}{https://www.edumaps.de/1046/1/mtp976esa8} 2. {Tutorial: Rental System}{https://www.edumaps.de/1055/1/pec424hul6} 3. {Tutorial: Calendar for Boxes}{https://www.edumaps.de/1059/1/1p018vc669} !#kalender Change Visibility | You can control the visibility in the map view via the “Change Visibility” option. There are three options available: 1. “Hide box” 2. “Hide box content” 3. “Show box from …” https://www.edumaps.de/file/1209252241877573591.png/5w0dqfi Option “Change Visibility” !#visibility Visibility Settings | **1. Hide Box** The box will be completely hidden in the map view. **2. Hide Box Content** Only the box content will be hidden in the map view. The box title remains visible. **3. Show Box from …** Here you can set the time from which the box will be displayed in the map view. https://www.edumaps.de/file/11770386603050721418.png/wjhlue8 Option “Show Box from” Enable the option “Hide entire box until then” so that the box is not visible in the map view. Otherwise, the box title will be displayed with the note “Appears on …”. https://www.edumaps.de/file/12408192946993642937.png/9sjud1h Example of a Box with Appearance Date **Additional Option: Hide from Students** Further down, you will find the option "Hide from students in edit mode", allowing you to make the box invisible to students even during editing. !#visibilityset Extra: Reminder for Box | You can set a reminder for any box you want if the box is on one of your maps. The following setting is required for this: -- Open your map in edit mode. -- Find your box and click on the three dots, then select "Edit" from the dropdown menu. The box settings opens. -- In the “Label” input field, enter the date in ISO format. That means year-month-day. For example, `2024-06-15`. -- Place a hash symbol directly before the date, so it looks like this: `#2024-06-15` -- Save the box. Done. Every morning at 7 AM, our server checks all boxes to see if such a date has been entered. The reminder is always triggered one day in advance. For the example with `#2024-06-15`, a notification would be generated on 06/14/2024. This means you will always be reminded of the box one day before the set date. You will see the notification as a yellow bell in the top right corner. Click on it to open the "Notifications" page. !#reminder Introduction | ✔️ Here you will learn all the important settings for the **box**: -- {Box Title}{!#title} -- {Link Title}{!#link} -- {Box Label}{!#label} -- {Box Color}{!#color} -- {Hide Title}{!#hidetitle} -- {Collapse Box}{!#collapse} -- {Protect Box}{!#protect} -- {Comments}{!#comments} -- {Likes}{!#likes} -- {Ratings}{!#ratings} -- {Calendar and Bookings}{!#calendar} -- {Change Visibility}{!#visibility} -- {Visibility Settings}{!#visibilityset} -- {Extra: Reminder for Box}{!#reminder} Box Settings | https://www.edumaps.de/file/4102715414931568139.png/7kamk2g Box Settings (Screenshot) Title of the Box | You can set the title as you like. You can also insert emojis. Characters from any language are possible. There are no restrictions. **Font Color** By clicking on the black-and-white icon, you can change the box title to white or black. https://www.edumaps.de/file/2330912534521729413.png/lhs7sh0 Color of the box title (black/white) !#titleFormat text in the title | For Advanced Users: You can also style the text of the title. The following formatting options are available: 1. Set **Bold** and *Italic* with asterisks. ``` **Bold Heading** and here is an *italic word*. ``` 2. **Line breaks** can be achieved with two backslashes. ``` First line of the title \\ Second line ``` 3. **Colors** can be set using hex color codes: ``` My {blue title}{#00F} ``` 4. **Font size** Font size can be increased or decreased as follows: ``` <big>My blue title</big> and <small>a small text</small> ``` Linking the Title | You can link the box title by simply adding the link right after the box title. https://www.edumaps.de/file/4576783972436474687.png/sp77rac Example: Linked Box Title 📝 Input (Example): ``` Box title https://www.wikipedia.org/ ``` !#linking Label of the Box | The box label is located to the left above the box title. You can use the label, for example, to name the theme of the box content with a keyword or to specify a school subject. The labels are also suitable for numbering boxes sequentially. https://www.edumaps.de/file/14376257199302736934.png/2wg9erm Label of the Box !#labelColor of the Box | You can color each box title. Defined colors are available for this purpose. https://www.edumaps.de/file/9547937096390932293.png/q1d1z9y Color for box title Click on the edit pencil icon to display additional settings. https://www.edumaps.de/file/2037507929951157651.png/3mfphso Advanced settings for box color Here you can set a color code and adjust the brightness of the color. Additionally, you can completely fill the box with color. https://www.edumaps.de/file/2108209213847857574.png/oqcj4kl Color-filled box Click on the pencil icon once more, and the following options will appear: https://www.edumaps.de/file/9774572519952078452.png/plncbum Transparency settings for box color You can also enter a hexadecimal color code here. This is helpful if you want to apply the exact color code from another box. !#color Hide Title | Here you can hide the title. It will then not be displayed in the map view. https://www.edumaps.de/file/3950168171974892181.png/d6yt06e Hide box title <small>In edit mode, you will still see the box title, as this is where access to the box settings occurs.</small> !#hidetitle Collapse Box | If you enable the “Collapse Box” option, you can choose whether the box is fully collapsed or only partially collapsed. https://www.edumaps.de/file/1143961398935415042.png/4lp85yv !#collapse Protect Box | If the map is edited by others, this box is locked. Only the map owner can make changes. https://www.edumaps.de/file/3439385271386716011.png/lx23w3d Protected Box If the box creator is not the map owner, they can only make changes to the box if they are not editing anonymously. !#protect Comments | You can enable the comment function for the box. Then you will see two options: 1. “All Users” - All users can read comments. This allows for discussions. 2. “Only Me” - Only you can read comments. Helpful for private messages or homework submissions, etc. https://www.edumaps.de/file/14878592075088685850.png/bmledbr Comments on the Box !#comments Likes | Enable likes for your box, so that other users can leave their likes by clicking on the heart icon. https://www.edumaps.de/file/2768305788982838767.png/zipm6rb Likes for the Box !#likes Ratings | Enable ratings for your box, and three options will be available: 1. “Evaluate” - Dropdown with Good, Medium, Poor 2. “Answer” - Dropdown with Yes, Maybe, No 3. “Vote” - Dropdown with Option A, Option B, Option C https://www.edumaps.de/file/4052730991695140027.png/xu4wopu Ratings for the box https://www.edumaps.de/file/4547196965543215421.png/oq26ucl Rating in “Answer” mode !#ratings Calendar and Bookings | Activate “Calendar and Bookings” for your box, and three options are available: 1. **“Booking System”** - The box can be booked as a course. 2. **“Rental System”** - Usable for equipment rental and room leasing. 3. **“Calendar”** - The box receives a calendar. Usable for school and lesson planning, events, projects. https://www.edumaps.de/file/7811967929955510271.png/5y3aujo Activated option “Calendar and Bookings” These modules are comprehensive. Please take a look at the tutorials: 1. {Tutorial: Booking System}{https://www.edumaps.de/1046/1/mtp976esa8} 2. {Tutorial: Rental System}{https://www.edumaps.de/1055/1/pec424hul6} 3. {Tutorial: Calendar for Boxes}{https://www.edumaps.de/1059/1/1p018vc669} !#kalender Change Visibility | You can control the visibility in the map view via the “Change Visibility” option. There are three options available: 1. “Hide box” 2. “Hide box content” 3. “Show box from …” https://www.edumaps.de/file/1209252241877573591.png/5w0dqfi Option “Change Visibility” !#visibility Visibility Settings | **1. Hide Box** The box will be completely hidden in the map view. **2. Hide Box Content** Only the box content will be hidden in the map view. The box title remains visible. **3. Show Box from …** Here you can set the time from which the box will be displayed in the map view. https://www.edumaps.de/file/11770386603050721418.png/wjhlue8 Option “Show Box from” Enable the option “Hide entire box until then” so that the box is not visible in the map view. Otherwise, the box title will be displayed with the note “Appears on …”. https://www.edumaps.de/file/12408192946993642937.png/9sjud1h Example of a Box with Appearance Date **Additional Option: Hide from Students** Further down, you will find the option "Hide from students in edit mode", allowing you to make the box invisible to students even during editing. !#visibilityset Extra: Reminder for Box | You can set a reminder for any box you want if the box is on one of your maps. The following setting is required for this: -- Open your map in edit mode. -- Find your box and click on the three dots, then select "Edit" from the dropdown menu. The box settings opens. -- In the “Label” input field, enter the date in ISO format. That means year-month-day. For example, `2024-06-15`. -- Place a hash symbol directly before the date, so it looks like this: `#2024-06-15` -- Save the box. Done. Every morning at 7 AM, our server checks all boxes to see if such a date has been entered. The reminder is always triggered one day in advance. For the example with `#2024-06-15`, a notification would be generated on 06/14/2024. This means you will always be reminded of the box one day before the set date. You will see the notification as a yellow bell in the top right corner. Click on it to open the "Notifications" page. !#reminder Introduction | ✔️ Here you will learn all the important settings for the **box**: -- {Box Title}{!#title} -- {Link Title}{!#link} -- {Box Label}{!#label} -- {Box Color}{!#color} -- {Hide Title}{!#hidetitle} -- {Collapse Box}{!#collapse} -- {Protect Box}{!#protect} -- {Comments}{!#comments} -- {Likes}{!#likes} -- {Ratings}{!#ratings} -- {Calendar and Bookings}{!#calendar} -- {Change Visibility}{!#visibility} -- {Visibility Settings}{!#visibilityset} -- {Extra: Reminder for Box}{!#reminder} Box Settings | https://www.edumaps.de/file/4102715414931568139.png/7kamk2g Box Settings (Screenshot) Title of the Box | You can set the title as you like. You can also insert emojis. Characters from any language are possible. There are no restrictions. **Font Color** By clicking on the black-and-white icon, you can change the box title to white or black. https://www.edumaps.de/file/2330912534521729413.png/lhs7sh0 Color of the box title (black/white) !#titleFormat text in the title | For Advanced Users: You can also style the text of the title. The following formatting options are available: 1. Set **Bold** and *Italic* with asterisks. ``` **Bold Heading** and here is an *italic word*. ``` 2. **Line breaks** can be achieved with two backslashes. ``` First line of the title \\ Second line ``` 3. **Colors** can be set using hex color codes: ``` My {blue title}{#00F} ``` 4. **Font size** Font size can be increased or decreased as follows: ``` <big>My blue title</big> and <small>a small text</small> ``` Linking the Title | You can link the box title by simply adding the link right after the box title. https://www.edumaps.de/file/4576783972436474687.png/sp77rac Example: Linked Box Title 📝 Input (Example): ``` Box title https://www.wikipedia.org/ ``` !#linking Label of the Box | The box label is located to the left above the box title. You can use the label, for example, to name the theme of the box content with a keyword or to specify a school subject. The labels are also suitable for numbering boxes sequentially. https://www.edumaps.de/file/14376257199302736934.png/2wg9erm Label of the Box !#labelColor of the Box | You can color each box title. Defined colors are available for this purpose. https://www.edumaps.de/file/9547937096390932293.png/q1d1z9y Color for box title Click on the edit pencil icon to display additional settings. https://www.edumaps.de/file/2037507929951157651.png/3mfphso Advanced settings for box color Here you can set a color code and adjust the brightness of the color. Additionally, you can completely fill the box with color. https://www.edumaps.de/file/2108209213847857574.png/oqcj4kl Color-filled box Click on the pencil icon once more, and the following options will appear: https://www.edumaps.de/file/9774572519952078452.png/plncbum Transparency settings for box color You can also enter a hexadecimal color code here. This is helpful if you want to apply the exact color code from another box. !#color Hide Title | Here you can hide the title. It will then not be displayed in the map view. https://www.edumaps.de/file/3950168171974892181.png/d6yt06e Hide box title <small>In edit mode, you will still see the box title, as this is where access to the box settings occurs.</small> !#hidetitle Collapse Box | If you enable the “Collapse Box” option, you can choose whether the box is fully collapsed or only partially collapsed. https://www.edumaps.de/file/1143961398935415042.png/4lp85yv !#collapse Protect Box | If the map is edited by others, this box is locked. Only the map owner can make changes. https://www.edumaps.de/file/3439385271386716011.png/lx23w3d Protected Box If the box creator is not the map owner, they can only make changes to the box if they are not editing anonymously. !#protect Comments | You can enable the comment function for the box. Then you will see two options: 1. “All Users” - All users can read comments. This allows for discussions. 2. “Only Me” - Only you can read comments. Helpful for private messages or homework submissions, etc. https://www.edumaps.de/file/14878592075088685850.png/bmledbr Comments on the Box !#comments Likes | Enable likes for your box, so that other users can leave their likes by clicking on the heart icon. https://www.edumaps.de/file/2768305788982838767.png/zipm6rb Likes for the Box !#likes Ratings | Enable ratings for your box, and three options will be available: 1. “Evaluate” - Dropdown with Good, Medium, Poor 2. “Answer” - Dropdown with Yes, Maybe, No 3. “Vote” - Dropdown with Option A, Option B, Option C https://www.edumaps.de/file/4052730991695140027.png/xu4wopu Ratings for the box https://www.edumaps.de/file/4547196965543215421.png/oq26ucl Rating in “Answer” mode !#ratings Calendar and Bookings | Activate “Calendar and Bookings” for your box, and three options are available: 1. **“Booking System”** - The box can be booked as a course. 2. **“Rental System”** - Usable for equipment rental and room leasing. 3. **“Calendar”** - The box receives a calendar. Usable for school and lesson planning, events, projects. https://www.edumaps.de/file/7811967929955510271.png/5y3aujo Activated option “Calendar and Bookings” These modules are comprehensive. Please take a look at the tutorials: 1. {Tutorial: Booking System}{https://www.edumaps.de/1046/1/mtp976esa8} 2. {Tutorial: Rental System}{https://www.edumaps.de/1055/1/pec424hul6} 3. {Tutorial: Calendar for Boxes}{https://www.edumaps.de/1059/1/1p018vc669} !#kalender Change Visibility | You can control the visibility in the map view via the “Change Visibility” option. There are three options available: 1. “Hide box” 2. “Hide box content” 3. “Show box from …” https://www.edumaps.de/file/1209252241877573591.png/5w0dqfi Option “Change Visibility” !#visibility Visibility Settings | **1. Hide Box** The box will be completely hidden in the map view. **2. Hide Box Content** Only the box content will be hidden in the map view. The box title remains visible. **3. Show Box from …** Here you can set the time from which the box will be displayed in the map view. https://www.edumaps.de/file/11770386603050721418.png/wjhlue8 Option “Show Box from” Enable the option “Hide entire box until then” so that the box is not visible in the map view. Otherwise, the box title will be displayed with the note “Appears on …”. https://www.edumaps.de/file/12408192946993642937.png/9sjud1h Example of a Box with Appearance Date **Additional Option: Hide from Students** Further down, you will find the option "Hide from students in edit mode", allowing you to make the box invisible to students even during editing. !#visibilityset Extra: Reminder for Box | You can set a reminder for any box you want if the box is on one of your maps. The following setting is required for this: -- Open your map in edit mode. -- Find your box and click on the three dots, then select "Edit" from the dropdown menu. The box settings opens. -- In the “Label” input field, enter the date in ISO format. That means year-month-day. For example, `2024-06-15`. -- Place a hash symbol directly before the date, so it looks like this: `#2024-06-15` -- Save the box. Done. Every morning at 7 AM, our server checks all boxes to see if such a date has been entered. The reminder is always triggered one day in advance. For the example with `#2024-06-15`, a notification would be generated on 06/14/2024. This means you will always be reminded of the box one day before the set date. You will see the notification as a yellow bell in the top right corner. Click on it to open the "Notifications" page. !#reminder Introduction | ✔️ Here you will learn all the important settings for the **box**: -- {Box Title}{!#title} -- {Link Title}{!#link} -- {Box Label}{!#label} -- {Box Color}{!#color} -- {Hide Title}{!#hidetitle} -- {Collapse Box}{!#collapse} -- {Protect Box}{!#protect} -- {Comments}{!#comments} -- {Likes}{!#likes} -- {Ratings}{!#ratings} -- {Calendar and Bookings}{!#calendar} -- {Change Visibility}{!#visibility} -- {Visibility Settings}{!#visibilityset} -- {Extra: Reminder for Box}{!#reminder} Box Settings | https://www.edumaps.de/file/4102715414931568139.png/7kamk2g Box Settings (Screenshot) Title of the Box | You can set the title as you like. You can also insert emojis. Characters from any language are possible. There are no restrictions. **Font Color** By clicking on the black-and-white icon, you can change the box title to white or black. https://www.edumaps.de/file/2330912534521729413.png/lhs7sh0 Color of the box title (black/white) !#titleFormat text in the title | For Advanced Users: You can also style the text of the title. The following formatting options are available: 1. Set **Bold** and *Italic* with asterisks. ``` **Bold Heading** and here is an *italic word*. ``` 2. **Line breaks** can be achieved with two backslashes. ``` First line of the title \\ Second line ``` 3. **Colors** can be set using hex color codes: ``` My {blue title}{#00F} ``` 4. **Font size** Font size can be increased or decreased as follows: ``` <big>My blue title</big> and <small>a small text</small> ``` Linking the Title | You can link the box title by simply adding the link right after the box title. https://www.edumaps.de/file/4576783972436474687.png/sp77rac Example: Linked Box Title 📝 Input (Example): ``` Box title https://www.wikipedia.org/ ``` !#linking Label of the Box | The box label is located to the left above the box title. You can use the label, for example, to name the theme of the box content with a keyword or to specify a school subject. The labels are also suitable for numbering boxes sequentially. https://www.edumaps.de/file/14376257199302736934.png/2wg9erm Label of the Box !#labelColor of the Box | You can color each box title. Defined colors are available for this purpose. https://www.edumaps.de/file/9547937096390932293.png/q1d1z9y Color for box title Click on the edit pencil icon to display additional settings. https://www.edumaps.de/file/2037507929951157651.png/3mfphso Advanced settings for box color Here you can set a color code and adjust the brightness of the color. Additionally, you can completely fill the box with color. https://www.edumaps.de/file/2108209213847857574.png/oqcj4kl Color-filled box Click on the pencil icon once more, and the following options will appear: https://www.edumaps.de/file/9774572519952078452.png/plncbum Transparency settings for box color You can also enter a hexadecimal color code here. This is helpful if you want to apply the exact color code from another box. !#color Hide Title | Here you can hide the title. It will then not be displayed in the map view. https://www.edumaps.de/file/3950168171974892181.png/d6yt06e Hide box title <small>In edit mode, you will still see the box title, as this is where access to the box settings occurs.</small> !#hidetitle Collapse Box | If you enable the “Collapse Box” option, you can choose whether the box is fully collapsed or only partially collapsed. https://www.edumaps.de/file/1143961398935415042.png/4lp85yv !#collapse Protect Box | If the map is edited by others, this box is locked. Only the map owner can make changes. https://www.edumaps.de/file/3439385271386716011.png/lx23w3d Protected Box If the box creator is not the map owner, they can only make changes to the box if they are not editing anonymously. !#protect Comments | You can enable the comment function for the box. Then you will see two options: 1. “All Users” - All users can read comments. This allows for discussions. 2. “Only Me” - Only you can read comments. Helpful for private messages or homework submissions, etc. https://www.edumaps.de/file/14878592075088685850.png/bmledbr Comments on the Box !#comments Likes | Enable likes for your box, so that other users can leave their likes by clicking on the heart icon. https://www.edumaps.de/file/2768305788982838767.png/zipm6rb Likes for the Box !#likes Ratings | Enable ratings for your box, and three options will be available: 1. “Evaluate” - Dropdown with Good, Medium, Poor 2. “Answer” - Dropdown with Yes, Maybe, No 3. “Vote” - Dropdown with Option A, Option B, Option C https://www.edumaps.de/file/4052730991695140027.png/xu4wopu Ratings for the box https://www.edumaps.de/file/4547196965543215421.png/oq26ucl Rating in “Answer” mode !#ratings Calendar and Bookings | Activate “Calendar and Bookings” for your box, and three options are available: 1. **“Booking System”** - The box can be booked as a course. 2. **“Rental System”** - Usable for equipment rental and room leasing. 3. **“Calendar”** - The box receives a calendar. Usable for school and lesson planning, events, projects. https://www.edumaps.de/file/7811967929955510271.png/5y3aujo Activated option “Calendar and Bookings” These modules are comprehensive. Please take a look at the tutorials: 1. {Tutorial: Booking System}{https://www.edumaps.de/1046/1/mtp976esa8} 2. {Tutorial: Rental System}{https://www.edumaps.de/1055/1/pec424hul6} 3. {Tutorial: Calendar for Boxes}{https://www.edumaps.de/1059/1/1p018vc669} !#kalender Change Visibility | You can control the visibility in the map view via the “Change Visibility” option. There are three options available: 1. “Hide box” 2. “Hide box content” 3. “Show box from …” https://www.edumaps.de/file/1209252241877573591.png/5w0dqfi Option “Change Visibility” !#visibility Visibility Settings | **1. Hide Box** The box will be completely hidden in the map view. **2. Hide Box Content** Only the box content will be hidden in the map view. The box title remains visible. **3. Show Box from …** Here you can set the time from which the box will be displayed in the map view. https://www.edumaps.de/file/11770386603050721418.png/wjhlue8 Option “Show Box from” Enable the option “Hide entire box until then” so that the box is not visible in the map view. Otherwise, the box title will be displayed with the note “Appears on …”. https://www.edumaps.de/file/12408192946993642937.png/9sjud1h Example of a Box with Appearance Date **Additional Option: Hide from Students** Further down, you will find the option "Hide from students in edit mode", allowing you to make the box invisible to students even during editing. !#visibilityset Extra: Reminder for Box | You can set a reminder for any box you want if the box is on one of your maps. The following setting is required for this: -- Open your map in edit mode. -- Find your box and click on the three dots, then select "Edit" from the dropdown menu. The box settings opens. -- In the “Label” input field, enter the date in ISO format. That means year-month-day. For example, `2024-06-15`. -- Place a hash symbol directly before the date, so it looks like this: `#2024-06-15` -- Save the box. Done. Every morning at 7 AM, our server checks all boxes to see if such a date has been entered. The reminder is always triggered one day in advance. For the example with `#2024-06-15`, a notification would be generated on 06/14/2024. This means you will always be reminded of the box one day before the set date. You will see the notification as a yellow bell in the top right corner. Click on it to open the "Notifications" page. !#reminder Introduction | ✔️ Here you will learn all the important settings for the **box**: -- {Box Title}{!#title} -- {Link Title}{!#link} -- {Box Label}{!#label} -- {Box Color}{!#color} -- {Hide Title}{!#hidetitle} -- {Collapse Box}{!#collapse} -- {Protect Box}{!#protect} -- {Comments}{!#comments} -- {Likes}{!#likes} -- {Ratings}{!#ratings} -- {Calendar and Bookings}{!#calendar} -- {Change Visibility}{!#visibility} -- {Visibility Settings}{!#visibilityset} -- {Extra: Reminder for Box}{!#reminder} Box Settings | https://www.edumaps.de/file/4102715414931568139.png/7kamk2g Box Settings (Screenshot) Title of the Box | You can set the title as you like. You can also insert emojis. Characters from any language are possible. There are no restrictions. **Font Color** By clicking on the black-and-white icon, you can change the box title to white or black. https://www.edumaps.de/file/2330912534521729413.png/lhs7sh0 Color of the box title (black/white) !#titleFormat text in the title | For Advanced Users: You can also style the text of the title. The following formatting options are available: 1. Set **Bold** and *Italic* with asterisks. ``` **Bold Heading** and here is an *italic word*. ``` 2. **Line breaks** can be achieved with two backslashes. ``` First line of the title \\ Second line ``` 3. **Colors** can be set using hex color codes: ``` My {blue title}{#00F} ``` 4. **Font size** Font size can be increased or decreased as follows: ``` <big>My blue title</big> and <small>a small text</small> ``` Linking the Title | You can link the box title by simply adding the link right after the box title. https://www.edumaps.de/file/4576783972436474687.png/sp77rac Example: Linked Box Title 📝 Input (Example): ``` Box title https://www.wikipedia.org/ ``` !#linking Label of the Box | The box label is located to the left above the box title. You can use the label, for example, to name the theme of the box content with a keyword or to specify a school subject. The labels are also suitable for numbering boxes sequentially. https://www.edumaps.de/file/14376257199302736934.png/2wg9erm Label of the Box !#labelColor of the Box | You can color each box title. Defined colors are available for this purpose. https://www.edumaps.de/file/9547937096390932293.png/q1d1z9y Color for box title Click on the edit pencil icon to display additional settings. https://www.edumaps.de/file/2037507929951157651.png/3mfphso Advanced settings for box color Here you can set a color code and adjust the brightness of the color. Additionally, you can completely fill the box with color. https://www.edumaps.de/file/2108209213847857574.png/oqcj4kl Color-filled box Click on the pencil icon once more, and the following options will appear: https://www.edumaps.de/file/9774572519952078452.png/plncbum Transparency settings for box color You can also enter a hexadecimal color code here. This is helpful if you want to apply the exact color code from another box. !#color Hide Title | Here you can hide the title. It will then not be displayed in the map view. https://www.edumaps.de/file/3950168171974892181.png/d6yt06e Hide box title <small>In edit mode, you will still see the box title, as this is where access to the box settings occurs.</small> !#hidetitle Collapse Box | If you enable the “Collapse Box” option, you can choose whether the box is fully collapsed or only partially collapsed. https://www.edumaps.de/file/1143961398935415042.png/4lp85yv !#collapse Protect Box | If the map is edited by others, this box is locked. Only the map owner can make changes. https://www.edumaps.de/file/3439385271386716011.png/lx23w3d Protected Box If the box creator is not the map owner, they can only make changes to the box if they are not editing anonymously. !#protect Comments | You can enable the comment function for the box. Then you will see two options: 1. “All Users” - All users can read comments. This allows for discussions. 2. “Only Me” - Only you can read comments. Helpful for private messages or homework submissions, etc. https://www.edumaps.de/file/14878592075088685850.png/bmledbr Comments on the Box !#comments Likes | Enable likes for your box, so that other users can leave their likes by clicking on the heart icon. https://www.edumaps.de/file/2768305788982838767.png/zipm6rb Likes for the Box !#likes Ratings | Enable ratings for your box, and three options will be available: 1. “Evaluate” - Dropdown with Good, Medium, Poor 2. “Answer” - Dropdown with Yes, Maybe, No 3. “Vote” - Dropdown with Option A, Option B, Option C https://www.edumaps.de/file/4052730991695140027.png/xu4wopu Ratings for the box https://www.edumaps.de/file/4547196965543215421.png/oq26ucl Rating in “Answer” mode !#ratings Calendar and Bookings | Activate “Calendar and Bookings” for your box, and three options are available: 1. **“Booking System”** - The box can be booked as a course. 2. **“Rental System”** - Usable for equipment rental and room leasing. 3. **“Calendar”** - The box receives a calendar. Usable for school and lesson planning, events, projects. https://www.edumaps.de/file/7811967929955510271.png/5y3aujo Activated option “Calendar and Bookings” These modules are comprehensive. Please take a look at the tutorials: 1. {Tutorial: Booking System}{https://www.edumaps.de/1046/1/mtp976esa8} 2. {Tutorial: Rental System}{https://www.edumaps.de/1055/1/pec424hul6} 3. {Tutorial: Calendar for Boxes}{https://www.edumaps.de/1059/1/1p018vc669} !#kalender Change Visibility | You can control the visibility in the map view via the “Change Visibility” option. There are three options available: 1. “Hide box” 2. “Hide box content” 3. “Show box from …” https://www.edumaps.de/file/1209252241877573591.png/5w0dqfi Option “Change Visibility” !#visibility Visibility Settings | **1. Hide Box** The box will be completely hidden in the map view. **2. Hide Box Content** Only the box content will be hidden in the map view. The box title remains visible. **3. Show Box from …** Here you can set the time from which the box will be displayed in the map view. https://www.edumaps.de/file/11770386603050721418.png/wjhlue8 Option “Show Box from” Enable the option “Hide entire box until then” so that the box is not visible in the map view. Otherwise, the box title will be displayed with the note “Appears on …”. https://www.edumaps.de/file/12408192946993642937.png/9sjud1h Example of a Box with Appearance Date **Additional Option: Hide from Students** Further down, you will find the option "Hide from students in edit mode", allowing you to make the box invisible to students even during editing. !#visibilityset Extra: Reminder for Box | You can set a reminder for any box you want if the box is on one of your maps. The following setting is required for this: -- Open your map in edit mode. -- Find your box and click on the three dots, then select "Edit" from the dropdown menu. The box settings opens. -- In the “Label” input field, enter the date in ISO format. That means year-month-day. For example, `2024-06-15`. -- Place a hash symbol directly before the date, so it looks like this: `#2024-06-15` -- Save the box. Done. Every morning at 7 AM, our server checks all boxes to see if such a date has been entered. The reminder is always triggered one day in advance. For the example with `#2024-06-15`, a notification would be generated on 06/14/2024. This means you will always be reminded of the box one day before the set date. You will see the notification as a yellow bell in the top right corner. Click on it to open the "Notifications" page. !#reminder Introduction | ✔️ Here you will learn all the important settings for the **box**: -- {Box Title}{!#title} -- {Link Title}{!#link} -- {Box Label}{!#label} -- {Box Color}{!#color} -- {Hide Title}{!#hidetitle} -- {Collapse Box}{!#collapse} -- {Protect Box}{!#protect} -- {Comments}{!#comments} -- {Likes}{!#likes} -- {Ratings}{!#ratings} -- {Calendar and Bookings}{!#calendar} -- {Change Visibility}{!#visibility} -- {Visibility Settings}{!#visibilityset} -- {Extra: Reminder for Box}{!#reminder} Box Settings | https://www.edumaps.de/file/4102715414931568139.png/7kamk2g Box Settings (Screenshot) Title of the Box | You can set the title as you like. You can also insert emojis. Characters from any language are possible. There are no restrictions. **Font Color** By clicking on the black-and-white icon, you can change the box title to white or black. https://www.edumaps.de/file/2330912534521729413.png/lhs7sh0 Color of the box title (black/white) !#titleFormat text in the title | For Advanced Users: You can also style the text of the title. The following formatting options are available: 1. Set **Bold** and *Italic* with asterisks. ``` **Bold Heading** and here is an *italic word*. ``` 2. **Line breaks** can be achieved with two backslashes. ``` First line of the title \\ Second line ``` 3. **Colors** can be set using hex color codes: ``` My {blue title}{#00F} ``` 4. **Font size** Font size can be increased or decreased as follows: ``` <big>My blue title</big> and <small>a small text</small> ``` Linking the Title | You can link the box title by simply adding the link right after the box title. https://www.edumaps.de/file/4576783972436474687.png/sp77rac Example: Linked Box Title 📝 Input (Example): ``` Box title https://www.wikipedia.org/ ``` !#linking Label of the Box | The box label is located to the left above the box title. You can use the label, for example, to name the theme of the box content with a keyword or to specify a school subject. The labels are also suitable for numbering boxes sequentially. https://www.edumaps.de/file/14376257199302736934.png/2wg9erm Label of the Box !#labelColor of the Box | You can color each box title. Defined colors are available for this purpose. https://www.edumaps.de/file/9547937096390932293.png/q1d1z9y Color for box title Click on the edit pencil icon to display additional settings. https://www.edumaps.de/file/2037507929951157651.png/3mfphso Advanced settings for box color Here you can set a color code and adjust the brightness of the color. Additionally, you can completely fill the box with color. https://www.edumaps.de/file/2108209213847857574.png/oqcj4kl Color-filled box Click on the pencil icon once more, and the following options will appear: https://www.edumaps.de/file/9774572519952078452.png/plncbum Transparency settings for box color You can also enter a hexadecimal color code here. This is helpful if you want to apply the exact color code from another box. !#color Hide Title | Here you can hide the title. It will then not be displayed in the map view. https://www.edumaps.de/file/3950168171974892181.png/d6yt06e Hide box title <small>In edit mode, you will still see the box title, as this is where access to the box settings occurs.</small> !#hidetitle Collapse Box | If you enable the “Collapse Box” option, you can choose whether the box is fully collapsed or only partially collapsed. https://www.edumaps.de/file/1143961398935415042.png/4lp85yv !#collapse Protect Box | If the map is edited by others, this box is locked. Only the map owner can make changes. https://www.edumaps.de/file/3439385271386716011.png/lx23w3d Protected Box If the box creator is not the map owner, they can only make changes to the box if they are not editing anonymously. !#protect Comments | You can enable the comment function for the box. Then you will see two options: 1. “All Users” - All users can read comments. This allows for discussions. 2. “Only Me” - Only you can read comments. Helpful for private messages or homework submissions, etc. https://www.edumaps.de/file/14878592075088685850.png/bmledbr Comments on the Box !#comments Likes | Enable likes for your box, so that other users can leave their likes by clicking on the heart icon. https://www.edumaps.de/file/2768305788982838767.png/zipm6rb Likes for the Box !#likes Ratings | Enable ratings for your box, and three options will be available: 1. “Evaluate” - Dropdown with Good, Medium, Poor 2. “Answer” - Dropdown with Yes, Maybe, No 3. “Vote” - Dropdown with Option A, Option B, Option C https://www.edumaps.de/file/4052730991695140027.png/xu4wopu Ratings for the box https://www.edumaps.de/file/4547196965543215421.png/oq26ucl Rating in “Answer” mode !#ratings Calendar and Bookings | Activate “Calendar and Bookings” for your box, and three options are available: 1. **“Booking System”** - The box can be booked as a course. 2. **“Rental System”** - Usable for equipment rental and room leasing. 3. **“Calendar”** - The box receives a calendar. Usable for school and lesson planning, events, projects. https://www.edumaps.de/file/7811967929955510271.png/5y3aujo Activated option “Calendar and Bookings” These modules are comprehensive. Please take a look at the tutorials: 1. {Tutorial: Booking System}{https://www.edumaps.de/1046/1/mtp976esa8} 2. {Tutorial: Rental System}{https://www.edumaps.de/1055/1/pec424hul6} 3. {Tutorial: Calendar for Boxes}{https://www.edumaps.de/1059/1/1p018vc669} !#kalender Change Visibility | You can control the visibility in the map view via the “Change Visibility” option. There are three options available: 1. “Hide box” 2. “Hide box content” 3. “Show box from …” https://www.edumaps.de/file/1209252241877573591.png/5w0dqfi Option “Change Visibility” !#visibility Visibility Settings | **1. Hide Box** The box will be completely hidden in the map view. **2. Hide Box Content** Only the box content will be hidden in the map view. The box title remains visible. **3. Show Box from …** Here you can set the time from which the box will be displayed in the map view. https://www.edumaps.de/file/11770386603050721418.png/wjhlue8 Option “Show Box from” Enable the option “Hide entire box until then” so that the box is not visible in the map view. Otherwise, the box title will be displayed with the note “Appears on …”. https://www.edumaps.de/file/12408192946993642937.png/9sjud1h Example of a Box with Appearance Date **Additional Option: Hide from Students** Further down, you will find the option "Hide from students in edit mode", allowing you to make the box invisible to students even during editing. !#visibilityset Extra: Reminder for Box | You can set a reminder for any box you want if the box is on one of your maps. The following setting is required for this: -- Open your map in edit mode. -- Find your box and click on the three dots, then select "Edit" from the dropdown menu. The box settings opens. -- In the “Label” input field, enter the date in ISO format. That means year-month-day. For example, `2024-06-15`. -- Place a hash symbol directly before the date, so it looks like this: `#2024-06-15` -- Save the box. Done. Every morning at 7 AM, our server checks all boxes to see if such a date has been entered. The reminder is always triggered one day in advance. For the example with `#2024-06-15`, a notification would be generated on 06/14/2024. This means you will always be reminded of the box one day before the set date. You will see the notification as a yellow bell in the top right corner. Click on it to open the "Notifications" page. !#reminder Introduction | ✔️ Here you will learn all the important settings for the **box**: -- {Box Title}{!#title} -- {Link Title}{!#link} -- {Box Label}{!#label} -- {Box Color}{!#color} -- {Hide Title}{!#hidetitle} -- {Collapse Box}{!#collapse} -- {Protect Box}{!#protect} -- {Comments}{!#comments} -- {Likes}{!#likes} -- {Ratings}{!#ratings} -- {Calendar and Bookings}{!#calendar} -- {Change Visibility}{!#visibility} -- {Visibility Settings}{!#visibilityset} -- {Extra: Reminder for Box}{!#reminder} Box Settings | https://www.edumaps.de/file/4102715414931568139.png/7kamk2g Box Settings (Screenshot) Title of the Box | You can set the title as you like. You can also insert emojis. Characters from any language are possible. There are no restrictions. **Font Color** By clicking on the black-and-white icon, you can change the box title to white or black. https://www.edumaps.de/file/2330912534521729413.png/lhs7sh0 Color of the box title (black/white) !#titleFormat text in the title | For Advanced Users: You can also style the text of the title. The following formatting options are available: 1. Set **Bold** and *Italic* with asterisks. ``` **Bold Heading** and here is an *italic word*. ``` 2. **Line breaks** can be achieved with two backslashes. ``` First line of the title \\ Second line ``` 3. **Colors** can be set using hex color codes: ``` My {blue title}{#00F} ``` 4. **Font size** Font size can be increased or decreased as follows: ``` <big>My blue title</big> and <small>a small text</small> ``` Linking the Title | You can link the box title by simply adding the link right after the box title. https://www.edumaps.de/file/4576783972436474687.png/sp77rac Example: Linked Box Title 📝 Input (Example): ``` Box title https://www.wikipedia.org/ ``` !#linking Label of the Box | The box label is located to the left above the box title. You can use the label, for example, to name the theme of the box content with a keyword or to specify a school subject. The labels are also suitable for numbering boxes sequentially. https://www.edumaps.de/file/14376257199302736934.png/2wg9erm Label of the Box !#labelColor of the Box | You can color each box title. Defined colors are available for this purpose. https://www.edumaps.de/file/9547937096390932293.png/q1d1z9y Color for box title Click on the edit pencil icon to display additional settings. https://www.edumaps.de/file/2037507929951157651.png/3mfphso Advanced settings for box color Here you can set a color code and adjust the brightness of the color. Additionally, you can completely fill the box with color. https://www.edumaps.de/file/2108209213847857574.png/oqcj4kl Color-filled box Click on the pencil icon once more, and the following options will appear: https://www.edumaps.de/file/9774572519952078452.png/plncbum Transparency settings for box color You can also enter a hexadecimal color code here. This is helpful if you want to apply the exact color code from another box. !#color Hide Title | Here you can hide the title. It will then not be displayed in the map view. https://www.edumaps.de/file/3950168171974892181.png/d6yt06e Hide box title <small>In edit mode, you will still see the box title, as this is where access to the box settings occurs.</small> !#hidetitle Collapse Box | If you enable the “Collapse Box” option, you can choose whether the box is fully collapsed or only partially collapsed. https://www.edumaps.de/file/1143961398935415042.png/4lp85yv !#collapse Protect Box | If the map is edited by others, this box is locked. Only the map owner can make changes. https://www.edumaps.de/file/3439385271386716011.png/lx23w3d Protected Box If the box creator is not the map owner, they can only make changes to the box if they are not editing anonymously. !#protect Comments | You can enable the comment function for the box. Then you will see two options: 1. “All Users” - All users can read comments. This allows for discussions. 2. “Only Me” - Only you can read comments. Helpful for private messages or homework submissions, etc. https://www.edumaps.de/file/14878592075088685850.png/bmledbr Comments on the Box !#comments Likes | Enable likes for your box, so that other users can leave their likes by clicking on the heart icon. https://www.edumaps.de/file/2768305788982838767.png/zipm6rb Likes for the Box !#likes Ratings | Enable ratings for your box, and three options will be available: 1. “Evaluate” - Dropdown with Good, Medium, Poor 2. “Answer” - Dropdown with Yes, Maybe, No 3. “Vote” - Dropdown with Option A, Option B, Option C https://www.edumaps.de/file/4052730991695140027.png/xu4wopu Ratings for the box https://www.edumaps.de/file/4547196965543215421.png/oq26ucl Rating in “Answer” mode !#ratings Calendar and Bookings | Activate “Calendar and Bookings” for your box, and three options are available: 1. **“Booking System”** - The box can be booked as a course. 2. **“Rental System”** - Usable for equipment rental and room leasing. 3. **“Calendar”** - The box receives a calendar. Usable for school and lesson planning, events, projects. https://www.edumaps.de/file/7811967929955510271.png/5y3aujo Activated option “Calendar and Bookings” These modules are comprehensive. Please take a look at the tutorials: 1. {Tutorial: Booking System}{https://www.edumaps.de/1046/1/mtp976esa8} 2. {Tutorial: Rental System}{https://www.edumaps.de/1055/1/pec424hul6} 3. {Tutorial: Calendar for Boxes}{https://www.edumaps.de/1059/1/1p018vc669} !#kalender Change Visibility | You can control the visibility in the map view via the “Change Visibility” option. There are three options available: 1. “Hide box” 2. “Hide box content” 3. “Show box from …” https://www.edumaps.de/file/1209252241877573591.png/5w0dqfi Option “Change Visibility” !#visibility Visibility Settings | **1. Hide Box** The box will be completely hidden in the map view. **2. Hide Box Content** Only the box content will be hidden in the map view. The box title remains visible. **3. Show Box from …** Here you can set the time from which the box will be displayed in the map view. https://www.edumaps.de/file/11770386603050721418.png/wjhlue8 Option “Show Box from” Enable the option “Hide entire box until then” so that the box is not visible in the map view. Otherwise, the box title will be displayed with the note “Appears on …”. https://www.edumaps.de/file/12408192946993642937.png/9sjud1h Example of a Box with Appearance Date **Additional Option: Hide from Students** Further down, you will find the option "Hide from students in edit mode", allowing you to make the box invisible to students even during editing. !#visibilityset Extra: Reminder for Box | You can set a reminder for any box you want if the box is on one of your maps. The following setting is required for this: -- Open your map in edit mode. -- Find your box and click on the three dots, then select "Edit" from the dropdown menu. The box settings opens. -- In the “Label” input field, enter the date in ISO format. That means year-month-day. For example, `2024-06-15`. -- Place a hash symbol directly before the date, so it looks like this: `#2024-06-15` -- Save the box. Done. Every morning at 7 AM, our server checks all boxes to see if such a date has been entered. The reminder is always triggered one day in advance. For the example with `#2024-06-15`, a notification would be generated on 06/14/2024. This means you will always be reminded of the box one day before the set date. You will see the notification as a yellow bell in the top right corner. Click on it to open the "Notifications" page. !#reminder
  • Lesen

    1.7 Tutorial: Anchor Links



    Linking Text with Anchor Links | If an anchor link is associated with a box, you will see the anchor word in edit mode as follows: https://www.edumaps.de/file/7879041079685201312.png/8ixdpl7 Visible anchor link in box content You can now use this link for navigation. -- Open the box editor for the box where the link should be added. -- Write your text. -- Select a word in the text with the mouse and click on the "Insert Link" button. -- Enter your anchor link, for example `**!**#start1`. -- Save the box. https://www.edumaps.de/file/2629309398550568980.png/5zxdvg9 Linking text with an anchor link !#linking Navigation with Anchor Links | When you click on the provided link, the map will scroll to the linked box (where the anchor link is located) and the box will blink three times. https://www.edumaps.de/file/11489287160656521870.png/ke65czi Jump to the linked box with anchor link Additionally, a small back button will appear at the bottom left of the box. However, you can also use the browser's back button (or the back button on your mouse) to return to the previous box. !#navigation Anchor Links in Text Labels | Anchor links can also be set in text labels. This allows for additional applications: -- Jump from text label to text label -- Jump from text label to box -- Jump from box to text label When jumping to a text label, the text label blinks three times and is briefly marked in red. https://www.edumaps.de/file/18132762259509961118.png/0n77sff Jump to the linked text label with an anchor link Input for the target text label: `My text here !**#**target` Input for the linking text label: `My {link to the text label}{!**#**target}` !#textlabels Anchor Links in Box Titles and Path Titles | Anchor links can also be inserted into box titles and path titles. To do this, simply use the syntax `!**#**myanchor` and add it to the end of the title. !#titles Introduction | ✔️ With anchor links (bookmarks), you can create navigation within a map. To do this, you set self-named anchor links in your boxes and link them, for example, through a table of contents in a box. **Table of Contents** -- {Create anchor links}{!#create} -- {Link text with anchor links}{!#linking} -- {Navigation with anchor links}{!#navigation} -- {Anchor links in text labels}{!#textlabels} -- {Example map with anchor links}{!#example} -- {Anchor Links in Box Titles and Path Titles}{!#titles} -- {Notes}{!#notes} Create Anchor Links | Let's assume you want to create a table of contents. Follow these steps: 1. Open the box you want to link to with the Box Editor. 2. Click the plus button and select “Anchor link” from the dropdown menu. https://www.edumaps.de/file/17305330722848271432.png/llz0oy3 Anchor link in the dropdown of the box editor 3. `**!**#anchor` will be inserted in the box content (as a template). 4. Rename the anchor as you wish, for example to `**!**#start1`. Make sure that the anchor word is a single word and that the characters `**!**#` are placed directly in front of the word (no spaces, all in lowercase). 5. Save the box. The anchor link is now linked to the box and can be used for navigation (linking). !#create Example map with anchor links | In the following example map, you can see how navigation with anchor links works. https://www.edumaps.de/1053/1/v02a2muunq Example: Table of Contents with Anchor Links If you click on a link in the table of contents, the view moves to the corresponding box. If you use the back button on the box or the back button in the browser, it navigates back to the table of contents. !#example Notes | Anchor links can be used for navigation within the map. For example, for a list of all courses in the first box on the map. However, you can also append an anchor link to your map section link to link directly to a box. To do this, simply add the anchor link to the end of the map link with `#myanchor` (without exclamation marks). !#notes Linking Text with Anchor Links | If an anchor link is associated with a box, you will see the anchor word in edit mode as follows: https://www.edumaps.de/file/7879041079685201312.png/8ixdpl7 Visible anchor link in box content You can now use this link for navigation. -- Open the box editor for the box where the link should be added. -- Write your text. -- Select a word in the text with the mouse and click on the "Insert Link" button. -- Enter your anchor link, for example `**!**#start1`. -- Save the box. https://www.edumaps.de/file/2629309398550568980.png/5zxdvg9 Linking text with an anchor link !#linking Navigation with Anchor Links | When you click on the provided link, the map will scroll to the linked box (where the anchor link is located) and the box will blink three times. https://www.edumaps.de/file/11489287160656521870.png/ke65czi Jump to the linked box with anchor link Additionally, a small back button will appear at the bottom left of the box. However, you can also use the browser's back button (or the back button on your mouse) to return to the previous box. !#navigation Anchor Links in Text Labels | Anchor links can also be set in text labels. This allows for additional applications: -- Jump from text label to text label -- Jump from text label to box -- Jump from box to text label When jumping to a text label, the text label blinks three times and is briefly marked in red. https://www.edumaps.de/file/18132762259509961118.png/0n77sff Jump to the linked text label with an anchor link Input for the target text label: `My text here !**#**target` Input for the linking text label: `My {link to the text label}{!**#**target}` !#textlabels Anchor Links in Box Titles and Path Titles | Anchor links can also be inserted into box titles and path titles. To do this, simply use the syntax `!**#**myanchor` and add it to the end of the title. !#titles Introduction | ✔️ With anchor links (bookmarks), you can create navigation within a map. To do this, you set self-named anchor links in your boxes and link them, for example, through a table of contents in a box. **Table of Contents** -- {Create anchor links}{!#create} -- {Link text with anchor links}{!#linking} -- {Navigation with anchor links}{!#navigation} -- {Anchor links in text labels}{!#textlabels} -- {Example map with anchor links}{!#example} -- {Anchor Links in Box Titles and Path Titles}{!#titles} -- {Notes}{!#notes} Create Anchor Links | Let's assume you want to create a table of contents. Follow these steps: 1. Open the box you want to link to with the Box Editor. 2. Click the plus button and select “Anchor link” from the dropdown menu. https://www.edumaps.de/file/17305330722848271432.png/llz0oy3 Anchor link in the dropdown of the box editor 3. `**!**#anchor` will be inserted in the box content (as a template). 4. Rename the anchor as you wish, for example to `**!**#start1`. Make sure that the anchor word is a single word and that the characters `**!**#` are placed directly in front of the word (no spaces, all in lowercase). 5. Save the box. The anchor link is now linked to the box and can be used for navigation (linking). !#create Example map with anchor links | In the following example map, you can see how navigation with anchor links works. https://www.edumaps.de/1053/1/v02a2muunq Example: Table of Contents with Anchor Links If you click on a link in the table of contents, the view moves to the corresponding box. If you use the back button on the box or the back button in the browser, it navigates back to the table of contents. !#example Notes | Anchor links can be used for navigation within the map. For example, for a list of all courses in the first box on the map. However, you can also append an anchor link to your map section link to link directly to a box. To do this, simply add the anchor link to the end of the map link with `#myanchor` (without exclamation marks). !#notes Linking Text with Anchor Links | If an anchor link is associated with a box, you will see the anchor word in edit mode as follows: https://www.edumaps.de/file/7879041079685201312.png/8ixdpl7 Visible anchor link in box content You can now use this link for navigation. -- Open the box editor for the box where the link should be added. -- Write your text. -- Select a word in the text with the mouse and click on the "Insert Link" button. -- Enter your anchor link, for example `**!**#start1`. -- Save the box. https://www.edumaps.de/file/2629309398550568980.png/5zxdvg9 Linking text with an anchor link !#linking Navigation with Anchor Links | When you click on the provided link, the map will scroll to the linked box (where the anchor link is located) and the box will blink three times. https://www.edumaps.de/file/11489287160656521870.png/ke65czi Jump to the linked box with anchor link Additionally, a small back button will appear at the bottom left of the box. However, you can also use the browser's back button (or the back button on your mouse) to return to the previous box. !#navigation Anchor Links in Text Labels | Anchor links can also be set in text labels. This allows for additional applications: -- Jump from text label to text label -- Jump from text label to box -- Jump from box to text label When jumping to a text label, the text label blinks three times and is briefly marked in red. https://www.edumaps.de/file/18132762259509961118.png/0n77sff Jump to the linked text label with an anchor link Input for the target text label: `My text here !**#**target` Input for the linking text label: `My {link to the text label}{!**#**target}` !#textlabels Anchor Links in Box Titles and Path Titles | Anchor links can also be inserted into box titles and path titles. To do this, simply use the syntax `!**#**myanchor` and add it to the end of the title. !#titles Introduction | ✔️ With anchor links (bookmarks), you can create navigation within a map. To do this, you set self-named anchor links in your boxes and link them, for example, through a table of contents in a box. **Table of Contents** -- {Create anchor links}{!#create} -- {Link text with anchor links}{!#linking} -- {Navigation with anchor links}{!#navigation} -- {Anchor links in text labels}{!#textlabels} -- {Example map with anchor links}{!#example} -- {Anchor Links in Box Titles and Path Titles}{!#titles} -- {Notes}{!#notes} Create Anchor Links | Let's assume you want to create a table of contents. Follow these steps: 1. Open the box you want to link to with the Box Editor. 2. Click the plus button and select “Anchor link” from the dropdown menu. https://www.edumaps.de/file/17305330722848271432.png/llz0oy3 Anchor link in the dropdown of the box editor 3. `**!**#anchor` will be inserted in the box content (as a template). 4. Rename the anchor as you wish, for example to `**!**#start1`. Make sure that the anchor word is a single word and that the characters `**!**#` are placed directly in front of the word (no spaces, all in lowercase). 5. Save the box. The anchor link is now linked to the box and can be used for navigation (linking). !#create Example map with anchor links | In the following example map, you can see how navigation with anchor links works. https://www.edumaps.de/1053/1/v02a2muunq Example: Table of Contents with Anchor Links If you click on a link in the table of contents, the view moves to the corresponding box. If you use the back button on the box or the back button in the browser, it navigates back to the table of contents. !#example Notes | Anchor links can be used for navigation within the map. For example, for a list of all courses in the first box on the map. However, you can also append an anchor link to your map section link to link directly to a box. To do this, simply add the anchor link to the end of the map link with `#myanchor` (without exclamation marks). !#notes Linking Text with Anchor Links | If an anchor link is associated with a box, you will see the anchor word in edit mode as follows: https://www.edumaps.de/file/7879041079685201312.png/8ixdpl7 Visible anchor link in box content You can now use this link for navigation. -- Open the box editor for the box where the link should be added. -- Write your text. -- Select a word in the text with the mouse and click on the "Insert Link" button. -- Enter your anchor link, for example `**!**#start1`. -- Save the box. https://www.edumaps.de/file/2629309398550568980.png/5zxdvg9 Linking text with an anchor link !#linking Navigation with Anchor Links | When you click on the provided link, the map will scroll to the linked box (where the anchor link is located) and the box will blink three times. https://www.edumaps.de/file/11489287160656521870.png/ke65czi Jump to the linked box with anchor link Additionally, a small back button will appear at the bottom left of the box. However, you can also use the browser's back button (or the back button on your mouse) to return to the previous box. !#navigation Anchor Links in Text Labels | Anchor links can also be set in text labels. This allows for additional applications: -- Jump from text label to text label -- Jump from text label to box -- Jump from box to text label When jumping to a text label, the text label blinks three times and is briefly marked in red. https://www.edumaps.de/file/18132762259509961118.png/0n77sff Jump to the linked text label with an anchor link Input for the target text label: `My text here !**#**target` Input for the linking text label: `My {link to the text label}{!**#**target}` !#textlabels Anchor Links in Box Titles and Path Titles | Anchor links can also be inserted into box titles and path titles. To do this, simply use the syntax `!**#**myanchor` and add it to the end of the title. !#titles Introduction | ✔️ With anchor links (bookmarks), you can create navigation within a map. To do this, you set self-named anchor links in your boxes and link them, for example, through a table of contents in a box. **Table of Contents** -- {Create anchor links}{!#create} -- {Link text with anchor links}{!#linking} -- {Navigation with anchor links}{!#navigation} -- {Anchor links in text labels}{!#textlabels} -- {Example map with anchor links}{!#example} -- {Anchor Links in Box Titles and Path Titles}{!#titles} -- {Notes}{!#notes} Create Anchor Links | Let's assume you want to create a table of contents. Follow these steps: 1. Open the box you want to link to with the Box Editor. 2. Click the plus button and select “Anchor link” from the dropdown menu. https://www.edumaps.de/file/17305330722848271432.png/llz0oy3 Anchor link in the dropdown of the box editor 3. `**!**#anchor` will be inserted in the box content (as a template). 4. Rename the anchor as you wish, for example to `**!**#start1`. Make sure that the anchor word is a single word and that the characters `**!**#` are placed directly in front of the word (no spaces, all in lowercase). 5. Save the box. The anchor link is now linked to the box and can be used for navigation (linking). !#create Example map with anchor links | In the following example map, you can see how navigation with anchor links works. https://www.edumaps.de/1053/1/v02a2muunq Example: Table of Contents with Anchor Links If you click on a link in the table of contents, the view moves to the corresponding box. If you use the back button on the box or the back button in the browser, it navigates back to the table of contents. !#example Notes | Anchor links can be used for navigation within the map. For example, for a list of all courses in the first box on the map. However, you can also append an anchor link to your map section link to link directly to a box. To do this, simply add the anchor link to the end of the map link with `#myanchor` (without exclamation marks). !#notes Linking Text with Anchor Links | If an anchor link is associated with a box, you will see the anchor word in edit mode as follows: https://www.edumaps.de/file/7879041079685201312.png/8ixdpl7 Visible anchor link in box content You can now use this link for navigation. -- Open the box editor for the box where the link should be added. -- Write your text. -- Select a word in the text with the mouse and click on the "Insert Link" button. -- Enter your anchor link, for example `**!**#start1`. -- Save the box. https://www.edumaps.de/file/2629309398550568980.png/5zxdvg9 Linking text with an anchor link !#linking Navigation with Anchor Links | When you click on the provided link, the map will scroll to the linked box (where the anchor link is located) and the box will blink three times. https://www.edumaps.de/file/11489287160656521870.png/ke65czi Jump to the linked box with anchor link Additionally, a small back button will appear at the bottom left of the box. However, you can also use the browser's back button (or the back button on your mouse) to return to the previous box. !#navigation Anchor Links in Text Labels | Anchor links can also be set in text labels. This allows for additional applications: -- Jump from text label to text label -- Jump from text label to box -- Jump from box to text label When jumping to a text label, the text label blinks three times and is briefly marked in red. https://www.edumaps.de/file/18132762259509961118.png/0n77sff Jump to the linked text label with an anchor link Input for the target text label: `My text here !**#**target` Input for the linking text label: `My {link to the text label}{!**#**target}` !#textlabels Anchor Links in Box Titles and Path Titles | Anchor links can also be inserted into box titles and path titles. To do this, simply use the syntax `!**#**myanchor` and add it to the end of the title. !#titles Introduction | ✔️ With anchor links (bookmarks), you can create navigation within a map. To do this, you set self-named anchor links in your boxes and link them, for example, through a table of contents in a box. **Table of Contents** -- {Create anchor links}{!#create} -- {Link text with anchor links}{!#linking} -- {Navigation with anchor links}{!#navigation} -- {Anchor links in text labels}{!#textlabels} -- {Example map with anchor links}{!#example} -- {Anchor Links in Box Titles and Path Titles}{!#titles} -- {Notes}{!#notes} Create Anchor Links | Let's assume you want to create a table of contents. Follow these steps: 1. Open the box you want to link to with the Box Editor. 2. Click the plus button and select “Anchor link” from the dropdown menu. https://www.edumaps.de/file/17305330722848271432.png/llz0oy3 Anchor link in the dropdown of the box editor 3. `**!**#anchor` will be inserted in the box content (as a template). 4. Rename the anchor as you wish, for example to `**!**#start1`. Make sure that the anchor word is a single word and that the characters `**!**#` are placed directly in front of the word (no spaces, all in lowercase). 5. Save the box. The anchor link is now linked to the box and can be used for navigation (linking). !#create Example map with anchor links | In the following example map, you can see how navigation with anchor links works. https://www.edumaps.de/1053/1/v02a2muunq Example: Table of Contents with Anchor Links If you click on a link in the table of contents, the view moves to the corresponding box. If you use the back button on the box or the back button in the browser, it navigates back to the table of contents. !#example Notes | Anchor links can be used for navigation within the map. For example, for a list of all courses in the first box on the map. However, you can also append an anchor link to your map section link to link directly to a box. To do this, simply add the anchor link to the end of the map link with `#myanchor` (without exclamation marks). !#notes Linking Text with Anchor Links | If an anchor link is associated with a box, you will see the anchor word in edit mode as follows: https://www.edumaps.de/file/7879041079685201312.png/8ixdpl7 Visible anchor link in box content You can now use this link for navigation. -- Open the box editor for the box where the link should be added. -- Write your text. -- Select a word in the text with the mouse and click on the "Insert Link" button. -- Enter your anchor link, for example `**!**#start1`. -- Save the box. https://www.edumaps.de/file/2629309398550568980.png/5zxdvg9 Linking text with an anchor link !#linking Navigation with Anchor Links | When you click on the provided link, the map will scroll to the linked box (where the anchor link is located) and the box will blink three times. https://www.edumaps.de/file/11489287160656521870.png/ke65czi Jump to the linked box with anchor link Additionally, a small back button will appear at the bottom left of the box. However, you can also use the browser's back button (or the back button on your mouse) to return to the previous box. !#navigation Anchor Links in Text Labels | Anchor links can also be set in text labels. This allows for additional applications: -- Jump from text label to text label -- Jump from text label to box -- Jump from box to text label When jumping to a text label, the text label blinks three times and is briefly marked in red. https://www.edumaps.de/file/18132762259509961118.png/0n77sff Jump to the linked text label with an anchor link Input for the target text label: `My text here !**#**target` Input for the linking text label: `My {link to the text label}{!**#**target}` !#textlabels Anchor Links in Box Titles and Path Titles | Anchor links can also be inserted into box titles and path titles. To do this, simply use the syntax `!**#**myanchor` and add it to the end of the title. !#titles Introduction | ✔️ With anchor links (bookmarks), you can create navigation within a map. To do this, you set self-named anchor links in your boxes and link them, for example, through a table of contents in a box. **Table of Contents** -- {Create anchor links}{!#create} -- {Link text with anchor links}{!#linking} -- {Navigation with anchor links}{!#navigation} -- {Anchor links in text labels}{!#textlabels} -- {Example map with anchor links}{!#example} -- {Anchor Links in Box Titles and Path Titles}{!#titles} -- {Notes}{!#notes} Create Anchor Links | Let's assume you want to create a table of contents. Follow these steps: 1. Open the box you want to link to with the Box Editor. 2. Click the plus button and select “Anchor link” from the dropdown menu. https://www.edumaps.de/file/17305330722848271432.png/llz0oy3 Anchor link in the dropdown of the box editor 3. `**!**#anchor` will be inserted in the box content (as a template). 4. Rename the anchor as you wish, for example to `**!**#start1`. Make sure that the anchor word is a single word and that the characters `**!**#` are placed directly in front of the word (no spaces, all in lowercase). 5. Save the box. The anchor link is now linked to the box and can be used for navigation (linking). !#create Example map with anchor links | In the following example map, you can see how navigation with anchor links works. https://www.edumaps.de/1053/1/v02a2muunq Example: Table of Contents with Anchor Links If you click on a link in the table of contents, the view moves to the corresponding box. If you use the back button on the box or the back button in the browser, it navigates back to the table of contents. !#example Notes | Anchor links can be used for navigation within the map. For example, for a list of all courses in the first box on the map. However, you can also append an anchor link to your map section link to link directly to a box. To do this, simply add the anchor link to the end of the map link with `#myanchor` (without exclamation marks). !#notes Linking Text with Anchor Links | If an anchor link is associated with a box, you will see the anchor word in edit mode as follows: https://www.edumaps.de/file/7879041079685201312.png/8ixdpl7 Visible anchor link in box content You can now use this link for navigation. -- Open the box editor for the box where the link should be added. -- Write your text. -- Select a word in the text with the mouse and click on the "Insert Link" button. -- Enter your anchor link, for example `**!**#start1`. -- Save the box. https://www.edumaps.de/file/2629309398550568980.png/5zxdvg9 Linking text with an anchor link !#linking Navigation with Anchor Links | When you click on the provided link, the map will scroll to the linked box (where the anchor link is located) and the box will blink three times. https://www.edumaps.de/file/11489287160656521870.png/ke65czi Jump to the linked box with anchor link Additionally, a small back button will appear at the bottom left of the box. However, you can also use the browser's back button (or the back button on your mouse) to return to the previous box. !#navigation Anchor Links in Text Labels | Anchor links can also be set in text labels. This allows for additional applications: -- Jump from text label to text label -- Jump from text label to box -- Jump from box to text label When jumping to a text label, the text label blinks three times and is briefly marked in red. https://www.edumaps.de/file/18132762259509961118.png/0n77sff Jump to the linked text label with an anchor link Input for the target text label: `My text here !**#**target` Input for the linking text label: `My {link to the text label}{!**#**target}` !#textlabels Anchor Links in Box Titles and Path Titles | Anchor links can also be inserted into box titles and path titles. To do this, simply use the syntax `!**#**myanchor` and add it to the end of the title. !#titles Introduction | ✔️ With anchor links (bookmarks), you can create navigation within a map. To do this, you set self-named anchor links in your boxes and link them, for example, through a table of contents in a box. **Table of Contents** -- {Create anchor links}{!#create} -- {Link text with anchor links}{!#linking} -- {Navigation with anchor links}{!#navigation} -- {Anchor links in text labels}{!#textlabels} -- {Example map with anchor links}{!#example} -- {Anchor Links in Box Titles and Path Titles}{!#titles} -- {Notes}{!#notes} Create Anchor Links | Let's assume you want to create a table of contents. Follow these steps: 1. Open the box you want to link to with the Box Editor. 2. Click the plus button and select “Anchor link” from the dropdown menu. https://www.edumaps.de/file/17305330722848271432.png/llz0oy3 Anchor link in the dropdown of the box editor 3. `**!**#anchor` will be inserted in the box content (as a template). 4. Rename the anchor as you wish, for example to `**!**#start1`. Make sure that the anchor word is a single word and that the characters `**!**#` are placed directly in front of the word (no spaces, all in lowercase). 5. Save the box. The anchor link is now linked to the box and can be used for navigation (linking). !#create Example map with anchor links | In the following example map, you can see how navigation with anchor links works. https://www.edumaps.de/1053/1/v02a2muunq Example: Table of Contents with Anchor Links If you click on a link in the table of contents, the view moves to the corresponding box. If you use the back button on the box or the back button in the browser, it navigates back to the table of contents. !#example Notes | Anchor links can be used for navigation within the map. For example, for a list of all courses in the first box on the map. However, you can also append an anchor link to your map section link to link directly to a box. To do this, simply add the anchor link to the end of the map link with `#myanchor` (without exclamation marks). !#notes Linking Text with Anchor Links | If an anchor link is associated with a box, you will see the anchor word in edit mode as follows: https://www.edumaps.de/file/7879041079685201312.png/8ixdpl7 Visible anchor link in box content You can now use this link for navigation. -- Open the box editor for the box where the link should be added. -- Write your text. -- Select a word in the text with the mouse and click on the "Insert Link" button. -- Enter your anchor link, for example `**!**#start1`. -- Save the box. https://www.edumaps.de/file/2629309398550568980.png/5zxdvg9 Linking text with an anchor link !#linking Navigation with Anchor Links | When you click on the provided link, the map will scroll to the linked box (where the anchor link is located) and the box will blink three times. https://www.edumaps.de/file/11489287160656521870.png/ke65czi Jump to the linked box with anchor link Additionally, a small back button will appear at the bottom left of the box. However, you can also use the browser's back button (or the back button on your mouse) to return to the previous box. !#navigation Anchor Links in Text Labels | Anchor links can also be set in text labels. This allows for additional applications: -- Jump from text label to text label -- Jump from text label to box -- Jump from box to text label When jumping to a text label, the text label blinks three times and is briefly marked in red. https://www.edumaps.de/file/18132762259509961118.png/0n77sff Jump to the linked text label with an anchor link Input for the target text label: `My text here !**#**target` Input for the linking text label: `My {link to the text label}{!**#**target}` !#textlabels Anchor Links in Box Titles and Path Titles | Anchor links can also be inserted into box titles and path titles. To do this, simply use the syntax `!**#**myanchor` and add it to the end of the title. !#titles Introduction | ✔️ With anchor links (bookmarks), you can create navigation within a map. To do this, you set self-named anchor links in your boxes and link them, for example, through a table of contents in a box. **Table of Contents** -- {Create anchor links}{!#create} -- {Link text with anchor links}{!#linking} -- {Navigation with anchor links}{!#navigation} -- {Anchor links in text labels}{!#textlabels} -- {Example map with anchor links}{!#example} -- {Anchor Links in Box Titles and Path Titles}{!#titles} -- {Notes}{!#notes} Create Anchor Links | Let's assume you want to create a table of contents. Follow these steps: 1. Open the box you want to link to with the Box Editor. 2. Click the plus button and select “Anchor link” from the dropdown menu. https://www.edumaps.de/file/17305330722848271432.png/llz0oy3 Anchor link in the dropdown of the box editor 3. `**!**#anchor` will be inserted in the box content (as a template). 4. Rename the anchor as you wish, for example to `**!**#start1`. Make sure that the anchor word is a single word and that the characters `**!**#` are placed directly in front of the word (no spaces, all in lowercase). 5. Save the box. The anchor link is now linked to the box and can be used for navigation (linking). !#create Example map with anchor links | In the following example map, you can see how navigation with anchor links works. https://www.edumaps.de/1053/1/v02a2muunq Example: Table of Contents with Anchor Links If you click on a link in the table of contents, the view moves to the corresponding box. If you use the back button on the box or the back button in the browser, it navigates back to the table of contents. !#example Notes | Anchor links can be used for navigation within the map. For example, for a list of all courses in the first box on the map. However, you can also append an anchor link to your map section link to link directly to a box. To do this, simply add the anchor link to the end of the map link with `#myanchor` (without exclamation marks). !#notes Linking Text with Anchor Links | If an anchor link is associated with a box, you will see the anchor word in edit mode as follows: https://www.edumaps.de/file/7879041079685201312.png/8ixdpl7 Visible anchor link in box content You can now use this link for navigation. -- Open the box editor for the box where the link should be added. -- Write your text. -- Select a word in the text with the mouse and click on the "Insert Link" button. -- Enter your anchor link, for example `**!**#start1`. -- Save the box. https://www.edumaps.de/file/2629309398550568980.png/5zxdvg9 Linking text with an anchor link !#linking Navigation with Anchor Links | When you click on the provided link, the map will scroll to the linked box (where the anchor link is located) and the box will blink three times. https://www.edumaps.de/file/11489287160656521870.png/ke65czi Jump to the linked box with anchor link Additionally, a small back button will appear at the bottom left of the box. However, you can also use the browser's back button (or the back button on your mouse) to return to the previous box. !#navigation Anchor Links in Text Labels | Anchor links can also be set in text labels. This allows for additional applications: -- Jump from text label to text label -- Jump from text label to box -- Jump from box to text label When jumping to a text label, the text label blinks three times and is briefly marked in red. https://www.edumaps.de/file/18132762259509961118.png/0n77sff Jump to the linked text label with an anchor link Input for the target text label: `My text here !**#**target` Input for the linking text label: `My {link to the text label}{!**#**target}` !#textlabels Anchor Links in Box Titles and Path Titles | Anchor links can also be inserted into box titles and path titles. To do this, simply use the syntax `!**#**myanchor` and add it to the end of the title. !#titles Introduction | ✔️ With anchor links (bookmarks), you can create navigation within a map. To do this, you set self-named anchor links in your boxes and link them, for example, through a table of contents in a box. **Table of Contents** -- {Create anchor links}{!#create} -- {Link text with anchor links}{!#linking} -- {Navigation with anchor links}{!#navigation} -- {Anchor links in text labels}{!#textlabels} -- {Example map with anchor links}{!#example} -- {Anchor Links in Box Titles and Path Titles}{!#titles} -- {Notes}{!#notes} Create Anchor Links | Let's assume you want to create a table of contents. Follow these steps: 1. Open the box you want to link to with the Box Editor. 2. Click the plus button and select “Anchor link” from the dropdown menu. https://www.edumaps.de/file/17305330722848271432.png/llz0oy3 Anchor link in the dropdown of the box editor 3. `**!**#anchor` will be inserted in the box content (as a template). 4. Rename the anchor as you wish, for example to `**!**#start1`. Make sure that the anchor word is a single word and that the characters `**!**#` are placed directly in front of the word (no spaces, all in lowercase). 5. Save the box. The anchor link is now linked to the box and can be used for navigation (linking). !#create Example map with anchor links | In the following example map, you can see how navigation with anchor links works. https://www.edumaps.de/1053/1/v02a2muunq Example: Table of Contents with Anchor Links If you click on a link in the table of contents, the view moves to the corresponding box. If you use the back button on the box or the back button in the browser, it navigates back to the table of contents. !#example Notes | Anchor links can be used for navigation within the map. For example, for a list of all courses in the first box on the map. However, you can also append an anchor link to your map section link to link directly to a box. To do this, simply add the anchor link to the end of the map link with `#myanchor` (without exclamation marks). !#notes Linking Text with Anchor Links | If an anchor link is associated with a box, you will see the anchor word in edit mode as follows: https://www.edumaps.de/file/7879041079685201312.png/8ixdpl7 Visible anchor link in box content You can now use this link for navigation. -- Open the box editor for the box where the link should be added. -- Write your text. -- Select a word in the text with the mouse and click on the "Insert Link" button. -- Enter your anchor link, for example `**!**#start1`. -- Save the box. https://www.edumaps.de/file/2629309398550568980.png/5zxdvg9 Linking text with an anchor link !#linking Navigation with Anchor Links | When you click on the provided link, the map will scroll to the linked box (where the anchor link is located) and the box will blink three times. https://www.edumaps.de/file/11489287160656521870.png/ke65czi Jump to the linked box with anchor link Additionally, a small back button will appear at the bottom left of the box. However, you can also use the browser's back button (or the back button on your mouse) to return to the previous box. !#navigation Anchor Links in Text Labels | Anchor links can also be set in text labels. This allows for additional applications: -- Jump from text label to text label -- Jump from text label to box -- Jump from box to text label When jumping to a text label, the text label blinks three times and is briefly marked in red. https://www.edumaps.de/file/18132762259509961118.png/0n77sff Jump to the linked text label with an anchor link Input for the target text label: `My text here !**#**target` Input for the linking text label: `My {link to the text label}{!**#**target}` !#textlabels Anchor Links in Box Titles and Path Titles | Anchor links can also be inserted into box titles and path titles. To do this, simply use the syntax `!**#**myanchor` and add it to the end of the title. !#titles Introduction | ✔️ With anchor links (bookmarks), you can create navigation within a map. To do this, you set self-named anchor links in your boxes and link them, for example, through a table of contents in a box. **Table of Contents** -- {Create anchor links}{!#create} -- {Link text with anchor links}{!#linking} -- {Navigation with anchor links}{!#navigation} -- {Anchor links in text labels}{!#textlabels} -- {Example map with anchor links}{!#example} -- {Anchor Links in Box Titles and Path Titles}{!#titles} -- {Notes}{!#notes} Create Anchor Links | Let's assume you want to create a table of contents. Follow these steps: 1. Open the box you want to link to with the Box Editor. 2. Click the plus button and select “Anchor link” from the dropdown menu. https://www.edumaps.de/file/17305330722848271432.png/llz0oy3 Anchor link in the dropdown of the box editor 3. `**!**#anchor` will be inserted in the box content (as a template). 4. Rename the anchor as you wish, for example to `**!**#start1`. Make sure that the anchor word is a single word and that the characters `**!**#` are placed directly in front of the word (no spaces, all in lowercase). 5. Save the box. The anchor link is now linked to the box and can be used for navigation (linking). !#create Example map with anchor links | In the following example map, you can see how navigation with anchor links works. https://www.edumaps.de/1053/1/v02a2muunq Example: Table of Contents with Anchor Links If you click on a link in the table of contents, the view moves to the corresponding box. If you use the back button on the box or the back button in the browser, it navigates back to the table of contents. !#example Notes | Anchor links can be used for navigation within the map. For example, for a list of all courses in the first box on the map. However, you can also append an anchor link to your map section link to link directly to a box. To do this, simply add the anchor link to the end of the map link with `#myanchor` (without exclamation marks). !#notes Linking Text with Anchor Links | If an anchor link is associated with a box, you will see the anchor word in edit mode as follows: https://www.edumaps.de/file/7879041079685201312.png/8ixdpl7 Visible anchor link in box content You can now use this link for navigation. -- Open the box editor for the box where the link should be added. -- Write your text. -- Select a word in the text with the mouse and click on the "Insert Link" button. -- Enter your anchor link, for example `**!**#start1`. -- Save the box. https://www.edumaps.de/file/2629309398550568980.png/5zxdvg9 Linking text with an anchor link !#linking Navigation with Anchor Links | When you click on the provided link, the map will scroll to the linked box (where the anchor link is located) and the box will blink three times. https://www.edumaps.de/file/11489287160656521870.png/ke65czi Jump to the linked box with anchor link Additionally, a small back button will appear at the bottom left of the box. However, you can also use the browser's back button (or the back button on your mouse) to return to the previous box. !#navigation Anchor Links in Text Labels | Anchor links can also be set in text labels. This allows for additional applications: -- Jump from text label to text label -- Jump from text label to box -- Jump from box to text label When jumping to a text label, the text label blinks three times and is briefly marked in red. https://www.edumaps.de/file/18132762259509961118.png/0n77sff Jump to the linked text label with an anchor link Input for the target text label: `My text here !**#**target` Input for the linking text label: `My {link to the text label}{!**#**target}` !#textlabels Anchor Links in Box Titles and Path Titles | Anchor links can also be inserted into box titles and path titles. To do this, simply use the syntax `!**#**myanchor` and add it to the end of the title. !#titles Introduction | ✔️ With anchor links (bookmarks), you can create navigation within a map. To do this, you set self-named anchor links in your boxes and link them, for example, through a table of contents in a box. **Table of Contents** -- {Create anchor links}{!#create} -- {Link text with anchor links}{!#linking} -- {Navigation with anchor links}{!#navigation} -- {Anchor links in text labels}{!#textlabels} -- {Example map with anchor links}{!#example} -- {Anchor Links in Box Titles and Path Titles}{!#titles} -- {Notes}{!#notes} Create Anchor Links | Let's assume you want to create a table of contents. Follow these steps: 1. Open the box you want to link to with the Box Editor. 2. Click the plus button and select “Anchor link” from the dropdown menu. https://www.edumaps.de/file/17305330722848271432.png/llz0oy3 Anchor link in the dropdown of the box editor 3. `**!**#anchor` will be inserted in the box content (as a template). 4. Rename the anchor as you wish, for example to `**!**#start1`. Make sure that the anchor word is a single word and that the characters `**!**#` are placed directly in front of the word (no spaces, all in lowercase). 5. Save the box. The anchor link is now linked to the box and can be used for navigation (linking). !#create Example map with anchor links | In the following example map, you can see how navigation with anchor links works. https://www.edumaps.de/1053/1/v02a2muunq Example: Table of Contents with Anchor Links If you click on a link in the table of contents, the view moves to the corresponding box. If you use the back button on the box or the back button in the browser, it navigates back to the table of contents. !#example Notes | Anchor links can be used for navigation within the map. For example, for a list of all courses in the first box on the map. However, you can also append an anchor link to your map section link to link directly to a box. To do this, simply add the anchor link to the end of the map link with `#myanchor` (without exclamation marks). !#notes
  • Lesen

    1.8 Tutorial: Text Fields



    Introduction | ✔️ With text fields you can: - Mark important content on a map - Provide important notes at self-chosen locations - Create tree diagrams with arrows ✔️ Text fields are possible on all map formats, such as pinboard, timeline, and sticker wall. Add Text field | Simply click on the blue “Text Field” button, and a text field will be added to the map. https://www.edumaps.de/file/1024214751681060448.png/mx277qn Add text field Options for Text fields | In a text field, the following editing options are available: -- Change the background color -- Change the position (Move using the Move icon) -- Delete the text field -- Change the rotation https://www.edumaps.de/file/5699931738153402208.png/vkt2gp7 Text fields on Edumaps Notes: Text fields | - Maximum length of 300 characters - Only plain text input, no HTML - Texts are always centered - Emojis are possible 🙂 - Multi-line inputs are possible Maps can be created without boxes/paths, but only with text fields and arrows. Text fields should not be placed on elements of a background graphic, as these graphics change according to the size of the screen. Resize the browser window, and you will see how the background image automatically scales. Text fields should always be positioned only to boxes, paths, text fields, and arrows. These are absolutely positioned. Shortcuts in Edit Mode | - `T` to add a text field - `Delete` to delete the active text field - `C` to change the text field color - `Ctrl C` followed by `Ctrl V` to copy a text field - `Ctrl X` to cut a text field Tip: When rotating, you can align the text field more precisely by holding the {Shift}{#EEE#} key while rotating. Precise Movement of Text fields | Positioning a text field using the mouse can be inaccurate. To position a text field more precisely, select the text field (or add a new one) and then use your keyboard. Hold down the {Shift}{#EEE#} key and use the arrow keys (`←` `↑` `→` `↓`) to position the text field accurately. Hold down the {Ctrl}{#EEE#} key instead of Shift to move the text field in smaller increments. Links in Text fields | Place a link in the text, and it will become clickable in the map view. You can also use Markdown syntax to link words. For example: ``` [Linked Part](https://www.edumaps.de/) ``` Hide Text for Quiz | You can also hide text in a text field using the following syntax: ``` Which dogs are small and long? ((Dachshunds)) ``` This way, the text within the double brackets is hidden, and a clickable arrow appears in the map view. Hide Text for Quiz (collapsable) | You can hide text in a text field, reveal it with a click, and hide it again with a second click, similar to a flip card. To do this, use the following syntax: ``` How fast are turtles? !((0.2 to 0.5 km/h)) ``` The text within the double brackets will be hidden, and a clickable arrow will appear in the map view. Introduction | ✔️ With text fields you can: - Mark important content on a map - Provide important notes at self-chosen locations - Create tree diagrams with arrows ✔️ Text fields are possible on all map formats, such as pinboard, timeline, and sticker wall. Add Text field | Simply click on the blue “Text Field” button, and a text field will be added to the map. https://www.edumaps.de/file/1024214751681060448.png/mx277qn Add text field Options for Text fields | In a text field, the following editing options are available: -- Change the background color -- Change the position (Move using the Move icon) -- Delete the text field -- Change the rotation https://www.edumaps.de/file/5699931738153402208.png/vkt2gp7 Text fields on Edumaps Notes: Text fields | - Maximum length of 300 characters - Only plain text input, no HTML - Texts are always centered - Emojis are possible 🙂 - Multi-line inputs are possible Maps can be created without boxes/paths, but only with text fields and arrows. Text fields should not be placed on elements of a background graphic, as these graphics change according to the size of the screen. Resize the browser window, and you will see how the background image automatically scales. Text fields should always be positioned only to boxes, paths, text fields, and arrows. These are absolutely positioned. Shortcuts in Edit Mode | - `T` to add a text field - `Delete` to delete the active text field - `C` to change the text field color - `Ctrl C` followed by `Ctrl V` to copy a text field - `Ctrl X` to cut a text field Tip: When rotating, you can align the text field more precisely by holding the {Shift}{#EEE#} key while rotating. Precise Movement of Text fields | Positioning a text field using the mouse can be inaccurate. To position a text field more precisely, select the text field (or add a new one) and then use your keyboard. Hold down the {Shift}{#EEE#} key and use the arrow keys (`←` `↑` `→` `↓`) to position the text field accurately. Hold down the {Ctrl}{#EEE#} key instead of Shift to move the text field in smaller increments. Links in Text fields | Place a link in the text, and it will become clickable in the map view. You can also use Markdown syntax to link words. For example: ``` [Linked Part](https://www.edumaps.de/) ``` Hide Text for Quiz | You can also hide text in a text field using the following syntax: ``` Which dogs are small and long? ((Dachshunds)) ``` This way, the text within the double brackets is hidden, and a clickable arrow appears in the map view. Hide Text for Quiz (collapsable) | You can hide text in a text field, reveal it with a click, and hide it again with a second click, similar to a flip card. To do this, use the following syntax: ``` How fast are turtles? !((0.2 to 0.5 km/h)) ``` The text within the double brackets will be hidden, and a clickable arrow will appear in the map view. Introduction | ✔️ With text fields you can: - Mark important content on a map - Provide important notes at self-chosen locations - Create tree diagrams with arrows ✔️ Text fields are possible on all map formats, such as pinboard, timeline, and sticker wall. Add Text field | Simply click on the blue “Text Field” button, and a text field will be added to the map. https://www.edumaps.de/file/1024214751681060448.png/mx277qn Add text field Options for Text fields | In a text field, the following editing options are available: -- Change the background color -- Change the position (Move using the Move icon) -- Delete the text field -- Change the rotation https://www.edumaps.de/file/5699931738153402208.png/vkt2gp7 Text fields on Edumaps Notes: Text fields | - Maximum length of 300 characters - Only plain text input, no HTML - Texts are always centered - Emojis are possible 🙂 - Multi-line inputs are possible Maps can be created without boxes/paths, but only with text fields and arrows. Text fields should not be placed on elements of a background graphic, as these graphics change according to the size of the screen. Resize the browser window, and you will see how the background image automatically scales. Text fields should always be positioned only to boxes, paths, text fields, and arrows. These are absolutely positioned. Shortcuts in Edit Mode | - `T` to add a text field - `Delete` to delete the active text field - `C` to change the text field color - `Ctrl C` followed by `Ctrl V` to copy a text field - `Ctrl X` to cut a text field Tip: When rotating, you can align the text field more precisely by holding the {Shift}{#EEE#} key while rotating. Precise Movement of Text fields | Positioning a text field using the mouse can be inaccurate. To position a text field more precisely, select the text field (or add a new one) and then use your keyboard. Hold down the {Shift}{#EEE#} key and use the arrow keys (`←` `↑` `→` `↓`) to position the text field accurately. Hold down the {Ctrl}{#EEE#} key instead of Shift to move the text field in smaller increments. Links in Text fields | Place a link in the text, and it will become clickable in the map view. You can also use Markdown syntax to link words. For example: ``` [Linked Part](https://www.edumaps.de/) ``` Hide Text for Quiz | You can also hide text in a text field using the following syntax: ``` Which dogs are small and long? ((Dachshunds)) ``` This way, the text within the double brackets is hidden, and a clickable arrow appears in the map view. Hide Text for Quiz (collapsable) | You can hide text in a text field, reveal it with a click, and hide it again with a second click, similar to a flip card. To do this, use the following syntax: ``` How fast are turtles? !((0.2 to 0.5 km/h)) ``` The text within the double brackets will be hidden, and a clickable arrow will appear in the map view. Introduction | ✔️ With text fields you can: - Mark important content on a map - Provide important notes at self-chosen locations - Create tree diagrams with arrows ✔️ Text fields are possible on all map formats, such as pinboard, timeline, and sticker wall. Add Text field | Simply click on the blue “Text Field” button, and a text field will be added to the map. https://www.edumaps.de/file/1024214751681060448.png/mx277qn Add text field Options for Text fields | In a text field, the following editing options are available: -- Change the background color -- Change the position (Move using the Move icon) -- Delete the text field -- Change the rotation https://www.edumaps.de/file/5699931738153402208.png/vkt2gp7 Text fields on Edumaps Notes: Text fields | - Maximum length of 300 characters - Only plain text input, no HTML - Texts are always centered - Emojis are possible 🙂 - Multi-line inputs are possible Maps can be created without boxes/paths, but only with text fields and arrows. Text fields should not be placed on elements of a background graphic, as these graphics change according to the size of the screen. Resize the browser window, and you will see how the background image automatically scales. Text fields should always be positioned only to boxes, paths, text fields, and arrows. These are absolutely positioned. Shortcuts in Edit Mode | - `T` to add a text field - `Delete` to delete the active text field - `C` to change the text field color - `Ctrl C` followed by `Ctrl V` to copy a text field - `Ctrl X` to cut a text field Tip: When rotating, you can align the text field more precisely by holding the {Shift}{#EEE#} key while rotating. Precise Movement of Text fields | Positioning a text field using the mouse can be inaccurate. To position a text field more precisely, select the text field (or add a new one) and then use your keyboard. Hold down the {Shift}{#EEE#} key and use the arrow keys (`←` `↑` `→` `↓`) to position the text field accurately. Hold down the {Ctrl}{#EEE#} key instead of Shift to move the text field in smaller increments. Links in Text fields | Place a link in the text, and it will become clickable in the map view. You can also use Markdown syntax to link words. For example: ``` [Linked Part](https://www.edumaps.de/) ``` Hide Text for Quiz | You can also hide text in a text field using the following syntax: ``` Which dogs are small and long? ((Dachshunds)) ``` This way, the text within the double brackets is hidden, and a clickable arrow appears in the map view. Hide Text for Quiz (collapsable) | You can hide text in a text field, reveal it with a click, and hide it again with a second click, similar to a flip card. To do this, use the following syntax: ``` How fast are turtles? !((0.2 to 0.5 km/h)) ``` The text within the double brackets will be hidden, and a clickable arrow will appear in the map view. Introduction | ✔️ With text fields you can: - Mark important content on a map - Provide important notes at self-chosen locations - Create tree diagrams with arrows ✔️ Text fields are possible on all map formats, such as pinboard, timeline, and sticker wall. Add Text field | Simply click on the blue “Text Field” button, and a text field will be added to the map. https://www.edumaps.de/file/1024214751681060448.png/mx277qn Add text field Options for Text fields | In a text field, the following editing options are available: -- Change the background color -- Change the position (Move using the Move icon) -- Delete the text field -- Change the rotation https://www.edumaps.de/file/5699931738153402208.png/vkt2gp7 Text fields on Edumaps Notes: Text fields | - Maximum length of 300 characters - Only plain text input, no HTML - Texts are always centered - Emojis are possible 🙂 - Multi-line inputs are possible Maps can be created without boxes/paths, but only with text fields and arrows. Text fields should not be placed on elements of a background graphic, as these graphics change according to the size of the screen. Resize the browser window, and you will see how the background image automatically scales. Text fields should always be positioned only to boxes, paths, text fields, and arrows. These are absolutely positioned. Shortcuts in Edit Mode | - `T` to add a text field - `Delete` to delete the active text field - `C` to change the text field color - `Ctrl C` followed by `Ctrl V` to copy a text field - `Ctrl X` to cut a text field Tip: When rotating, you can align the text field more precisely by holding the {Shift}{#EEE#} key while rotating. Precise Movement of Text fields | Positioning a text field using the mouse can be inaccurate. To position a text field more precisely, select the text field (or add a new one) and then use your keyboard. Hold down the {Shift}{#EEE#} key and use the arrow keys (`←` `↑` `→` `↓`) to position the text field accurately. Hold down the {Ctrl}{#EEE#} key instead of Shift to move the text field in smaller increments. Links in Text fields | Place a link in the text, and it will become clickable in the map view. You can also use Markdown syntax to link words. For example: ``` [Linked Part](https://www.edumaps.de/) ``` Hide Text for Quiz | You can also hide text in a text field using the following syntax: ``` Which dogs are small and long? ((Dachshunds)) ``` This way, the text within the double brackets is hidden, and a clickable arrow appears in the map view. Hide Text for Quiz (collapsable) | You can hide text in a text field, reveal it with a click, and hide it again with a second click, similar to a flip card. To do this, use the following syntax: ``` How fast are turtles? !((0.2 to 0.5 km/h)) ``` The text within the double brackets will be hidden, and a clickable arrow will appear in the map view. Introduction | ✔️ With text fields you can: - Mark important content on a map - Provide important notes at self-chosen locations - Create tree diagrams with arrows ✔️ Text fields are possible on all map formats, such as pinboard, timeline, and sticker wall. Add Text field | Simply click on the blue “Text Field” button, and a text field will be added to the map. https://www.edumaps.de/file/1024214751681060448.png/mx277qn Add text field Options for Text fields | In a text field, the following editing options are available: -- Change the background color -- Change the position (Move using the Move icon) -- Delete the text field -- Change the rotation https://www.edumaps.de/file/5699931738153402208.png/vkt2gp7 Text fields on Edumaps Notes: Text fields | - Maximum length of 300 characters - Only plain text input, no HTML - Texts are always centered - Emojis are possible 🙂 - Multi-line inputs are possible Maps can be created without boxes/paths, but only with text fields and arrows. Text fields should not be placed on elements of a background graphic, as these graphics change according to the size of the screen. Resize the browser window, and you will see how the background image automatically scales. Text fields should always be positioned only to boxes, paths, text fields, and arrows. These are absolutely positioned. Shortcuts in Edit Mode | - `T` to add a text field - `Delete` to delete the active text field - `C` to change the text field color - `Ctrl C` followed by `Ctrl V` to copy a text field - `Ctrl X` to cut a text field Tip: When rotating, you can align the text field more precisely by holding the {Shift}{#EEE#} key while rotating. Precise Movement of Text fields | Positioning a text field using the mouse can be inaccurate. To position a text field more precisely, select the text field (or add a new one) and then use your keyboard. Hold down the {Shift}{#EEE#} key and use the arrow keys (`←` `↑` `→` `↓`) to position the text field accurately. Hold down the {Ctrl}{#EEE#} key instead of Shift to move the text field in smaller increments. Links in Text fields | Place a link in the text, and it will become clickable in the map view. You can also use Markdown syntax to link words. For example: ``` [Linked Part](https://www.edumaps.de/) ``` Hide Text for Quiz | You can also hide text in a text field using the following syntax: ``` Which dogs are small and long? ((Dachshunds)) ``` This way, the text within the double brackets is hidden, and a clickable arrow appears in the map view. Hide Text for Quiz (collapsable) | You can hide text in a text field, reveal it with a click, and hide it again with a second click, similar to a flip card. To do this, use the following syntax: ``` How fast are turtles? !((0.2 to 0.5 km/h)) ``` The text within the double brackets will be hidden, and a clickable arrow will appear in the map view. Introduction | ✔️ With text fields you can: - Mark important content on a map - Provide important notes at self-chosen locations - Create tree diagrams with arrows ✔️ Text fields are possible on all map formats, such as pinboard, timeline, and sticker wall. Add Text field | Simply click on the blue “Text Field” button, and a text field will be added to the map. https://www.edumaps.de/file/1024214751681060448.png/mx277qn Add text field Options for Text fields | In a text field, the following editing options are available: -- Change the background color -- Change the position (Move using the Move icon) -- Delete the text field -- Change the rotation https://www.edumaps.de/file/5699931738153402208.png/vkt2gp7 Text fields on Edumaps Notes: Text fields | - Maximum length of 300 characters - Only plain text input, no HTML - Texts are always centered - Emojis are possible 🙂 - Multi-line inputs are possible Maps can be created without boxes/paths, but only with text fields and arrows. Text fields should not be placed on elements of a background graphic, as these graphics change according to the size of the screen. Resize the browser window, and you will see how the background image automatically scales. Text fields should always be positioned only to boxes, paths, text fields, and arrows. These are absolutely positioned. Shortcuts in Edit Mode | - `T` to add a text field - `Delete` to delete the active text field - `C` to change the text field color - `Ctrl C` followed by `Ctrl V` to copy a text field - `Ctrl X` to cut a text field Tip: When rotating, you can align the text field more precisely by holding the {Shift}{#EEE#} key while rotating. Precise Movement of Text fields | Positioning a text field using the mouse can be inaccurate. To position a text field more precisely, select the text field (or add a new one) and then use your keyboard. Hold down the {Shift}{#EEE#} key and use the arrow keys (`←` `↑` `→` `↓`) to position the text field accurately. Hold down the {Ctrl}{#EEE#} key instead of Shift to move the text field in smaller increments. Links in Text fields | Place a link in the text, and it will become clickable in the map view. You can also use Markdown syntax to link words. For example: ``` [Linked Part](https://www.edumaps.de/) ``` Hide Text for Quiz | You can also hide text in a text field using the following syntax: ``` Which dogs are small and long? ((Dachshunds)) ``` This way, the text within the double brackets is hidden, and a clickable arrow appears in the map view. Hide Text for Quiz (collapsable) | You can hide text in a text field, reveal it with a click, and hide it again with a second click, similar to a flip card. To do this, use the following syntax: ``` How fast are turtles? !((0.2 to 0.5 km/h)) ``` The text within the double brackets will be hidden, and a clickable arrow will appear in the map view. Introduction | ✔️ With text fields you can: - Mark important content on a map - Provide important notes at self-chosen locations - Create tree diagrams with arrows ✔️ Text fields are possible on all map formats, such as pinboard, timeline, and sticker wall. Add Text field | Simply click on the blue “Text Field” button, and a text field will be added to the map. https://www.edumaps.de/file/1024214751681060448.png/mx277qn Add text field Options for Text fields | In a text field, the following editing options are available: -- Change the background color -- Change the position (Move using the Move icon) -- Delete the text field -- Change the rotation https://www.edumaps.de/file/5699931738153402208.png/vkt2gp7 Text fields on Edumaps Notes: Text fields | - Maximum length of 300 characters - Only plain text input, no HTML - Texts are always centered - Emojis are possible 🙂 - Multi-line inputs are possible Maps can be created without boxes/paths, but only with text fields and arrows. Text fields should not be placed on elements of a background graphic, as these graphics change according to the size of the screen. Resize the browser window, and you will see how the background image automatically scales. Text fields should always be positioned only to boxes, paths, text fields, and arrows. These are absolutely positioned. Shortcuts in Edit Mode | - `T` to add a text field - `Delete` to delete the active text field - `C` to change the text field color - `Ctrl C` followed by `Ctrl V` to copy a text field - `Ctrl X` to cut a text field Tip: When rotating, you can align the text field more precisely by holding the {Shift}{#EEE#} key while rotating. Precise Movement of Text fields | Positioning a text field using the mouse can be inaccurate. To position a text field more precisely, select the text field (or add a new one) and then use your keyboard. Hold down the {Shift}{#EEE#} key and use the arrow keys (`←` `↑` `→` `↓`) to position the text field accurately. Hold down the {Ctrl}{#EEE#} key instead of Shift to move the text field in smaller increments. Links in Text fields | Place a link in the text, and it will become clickable in the map view. You can also use Markdown syntax to link words. For example: ``` [Linked Part](https://www.edumaps.de/) ``` Hide Text for Quiz | You can also hide text in a text field using the following syntax: ``` Which dogs are small and long? ((Dachshunds)) ``` This way, the text within the double brackets is hidden, and a clickable arrow appears in the map view. Hide Text for Quiz (collapsable) | You can hide text in a text field, reveal it with a click, and hide it again with a second click, similar to a flip card. To do this, use the following syntax: ``` How fast are turtles? !((0.2 to 0.5 km/h)) ``` The text within the double brackets will be hidden, and a clickable arrow will appear in the map view. Introduction | ✔️ With text fields you can: - Mark important content on a map - Provide important notes at self-chosen locations - Create tree diagrams with arrows ✔️ Text fields are possible on all map formats, such as pinboard, timeline, and sticker wall. Add Text field | Simply click on the blue “Text Field” button, and a text field will be added to the map. https://www.edumaps.de/file/1024214751681060448.png/mx277qn Add text field Options for Text fields | In a text field, the following editing options are available: -- Change the background color -- Change the position (Move using the Move icon) -- Delete the text field -- Change the rotation https://www.edumaps.de/file/5699931738153402208.png/vkt2gp7 Text fields on Edumaps Notes: Text fields | - Maximum length of 300 characters - Only plain text input, no HTML - Texts are always centered - Emojis are possible 🙂 - Multi-line inputs are possible Maps can be created without boxes/paths, but only with text fields and arrows. Text fields should not be placed on elements of a background graphic, as these graphics change according to the size of the screen. Resize the browser window, and you will see how the background image automatically scales. Text fields should always be positioned only to boxes, paths, text fields, and arrows. These are absolutely positioned. Shortcuts in Edit Mode | - `T` to add a text field - `Delete` to delete the active text field - `C` to change the text field color - `Ctrl C` followed by `Ctrl V` to copy a text field - `Ctrl X` to cut a text field Tip: When rotating, you can align the text field more precisely by holding the {Shift}{#EEE#} key while rotating. Precise Movement of Text fields | Positioning a text field using the mouse can be inaccurate. To position a text field more precisely, select the text field (or add a new one) and then use your keyboard. Hold down the {Shift}{#EEE#} key and use the arrow keys (`←` `↑` `→` `↓`) to position the text field accurately. Hold down the {Ctrl}{#EEE#} key instead of Shift to move the text field in smaller increments. Links in Text fields | Place a link in the text, and it will become clickable in the map view. You can also use Markdown syntax to link words. For example: ``` [Linked Part](https://www.edumaps.de/) ``` Hide Text for Quiz | You can also hide text in a text field using the following syntax: ``` Which dogs are small and long? ((Dachshunds)) ``` This way, the text within the double brackets is hidden, and a clickable arrow appears in the map view. Hide Text for Quiz (collapsable) | You can hide text in a text field, reveal it with a click, and hide it again with a second click, similar to a flip card. To do this, use the following syntax: ``` How fast are turtles? !((0.2 to 0.5 km/h)) ``` The text within the double brackets will be hidden, and a clickable arrow will appear in the map view. Introduction | ✔️ With text fields you can: - Mark important content on a map - Provide important notes at self-chosen locations - Create tree diagrams with arrows ✔️ Text fields are possible on all map formats, such as pinboard, timeline, and sticker wall. Add Text field | Simply click on the blue “Text Field” button, and a text field will be added to the map. https://www.edumaps.de/file/1024214751681060448.png/mx277qn Add text field Options for Text fields | In a text field, the following editing options are available: -- Change the background color -- Change the position (Move using the Move icon) -- Delete the text field -- Change the rotation https://www.edumaps.de/file/5699931738153402208.png/vkt2gp7 Text fields on Edumaps Notes: Text fields | - Maximum length of 300 characters - Only plain text input, no HTML - Texts are always centered - Emojis are possible 🙂 - Multi-line inputs are possible Maps can be created without boxes/paths, but only with text fields and arrows. Text fields should not be placed on elements of a background graphic, as these graphics change according to the size of the screen. Resize the browser window, and you will see how the background image automatically scales. Text fields should always be positioned only to boxes, paths, text fields, and arrows. These are absolutely positioned. Shortcuts in Edit Mode | - `T` to add a text field - `Delete` to delete the active text field - `C` to change the text field color - `Ctrl C` followed by `Ctrl V` to copy a text field - `Ctrl X` to cut a text field Tip: When rotating, you can align the text field more precisely by holding the {Shift}{#EEE#} key while rotating. Precise Movement of Text fields | Positioning a text field using the mouse can be inaccurate. To position a text field more precisely, select the text field (or add a new one) and then use your keyboard. Hold down the {Shift}{#EEE#} key and use the arrow keys (`←` `↑` `→` `↓`) to position the text field accurately. Hold down the {Ctrl}{#EEE#} key instead of Shift to move the text field in smaller increments. Links in Text fields | Place a link in the text, and it will become clickable in the map view. You can also use Markdown syntax to link words. For example: ``` [Linked Part](https://www.edumaps.de/) ``` Hide Text for Quiz | You can also hide text in a text field using the following syntax: ``` Which dogs are small and long? ((Dachshunds)) ``` This way, the text within the double brackets is hidden, and a clickable arrow appears in the map view. Hide Text for Quiz (collapsable) | You can hide text in a text field, reveal it with a click, and hide it again with a second click, similar to a flip card. To do this, use the following syntax: ``` How fast are turtles? !((0.2 to 0.5 km/h)) ``` The text within the double brackets will be hidden, and a clickable arrow will appear in the map view. Introduction | ✔️ With text fields you can: - Mark important content on a map - Provide important notes at self-chosen locations - Create tree diagrams with arrows ✔️ Text fields are possible on all map formats, such as pinboard, timeline, and sticker wall. Add Text field | Simply click on the blue “Text Field” button, and a text field will be added to the map. https://www.edumaps.de/file/1024214751681060448.png/mx277qn Add text field Options for Text fields | In a text field, the following editing options are available: -- Change the background color -- Change the position (Move using the Move icon) -- Delete the text field -- Change the rotation https://www.edumaps.de/file/5699931738153402208.png/vkt2gp7 Text fields on Edumaps Notes: Text fields | - Maximum length of 300 characters - Only plain text input, no HTML - Texts are always centered - Emojis are possible 🙂 - Multi-line inputs are possible Maps can be created without boxes/paths, but only with text fields and arrows. Text fields should not be placed on elements of a background graphic, as these graphics change according to the size of the screen. Resize the browser window, and you will see how the background image automatically scales. Text fields should always be positioned only to boxes, paths, text fields, and arrows. These are absolutely positioned. Shortcuts in Edit Mode | - `T` to add a text field - `Delete` to delete the active text field - `C` to change the text field color - `Ctrl C` followed by `Ctrl V` to copy a text field - `Ctrl X` to cut a text field Tip: When rotating, you can align the text field more precisely by holding the {Shift}{#EEE#} key while rotating. Precise Movement of Text fields | Positioning a text field using the mouse can be inaccurate. To position a text field more precisely, select the text field (or add a new one) and then use your keyboard. Hold down the {Shift}{#EEE#} key and use the arrow keys (`←` `↑` `→` `↓`) to position the text field accurately. Hold down the {Ctrl}{#EEE#} key instead of Shift to move the text field in smaller increments. Links in Text fields | Place a link in the text, and it will become clickable in the map view. You can also use Markdown syntax to link words. For example: ``` [Linked Part](https://www.edumaps.de/) ``` Hide Text for Quiz | You can also hide text in a text field using the following syntax: ``` Which dogs are small and long? ((Dachshunds)) ``` This way, the text within the double brackets is hidden, and a clickable arrow appears in the map view. Hide Text for Quiz (collapsable) | You can hide text in a text field, reveal it with a click, and hide it again with a second click, similar to a flip card. To do this, use the following syntax: ``` How fast are turtles? !((0.2 to 0.5 km/h)) ``` The text within the double brackets will be hidden, and a clickable arrow will appear in the map view.
  • Lesen

    1.9 Tutorial: Movable Images



    Introduction | With **movable images**, you can: - Provide important notes at self-chosen locations - Make your map more attractive, especially with PNG graphics that have transparent areas - Create geographical maps ✔️ Movable images are possible in all map formats. That is, on pinboards, timelines, and sticker walls. Add Image | Simply click on the blue “Image” button and then upload the desired image. https://www.edumaps.de/file/190438967312751520.png/iyt6whd Add Image Options for movable Images | For a movable image, the following editing options are available: -- Change position (Move the movement icon) -- Delete image -- Lock image (in view) -- Change rotation https://www.edumaps.de/file/5792725802587368846.png/dnfwrrl Movable Images Locking of Images | By default, all images in the map view are clickable and will be enlarged upon clicking. However, if you click on the lock icon, the image will be locked. This means that the image will not be clickable in the map view. This is useful if, for example, you want to place your logo next to the heading or use maps with text boxes placed on them. {Example: Which city is hidden behind each station? (Germany)}{https://www.edumaps.de/1069/1/3520w5a0ne} Notes: Movable Images | Maps can also be created without boxes/paths, but only with images. Shortcuts in Edit Mode | - `Delete` to delete the active image - `Ctrl C` followed by `Ctrl V` to copy an image - `Ctrl X` to cut an image Tip: When rotating, you can align the image more precisely by holding the `Shift` key while rotating. Exact Moving of Images | Positioning an image with the mouse can be imprecise. To position an image more accurately, select the image and then use your keyboard. Hold down the {Shift}{#EEE#} key and use the arrow keys (`←` `↑` `→` `↓`) to position the image precisely. You can hold down the {Ctrl}{#EEE#} key instead of Shift to move the image in smaller steps. Introduction | With **movable images**, you can: - Provide important notes at self-chosen locations - Make your map more attractive, especially with PNG graphics that have transparent areas - Create geographical maps ✔️ Movable images are possible in all map formats. That is, on pinboards, timelines, and sticker walls. Add Image | Simply click on the blue “Image” button and then upload the desired image. https://www.edumaps.de/file/190438967312751520.png/iyt6whd Add Image Options for movable Images | For a movable image, the following editing options are available: -- Change position (Move the movement icon) -- Delete image -- Lock image (in view) -- Change rotation https://www.edumaps.de/file/5792725802587368846.png/dnfwrrl Movable Images Locking of Images | By default, all images in the map view are clickable and will be enlarged upon clicking. However, if you click on the lock icon, the image will be locked. This means that the image will not be clickable in the map view. This is useful if, for example, you want to place your logo next to the heading or use maps with text boxes placed on them. {Example: Which city is hidden behind each station? (Germany)}{https://www.edumaps.de/1069/1/3520w5a0ne} Notes: Movable Images | Maps can also be created without boxes/paths, but only with images. Shortcuts in Edit Mode | - `Delete` to delete the active image - `Ctrl C` followed by `Ctrl V` to copy an image - `Ctrl X` to cut an image Tip: When rotating, you can align the image more precisely by holding the `Shift` key while rotating. Exact Moving of Images | Positioning an image with the mouse can be imprecise. To position an image more accurately, select the image and then use your keyboard. Hold down the {Shift}{#EEE#} key and use the arrow keys (`←` `↑` `→` `↓`) to position the image precisely. You can hold down the {Ctrl}{#EEE#} key instead of Shift to move the image in smaller steps. Introduction | With **movable images**, you can: - Provide important notes at self-chosen locations - Make your map more attractive, especially with PNG graphics that have transparent areas - Create geographical maps ✔️ Movable images are possible in all map formats. That is, on pinboards, timelines, and sticker walls. Add Image | Simply click on the blue “Image” button and then upload the desired image. https://www.edumaps.de/file/190438967312751520.png/iyt6whd Add Image Options for movable Images | For a movable image, the following editing options are available: -- Change position (Move the movement icon) -- Delete image -- Lock image (in view) -- Change rotation https://www.edumaps.de/file/5792725802587368846.png/dnfwrrl Movable Images Locking of Images | By default, all images in the map view are clickable and will be enlarged upon clicking. However, if you click on the lock icon, the image will be locked. This means that the image will not be clickable in the map view. This is useful if, for example, you want to place your logo next to the heading or use maps with text boxes placed on them. {Example: Which city is hidden behind each station? (Germany)}{https://www.edumaps.de/1069/1/3520w5a0ne} Notes: Movable Images | Maps can also be created without boxes/paths, but only with images. Shortcuts in Edit Mode | - `Delete` to delete the active image - `Ctrl C` followed by `Ctrl V` to copy an image - `Ctrl X` to cut an image Tip: When rotating, you can align the image more precisely by holding the `Shift` key while rotating. Exact Moving of Images | Positioning an image with the mouse can be imprecise. To position an image more accurately, select the image and then use your keyboard. Hold down the {Shift}{#EEE#} key and use the arrow keys (`←` `↑` `→` `↓`) to position the image precisely. You can hold down the {Ctrl}{#EEE#} key instead of Shift to move the image in smaller steps. Introduction | With **movable images**, you can: - Provide important notes at self-chosen locations - Make your map more attractive, especially with PNG graphics that have transparent areas - Create geographical maps ✔️ Movable images are possible in all map formats. That is, on pinboards, timelines, and sticker walls. Add Image | Simply click on the blue “Image” button and then upload the desired image. https://www.edumaps.de/file/190438967312751520.png/iyt6whd Add Image Options for movable Images | For a movable image, the following editing options are available: -- Change position (Move the movement icon) -- Delete image -- Lock image (in view) -- Change rotation https://www.edumaps.de/file/5792725802587368846.png/dnfwrrl Movable Images Locking of Images | By default, all images in the map view are clickable and will be enlarged upon clicking. However, if you click on the lock icon, the image will be locked. This means that the image will not be clickable in the map view. This is useful if, for example, you want to place your logo next to the heading or use maps with text boxes placed on them. {Example: Which city is hidden behind each station? (Germany)}{https://www.edumaps.de/1069/1/3520w5a0ne} Notes: Movable Images | Maps can also be created without boxes/paths, but only with images. Shortcuts in Edit Mode | - `Delete` to delete the active image - `Ctrl C` followed by `Ctrl V` to copy an image - `Ctrl X` to cut an image Tip: When rotating, you can align the image more precisely by holding the `Shift` key while rotating. Exact Moving of Images | Positioning an image with the mouse can be imprecise. To position an image more accurately, select the image and then use your keyboard. Hold down the {Shift}{#EEE#} key and use the arrow keys (`←` `↑` `→` `↓`) to position the image precisely. You can hold down the {Ctrl}{#EEE#} key instead of Shift to move the image in smaller steps. Introduction | With **movable images**, you can: - Provide important notes at self-chosen locations - Make your map more attractive, especially with PNG graphics that have transparent areas - Create geographical maps ✔️ Movable images are possible in all map formats. That is, on pinboards, timelines, and sticker walls. Add Image | Simply click on the blue “Image” button and then upload the desired image. https://www.edumaps.de/file/190438967312751520.png/iyt6whd Add Image Options for movable Images | For a movable image, the following editing options are available: -- Change position (Move the movement icon) -- Delete image -- Lock image (in view) -- Change rotation https://www.edumaps.de/file/5792725802587368846.png/dnfwrrl Movable Images Locking of Images | By default, all images in the map view are clickable and will be enlarged upon clicking. However, if you click on the lock icon, the image will be locked. This means that the image will not be clickable in the map view. This is useful if, for example, you want to place your logo next to the heading or use maps with text boxes placed on them. {Example: Which city is hidden behind each station? (Germany)}{https://www.edumaps.de/1069/1/3520w5a0ne} Notes: Movable Images | Maps can also be created without boxes/paths, but only with images. Shortcuts in Edit Mode | - `Delete` to delete the active image - `Ctrl C` followed by `Ctrl V` to copy an image - `Ctrl X` to cut an image Tip: When rotating, you can align the image more precisely by holding the `Shift` key while rotating. Exact Moving of Images | Positioning an image with the mouse can be imprecise. To position an image more accurately, select the image and then use your keyboard. Hold down the {Shift}{#EEE#} key and use the arrow keys (`←` `↑` `→` `↓`) to position the image precisely. You can hold down the {Ctrl}{#EEE#} key instead of Shift to move the image in smaller steps. Introduction | With **movable images**, you can: - Provide important notes at self-chosen locations - Make your map more attractive, especially with PNG graphics that have transparent areas - Create geographical maps ✔️ Movable images are possible in all map formats. That is, on pinboards, timelines, and sticker walls. Add Image | Simply click on the blue “Image” button and then upload the desired image. https://www.edumaps.de/file/190438967312751520.png/iyt6whd Add Image Options for movable Images | For a movable image, the following editing options are available: -- Change position (Move the movement icon) -- Delete image -- Lock image (in view) -- Change rotation https://www.edumaps.de/file/5792725802587368846.png/dnfwrrl Movable Images Locking of Images | By default, all images in the map view are clickable and will be enlarged upon clicking. However, if you click on the lock icon, the image will be locked. This means that the image will not be clickable in the map view. This is useful if, for example, you want to place your logo next to the heading or use maps with text boxes placed on them. {Example: Which city is hidden behind each station? (Germany)}{https://www.edumaps.de/1069/1/3520w5a0ne} Notes: Movable Images | Maps can also be created without boxes/paths, but only with images. Shortcuts in Edit Mode | - `Delete` to delete the active image - `Ctrl C` followed by `Ctrl V` to copy an image - `Ctrl X` to cut an image Tip: When rotating, you can align the image more precisely by holding the `Shift` key while rotating. Exact Moving of Images | Positioning an image with the mouse can be imprecise. To position an image more accurately, select the image and then use your keyboard. Hold down the {Shift}{#EEE#} key and use the arrow keys (`←` `↑` `→` `↓`) to position the image precisely. You can hold down the {Ctrl}{#EEE#} key instead of Shift to move the image in smaller steps. Introduction | With **movable images**, you can: - Provide important notes at self-chosen locations - Make your map more attractive, especially with PNG graphics that have transparent areas - Create geographical maps ✔️ Movable images are possible in all map formats. That is, on pinboards, timelines, and sticker walls. Add Image | Simply click on the blue “Image” button and then upload the desired image. https://www.edumaps.de/file/190438967312751520.png/iyt6whd Add Image Options for movable Images | For a movable image, the following editing options are available: -- Change position (Move the movement icon) -- Delete image -- Lock image (in view) -- Change rotation https://www.edumaps.de/file/5792725802587368846.png/dnfwrrl Movable Images Locking of Images | By default, all images in the map view are clickable and will be enlarged upon clicking. However, if you click on the lock icon, the image will be locked. This means that the image will not be clickable in the map view. This is useful if, for example, you want to place your logo next to the heading or use maps with text boxes placed on them. {Example: Which city is hidden behind each station? (Germany)}{https://www.edumaps.de/1069/1/3520w5a0ne} Notes: Movable Images | Maps can also be created without boxes/paths, but only with images. Shortcuts in Edit Mode | - `Delete` to delete the active image - `Ctrl C` followed by `Ctrl V` to copy an image - `Ctrl X` to cut an image Tip: When rotating, you can align the image more precisely by holding the `Shift` key while rotating. Exact Moving of Images | Positioning an image with the mouse can be imprecise. To position an image more accurately, select the image and then use your keyboard. Hold down the {Shift}{#EEE#} key and use the arrow keys (`←` `↑` `→` `↓`) to position the image precisely. You can hold down the {Ctrl}{#EEE#} key instead of Shift to move the image in smaller steps. Introduction | With **movable images**, you can: - Provide important notes at self-chosen locations - Make your map more attractive, especially with PNG graphics that have transparent areas - Create geographical maps ✔️ Movable images are possible in all map formats. That is, on pinboards, timelines, and sticker walls. Add Image | Simply click on the blue “Image” button and then upload the desired image. https://www.edumaps.de/file/190438967312751520.png/iyt6whd Add Image Options for movable Images | For a movable image, the following editing options are available: -- Change position (Move the movement icon) -- Delete image -- Lock image (in view) -- Change rotation https://www.edumaps.de/file/5792725802587368846.png/dnfwrrl Movable Images Locking of Images | By default, all images in the map view are clickable and will be enlarged upon clicking. However, if you click on the lock icon, the image will be locked. This means that the image will not be clickable in the map view. This is useful if, for example, you want to place your logo next to the heading or use maps with text boxes placed on them. {Example: Which city is hidden behind each station? (Germany)}{https://www.edumaps.de/1069/1/3520w5a0ne} Notes: Movable Images | Maps can also be created without boxes/paths, but only with images. Shortcuts in Edit Mode | - `Delete` to delete the active image - `Ctrl C` followed by `Ctrl V` to copy an image - `Ctrl X` to cut an image Tip: When rotating, you can align the image more precisely by holding the `Shift` key while rotating. Exact Moving of Images | Positioning an image with the mouse can be imprecise. To position an image more accurately, select the image and then use your keyboard. Hold down the {Shift}{#EEE#} key and use the arrow keys (`←` `↑` `→` `↓`) to position the image precisely. You can hold down the {Ctrl}{#EEE#} key instead of Shift to move the image in smaller steps. Introduction | With **movable images**, you can: - Provide important notes at self-chosen locations - Make your map more attractive, especially with PNG graphics that have transparent areas - Create geographical maps ✔️ Movable images are possible in all map formats. That is, on pinboards, timelines, and sticker walls. Add Image | Simply click on the blue “Image” button and then upload the desired image. https://www.edumaps.de/file/190438967312751520.png/iyt6whd Add Image Options for movable Images | For a movable image, the following editing options are available: -- Change position (Move the movement icon) -- Delete image -- Lock image (in view) -- Change rotation https://www.edumaps.de/file/5792725802587368846.png/dnfwrrl Movable Images Locking of Images | By default, all images in the map view are clickable and will be enlarged upon clicking. However, if you click on the lock icon, the image will be locked. This means that the image will not be clickable in the map view. This is useful if, for example, you want to place your logo next to the heading or use maps with text boxes placed on them. {Example: Which city is hidden behind each station? (Germany)}{https://www.edumaps.de/1069/1/3520w5a0ne} Notes: Movable Images | Maps can also be created without boxes/paths, but only with images. Shortcuts in Edit Mode | - `Delete` to delete the active image - `Ctrl C` followed by `Ctrl V` to copy an image - `Ctrl X` to cut an image Tip: When rotating, you can align the image more precisely by holding the `Shift` key while rotating. Exact Moving of Images | Positioning an image with the mouse can be imprecise. To position an image more accurately, select the image and then use your keyboard. Hold down the {Shift}{#EEE#} key and use the arrow keys (`←` `↑` `→` `↓`) to position the image precisely. You can hold down the {Ctrl}{#EEE#} key instead of Shift to move the image in smaller steps. Introduction | With **movable images**, you can: - Provide important notes at self-chosen locations - Make your map more attractive, especially with PNG graphics that have transparent areas - Create geographical maps ✔️ Movable images are possible in all map formats. That is, on pinboards, timelines, and sticker walls. Add Image | Simply click on the blue “Image” button and then upload the desired image. https://www.edumaps.de/file/190438967312751520.png/iyt6whd Add Image Options for movable Images | For a movable image, the following editing options are available: -- Change position (Move the movement icon) -- Delete image -- Lock image (in view) -- Change rotation https://www.edumaps.de/file/5792725802587368846.png/dnfwrrl Movable Images Locking of Images | By default, all images in the map view are clickable and will be enlarged upon clicking. However, if you click on the lock icon, the image will be locked. This means that the image will not be clickable in the map view. This is useful if, for example, you want to place your logo next to the heading or use maps with text boxes placed on them. {Example: Which city is hidden behind each station? (Germany)}{https://www.edumaps.de/1069/1/3520w5a0ne} Notes: Movable Images | Maps can also be created without boxes/paths, but only with images. Shortcuts in Edit Mode | - `Delete` to delete the active image - `Ctrl C` followed by `Ctrl V` to copy an image - `Ctrl X` to cut an image Tip: When rotating, you can align the image more precisely by holding the `Shift` key while rotating. Exact Moving of Images | Positioning an image with the mouse can be imprecise. To position an image more accurately, select the image and then use your keyboard. Hold down the {Shift}{#EEE#} key and use the arrow keys (`←` `↑` `→` `↓`) to position the image precisely. You can hold down the {Ctrl}{#EEE#} key instead of Shift to move the image in smaller steps. Introduction | With **movable images**, you can: - Provide important notes at self-chosen locations - Make your map more attractive, especially with PNG graphics that have transparent areas - Create geographical maps ✔️ Movable images are possible in all map formats. That is, on pinboards, timelines, and sticker walls. Add Image | Simply click on the blue “Image” button and then upload the desired image. https://www.edumaps.de/file/190438967312751520.png/iyt6whd Add Image Options for movable Images | For a movable image, the following editing options are available: -- Change position (Move the movement icon) -- Delete image -- Lock image (in view) -- Change rotation https://www.edumaps.de/file/5792725802587368846.png/dnfwrrl Movable Images Locking of Images | By default, all images in the map view are clickable and will be enlarged upon clicking. However, if you click on the lock icon, the image will be locked. This means that the image will not be clickable in the map view. This is useful if, for example, you want to place your logo next to the heading or use maps with text boxes placed on them. {Example: Which city is hidden behind each station? (Germany)}{https://www.edumaps.de/1069/1/3520w5a0ne} Notes: Movable Images | Maps can also be created without boxes/paths, but only with images. Shortcuts in Edit Mode | - `Delete` to delete the active image - `Ctrl C` followed by `Ctrl V` to copy an image - `Ctrl X` to cut an image Tip: When rotating, you can align the image more precisely by holding the `Shift` key while rotating. Exact Moving of Images | Positioning an image with the mouse can be imprecise. To position an image more accurately, select the image and then use your keyboard. Hold down the {Shift}{#EEE#} key and use the arrow keys (`←` `↑` `→` `↓`) to position the image precisely. You can hold down the {Ctrl}{#EEE#} key instead of Shift to move the image in smaller steps.
  • Lesen

    1.10 Tutorial: Arrows



    Precise movement of arrows | Positioning an arrow with the mouse can be imprecise. To position an arrow more precisely, select the arrow (or add a new one) and then use your keyboard. Hold down the {Shift}{#EEE#} key and use the cursor keys (`←` `↑` `→` `↓`) to precisely position the arrow. Instead of Shift, hold {Ctrl}{#EEE#} to move the arrow in smaller increments. Add Arrow | Simply click on the blue button “Arrow”, and an arrow will be added to the map. https://www.edumaps.de/file/13057151869553495019.png/tlrscxi Add arrow Introduction | ✔️ With **arrows**, you can: - Highlight important content on a map - Visually connect boxes - Define processes - Create tree diagrams with boxes and/or text fields ✔️ Arrows are possible on all map formats, such as pinboards, timelines, and sticker walls. Options for Arrows | In the case of an arrow, the following editing options are available: -- Change the type of arrow (single, double, line) -- Change the color of the arrow -- Choose position (move the move icon or move the arrow itself) -- Delete arrow -- Change rotation (with icon at the arrowhead) https://www.edumaps.de/file/6838281748977733355.png/8pbkcna Arrows on Edumaps Shortcuts in Edit Mode | - `A` to add an arrow - `Del` to delete the active arrow - `C` to change the color of the arrow - `Ctrl C` followed by `Ctrl V` to copy an arrow - `Ctrl X` to cut an arrow Tip: While rotating, you can align the arrow more precisely by holding the {Shift}{#EEE#} key during the rotation. Guidelines for Positioning | Arrows should not be placed on elements of a background graphic because these graphics change according to the size of the screen. Resize the browser window to see how the background image scales automatically. Arrows should always be directed only at boxes, paths, text fields, and other arrows, as these are absolutely. Precise movement of arrows | Positioning an arrow with the mouse can be imprecise. To position an arrow more precisely, select the arrow (or add a new one) and then use your keyboard. Hold down the {Shift}{#EEE#} key and use the cursor keys (`←` `↑` `→` `↓`) to precisely position the arrow. Instead of Shift, hold {Ctrl}{#EEE#} to move the arrow in smaller increments. Add Arrow | Simply click on the blue button “Arrow”, and an arrow will be added to the map. https://www.edumaps.de/file/13057151869553495019.png/tlrscxi Add arrow Introduction | ✔️ With **arrows**, you can: - Highlight important content on a map - Visually connect boxes - Define processes - Create tree diagrams with boxes and/or text fields ✔️ Arrows are possible on all map formats, such as pinboards, timelines, and sticker walls. Options for Arrows | In the case of an arrow, the following editing options are available: -- Change the type of arrow (single, double, line) -- Change the color of the arrow -- Choose position (move the move icon or move the arrow itself) -- Delete arrow -- Change rotation (with icon at the arrowhead) https://www.edumaps.de/file/6838281748977733355.png/8pbkcna Arrows on Edumaps Shortcuts in Edit Mode | - `A` to add an arrow - `Del` to delete the active arrow - `C` to change the color of the arrow - `Ctrl C` followed by `Ctrl V` to copy an arrow - `Ctrl X` to cut an arrow Tip: While rotating, you can align the arrow more precisely by holding the {Shift}{#EEE#} key during the rotation. Guidelines for Positioning | Arrows should not be placed on elements of a background graphic because these graphics change according to the size of the screen. Resize the browser window to see how the background image scales automatically. Arrows should always be directed only at boxes, paths, text fields, and other arrows, as these are absolutely. Precise movement of arrows | Positioning an arrow with the mouse can be imprecise. To position an arrow more precisely, select the arrow (or add a new one) and then use your keyboard. Hold down the {Shift}{#EEE#} key and use the cursor keys (`←` `↑` `→` `↓`) to precisely position the arrow. Instead of Shift, hold {Ctrl}{#EEE#} to move the arrow in smaller increments. Add Arrow | Simply click on the blue button “Arrow”, and an arrow will be added to the map. https://www.edumaps.de/file/13057151869553495019.png/tlrscxi Add arrow Introduction | ✔️ With **arrows**, you can: - Highlight important content on a map - Visually connect boxes - Define processes - Create tree diagrams with boxes and/or text fields ✔️ Arrows are possible on all map formats, such as pinboards, timelines, and sticker walls. Options for Arrows | In the case of an arrow, the following editing options are available: -- Change the type of arrow (single, double, line) -- Change the color of the arrow -- Choose position (move the move icon or move the arrow itself) -- Delete arrow -- Change rotation (with icon at the arrowhead) https://www.edumaps.de/file/6838281748977733355.png/8pbkcna Arrows on Edumaps Shortcuts in Edit Mode | - `A` to add an arrow - `Del` to delete the active arrow - `C` to change the color of the arrow - `Ctrl C` followed by `Ctrl V` to copy an arrow - `Ctrl X` to cut an arrow Tip: While rotating, you can align the arrow more precisely by holding the {Shift}{#EEE#} key during the rotation. Guidelines for Positioning | Arrows should not be placed on elements of a background graphic because these graphics change according to the size of the screen. Resize the browser window to see how the background image scales automatically. Arrows should always be directed only at boxes, paths, text fields, and other arrows, as these are absolutely. Precise movement of arrows | Positioning an arrow with the mouse can be imprecise. To position an arrow more precisely, select the arrow (or add a new one) and then use your keyboard. Hold down the {Shift}{#EEE#} key and use the cursor keys (`←` `↑` `→` `↓`) to precisely position the arrow. Instead of Shift, hold {Ctrl}{#EEE#} to move the arrow in smaller increments. Add Arrow | Simply click on the blue button “Arrow”, and an arrow will be added to the map. https://www.edumaps.de/file/13057151869553495019.png/tlrscxi Add arrow Introduction | ✔️ With **arrows**, you can: - Highlight important content on a map - Visually connect boxes - Define processes - Create tree diagrams with boxes and/or text fields ✔️ Arrows are possible on all map formats, such as pinboards, timelines, and sticker walls. Options for Arrows | In the case of an arrow, the following editing options are available: -- Change the type of arrow (single, double, line) -- Change the color of the arrow -- Choose position (move the move icon or move the arrow itself) -- Delete arrow -- Change rotation (with icon at the arrowhead) https://www.edumaps.de/file/6838281748977733355.png/8pbkcna Arrows on Edumaps Shortcuts in Edit Mode | - `A` to add an arrow - `Del` to delete the active arrow - `C` to change the color of the arrow - `Ctrl C` followed by `Ctrl V` to copy an arrow - `Ctrl X` to cut an arrow Tip: While rotating, you can align the arrow more precisely by holding the {Shift}{#EEE#} key during the rotation. Guidelines for Positioning | Arrows should not be placed on elements of a background graphic because these graphics change according to the size of the screen. Resize the browser window to see how the background image scales automatically. Arrows should always be directed only at boxes, paths, text fields, and other arrows, as these are absolutely. Precise movement of arrows | Positioning an arrow with the mouse can be imprecise. To position an arrow more precisely, select the arrow (or add a new one) and then use your keyboard. Hold down the {Shift}{#EEE#} key and use the cursor keys (`←` `↑` `→` `↓`) to precisely position the arrow. Instead of Shift, hold {Ctrl}{#EEE#} to move the arrow in smaller increments. Add Arrow | Simply click on the blue button “Arrow”, and an arrow will be added to the map. https://www.edumaps.de/file/13057151869553495019.png/tlrscxi Add arrow Introduction | ✔️ With **arrows**, you can: - Highlight important content on a map - Visually connect boxes - Define processes - Create tree diagrams with boxes and/or text fields ✔️ Arrows are possible on all map formats, such as pinboards, timelines, and sticker walls. Options for Arrows | In the case of an arrow, the following editing options are available: -- Change the type of arrow (single, double, line) -- Change the color of the arrow -- Choose position (move the move icon or move the arrow itself) -- Delete arrow -- Change rotation (with icon at the arrowhead) https://www.edumaps.de/file/6838281748977733355.png/8pbkcna Arrows on Edumaps Shortcuts in Edit Mode | - `A` to add an arrow - `Del` to delete the active arrow - `C` to change the color of the arrow - `Ctrl C` followed by `Ctrl V` to copy an arrow - `Ctrl X` to cut an arrow Tip: While rotating, you can align the arrow more precisely by holding the {Shift}{#EEE#} key during the rotation. Guidelines for Positioning | Arrows should not be placed on elements of a background graphic because these graphics change according to the size of the screen. Resize the browser window to see how the background image scales automatically. Arrows should always be directed only at boxes, paths, text fields, and other arrows, as these are absolutely. Precise movement of arrows | Positioning an arrow with the mouse can be imprecise. To position an arrow more precisely, select the arrow (or add a new one) and then use your keyboard. Hold down the {Shift}{#EEE#} key and use the cursor keys (`←` `↑` `→` `↓`) to precisely position the arrow. Instead of Shift, hold {Ctrl}{#EEE#} to move the arrow in smaller increments. Add Arrow | Simply click on the blue button “Arrow”, and an arrow will be added to the map. https://www.edumaps.de/file/13057151869553495019.png/tlrscxi Add arrow Introduction | ✔️ With **arrows**, you can: - Highlight important content on a map - Visually connect boxes - Define processes - Create tree diagrams with boxes and/or text fields ✔️ Arrows are possible on all map formats, such as pinboards, timelines, and sticker walls. Options for Arrows | In the case of an arrow, the following editing options are available: -- Change the type of arrow (single, double, line) -- Change the color of the arrow -- Choose position (move the move icon or move the arrow itself) -- Delete arrow -- Change rotation (with icon at the arrowhead) https://www.edumaps.de/file/6838281748977733355.png/8pbkcna Arrows on Edumaps Shortcuts in Edit Mode | - `A` to add an arrow - `Del` to delete the active arrow - `C` to change the color of the arrow - `Ctrl C` followed by `Ctrl V` to copy an arrow - `Ctrl X` to cut an arrow Tip: While rotating, you can align the arrow more precisely by holding the {Shift}{#EEE#} key during the rotation. Guidelines for Positioning | Arrows should not be placed on elements of a background graphic because these graphics change according to the size of the screen. Resize the browser window to see how the background image scales automatically. Arrows should always be directed only at boxes, paths, text fields, and other arrows, as these are absolutely. Precise movement of arrows | Positioning an arrow with the mouse can be imprecise. To position an arrow more precisely, select the arrow (or add a new one) and then use your keyboard. Hold down the {Shift}{#EEE#} key and use the cursor keys (`←` `↑` `→` `↓`) to precisely position the arrow. Instead of Shift, hold {Ctrl}{#EEE#} to move the arrow in smaller increments. Add Arrow | Simply click on the blue button “Arrow”, and an arrow will be added to the map. https://www.edumaps.de/file/13057151869553495019.png/tlrscxi Add arrow Introduction | ✔️ With **arrows**, you can: - Highlight important content on a map - Visually connect boxes - Define processes - Create tree diagrams with boxes and/or text fields ✔️ Arrows are possible on all map formats, such as pinboards, timelines, and sticker walls. Options for Arrows | In the case of an arrow, the following editing options are available: -- Change the type of arrow (single, double, line) -- Change the color of the arrow -- Choose position (move the move icon or move the arrow itself) -- Delete arrow -- Change rotation (with icon at the arrowhead) https://www.edumaps.de/file/6838281748977733355.png/8pbkcna Arrows on Edumaps Shortcuts in Edit Mode | - `A` to add an arrow - `Del` to delete the active arrow - `C` to change the color of the arrow - `Ctrl C` followed by `Ctrl V` to copy an arrow - `Ctrl X` to cut an arrow Tip: While rotating, you can align the arrow more precisely by holding the {Shift}{#EEE#} key during the rotation. Guidelines for Positioning | Arrows should not be placed on elements of a background graphic because these graphics change according to the size of the screen. Resize the browser window to see how the background image scales automatically. Arrows should always be directed only at boxes, paths, text fields, and other arrows, as these are absolutely. Precise movement of arrows | Positioning an arrow with the mouse can be imprecise. To position an arrow more precisely, select the arrow (or add a new one) and then use your keyboard. Hold down the {Shift}{#EEE#} key and use the cursor keys (`←` `↑` `→` `↓`) to precisely position the arrow. Instead of Shift, hold {Ctrl}{#EEE#} to move the arrow in smaller increments. Add Arrow | Simply click on the blue button “Arrow”, and an arrow will be added to the map. https://www.edumaps.de/file/13057151869553495019.png/tlrscxi Add arrow Introduction | ✔️ With **arrows**, you can: - Highlight important content on a map - Visually connect boxes - Define processes - Create tree diagrams with boxes and/or text fields ✔️ Arrows are possible on all map formats, such as pinboards, timelines, and sticker walls. Options for Arrows | In the case of an arrow, the following editing options are available: -- Change the type of arrow (single, double, line) -- Change the color of the arrow -- Choose position (move the move icon or move the arrow itself) -- Delete arrow -- Change rotation (with icon at the arrowhead) https://www.edumaps.de/file/6838281748977733355.png/8pbkcna Arrows on Edumaps Shortcuts in Edit Mode | - `A` to add an arrow - `Del` to delete the active arrow - `C` to change the color of the arrow - `Ctrl C` followed by `Ctrl V` to copy an arrow - `Ctrl X` to cut an arrow Tip: While rotating, you can align the arrow more precisely by holding the {Shift}{#EEE#} key during the rotation. Guidelines for Positioning | Arrows should not be placed on elements of a background graphic because these graphics change according to the size of the screen. Resize the browser window to see how the background image scales automatically. Arrows should always be directed only at boxes, paths, text fields, and other arrows, as these are absolutely. Precise movement of arrows | Positioning an arrow with the mouse can be imprecise. To position an arrow more precisely, select the arrow (or add a new one) and then use your keyboard. Hold down the {Shift}{#EEE#} key and use the cursor keys (`←` `↑` `→` `↓`) to precisely position the arrow. Instead of Shift, hold {Ctrl}{#EEE#} to move the arrow in smaller increments. Add Arrow | Simply click on the blue button “Arrow”, and an arrow will be added to the map. https://www.edumaps.de/file/13057151869553495019.png/tlrscxi Add arrow Introduction | ✔️ With **arrows**, you can: - Highlight important content on a map - Visually connect boxes - Define processes - Create tree diagrams with boxes and/or text fields ✔️ Arrows are possible on all map formats, such as pinboards, timelines, and sticker walls. Options for Arrows | In the case of an arrow, the following editing options are available: -- Change the type of arrow (single, double, line) -- Change the color of the arrow -- Choose position (move the move icon or move the arrow itself) -- Delete arrow -- Change rotation (with icon at the arrowhead) https://www.edumaps.de/file/6838281748977733355.png/8pbkcna Arrows on Edumaps Shortcuts in Edit Mode | - `A` to add an arrow - `Del` to delete the active arrow - `C` to change the color of the arrow - `Ctrl C` followed by `Ctrl V` to copy an arrow - `Ctrl X` to cut an arrow Tip: While rotating, you can align the arrow more precisely by holding the {Shift}{#EEE#} key during the rotation. Guidelines for Positioning | Arrows should not be placed on elements of a background graphic because these graphics change according to the size of the screen. Resize the browser window to see how the background image scales automatically. Arrows should always be directed only at boxes, paths, text fields, and other arrows, as these are absolutely. Precise movement of arrows | Positioning an arrow with the mouse can be imprecise. To position an arrow more precisely, select the arrow (or add a new one) and then use your keyboard. Hold down the {Shift}{#EEE#} key and use the cursor keys (`←` `↑` `→` `↓`) to precisely position the arrow. Instead of Shift, hold {Ctrl}{#EEE#} to move the arrow in smaller increments. Add Arrow | Simply click on the blue button “Arrow”, and an arrow will be added to the map. https://www.edumaps.de/file/13057151869553495019.png/tlrscxi Add arrow Introduction | ✔️ With **arrows**, you can: - Highlight important content on a map - Visually connect boxes - Define processes - Create tree diagrams with boxes and/or text fields ✔️ Arrows are possible on all map formats, such as pinboards, timelines, and sticker walls. Options for Arrows | In the case of an arrow, the following editing options are available: -- Change the type of arrow (single, double, line) -- Change the color of the arrow -- Choose position (move the move icon or move the arrow itself) -- Delete arrow -- Change rotation (with icon at the arrowhead) https://www.edumaps.de/file/6838281748977733355.png/8pbkcna Arrows on Edumaps Shortcuts in Edit Mode | - `A` to add an arrow - `Del` to delete the active arrow - `C` to change the color of the arrow - `Ctrl C` followed by `Ctrl V` to copy an arrow - `Ctrl X` to cut an arrow Tip: While rotating, you can align the arrow more precisely by holding the {Shift}{#EEE#} key during the rotation. Guidelines for Positioning | Arrows should not be placed on elements of a background graphic because these graphics change according to the size of the screen. Resize the browser window to see how the background image scales automatically. Arrows should always be directed only at boxes, paths, text fields, and other arrows, as these are absolutely. Precise movement of arrows | Positioning an arrow with the mouse can be imprecise. To position an arrow more precisely, select the arrow (or add a new one) and then use your keyboard. Hold down the {Shift}{#EEE#} key and use the cursor keys (`←` `↑` `→` `↓`) to precisely position the arrow. Instead of Shift, hold {Ctrl}{#EEE#} to move the arrow in smaller increments. Add Arrow | Simply click on the blue button “Arrow”, and an arrow will be added to the map. https://www.edumaps.de/file/13057151869553495019.png/tlrscxi Add arrow Introduction | ✔️ With **arrows**, you can: - Highlight important content on a map - Visually connect boxes - Define processes - Create tree diagrams with boxes and/or text fields ✔️ Arrows are possible on all map formats, such as pinboards, timelines, and sticker walls. Options for Arrows | In the case of an arrow, the following editing options are available: -- Change the type of arrow (single, double, line) -- Change the color of the arrow -- Choose position (move the move icon or move the arrow itself) -- Delete arrow -- Change rotation (with icon at the arrowhead) https://www.edumaps.de/file/6838281748977733355.png/8pbkcna Arrows on Edumaps Shortcuts in Edit Mode | - `A` to add an arrow - `Del` to delete the active arrow - `C` to change the color of the arrow - `Ctrl C` followed by `Ctrl V` to copy an arrow - `Ctrl X` to cut an arrow Tip: While rotating, you can align the arrow more precisely by holding the {Shift}{#EEE#} key during the rotation. Guidelines for Positioning | Arrows should not be placed on elements of a background graphic because these graphics change according to the size of the screen. Resize the browser window to see how the background image scales automatically. Arrows should always be directed only at boxes, paths, text fields, and other arrows, as these are absolutely.
  • Lesen

    1.11 Tutorial: Keyboard Shortcuts



    Introduction | ✔️ With **keyboard shortcuts**, you can: - Quickly access important functions - Quickly switch between edit and read modes - Accelerate workflows by reducing mouse clicks - Reduce the strain on your wrists by using the mouse less - Focus better, as you don't have to switch between keyboard and mouse ✔️ Keyboard shortcuts are easy to learn. Keyboard shortcuts in the map view | - `E` opens the map in edit mode - `S` opens the map sharing dialogKeyboard Shortcuts in Edit Mode | - `P` creates a new path - `B` creates a new box - `A` adds an arrow - `T` adds a text field - `Ctrl + Enter` saves every edit immediately <small>Mac Cmd + Enter</small> - `Alt + 1` (or 2, 3, …) toggles the checkboxes in the path settings and box settings <small>Mac Option + 1 (or 2, 3, …).</small> **Additional Shortcuts:** - `S` opens the map sharing dialog - `V` switches to view mode - `M` toggles the contents of all boxes on the map **By Double Click:** - A double click on the path title opens the path settings. - A double click on the box title opens the box settings. - A double click on the box content opens the box editor. Keyboard Shortcuts in Box Editor | - `Ctrl + B` for Bold <small>(Mac Cmd + B)</small> - `Ctrl + I` for Italic <small>(Mac Cmd + I)</small> - `Ctrl + L` to insert Link <small>(Mac Cmd + L)</small> - `Ctrl + Shift + L` to insert List or convert selected lines into a list <small>(Mac Cmd + Shift + L)</small> - `Ctrl + Shift + O` to insert Ordered List or convert selected lines into a list <small>(Mac Cmd + Shift + O)</small> - `Alt + T` for Tooltip (highlight text beforehand) **Additional Shortcuts:** - `Shift + Enter` for Line Break (not next paragraph) - `Ctrl + Shift + S` for Source Code Mode (shows plain Markdown and links) <small>(Mac Cmd + Shift + S)</small> - `ESC` closes editor window (without saving) Shortcuts for Arrow, Text field and Image | With activated arrow or text field: - `Del` deletes arrow/text field/image - `Ctrl + X` to cut <small>Mac Cmd + X</small> - `Ctrl + C` to copy <small>Mac Cmd + C</small> - `Ctrl + V` to paste <small>Mac Cmd + V</small> - `C` to change the color of the arrow/text field **Additional shortcuts:** - Hold `Shift` and use the arrow keys (`←` `↑` `→` `↓`) to precisely position the arrow/text field/image. - Instead of Shift, hold the `Ctrl` key to move the text field in smaller steps. Keyboard Shortcuts for Folders | - `E` opens the Edit mode - `V` opens the View mode - `S` opens the Share dialog Moving the View | - You can move the view left, right, up, and down using the arrow keys. - `Ctrl + Home` moves the map view to the upper left (to the start of the map). <small>Mac Cmd + Fn + ←</small> - `Ctrl + End` moves the map view to the upper right (to the end of the map). <small>Mac Cmd + Fn + →</small> By holding `CTRL + ALT`, you can quickly move the view by holding down the left mouse button. The same can be done with most mice by holding down the middle mouse button. Introduction | ✔️ With **keyboard shortcuts**, you can: - Quickly access important functions - Quickly switch between edit and read modes - Accelerate workflows by reducing mouse clicks - Reduce the strain on your wrists by using the mouse less - Focus better, as you don't have to switch between keyboard and mouse ✔️ Keyboard shortcuts are easy to learn. Keyboard shortcuts in the map view | - `E` opens the map in edit mode - `S` opens the map sharing dialogKeyboard Shortcuts in Edit Mode | - `P` creates a new path - `B` creates a new box - `A` adds an arrow - `T` adds a text field - `Ctrl + Enter` saves every edit immediately <small>Mac Cmd + Enter</small> - `Alt + 1` (or 2, 3, …) toggles the checkboxes in the path settings and box settings <small>Mac Option + 1 (or 2, 3, …).</small> **Additional Shortcuts:** - `S` opens the map sharing dialog - `V` switches to view mode - `M` toggles the contents of all boxes on the map **By Double Click:** - A double click on the path title opens the path settings. - A double click on the box title opens the box settings. - A double click on the box content opens the box editor. Keyboard Shortcuts in Box Editor | - `Ctrl + B` for Bold <small>(Mac Cmd + B)</small> - `Ctrl + I` for Italic <small>(Mac Cmd + I)</small> - `Ctrl + L` to insert Link <small>(Mac Cmd + L)</small> - `Ctrl + Shift + L` to insert List or convert selected lines into a list <small>(Mac Cmd + Shift + L)</small> - `Ctrl + Shift + O` to insert Ordered List or convert selected lines into a list <small>(Mac Cmd + Shift + O)</small> - `Alt + T` for Tooltip (highlight text beforehand) **Additional Shortcuts:** - `Shift + Enter` for Line Break (not next paragraph) - `Ctrl + Shift + S` for Source Code Mode (shows plain Markdown and links) <small>(Mac Cmd + Shift + S)</small> - `ESC` closes editor window (without saving) Shortcuts for Arrow, Text field and Image | With activated arrow or text field: - `Del` deletes arrow/text field/image - `Ctrl + X` to cut <small>Mac Cmd + X</small> - `Ctrl + C` to copy <small>Mac Cmd + C</small> - `Ctrl + V` to paste <small>Mac Cmd + V</small> - `C` to change the color of the arrow/text field **Additional shortcuts:** - Hold `Shift` and use the arrow keys (`←` `↑` `→` `↓`) to precisely position the arrow/text field/image. - Instead of Shift, hold the `Ctrl` key to move the text field in smaller steps. Keyboard Shortcuts for Folders | - `E` opens the Edit mode - `V` opens the View mode - `S` opens the Share dialog Moving the View | - You can move the view left, right, up, and down using the arrow keys. - `Ctrl + Home` moves the map view to the upper left (to the start of the map). <small>Mac Cmd + Fn + ←</small> - `Ctrl + End` moves the map view to the upper right (to the end of the map). <small>Mac Cmd + Fn + →</small> By holding `CTRL + ALT`, you can quickly move the view by holding down the left mouse button. The same can be done with most mice by holding down the middle mouse button. Introduction | ✔️ With **keyboard shortcuts**, you can: - Quickly access important functions - Quickly switch between edit and read modes - Accelerate workflows by reducing mouse clicks - Reduce the strain on your wrists by using the mouse less - Focus better, as you don't have to switch between keyboard and mouse ✔️ Keyboard shortcuts are easy to learn. Keyboard shortcuts in the map view | - `E` opens the map in edit mode - `S` opens the map sharing dialogKeyboard Shortcuts in Edit Mode | - `P` creates a new path - `B` creates a new box - `A` adds an arrow - `T` adds a text field - `Ctrl + Enter` saves every edit immediately <small>Mac Cmd + Enter</small> - `Alt + 1` (or 2, 3, …) toggles the checkboxes in the path settings and box settings <small>Mac Option + 1 (or 2, 3, …).</small> **Additional Shortcuts:** - `S` opens the map sharing dialog - `V` switches to view mode - `M` toggles the contents of all boxes on the map **By Double Click:** - A double click on the path title opens the path settings. - A double click on the box title opens the box settings. - A double click on the box content opens the box editor. Keyboard Shortcuts in Box Editor | - `Ctrl + B` for Bold <small>(Mac Cmd + B)</small> - `Ctrl + I` for Italic <small>(Mac Cmd + I)</small> - `Ctrl + L` to insert Link <small>(Mac Cmd + L)</small> - `Ctrl + Shift + L` to insert List or convert selected lines into a list <small>(Mac Cmd + Shift + L)</small> - `Ctrl + Shift + O` to insert Ordered List or convert selected lines into a list <small>(Mac Cmd + Shift + O)</small> - `Alt + T` for Tooltip (highlight text beforehand) **Additional Shortcuts:** - `Shift + Enter` for Line Break (not next paragraph) - `Ctrl + Shift + S` for Source Code Mode (shows plain Markdown and links) <small>(Mac Cmd + Shift + S)</small> - `ESC` closes editor window (without saving) Shortcuts for Arrow, Text field and Image | With activated arrow or text field: - `Del` deletes arrow/text field/image - `Ctrl + X` to cut <small>Mac Cmd + X</small> - `Ctrl + C` to copy <small>Mac Cmd + C</small> - `Ctrl + V` to paste <small>Mac Cmd + V</small> - `C` to change the color of the arrow/text field **Additional shortcuts:** - Hold `Shift` and use the arrow keys (`←` `↑` `→` `↓`) to precisely position the arrow/text field/image. - Instead of Shift, hold the `Ctrl` key to move the text field in smaller steps. Keyboard Shortcuts for Folders | - `E` opens the Edit mode - `V` opens the View mode - `S` opens the Share dialog Moving the View | - You can move the view left, right, up, and down using the arrow keys. - `Ctrl + Home` moves the map view to the upper left (to the start of the map). <small>Mac Cmd + Fn + ←</small> - `Ctrl + End` moves the map view to the upper right (to the end of the map). <small>Mac Cmd + Fn + →</small> By holding `CTRL + ALT`, you can quickly move the view by holding down the left mouse button. The same can be done with most mice by holding down the middle mouse button. Introduction | ✔️ With **keyboard shortcuts**, you can: - Quickly access important functions - Quickly switch between edit and read modes - Accelerate workflows by reducing mouse clicks - Reduce the strain on your wrists by using the mouse less - Focus better, as you don't have to switch between keyboard and mouse ✔️ Keyboard shortcuts are easy to learn. Keyboard shortcuts in the map view | - `E` opens the map in edit mode - `S` opens the map sharing dialogKeyboard Shortcuts in Edit Mode | - `P` creates a new path - `B` creates a new box - `A` adds an arrow - `T` adds a text field - `Ctrl + Enter` saves every edit immediately <small>Mac Cmd + Enter</small> - `Alt + 1` (or 2, 3, …) toggles the checkboxes in the path settings and box settings <small>Mac Option + 1 (or 2, 3, …).</small> **Additional Shortcuts:** - `S` opens the map sharing dialog - `V` switches to view mode - `M` toggles the contents of all boxes on the map **By Double Click:** - A double click on the path title opens the path settings. - A double click on the box title opens the box settings. - A double click on the box content opens the box editor. Keyboard Shortcuts in Box Editor | - `Ctrl + B` for Bold <small>(Mac Cmd + B)</small> - `Ctrl + I` for Italic <small>(Mac Cmd + I)</small> - `Ctrl + L` to insert Link <small>(Mac Cmd + L)</small> - `Ctrl + Shift + L` to insert List or convert selected lines into a list <small>(Mac Cmd + Shift + L)</small> - `Ctrl + Shift + O` to insert Ordered List or convert selected lines into a list <small>(Mac Cmd + Shift + O)</small> - `Alt + T` for Tooltip (highlight text beforehand) **Additional Shortcuts:** - `Shift + Enter` for Line Break (not next paragraph) - `Ctrl + Shift + S` for Source Code Mode (shows plain Markdown and links) <small>(Mac Cmd + Shift + S)</small> - `ESC` closes editor window (without saving) Shortcuts for Arrow, Text field and Image | With activated arrow or text field: - `Del` deletes arrow/text field/image - `Ctrl + X` to cut <small>Mac Cmd + X</small> - `Ctrl + C` to copy <small>Mac Cmd + C</small> - `Ctrl + V` to paste <small>Mac Cmd + V</small> - `C` to change the color of the arrow/text field **Additional shortcuts:** - Hold `Shift` and use the arrow keys (`←` `↑` `→` `↓`) to precisely position the arrow/text field/image. - Instead of Shift, hold the `Ctrl` key to move the text field in smaller steps. Keyboard Shortcuts for Folders | - `E` opens the Edit mode - `V` opens the View mode - `S` opens the Share dialog Moving the View | - You can move the view left, right, up, and down using the arrow keys. - `Ctrl + Home` moves the map view to the upper left (to the start of the map). <small>Mac Cmd + Fn + ←</small> - `Ctrl + End` moves the map view to the upper right (to the end of the map). <small>Mac Cmd + Fn + →</small> By holding `CTRL + ALT`, you can quickly move the view by holding down the left mouse button. The same can be done with most mice by holding down the middle mouse button. Introduction | ✔️ With **keyboard shortcuts**, you can: - Quickly access important functions - Quickly switch between edit and read modes - Accelerate workflows by reducing mouse clicks - Reduce the strain on your wrists by using the mouse less - Focus better, as you don't have to switch between keyboard and mouse ✔️ Keyboard shortcuts are easy to learn. Keyboard shortcuts in the map view | - `E` opens the map in edit mode - `S` opens the map sharing dialogKeyboard Shortcuts in Edit Mode | - `P` creates a new path - `B` creates a new box - `A` adds an arrow - `T` adds a text field - `Ctrl + Enter` saves every edit immediately <small>Mac Cmd + Enter</small> - `Alt + 1` (or 2, 3, …) toggles the checkboxes in the path settings and box settings <small>Mac Option + 1 (or 2, 3, …).</small> **Additional Shortcuts:** - `S` opens the map sharing dialog - `V` switches to view mode - `M` toggles the contents of all boxes on the map **By Double Click:** - A double click on the path title opens the path settings. - A double click on the box title opens the box settings. - A double click on the box content opens the box editor. Keyboard Shortcuts in Box Editor | - `Ctrl + B` for Bold <small>(Mac Cmd + B)</small> - `Ctrl + I` for Italic <small>(Mac Cmd + I)</small> - `Ctrl + L` to insert Link <small>(Mac Cmd + L)</small> - `Ctrl + Shift + L` to insert List or convert selected lines into a list <small>(Mac Cmd + Shift + L)</small> - `Ctrl + Shift + O` to insert Ordered List or convert selected lines into a list <small>(Mac Cmd + Shift + O)</small> - `Alt + T` for Tooltip (highlight text beforehand) **Additional Shortcuts:** - `Shift + Enter` for Line Break (not next paragraph) - `Ctrl + Shift + S` for Source Code Mode (shows plain Markdown and links) <small>(Mac Cmd + Shift + S)</small> - `ESC` closes editor window (without saving) Shortcuts for Arrow, Text field and Image | With activated arrow or text field: - `Del` deletes arrow/text field/image - `Ctrl + X` to cut <small>Mac Cmd + X</small> - `Ctrl + C` to copy <small>Mac Cmd + C</small> - `Ctrl + V` to paste <small>Mac Cmd + V</small> - `C` to change the color of the arrow/text field **Additional shortcuts:** - Hold `Shift` and use the arrow keys (`←` `↑` `→` `↓`) to precisely position the arrow/text field/image. - Instead of Shift, hold the `Ctrl` key to move the text field in smaller steps. Keyboard Shortcuts for Folders | - `E` opens the Edit mode - `V` opens the View mode - `S` opens the Share dialog Moving the View | - You can move the view left, right, up, and down using the arrow keys. - `Ctrl + Home` moves the map view to the upper left (to the start of the map). <small>Mac Cmd + Fn + ←</small> - `Ctrl + End` moves the map view to the upper right (to the end of the map). <small>Mac Cmd + Fn + →</small> By holding `CTRL + ALT`, you can quickly move the view by holding down the left mouse button. The same can be done with most mice by holding down the middle mouse button. Introduction | ✔️ With **keyboard shortcuts**, you can: - Quickly access important functions - Quickly switch between edit and read modes - Accelerate workflows by reducing mouse clicks - Reduce the strain on your wrists by using the mouse less - Focus better, as you don't have to switch between keyboard and mouse ✔️ Keyboard shortcuts are easy to learn. Keyboard shortcuts in the map view | - `E` opens the map in edit mode - `S` opens the map sharing dialogKeyboard Shortcuts in Edit Mode | - `P` creates a new path - `B` creates a new box - `A` adds an arrow - `T` adds a text field - `Ctrl + Enter` saves every edit immediately <small>Mac Cmd + Enter</small> - `Alt + 1` (or 2, 3, …) toggles the checkboxes in the path settings and box settings <small>Mac Option + 1 (or 2, 3, …).</small> **Additional Shortcuts:** - `S` opens the map sharing dialog - `V` switches to view mode - `M` toggles the contents of all boxes on the map **By Double Click:** - A double click on the path title opens the path settings. - A double click on the box title opens the box settings. - A double click on the box content opens the box editor. Keyboard Shortcuts in Box Editor | - `Ctrl + B` for Bold <small>(Mac Cmd + B)</small> - `Ctrl + I` for Italic <small>(Mac Cmd + I)</small> - `Ctrl + L` to insert Link <small>(Mac Cmd + L)</small> - `Ctrl + Shift + L` to insert List or convert selected lines into a list <small>(Mac Cmd + Shift + L)</small> - `Ctrl + Shift + O` to insert Ordered List or convert selected lines into a list <small>(Mac Cmd + Shift + O)</small> - `Alt + T` for Tooltip (highlight text beforehand) **Additional Shortcuts:** - `Shift + Enter` for Line Break (not next paragraph) - `Ctrl + Shift + S` for Source Code Mode (shows plain Markdown and links) <small>(Mac Cmd + Shift + S)</small> - `ESC` closes editor window (without saving) Shortcuts for Arrow, Text field and Image | With activated arrow or text field: - `Del` deletes arrow/text field/image - `Ctrl + X` to cut <small>Mac Cmd + X</small> - `Ctrl + C` to copy <small>Mac Cmd + C</small> - `Ctrl + V` to paste <small>Mac Cmd + V</small> - `C` to change the color of the arrow/text field **Additional shortcuts:** - Hold `Shift` and use the arrow keys (`←` `↑` `→` `↓`) to precisely position the arrow/text field/image. - Instead of Shift, hold the `Ctrl` key to move the text field in smaller steps. Keyboard Shortcuts for Folders | - `E` opens the Edit mode - `V` opens the View mode - `S` opens the Share dialog Moving the View | - You can move the view left, right, up, and down using the arrow keys. - `Ctrl + Home` moves the map view to the upper left (to the start of the map). <small>Mac Cmd + Fn + ←</small> - `Ctrl + End` moves the map view to the upper right (to the end of the map). <small>Mac Cmd + Fn + →</small> By holding `CTRL + ALT`, you can quickly move the view by holding down the left mouse button. The same can be done with most mice by holding down the middle mouse button. Introduction | ✔️ With **keyboard shortcuts**, you can: - Quickly access important functions - Quickly switch between edit and read modes - Accelerate workflows by reducing mouse clicks - Reduce the strain on your wrists by using the mouse less - Focus better, as you don't have to switch between keyboard and mouse ✔️ Keyboard shortcuts are easy to learn. Keyboard shortcuts in the map view | - `E` opens the map in edit mode - `S` opens the map sharing dialogKeyboard Shortcuts in Edit Mode | - `P` creates a new path - `B` creates a new box - `A` adds an arrow - `T` adds a text field - `Ctrl + Enter` saves every edit immediately <small>Mac Cmd + Enter</small> - `Alt + 1` (or 2, 3, …) toggles the checkboxes in the path settings and box settings <small>Mac Option + 1 (or 2, 3, …).</small> **Additional Shortcuts:** - `S` opens the map sharing dialog - `V` switches to view mode - `M` toggles the contents of all boxes on the map **By Double Click:** - A double click on the path title opens the path settings. - A double click on the box title opens the box settings. - A double click on the box content opens the box editor. Keyboard Shortcuts in Box Editor | - `Ctrl + B` for Bold <small>(Mac Cmd + B)</small> - `Ctrl + I` for Italic <small>(Mac Cmd + I)</small> - `Ctrl + L` to insert Link <small>(Mac Cmd + L)</small> - `Ctrl + Shift + L` to insert List or convert selected lines into a list <small>(Mac Cmd + Shift + L)</small> - `Ctrl + Shift + O` to insert Ordered List or convert selected lines into a list <small>(Mac Cmd + Shift + O)</small> - `Alt + T` for Tooltip (highlight text beforehand) **Additional Shortcuts:** - `Shift + Enter` for Line Break (not next paragraph) - `Ctrl + Shift + S` for Source Code Mode (shows plain Markdown and links) <small>(Mac Cmd + Shift + S)</small> - `ESC` closes editor window (without saving) Shortcuts for Arrow, Text field and Image | With activated arrow or text field: - `Del` deletes arrow/text field/image - `Ctrl + X` to cut <small>Mac Cmd + X</small> - `Ctrl + C` to copy <small>Mac Cmd + C</small> - `Ctrl + V` to paste <small>Mac Cmd + V</small> - `C` to change the color of the arrow/text field **Additional shortcuts:** - Hold `Shift` and use the arrow keys (`←` `↑` `→` `↓`) to precisely position the arrow/text field/image. - Instead of Shift, hold the `Ctrl` key to move the text field in smaller steps. Keyboard Shortcuts for Folders | - `E` opens the Edit mode - `V` opens the View mode - `S` opens the Share dialog Moving the View | - You can move the view left, right, up, and down using the arrow keys. - `Ctrl + Home` moves the map view to the upper left (to the start of the map). <small>Mac Cmd + Fn + ←</small> - `Ctrl + End` moves the map view to the upper right (to the end of the map). <small>Mac Cmd + Fn + →</small> By holding `CTRL + ALT`, you can quickly move the view by holding down the left mouse button. The same can be done with most mice by holding down the middle mouse button. Introduction | ✔️ With **keyboard shortcuts**, you can: - Quickly access important functions - Quickly switch between edit and read modes - Accelerate workflows by reducing mouse clicks - Reduce the strain on your wrists by using the mouse less - Focus better, as you don't have to switch between keyboard and mouse ✔️ Keyboard shortcuts are easy to learn. Keyboard shortcuts in the map view | - `E` opens the map in edit mode - `S` opens the map sharing dialogKeyboard Shortcuts in Edit Mode | - `P` creates a new path - `B` creates a new box - `A` adds an arrow - `T` adds a text field - `Ctrl + Enter` saves every edit immediately <small>Mac Cmd + Enter</small> - `Alt + 1` (or 2, 3, …) toggles the checkboxes in the path settings and box settings <small>Mac Option + 1 (or 2, 3, …).</small> **Additional Shortcuts:** - `S` opens the map sharing dialog - `V` switches to view mode - `M` toggles the contents of all boxes on the map **By Double Click:** - A double click on the path title opens the path settings. - A double click on the box title opens the box settings. - A double click on the box content opens the box editor. Keyboard Shortcuts in Box Editor | - `Ctrl + B` for Bold <small>(Mac Cmd + B)</small> - `Ctrl + I` for Italic <small>(Mac Cmd + I)</small> - `Ctrl + L` to insert Link <small>(Mac Cmd + L)</small> - `Ctrl + Shift + L` to insert List or convert selected lines into a list <small>(Mac Cmd + Shift + L)</small> - `Ctrl + Shift + O` to insert Ordered List or convert selected lines into a list <small>(Mac Cmd + Shift + O)</small> - `Alt + T` for Tooltip (highlight text beforehand) **Additional Shortcuts:** - `Shift + Enter` for Line Break (not next paragraph) - `Ctrl + Shift + S` for Source Code Mode (shows plain Markdown and links) <small>(Mac Cmd + Shift + S)</small> - `ESC` closes editor window (without saving) Shortcuts for Arrow, Text field and Image | With activated arrow or text field: - `Del` deletes arrow/text field/image - `Ctrl + X` to cut <small>Mac Cmd + X</small> - `Ctrl + C` to copy <small>Mac Cmd + C</small> - `Ctrl + V` to paste <small>Mac Cmd + V</small> - `C` to change the color of the arrow/text field **Additional shortcuts:** - Hold `Shift` and use the arrow keys (`←` `↑` `→` `↓`) to precisely position the arrow/text field/image. - Instead of Shift, hold the `Ctrl` key to move the text field in smaller steps. Keyboard Shortcuts for Folders | - `E` opens the Edit mode - `V` opens the View mode - `S` opens the Share dialog Moving the View | - You can move the view left, right, up, and down using the arrow keys. - `Ctrl + Home` moves the map view to the upper left (to the start of the map). <small>Mac Cmd + Fn + ←</small> - `Ctrl + End` moves the map view to the upper right (to the end of the map). <small>Mac Cmd + Fn + →</small> By holding `CTRL + ALT`, you can quickly move the view by holding down the left mouse button. The same can be done with most mice by holding down the middle mouse button. Introduction | ✔️ With **keyboard shortcuts**, you can: - Quickly access important functions - Quickly switch between edit and read modes - Accelerate workflows by reducing mouse clicks - Reduce the strain on your wrists by using the mouse less - Focus better, as you don't have to switch between keyboard and mouse ✔️ Keyboard shortcuts are easy to learn. Keyboard shortcuts in the map view | - `E` opens the map in edit mode - `S` opens the map sharing dialogKeyboard Shortcuts in Edit Mode | - `P` creates a new path - `B` creates a new box - `A` adds an arrow - `T` adds a text field - `Ctrl + Enter` saves every edit immediately <small>Mac Cmd + Enter</small> - `Alt + 1` (or 2, 3, …) toggles the checkboxes in the path settings and box settings <small>Mac Option + 1 (or 2, 3, …).</small> **Additional Shortcuts:** - `S` opens the map sharing dialog - `V` switches to view mode - `M` toggles the contents of all boxes on the map **By Double Click:** - A double click on the path title opens the path settings. - A double click on the box title opens the box settings. - A double click on the box content opens the box editor. Keyboard Shortcuts in Box Editor | - `Ctrl + B` for Bold <small>(Mac Cmd + B)</small> - `Ctrl + I` for Italic <small>(Mac Cmd + I)</small> - `Ctrl + L` to insert Link <small>(Mac Cmd + L)</small> - `Ctrl + Shift + L` to insert List or convert selected lines into a list <small>(Mac Cmd + Shift + L)</small> - `Ctrl + Shift + O` to insert Ordered List or convert selected lines into a list <small>(Mac Cmd + Shift + O)</small> - `Alt + T` for Tooltip (highlight text beforehand) **Additional Shortcuts:** - `Shift + Enter` for Line Break (not next paragraph) - `Ctrl + Shift + S` for Source Code Mode (shows plain Markdown and links) <small>(Mac Cmd + Shift + S)</small> - `ESC` closes editor window (without saving) Shortcuts for Arrow, Text field and Image | With activated arrow or text field: - `Del` deletes arrow/text field/image - `Ctrl + X` to cut <small>Mac Cmd + X</small> - `Ctrl + C` to copy <small>Mac Cmd + C</small> - `Ctrl + V` to paste <small>Mac Cmd + V</small> - `C` to change the color of the arrow/text field **Additional shortcuts:** - Hold `Shift` and use the arrow keys (`←` `↑` `→` `↓`) to precisely position the arrow/text field/image. - Instead of Shift, hold the `Ctrl` key to move the text field in smaller steps. Keyboard Shortcuts for Folders | - `E` opens the Edit mode - `V` opens the View mode - `S` opens the Share dialog Moving the View | - You can move the view left, right, up, and down using the arrow keys. - `Ctrl + Home` moves the map view to the upper left (to the start of the map). <small>Mac Cmd + Fn + ←</small> - `Ctrl + End` moves the map view to the upper right (to the end of the map). <small>Mac Cmd + Fn + →</small> By holding `CTRL + ALT`, you can quickly move the view by holding down the left mouse button. The same can be done with most mice by holding down the middle mouse button. Introduction | ✔️ With **keyboard shortcuts**, you can: - Quickly access important functions - Quickly switch between edit and read modes - Accelerate workflows by reducing mouse clicks - Reduce the strain on your wrists by using the mouse less - Focus better, as you don't have to switch between keyboard and mouse ✔️ Keyboard shortcuts are easy to learn. Keyboard shortcuts in the map view | - `E` opens the map in edit mode - `S` opens the map sharing dialogKeyboard Shortcuts in Edit Mode | - `P` creates a new path - `B` creates a new box - `A` adds an arrow - `T` adds a text field - `Ctrl + Enter` saves every edit immediately <small>Mac Cmd + Enter</small> - `Alt + 1` (or 2, 3, …) toggles the checkboxes in the path settings and box settings <small>Mac Option + 1 (or 2, 3, …).</small> **Additional Shortcuts:** - `S` opens the map sharing dialog - `V` switches to view mode - `M` toggles the contents of all boxes on the map **By Double Click:** - A double click on the path title opens the path settings. - A double click on the box title opens the box settings. - A double click on the box content opens the box editor. Keyboard Shortcuts in Box Editor | - `Ctrl + B` for Bold <small>(Mac Cmd + B)</small> - `Ctrl + I` for Italic <small>(Mac Cmd + I)</small> - `Ctrl + L` to insert Link <small>(Mac Cmd + L)</small> - `Ctrl + Shift + L` to insert List or convert selected lines into a list <small>(Mac Cmd + Shift + L)</small> - `Ctrl + Shift + O` to insert Ordered List or convert selected lines into a list <small>(Mac Cmd + Shift + O)</small> - `Alt + T` for Tooltip (highlight text beforehand) **Additional Shortcuts:** - `Shift + Enter` for Line Break (not next paragraph) - `Ctrl + Shift + S` for Source Code Mode (shows plain Markdown and links) <small>(Mac Cmd + Shift + S)</small> - `ESC` closes editor window (without saving) Shortcuts for Arrow, Text field and Image | With activated arrow or text field: - `Del` deletes arrow/text field/image - `Ctrl + X` to cut <small>Mac Cmd + X</small> - `Ctrl + C` to copy <small>Mac Cmd + C</small> - `Ctrl + V` to paste <small>Mac Cmd + V</small> - `C` to change the color of the arrow/text field **Additional shortcuts:** - Hold `Shift` and use the arrow keys (`←` `↑` `→` `↓`) to precisely position the arrow/text field/image. - Instead of Shift, hold the `Ctrl` key to move the text field in smaller steps. Keyboard Shortcuts for Folders | - `E` opens the Edit mode - `V` opens the View mode - `S` opens the Share dialog Moving the View | - You can move the view left, right, up, and down using the arrow keys. - `Ctrl + Home` moves the map view to the upper left (to the start of the map). <small>Mac Cmd + Fn + ←</small> - `Ctrl + End` moves the map view to the upper right (to the end of the map). <small>Mac Cmd + Fn + →</small> By holding `CTRL + ALT`, you can quickly move the view by holding down the left mouse button. The same can be done with most mice by holding down the middle mouse button. Introduction | ✔️ With **keyboard shortcuts**, you can: - Quickly access important functions - Quickly switch between edit and read modes - Accelerate workflows by reducing mouse clicks - Reduce the strain on your wrists by using the mouse less - Focus better, as you don't have to switch between keyboard and mouse ✔️ Keyboard shortcuts are easy to learn. Keyboard shortcuts in the map view | - `E` opens the map in edit mode - `S` opens the map sharing dialogKeyboard Shortcuts in Edit Mode | - `P` creates a new path - `B` creates a new box - `A` adds an arrow - `T` adds a text field - `Ctrl + Enter` saves every edit immediately <small>Mac Cmd + Enter</small> - `Alt + 1` (or 2, 3, …) toggles the checkboxes in the path settings and box settings <small>Mac Option + 1 (or 2, 3, …).</small> **Additional Shortcuts:** - `S` opens the map sharing dialog - `V` switches to view mode - `M` toggles the contents of all boxes on the map **By Double Click:** - A double click on the path title opens the path settings. - A double click on the box title opens the box settings. - A double click on the box content opens the box editor. Keyboard Shortcuts in Box Editor | - `Ctrl + B` for Bold <small>(Mac Cmd + B)</small> - `Ctrl + I` for Italic <small>(Mac Cmd + I)</small> - `Ctrl + L` to insert Link <small>(Mac Cmd + L)</small> - `Ctrl + Shift + L` to insert List or convert selected lines into a list <small>(Mac Cmd + Shift + L)</small> - `Ctrl + Shift + O` to insert Ordered List or convert selected lines into a list <small>(Mac Cmd + Shift + O)</small> - `Alt + T` for Tooltip (highlight text beforehand) **Additional Shortcuts:** - `Shift + Enter` for Line Break (not next paragraph) - `Ctrl + Shift + S` for Source Code Mode (shows plain Markdown and links) <small>(Mac Cmd + Shift + S)</small> - `ESC` closes editor window (without saving) Shortcuts for Arrow, Text field and Image | With activated arrow or text field: - `Del` deletes arrow/text field/image - `Ctrl + X` to cut <small>Mac Cmd + X</small> - `Ctrl + C` to copy <small>Mac Cmd + C</small> - `Ctrl + V` to paste <small>Mac Cmd + V</small> - `C` to change the color of the arrow/text field **Additional shortcuts:** - Hold `Shift` and use the arrow keys (`←` `↑` `→` `↓`) to precisely position the arrow/text field/image. - Instead of Shift, hold the `Ctrl` key to move the text field in smaller steps. Keyboard Shortcuts for Folders | - `E` opens the Edit mode - `V` opens the View mode - `S` opens the Share dialog Moving the View | - You can move the view left, right, up, and down using the arrow keys. - `Ctrl + Home` moves the map view to the upper left (to the start of the map). <small>Mac Cmd + Fn + ←</small> - `Ctrl + End` moves the map view to the upper right (to the end of the map). <small>Mac Cmd + Fn + →</small> By holding `CTRL + ALT`, you can quickly move the view by holding down the left mouse button. The same can be done with most mice by holding down the middle mouse button.