5. Role-specific Tutorial (Student, Teacher, Admin)
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edumaps (6)tutorials (6)user-roles (1)
5.1 Tutorial for Teachers on Edumaps
Edumaps Create Classes/Groups | Each teacher can create their own classes or groups on the {Manage classes}{https://www.edumaps.de/users/sets} page. Classes are not “school-wide”, but are created by each teacher for their own account. You can also create any groups instead of classes (e.g. a math remedial course). The maps can then be distributed to the students in the specified groups (“Share map to class”). Each student in the selected group will then receive a notification on Edumaps. Classes or groups are created once and are available to the user in Edumaps and also in Matheretter. Share individual Boxes and Path | Check out the {Tutorial: Distributing Maps - Additional Options}{https://www.edumaps.de/1082/1/0mr8cun2th}. GDPR compliant | https://www.edumaps.de/file/16119568313172475874.png/2uazwbf Edumaps is GDPR compliant General Information | ✔️ With Edumaps you can: - Create pinboards, timelines and stickerwalls - Create weekly plans - Work in collaboration in real time - Upload files in 100+ formats - Embed media from Edupool and Mundo - Manage students and teachers - Record microphone and webcam directly - Import existing Padlets - Export maps as Moodle courses - Create bookings/courses - Automate Certificates of participation - Organize Reservations for Rentals - Write texts with your team in Teamtext - Create content with our AI Assistant Our startpage contains all the important information and details. Please take a look there. Our FAQ is very comprehensive and answers almost all questions: https://www.edumaps.de/faq We wish you and your students a lot of joy and easy organization with Edumaps. Set up your Account | The following simple steps will set up your account: 1. {Login}{https://www.edumaps.de/login} with Username and Password. 2. Go to your {profile}{https://www.edumaps.de/user/profile}. 3. On your profile you see, which school you belong to. 4. There is also a hint that you should set up your account which links to the {setup-account-page}{https://www.edumaps.de/user/init}. 5. There you specify your email and password. Optionally you can add your name and your class. 6. Confirm and your account is set up. 7. Next an email is sent to you with a link to confirm your new email address. Please click this link. Your email address will help to recover your password if you forgot or lose it. Otherwise your teacher can change your password using the admin account of your school. Remove your Data / Delete your Account | ## Remove your Data If you like to delete all your data, you can open your {user profile}{https://www.edumaps.de/user/profile}, scroll down and click „Remove Data“. On the {Remove Data}{https://www.edumaps.de/user/cleardata} page you can see all the data that will be deleted. Note: The deletion is final and cannot be reverted. Confirm by clicking the button “Remove my data”. ## Delete your Account To delete your account, open your {user profile}{https://www.edumaps.de/user/profile}, scroll down and click „Delete Account“. On the {Delete Account}{https://www.edumaps.de/user/delete} page you can see all the data that will be deleted. Note: The deletion is final and cannot be reverted. – Your account gets immediately deleted and cannot be used afterwards. Confirm by clicking the button “Delete my account”. List of all Students | The list of all student accounts can be found at: !https://www.edumaps.de/users/listCreate student accounts | > Student accounts can only be created with an **admin account**. As a customer, you receive the login to the admin account directly from us. The page to create accounts you find here: https://www.edumaps.de/users/create https://www.edumaps.de/file/14830133031664418645.png/t83m9wv Screenshot: Page Create Accounts You can create teacher and students accounts. There are different ways to create accounts: -- Create without names/emails -- Create via list of names/emails -- Create via CSV file Choose the one that suits your needs. Map Formats | > Pinboards, timelines und stickerwalls are called „Maps“. **Pinboard** The pinboard consists of paths. Each path contains boxes. Multiple paths are positioned side by side. https://www.edumaps.de/file/2387536848564589294.png/6rk7bku Map format: Pinboard **Timeline** The paths are horizontally arranged. The boxes are arranged from left to right. Multiple paths are positioned below each other. https://www.edumaps.de/file/10524896192514210868.png/xp3jac8 Map format: Timeline **Stickerwall** The boxes are freely arranged. There are no paths. https://www.edumaps.de/file/530150540731859997.png/0v6kh3d Map format: Stickerwall ❤️ Changing from one map format to another map format is possible at any time. Create Paths and Boxes | A map / pinboard consists of paths and boxes. ## Creating Paths -- First, create a new map. -- Then click on “Add path”. -- In the path editor, give the path a title. Feel free to set various options. https://www.edumaps.de/file/2372130083984256492.png/1ibmi35 Path Settings > Use the {Tutorial: Path Settings}{https://www.edumaps.de/1077/1/322lwjtlaj} to familiarize yourself with the settings. ## Creating Boxes -- For a pinboard or timeline, you have to first create a path before the “Add Box” button appears. -- On a stickerwall, you can add a new box immediately without creating a path. -- In the box editor, give the box a title. You can also set various options. https://www.edumaps.de/file/11415626548144141786.png/4u5qqjq Box Settings > Use the {Tutorial: Box Settings}{https://www.edumaps.de/1078/1/qbg4lumykj} to familiarize yourself with the settings. Insert Material into Box (Media/Files) | You can easily insert material into a box. First click on the edit icon and then upload any file (photo, video, audio, etc.) by drag and drop or upload button. Further, you can start microphone recordings, photo recordings and webcam recordings directly with the according buttons. https://www.edumaps.de/file/818869845266525196.png/vnxrj5o Box Content Editor with File upload and Recording options Edit Box Content | To edit the contents of a box afterwards, click the orange edit icon or double-click on the box background. You can then use the editor to make your texts and materials look appealing. See {Tutorial: Inputs and Formatting in the Box Editor}{https://www.edumaps.de/1003/1/e9o5ybwc3p} Change the Map Data | If you want to change the data of your map, you can click on the map title or on “Map Settings” in the map menu. This will open the map editor. https://www.edumaps.de/file/2262089247078418409.png/klp7afx Map Editor There are several options you can change: -- Map title -- Format -- Access right -- Background -- Font -- Tags -- Grade -- Extras Move Paths and Boxes | To move a path to the left or right, click on the three dots and choose “Move”: https://www.edumaps.de/file/9847939599623381360.png/tf26071 Screenshot: Move Path To move a box to another position on the map, click on the three dots and choose “Move”. Then drag the box to the new position. https://www.edumaps.de/file/240676770630694920.gif/mp4nbrn Recording: Move Box on Map Delete Box or Path | ## Delete Box To delete a box, you click the three dots and choose “Delete Box”. https://www.edumaps.de/file/7652097680260733039.png/f8rivvw Screenshot: Delete Box ## Delete Path To delete a path, you click the three dots and choose “Delete Path”. Note that all boxes inside this path will also be deleted! https://www.edumaps.de/file/6339823486100343329.png/omnrkkj Screenshot: Delete Path Discover Maps and Copy Maps | In the {Edumaps Media Library}{https://www.edumaps.de/search}, you can find maps and media that you can use freely. Use the search and keyword selection directly on the discover page to find interesting maps. Any public map can be copied by you. Simply click on “Copy map” in the top right menu: https://www.edumaps.de/file/3374460499791862452.png/ts74clw Copy Map You can change the copied map as you like, redesign it and distribute it to third parties. ## Maps of your own school If you click on the tab {“Maps of my school”}{https://www.edumaps.de/maps/school}, you will see all the maps that the teachers of your school have shared. Add external Media and copy boxes from other Maps | You can easily add external media or simply copy boxes from other maps. See details in the tutorials: - {Tutorial: Import of external Media}{https://www.edumaps.de/1067/1/9blpyaqff9} - {Tutorial: Import Content as new Maps}{https://www.edumaps.de/1065/1/bck6c6wbih} - {Tutorial: Copy external Boxes}{https://www.edumaps.de/1073/1/4qjuhw8dpj} Share Maps + Access Rights | You share your map by clicking the share button at the top right: https://www.edumaps.de/file/9247202389746863573.png/tbfvc9s Map Share Button A dialog with the share link will then open: https://www.edumaps.de/file/5039598949331828049.png/7iqo65g Map Share Dialog You can send this link to your students or colleagues if they need to work on the map as well. > See tutorials under {Managing and Distributing Maps}{https://www.edumaps.de/folder/14/1/mtpjedbr82} Rating of Boxes | For each box a drop down can be activated that the students can use to gauge their understanding. https://www.edumaps.de/file/14469155783788168434.png/8ccdmhh Dropdown for Ratings There are three types of ratings: 1. Assessment (get feedback on how the contents of a box is rated) 2. Answer (yes/maybe/no - make a poll) 3. Voting (get feedback on which option A, B or C is preferred) Comments for Discussions and Submissions | Comments can be activated for each box. With the help of the comment function, **discussions** can be held or students can submit their **solutions** (directly to the teacher). In the comments the following inputs are possible: - Text input - Image uploads - Microphone recordings - Uploads of media files https://www.edumaps.de/file/18197824286991307653.png/af9rgok Screenshot: Comment Page and Recording Options Comments can be set to be only visible to the teacher or to anyone viewing the map. All comments (including uploads) can be deleted by the teacher with just one click. 💖 Notifications about new comments are displayed directly on to the top right of the Edumaps website.Notification of new comments | The notification for new comments is displayed in yellow in the top right-hand corner. https://www.edumaps.de/file/12168930795091825294.png/xyv81jm Example of notification Upload of Files into Boxes | You can upload any file to the editor. For example photos, videos, PDFs, MP3s, GIFs, Word documents, ... The allowed file formats can be found in the following map: https://www.edumaps.de/1005/1/c1g5yt7t1t Map: File Formats for Uploads The upload works via drag and drop or with the upload button. Thumbnails are generated for almost all uploaded materials. Overview of Uploads | You can find an overview of all your uploads in the {Upload Manager}{https://www.edumaps.de/upload-manager}. https://www.edumaps.de/file/9184306549642361366.png/cz3q0au Screenshot: Example Upload Manager There you will see the name of each file, the upload date, file type and file size. You can delete any of your files at any time. Furthermore, you can see in which box you uploaded the file. Simply click on the “Show box” button. You can also leave information (e.g. a source) as a reference for each file. Simply click on "no info" to open the input field. This information is only displayed to you. The uploads can be filtered according to “All uploads”, “My uploads” and “Uploads of Others”. Audio Recordings and Webcam Recordings | If you want to leave a message for your students, you can activate your microphone directly in the Box Editor using the "Microphone" button. https://www.edumaps.de/file/15448855259297006847.png/5exhrgd Recording Buttons !#webcam Storage Space | Each account has a certain storage space available. Teachers usually have 1 GB. In the {Upload Manager}{https://www.edumaps.de/upload-manager} you can see how much storage space is still available for you: https://www.edumaps.de/file/9085751328418154324.png/x7rxfjj Example: Display of free Storage Space **Accounting for storage space: ** Your storage space will count towards: 1. Your uploads to your own maps. 2. All uploads to your maps from students/colleagues. 3. Uploads at the comments of the boxes of your maps. Create Map | To create a map click on “Create Map” in the main menu. https://www.edumaps.de/file/12236757706387156513.png/00pg7jt Create Map (Map Editor) > Use the {Tutorial: Map Settings}{https://www.edumaps.de/1076/1/82f7f5907r} to familiarize yourself with the settings. Notes: - If you define “My School” under “Access to Map” then your map will show up for all students under {“Maps of my School”}{https://www.edumaps.de/maps/school} - Tags are used to sort your maps on the {“My Maps”}{https://www.edumaps.de/user/maps} page by clicking on them. Delete entire Map | To delete the entire map, you click on the three dots on the top right and choose “Delete Map”. https://www.edumaps.de/file/2151174142008281385.png/81b6b8y Screenshot: Delete Map Deleting an entire map deletes all paths and boxes. Uploads that were in this map are not deleted automatically because they could be used in other maps. To delete them, visit the {upload manager}{https://www.edumaps.de/upload-manager} and delete them manually. Create a Backup of your Map | You can create a backup of your map by exporting the file as a CSV file. To do this, simply click on the top right of the map (in edit mode) and select "Import/Export". https://www.edumaps.de/file/14230707923091280595.png/3c06kdt “Export Map” in the Map Menu Then the following dialog opens: https://www.edumaps.de/file/5961577260240051309.png/w24mvbg Options for Export Here click on “Edumaps (json)” and a JSON file will be created. This JSON file can be imported again at any time via the main menu “Createt Map” → “Import Map” and choose “Edumaps (json)” in the dialogue. Note that a new map will then be created with the same content. Create Classes/Groups | Each teacher can create their own classes or groups on the {Manage classes}{https://www.edumaps.de/users/sets} page. Classes are not “school-wide”, but are created by each teacher for their own account. You can also create any groups instead of classes (e.g. a math remedial course). The maps can then be distributed to the students in the specified groups (“Share map to class”). Each student in the selected group will then receive a notification on Edumaps. Classes or groups are created once and are available to the user in Edumaps and also in Matheretter. Share individual Boxes and Path | Check out the {Tutorial: Distributing Maps - Additional Options}{https://www.edumaps.de/1082/1/0mr8cun2th}. GDPR compliant | https://www.edumaps.de/file/16119568313172475874.png/2uazwbf Edumaps is GDPR compliant General Information | ✔️ With Edumaps you can: - Create pinboards, timelines and stickerwalls - Create weekly plans - Work in collaboration in real time - Upload files in 100+ formats - Embed media from Edupool and Mundo - Manage students and teachers - Record microphone and webcam directly - Import existing Padlets - Export maps as Moodle courses - Create bookings/courses - Automate Certificates of participation - Organize Reservations for Rentals - Write texts with your team in Teamtext - Create content with our AI Assistant Our startpage contains all the important information and details. Please take a look there. Our FAQ is very comprehensive and answers almost all questions: https://www.edumaps.de/faq We wish you and your students a lot of joy and easy organization with Edumaps. Set up your Account | The following simple steps will set up your account: 1. {Login}{https://www.edumaps.de/login} with Username and Password. 2. Go to your {profile}{https://www.edumaps.de/user/profile}. 3. On your profile you see, which school you belong to. 4. There is also a hint that you should set up your account which links to the {setup-account-page}{https://www.edumaps.de/user/init}. 5. There you specify your email and password. Optionally you can add your name and your class. 6. Confirm and your account is set up. 7. Next an email is sent to you with a link to confirm your new email address. Please click this link. Your email address will help to recover your password if you forgot or lose it. Otherwise your teacher can change your password using the admin account of your school. Remove your Data / Delete your Account | ## Remove your Data If you like to delete all your data, you can open your {user profile}{https://www.edumaps.de/user/profile}, scroll down and click „Remove Data“. On the {Remove Data}{https://www.edumaps.de/user/cleardata} page you can see all the data that will be deleted. Note: The deletion is final and cannot be reverted. Confirm by clicking the button “Remove my data”. ## Delete your Account To delete your account, open your {user profile}{https://www.edumaps.de/user/profile}, scroll down and click „Delete Account“. On the {Delete Account}{https://www.edumaps.de/user/delete} page you can see all the data that will be deleted. Note: The deletion is final and cannot be reverted. – Your account gets immediately deleted and cannot be used afterwards. Confirm by clicking the button “Delete my account”. List of all Students | The list of all student accounts can be found at: !https://www.edumaps.de/users/listCreate student accounts | > Student accounts can only be created with an **admin account**. As a customer, you receive the login to the admin account directly from us. The page to create accounts you find here: https://www.edumaps.de/users/create https://www.edumaps.de/file/14830133031664418645.png/t83m9wv Screenshot: Page Create Accounts You can create teacher and students accounts. There are different ways to create accounts: -- Create without names/emails -- Create via list of names/emails -- Create via CSV file Choose the one that suits your needs. Map Formats | > Pinboards, timelines und stickerwalls are called „Maps“. **Pinboard** The pinboard consists of paths. Each path contains boxes. Multiple paths are positioned side by side. https://www.edumaps.de/file/2387536848564589294.png/6rk7bku Map format: Pinboard **Timeline** The paths are horizontally arranged. The boxes are arranged from left to right. Multiple paths are positioned below each other. https://www.edumaps.de/file/10524896192514210868.png/xp3jac8 Map format: Timeline **Stickerwall** The boxes are freely arranged. There are no paths. https://www.edumaps.de/file/530150540731859997.png/0v6kh3d Map format: Stickerwall ❤️ Changing from one map format to another map format is possible at any time. Create Paths and Boxes | A map / pinboard consists of paths and boxes. ## Creating Paths -- First, create a new map. -- Then click on “Add path”. -- In the path editor, give the path a title. Feel free to set various options. https://www.edumaps.de/file/2372130083984256492.png/1ibmi35 Path Settings > Use the {Tutorial: Path Settings}{https://www.edumaps.de/1077/1/322lwjtlaj} to familiarize yourself with the settings. ## Creating Boxes -- For a pinboard or timeline, you have to first create a path before the “Add Box” button appears. -- On a stickerwall, you can add a new box immediately without creating a path. -- In the box editor, give the box a title. You can also set various options. https://www.edumaps.de/file/11415626548144141786.png/4u5qqjq Box Settings > Use the {Tutorial: Box Settings}{https://www.edumaps.de/1078/1/qbg4lumykj} to familiarize yourself with the settings. Insert Material into Box (Media/Files) | You can easily insert material into a box. First click on the edit icon and then upload any file (photo, video, audio, etc.) by drag and drop or upload button. Further, you can start microphone recordings, photo recordings and webcam recordings directly with the according buttons. https://www.edumaps.de/file/818869845266525196.png/vnxrj5o Box Content Editor with File upload and Recording options Edit Box Content | To edit the contents of a box afterwards, click the orange edit icon or double-click on the box background. You can then use the editor to make your texts and materials look appealing. See {Tutorial: Inputs and Formatting in the Box Editor}{https://www.edumaps.de/1003/1/e9o5ybwc3p} Change the Map Data | If you want to change the data of your map, you can click on the map title or on “Map Settings” in the map menu. This will open the map editor. https://www.edumaps.de/file/2262089247078418409.png/klp7afx Map Editor There are several options you can change: -- Map title -- Format -- Access right -- Background -- Font -- Tags -- Grade -- Extras Move Paths and Boxes | To move a path to the left or right, click on the three dots and choose “Move”: https://www.edumaps.de/file/9847939599623381360.png/tf26071 Screenshot: Move Path To move a box to another position on the map, click on the three dots and choose “Move”. Then drag the box to the new position. https://www.edumaps.de/file/240676770630694920.gif/mp4nbrn Recording: Move Box on Map Delete Box or Path | ## Delete Box To delete a box, you click the three dots and choose “Delete Box”. https://www.edumaps.de/file/7652097680260733039.png/f8rivvw Screenshot: Delete Box ## Delete Path To delete a path, you click the three dots and choose “Delete Path”. Note that all boxes inside this path will also be deleted! https://www.edumaps.de/file/6339823486100343329.png/omnrkkj Screenshot: Delete Path Discover Maps and Copy Maps | In the {Edumaps Media Library}{https://www.edumaps.de/search}, you can find maps and media that you can use freely. Use the search and keyword selection directly on the discover page to find interesting maps. Any public map can be copied by you. Simply click on “Copy map” in the top right menu: https://www.edumaps.de/file/3374460499791862452.png/ts74clw Copy Map You can change the copied map as you like, redesign it and distribute it to third parties. ## Maps of your own school If you click on the tab {“Maps of my school”}{https://www.edumaps.de/maps/school}, you will see all the maps that the teachers of your school have shared. Add external Media and copy boxes from other Maps | You can easily add external media or simply copy boxes from other maps. See details in the tutorials: - {Tutorial: Import of external Media}{https://www.edumaps.de/1067/1/9blpyaqff9} - {Tutorial: Import Content as new Maps}{https://www.edumaps.de/1065/1/bck6c6wbih} - {Tutorial: Copy external Boxes}{https://www.edumaps.de/1073/1/4qjuhw8dpj} Share Maps + Access Rights | You share your map by clicking the share button at the top right: https://www.edumaps.de/file/9247202389746863573.png/tbfvc9s Map Share Button A dialog with the share link will then open: https://www.edumaps.de/file/5039598949331828049.png/7iqo65g Map Share Dialog You can send this link to your students or colleagues if they need to work on the map as well. > See tutorials under {Managing and Distributing Maps}{https://www.edumaps.de/folder/14/1/mtpjedbr82} Rating of Boxes | For each box a drop down can be activated that the students can use to gauge their understanding. https://www.edumaps.de/file/14469155783788168434.png/8ccdmhh Dropdown for Ratings There are three types of ratings: 1. Assessment (get feedback on how the contents of a box is rated) 2. Answer (yes/maybe/no - make a poll) 3. Voting (get feedback on which option A, B or C is preferred) Comments for Discussions and Submissions | Comments can be activated for each box. With the help of the comment function, **discussions** can be held or students can submit their **solutions** (directly to the teacher). In the comments the following inputs are possible: - Text input - Image uploads - Microphone recordings - Uploads of media files https://www.edumaps.de/file/18197824286991307653.png/af9rgok Screenshot: Comment Page and Recording Options Comments can be set to be only visible to the teacher or to anyone viewing the map. All comments (including uploads) can be deleted by the teacher with just one click. 💖 Notifications about new comments are displayed directly on to the top right of the Edumaps website.Notification of new comments | The notification for new comments is displayed in yellow in the top right-hand corner. https://www.edumaps.de/file/12168930795091825294.png/xyv81jm Example of notification Upload of Files into Boxes | You can upload any file to the editor. For example photos, videos, PDFs, MP3s, GIFs, Word documents, ... The allowed file formats can be found in the following map: https://www.edumaps.de/1005/1/c1g5yt7t1t Map: File Formats for Uploads The upload works via drag and drop or with the upload button. Thumbnails are generated for almost all uploaded materials. Overview of Uploads | You can find an overview of all your uploads in the {Upload Manager}{https://www.edumaps.de/upload-manager}. https://www.edumaps.de/file/9184306549642361366.png/cz3q0au Screenshot: Example Upload Manager There you will see the name of each file, the upload date, file type and file size. You can delete any of your files at any time. Furthermore, you can see in which box you uploaded the file. Simply click on the “Show box” button. You can also leave information (e.g. a source) as a reference for each file. Simply click on "no info" to open the input field. This information is only displayed to you. The uploads can be filtered according to “All uploads”, “My uploads” and “Uploads of Others”. Audio Recordings and Webcam Recordings | If you want to leave a message for your students, you can activate your microphone directly in the Box Editor using the "Microphone" button. https://www.edumaps.de/file/15448855259297006847.png/5exhrgd Recording Buttons !#webcam Storage Space | Each account has a certain storage space available. Teachers usually have 1 GB. In the {Upload Manager}{https://www.edumaps.de/upload-manager} you can see how much storage space is still available for you: https://www.edumaps.de/file/9085751328418154324.png/x7rxfjj Example: Display of free Storage Space **Accounting for storage space: ** Your storage space will count towards: 1. Your uploads to your own maps. 2. All uploads to your maps from students/colleagues. 3. Uploads at the comments of the boxes of your maps. Create Map | To create a map click on “Create Map” in the main menu. https://www.edumaps.de/file/12236757706387156513.png/00pg7jt Create Map (Map Editor) > Use the {Tutorial: Map Settings}{https://www.edumaps.de/1076/1/82f7f5907r} to familiarize yourself with the settings. Notes: - If you define “My School” under “Access to Map” then your map will show up for all students under {“Maps of my School”}{https://www.edumaps.de/maps/school} - Tags are used to sort your maps on the {“My Maps”}{https://www.edumaps.de/user/maps} page by clicking on them. Delete entire Map | To delete the entire map, you click on the three dots on the top right and choose “Delete Map”. https://www.edumaps.de/file/2151174142008281385.png/81b6b8y Screenshot: Delete Map Deleting an entire map deletes all paths and boxes. Uploads that were in this map are not deleted automatically because they could be used in other maps. To delete them, visit the {upload manager}{https://www.edumaps.de/upload-manager} and delete them manually. Create a Backup of your Map | You can create a backup of your map by exporting the file as a CSV file. To do this, simply click on the top right of the map (in edit mode) and select "Import/Export". https://www.edumaps.de/file/14230707923091280595.png/3c06kdt “Export Map” in the Map Menu Then the following dialog opens: https://www.edumaps.de/file/5961577260240051309.png/w24mvbg Options for Export Here click on “Edumaps (json)” and a JSON file will be created. This JSON file can be imported again at any time via the main menu “Createt Map” → “Import Map” and choose “Edumaps (json)” in the dialogue. Note that a new map will then be created with the same content. Create Classes/Groups | Each teacher can create their own classes or groups on the {Manage classes}{https://www.edumaps.de/users/sets} page. Classes are not “school-wide”, but are created by each teacher for their own account. You can also create any groups instead of classes (e.g. a math remedial course). The maps can then be distributed to the students in the specified groups (“Share map to class”). Each student in the selected group will then receive a notification on Edumaps. Classes or groups are created once and are available to the user in Edumaps and also in Matheretter. Share individual Boxes and Path | Check out the {Tutorial: Distributing Maps - Additional Options}{https://www.edumaps.de/1082/1/0mr8cun2th}. GDPR compliant | https://www.edumaps.de/file/16119568313172475874.png/2uazwbf Edumaps is GDPR compliant General Information | ✔️ With Edumaps you can: - Create pinboards, timelines and stickerwalls - Create weekly plans - Work in collaboration in real time - Upload files in 100+ formats - Embed media from Edupool and Mundo - Manage students and teachers - Record microphone and webcam directly - Import existing Padlets - Export maps as Moodle courses - Create bookings/courses - Automate Certificates of participation - Organize Reservations for Rentals - Write texts with your team in Teamtext - Create content with our AI Assistant Our startpage contains all the important information and details. Please take a look there. Our FAQ is very comprehensive and answers almost all questions: https://www.edumaps.de/faq We wish you and your students a lot of joy and easy organization with Edumaps. Set up your Account | The following simple steps will set up your account: 1. {Login}{https://www.edumaps.de/login} with Username and Password. 2. Go to your {profile}{https://www.edumaps.de/user/profile}. 3. On your profile you see, which school you belong to. 4. There is also a hint that you should set up your account which links to the {setup-account-page}{https://www.edumaps.de/user/init}. 5. There you specify your email and password. Optionally you can add your name and your class. 6. Confirm and your account is set up. 7. Next an email is sent to you with a link to confirm your new email address. Please click this link. Your email address will help to recover your password if you forgot or lose it. Otherwise your teacher can change your password using the admin account of your school. Remove your Data / Delete your Account | ## Remove your Data If you like to delete all your data, you can open your {user profile}{https://www.edumaps.de/user/profile}, scroll down and click „Remove Data“. On the {Remove Data}{https://www.edumaps.de/user/cleardata} page you can see all the data that will be deleted. Note: The deletion is final and cannot be reverted. Confirm by clicking the button “Remove my data”. ## Delete your Account To delete your account, open your {user profile}{https://www.edumaps.de/user/profile}, scroll down and click „Delete Account“. On the {Delete Account}{https://www.edumaps.de/user/delete} page you can see all the data that will be deleted. Note: The deletion is final and cannot be reverted. – Your account gets immediately deleted and cannot be used afterwards. Confirm by clicking the button “Delete my account”. List of all Students | The list of all student accounts can be found at: !https://www.edumaps.de/users/listCreate student accounts | > Student accounts can only be created with an **admin account**. As a customer, you receive the login to the admin account directly from us. The page to create accounts you find here: https://www.edumaps.de/users/create https://www.edumaps.de/file/14830133031664418645.png/t83m9wv Screenshot: Page Create Accounts You can create teacher and students accounts. There are different ways to create accounts: -- Create without names/emails -- Create via list of names/emails -- Create via CSV file Choose the one that suits your needs. Map Formats | > Pinboards, timelines und stickerwalls are called „Maps“. **Pinboard** The pinboard consists of paths. Each path contains boxes. Multiple paths are positioned side by side. https://www.edumaps.de/file/2387536848564589294.png/6rk7bku Map format: Pinboard **Timeline** The paths are horizontally arranged. The boxes are arranged from left to right. Multiple paths are positioned below each other. https://www.edumaps.de/file/10524896192514210868.png/xp3jac8 Map format: Timeline **Stickerwall** The boxes are freely arranged. There are no paths. https://www.edumaps.de/file/530150540731859997.png/0v6kh3d Map format: Stickerwall ❤️ Changing from one map format to another map format is possible at any time. Create Paths and Boxes | A map / pinboard consists of paths and boxes. ## Creating Paths -- First, create a new map. -- Then click on “Add path”. -- In the path editor, give the path a title. Feel free to set various options. https://www.edumaps.de/file/2372130083984256492.png/1ibmi35 Path Settings > Use the {Tutorial: Path Settings}{https://www.edumaps.de/1077/1/322lwjtlaj} to familiarize yourself with the settings. ## Creating Boxes -- For a pinboard or timeline, you have to first create a path before the “Add Box” button appears. -- On a stickerwall, you can add a new box immediately without creating a path. -- In the box editor, give the box a title. You can also set various options. https://www.edumaps.de/file/11415626548144141786.png/4u5qqjq Box Settings > Use the {Tutorial: Box Settings}{https://www.edumaps.de/1078/1/qbg4lumykj} to familiarize yourself with the settings. Insert Material into Box (Media/Files) | You can easily insert material into a box. First click on the edit icon and then upload any file (photo, video, audio, etc.) by drag and drop or upload button. Further, you can start microphone recordings, photo recordings and webcam recordings directly with the according buttons. https://www.edumaps.de/file/818869845266525196.png/vnxrj5o Box Content Editor with File upload and Recording options Edit Box Content | To edit the contents of a box afterwards, click the orange edit icon or double-click on the box background. You can then use the editor to make your texts and materials look appealing. See {Tutorial: Inputs and Formatting in the Box Editor}{https://www.edumaps.de/1003/1/e9o5ybwc3p} Change the Map Data | If you want to change the data of your map, you can click on the map title or on “Map Settings” in the map menu. This will open the map editor. https://www.edumaps.de/file/2262089247078418409.png/klp7afx Map Editor There are several options you can change: -- Map title -- Format -- Access right -- Background -- Font -- Tags -- Grade -- Extras Move Paths and Boxes | To move a path to the left or right, click on the three dots and choose “Move”: https://www.edumaps.de/file/9847939599623381360.png/tf26071 Screenshot: Move Path To move a box to another position on the map, click on the three dots and choose “Move”. Then drag the box to the new position. https://www.edumaps.de/file/240676770630694920.gif/mp4nbrn Recording: Move Box on Map Delete Box or Path | ## Delete Box To delete a box, you click the three dots and choose “Delete Box”. https://www.edumaps.de/file/7652097680260733039.png/f8rivvw Screenshot: Delete Box ## Delete Path To delete a path, you click the three dots and choose “Delete Path”. Note that all boxes inside this path will also be deleted! https://www.edumaps.de/file/6339823486100343329.png/omnrkkj Screenshot: Delete Path Discover Maps and Copy Maps | In the {Edumaps Media Library}{https://www.edumaps.de/search}, you can find maps and media that you can use freely. Use the search and keyword selection directly on the discover page to find interesting maps. Any public map can be copied by you. Simply click on “Copy map” in the top right menu: https://www.edumaps.de/file/3374460499791862452.png/ts74clw Copy Map You can change the copied map as you like, redesign it and distribute it to third parties. ## Maps of your own school If you click on the tab {“Maps of my school”}{https://www.edumaps.de/maps/school}, you will see all the maps that the teachers of your school have shared. Add external Media and copy boxes from other Maps | You can easily add external media or simply copy boxes from other maps. See details in the tutorials: - {Tutorial: Import of external Media}{https://www.edumaps.de/1067/1/9blpyaqff9} - {Tutorial: Import Content as new Maps}{https://www.edumaps.de/1065/1/bck6c6wbih} - {Tutorial: Copy external Boxes}{https://www.edumaps.de/1073/1/4qjuhw8dpj} Share Maps + Access Rights | You share your map by clicking the share button at the top right: https://www.edumaps.de/file/9247202389746863573.png/tbfvc9s Map Share Button A dialog with the share link will then open: https://www.edumaps.de/file/5039598949331828049.png/7iqo65g Map Share Dialog You can send this link to your students or colleagues if they need to work on the map as well. > See tutorials under {Managing and Distributing Maps}{https://www.edumaps.de/folder/14/1/mtpjedbr82} Rating of Boxes | For each box a drop down can be activated that the students can use to gauge their understanding. https://www.edumaps.de/file/14469155783788168434.png/8ccdmhh Dropdown for Ratings There are three types of ratings: 1. Assessment (get feedback on how the contents of a box is rated) 2. Answer (yes/maybe/no - make a poll) 3. Voting (get feedback on which option A, B or C is preferred) Comments for Discussions and Submissions | Comments can be activated for each box. With the help of the comment function, **discussions** can be held or students can submit their **solutions** (directly to the teacher). In the comments the following inputs are possible: - Text input - Image uploads - Microphone recordings - Uploads of media files https://www.edumaps.de/file/18197824286991307653.png/af9rgok Screenshot: Comment Page and Recording Options Comments can be set to be only visible to the teacher or to anyone viewing the map. All comments (including uploads) can be deleted by the teacher with just one click. 💖 Notifications about new comments are displayed directly on to the top right of the Edumaps website.Notification of new comments | The notification for new comments is displayed in yellow in the top right-hand corner. https://www.edumaps.de/file/12168930795091825294.png/xyv81jm Example of notification Upload of Files into Boxes | You can upload any file to the editor. For example photos, videos, PDFs, MP3s, GIFs, Word documents, ... The allowed file formats can be found in the following map: https://www.edumaps.de/1005/1/c1g5yt7t1t Map: File Formats for Uploads The upload works via drag and drop or with the upload button. Thumbnails are generated for almost all uploaded materials. Overview of Uploads | You can find an overview of all your uploads in the {Upload Manager}{https://www.edumaps.de/upload-manager}. https://www.edumaps.de/file/9184306549642361366.png/cz3q0au Screenshot: Example Upload Manager There you will see the name of each file, the upload date, file type and file size. You can delete any of your files at any time. Furthermore, you can see in which box you uploaded the file. Simply click on the “Show box” button. You can also leave information (e.g. a source) as a reference for each file. Simply click on "no info" to open the input field. This information is only displayed to you. The uploads can be filtered according to “All uploads”, “My uploads” and “Uploads of Others”. Audio Recordings and Webcam Recordings | If you want to leave a message for your students, you can activate your microphone directly in the Box Editor using the "Microphone" button. https://www.edumaps.de/file/15448855259297006847.png/5exhrgd Recording Buttons !#webcam Storage Space | Each account has a certain storage space available. Teachers usually have 1 GB. In the {Upload Manager}{https://www.edumaps.de/upload-manager} you can see how much storage space is still available for you: https://www.edumaps.de/file/9085751328418154324.png/x7rxfjj Example: Display of free Storage Space **Accounting for storage space: ** Your storage space will count towards: 1. Your uploads to your own maps. 2. All uploads to your maps from students/colleagues. 3. Uploads at the comments of the boxes of your maps. Create Map | To create a map click on “Create Map” in the main menu. https://www.edumaps.de/file/12236757706387156513.png/00pg7jt Create Map (Map Editor) > Use the {Tutorial: Map Settings}{https://www.edumaps.de/1076/1/82f7f5907r} to familiarize yourself with the settings. Notes: - If you define “My School” under “Access to Map” then your map will show up for all students under {“Maps of my School”}{https://www.edumaps.de/maps/school} - Tags are used to sort your maps on the {“My Maps”}{https://www.edumaps.de/user/maps} page by clicking on them. Delete entire Map | To delete the entire map, you click on the three dots on the top right and choose “Delete Map”. https://www.edumaps.de/file/2151174142008281385.png/81b6b8y Screenshot: Delete Map Deleting an entire map deletes all paths and boxes. Uploads that were in this map are not deleted automatically because they could be used in other maps. To delete them, visit the {upload manager}{https://www.edumaps.de/upload-manager} and delete them manually. Create a Backup of your Map | You can create a backup of your map by exporting the file as a CSV file. To do this, simply click on the top right of the map (in edit mode) and select "Import/Export". https://www.edumaps.de/file/14230707923091280595.png/3c06kdt “Export Map” in the Map Menu Then the following dialog opens: https://www.edumaps.de/file/5961577260240051309.png/w24mvbg Options for Export Here click on “Edumaps (json)” and a JSON file will be created. This JSON file can be imported again at any time via the main menu “Createt Map” → “Import Map” and choose “Edumaps (json)” in the dialogue. Note that a new map will then be created with the same content. Create Classes/Groups | Each teacher can create their own classes or groups on the {Manage classes}{https://www.edumaps.de/users/sets} page. Classes are not “school-wide”, but are created by each teacher for their own account. You can also create any groups instead of classes (e.g. a math remedial course). The maps can then be distributed to the students in the specified groups (“Share map to class”). Each student in the selected group will then receive a notification on Edumaps. Classes or groups are created once and are available to the user in Edumaps and also in Matheretter. Share individual Boxes and Path | Check out the {Tutorial: Distributing Maps - Additional Options}{https://www.edumaps.de/1082/1/0mr8cun2th}. GDPR compliant | https://www.edumaps.de/file/16119568313172475874.png/2uazwbf Edumaps is GDPR compliant General Information | ✔️ With Edumaps you can: - Create pinboards, timelines and stickerwalls - Create weekly plans - Work in collaboration in real time - Upload files in 100+ formats - Embed media from Edupool and Mundo - Manage students and teachers - Record microphone and webcam directly - Import existing Padlets - Export maps as Moodle courses - Create bookings/courses - Automate Certificates of participation - Organize Reservations for Rentals - Write texts with your team in Teamtext - Create content with our AI Assistant Our startpage contains all the important information and details. Please take a look there. Our FAQ is very comprehensive and answers almost all questions: https://www.edumaps.de/faq We wish you and your students a lot of joy and easy organization with Edumaps. Set up your Account | The following simple steps will set up your account: 1. {Login}{https://www.edumaps.de/login} with Username and Password. 2. Go to your {profile}{https://www.edumaps.de/user/profile}. 3. On your profile you see, which school you belong to. 4. There is also a hint that you should set up your account which links to the {setup-account-page}{https://www.edumaps.de/user/init}. 5. There you specify your email and password. Optionally you can add your name and your class. 6. Confirm and your account is set up. 7. Next an email is sent to you with a link to confirm your new email address. Please click this link. Your email address will help to recover your password if you forgot or lose it. Otherwise your teacher can change your password using the admin account of your school. Remove your Data / Delete your Account | ## Remove your Data If you like to delete all your data, you can open your {user profile}{https://www.edumaps.de/user/profile}, scroll down and click „Remove Data“. On the {Remove Data}{https://www.edumaps.de/user/cleardata} page you can see all the data that will be deleted. Note: The deletion is final and cannot be reverted. Confirm by clicking the button “Remove my data”. ## Delete your Account To delete your account, open your {user profile}{https://www.edumaps.de/user/profile}, scroll down and click „Delete Account“. On the {Delete Account}{https://www.edumaps.de/user/delete} page you can see all the data that will be deleted. Note: The deletion is final and cannot be reverted. – Your account gets immediately deleted and cannot be used afterwards. Confirm by clicking the button “Delete my account”. List of all Students | The list of all student accounts can be found at: !https://www.edumaps.de/users/listCreate student accounts | > Student accounts can only be created with an **admin account**. As a customer, you receive the login to the admin account directly from us. The page to create accounts you find here: https://www.edumaps.de/users/create https://www.edumaps.de/file/14830133031664418645.png/t83m9wv Screenshot: Page Create Accounts You can create teacher and students accounts. There are different ways to create accounts: -- Create without names/emails -- Create via list of names/emails -- Create via CSV file Choose the one that suits your needs. Map Formats | > Pinboards, timelines und stickerwalls are called „Maps“. **Pinboard** The pinboard consists of paths. Each path contains boxes. Multiple paths are positioned side by side. https://www.edumaps.de/file/2387536848564589294.png/6rk7bku Map format: Pinboard **Timeline** The paths are horizontally arranged. The boxes are arranged from left to right. Multiple paths are positioned below each other. https://www.edumaps.de/file/10524896192514210868.png/xp3jac8 Map format: Timeline **Stickerwall** The boxes are freely arranged. There are no paths. https://www.edumaps.de/file/530150540731859997.png/0v6kh3d Map format: Stickerwall ❤️ Changing from one map format to another map format is possible at any time. Create Paths and Boxes | A map / pinboard consists of paths and boxes. ## Creating Paths -- First, create a new map. -- Then click on “Add path”. -- In the path editor, give the path a title. Feel free to set various options. https://www.edumaps.de/file/2372130083984256492.png/1ibmi35 Path Settings > Use the {Tutorial: Path Settings}{https://www.edumaps.de/1077/1/322lwjtlaj} to familiarize yourself with the settings. ## Creating Boxes -- For a pinboard or timeline, you have to first create a path before the “Add Box” button appears. -- On a stickerwall, you can add a new box immediately without creating a path. -- In the box editor, give the box a title. You can also set various options. https://www.edumaps.de/file/11415626548144141786.png/4u5qqjq Box Settings > Use the {Tutorial: Box Settings}{https://www.edumaps.de/1078/1/qbg4lumykj} to familiarize yourself with the settings. Insert Material into Box (Media/Files) | You can easily insert material into a box. First click on the edit icon and then upload any file (photo, video, audio, etc.) by drag and drop or upload button. Further, you can start microphone recordings, photo recordings and webcam recordings directly with the according buttons. https://www.edumaps.de/file/818869845266525196.png/vnxrj5o Box Content Editor with File upload and Recording options Edit Box Content | To edit the contents of a box afterwards, click the orange edit icon or double-click on the box background. You can then use the editor to make your texts and materials look appealing. See {Tutorial: Inputs and Formatting in the Box Editor}{https://www.edumaps.de/1003/1/e9o5ybwc3p} Change the Map Data | If you want to change the data of your map, you can click on the map title or on “Map Settings” in the map menu. This will open the map editor. https://www.edumaps.de/file/2262089247078418409.png/klp7afx Map Editor There are several options you can change: -- Map title -- Format -- Access right -- Background -- Font -- Tags -- Grade -- Extras Move Paths and Boxes | To move a path to the left or right, click on the three dots and choose “Move”: https://www.edumaps.de/file/9847939599623381360.png/tf26071 Screenshot: Move Path To move a box to another position on the map, click on the three dots and choose “Move”. Then drag the box to the new position. https://www.edumaps.de/file/240676770630694920.gif/mp4nbrn Recording: Move Box on Map Delete Box or Path | ## Delete Box To delete a box, you click the three dots and choose “Delete Box”. https://www.edumaps.de/file/7652097680260733039.png/f8rivvw Screenshot: Delete Box ## Delete Path To delete a path, you click the three dots and choose “Delete Path”. Note that all boxes inside this path will also be deleted! https://www.edumaps.de/file/6339823486100343329.png/omnrkkj Screenshot: Delete Path Discover Maps and Copy Maps | In the {Edumaps Media Library}{https://www.edumaps.de/search}, you can find maps and media that you can use freely. Use the search and keyword selection directly on the discover page to find interesting maps. Any public map can be copied by you. Simply click on “Copy map” in the top right menu: https://www.edumaps.de/file/3374460499791862452.png/ts74clw Copy Map You can change the copied map as you like, redesign it and distribute it to third parties. ## Maps of your own school If you click on the tab {“Maps of my school”}{https://www.edumaps.de/maps/school}, you will see all the maps that the teachers of your school have shared. Add external Media and copy boxes from other Maps | You can easily add external media or simply copy boxes from other maps. See details in the tutorials: - {Tutorial: Import of external Media}{https://www.edumaps.de/1067/1/9blpyaqff9} - {Tutorial: Import Content as new Maps}{https://www.edumaps.de/1065/1/bck6c6wbih} - {Tutorial: Copy external Boxes}{https://www.edumaps.de/1073/1/4qjuhw8dpj} Share Maps + Access Rights | You share your map by clicking the share button at the top right: https://www.edumaps.de/file/9247202389746863573.png/tbfvc9s Map Share Button A dialog with the share link will then open: https://www.edumaps.de/file/5039598949331828049.png/7iqo65g Map Share Dialog You can send this link to your students or colleagues if they need to work on the map as well. > See tutorials under {Managing and Distributing Maps}{https://www.edumaps.de/folder/14/1/mtpjedbr82} Rating of Boxes | For each box a drop down can be activated that the students can use to gauge their understanding. https://www.edumaps.de/file/14469155783788168434.png/8ccdmhh Dropdown for Ratings There are three types of ratings: 1. Assessment (get feedback on how the contents of a box is rated) 2. Answer (yes/maybe/no - make a poll) 3. Voting (get feedback on which option A, B or C is preferred) Comments for Discussions and Submissions | Comments can be activated for each box. With the help of the comment function, **discussions** can be held or students can submit their **solutions** (directly to the teacher). In the comments the following inputs are possible: - Text input - Image uploads - Microphone recordings - Uploads of media files https://www.edumaps.de/file/18197824286991307653.png/af9rgok Screenshot: Comment Page and Recording Options Comments can be set to be only visible to the teacher or to anyone viewing the map. All comments (including uploads) can be deleted by the teacher with just one click. 💖 Notifications about new comments are displayed directly on to the top right of the Edumaps website.Notification of new comments | The notification for new comments is displayed in yellow in the top right-hand corner. https://www.edumaps.de/file/12168930795091825294.png/xyv81jm Example of notification Upload of Files into Boxes | You can upload any file to the editor. For example photos, videos, PDFs, MP3s, GIFs, Word documents, ... The allowed file formats can be found in the following map: https://www.edumaps.de/1005/1/c1g5yt7t1t Map: File Formats for Uploads The upload works via drag and drop or with the upload button. Thumbnails are generated for almost all uploaded materials. Overview of Uploads | You can find an overview of all your uploads in the {Upload Manager}{https://www.edumaps.de/upload-manager}. https://www.edumaps.de/file/9184306549642361366.png/cz3q0au Screenshot: Example Upload Manager There you will see the name of each file, the upload date, file type and file size. You can delete any of your files at any time. Furthermore, you can see in which box you uploaded the file. Simply click on the “Show box” button. You can also leave information (e.g. a source) as a reference for each file. Simply click on "no info" to open the input field. This information is only displayed to you. The uploads can be filtered according to “All uploads”, “My uploads” and “Uploads of Others”. Audio Recordings and Webcam Recordings | If you want to leave a message for your students, you can activate your microphone directly in the Box Editor using the "Microphone" button. https://www.edumaps.de/file/15448855259297006847.png/5exhrgd Recording Buttons !#webcam Storage Space | Each account has a certain storage space available. Teachers usually have 1 GB. In the {Upload Manager}{https://www.edumaps.de/upload-manager} you can see how much storage space is still available for you: https://www.edumaps.de/file/9085751328418154324.png/x7rxfjj Example: Display of free Storage Space **Accounting for storage space: ** Your storage space will count towards: 1. Your uploads to your own maps. 2. All uploads to your maps from students/colleagues. 3. Uploads at the comments of the boxes of your maps. Create Map | To create a map click on “Create Map” in the main menu. https://www.edumaps.de/file/12236757706387156513.png/00pg7jt Create Map (Map Editor) > Use the {Tutorial: Map Settings}{https://www.edumaps.de/1076/1/82f7f5907r} to familiarize yourself with the settings. Notes: - If you define “My School” under “Access to Map” then your map will show up for all students under {“Maps of my School”}{https://www.edumaps.de/maps/school} - Tags are used to sort your maps on the {“My Maps”}{https://www.edumaps.de/user/maps} page by clicking on them. Delete entire Map | To delete the entire map, you click on the three dots on the top right and choose “Delete Map”. https://www.edumaps.de/file/2151174142008281385.png/81b6b8y Screenshot: Delete Map Deleting an entire map deletes all paths and boxes. Uploads that were in this map are not deleted automatically because they could be used in other maps. To delete them, visit the {upload manager}{https://www.edumaps.de/upload-manager} and delete them manually. Create a Backup of your Map | You can create a backup of your map by exporting the file as a CSV file. To do this, simply click on the top right of the map (in edit mode) and select "Import/Export". https://www.edumaps.de/file/14230707923091280595.png/3c06kdt “Export Map” in the Map Menu Then the following dialog opens: https://www.edumaps.de/file/5961577260240051309.png/w24mvbg Options for Export Here click on “Edumaps (json)” and a JSON file will be created. This JSON file can be imported again at any time via the main menu “Createt Map” → “Import Map” and choose “Edumaps (json)” in the dialogue. Note that a new map will then be created with the same content. Create Classes/Groups | Each teacher can create their own classes or groups on the {Manage classes}{https://www.edumaps.de/users/sets} page. Classes are not “school-wide”, but are created by each teacher for their own account. You can also create any groups instead of classes (e.g. a math remedial course). The maps can then be distributed to the students in the specified groups (“Share map to class”). Each student in the selected group will then receive a notification on Edumaps. Classes or groups are created once and are available to the user in Edumaps and also in Matheretter. Share individual Boxes and Path | Check out the {Tutorial: Distributing Maps - Additional Options}{https://www.edumaps.de/1082/1/0mr8cun2th}. GDPR compliant | https://www.edumaps.de/file/16119568313172475874.png/2uazwbf Edumaps is GDPR compliant General Information | ✔️ With Edumaps you can: - Create pinboards, timelines and stickerwalls - Create weekly plans - Work in collaboration in real time - Upload files in 100+ formats - Embed media from Edupool and Mundo - Manage students and teachers - Record microphone and webcam directly - Import existing Padlets - Export maps as Moodle courses - Create bookings/courses - Automate Certificates of participation - Organize Reservations for Rentals - Write texts with your team in Teamtext - Create content with our AI Assistant Our startpage contains all the important information and details. Please take a look there. Our FAQ is very comprehensive and answers almost all questions: https://www.edumaps.de/faq We wish you and your students a lot of joy and easy organization with Edumaps. Set up your Account | The following simple steps will set up your account: 1. {Login}{https://www.edumaps.de/login} with Username and Password. 2. Go to your {profile}{https://www.edumaps.de/user/profile}. 3. On your profile you see, which school you belong to. 4. There is also a hint that you should set up your account which links to the {setup-account-page}{https://www.edumaps.de/user/init}. 5. There you specify your email and password. Optionally you can add your name and your class. 6. Confirm and your account is set up. 7. Next an email is sent to you with a link to confirm your new email address. Please click this link. Your email address will help to recover your password if you forgot or lose it. Otherwise your teacher can change your password using the admin account of your school. Remove your Data / Delete your Account | ## Remove your Data If you like to delete all your data, you can open your {user profile}{https://www.edumaps.de/user/profile}, scroll down and click „Remove Data“. On the {Remove Data}{https://www.edumaps.de/user/cleardata} page you can see all the data that will be deleted. Note: The deletion is final and cannot be reverted. Confirm by clicking the button “Remove my data”. ## Delete your Account To delete your account, open your {user profile}{https://www.edumaps.de/user/profile}, scroll down and click „Delete Account“. On the {Delete Account}{https://www.edumaps.de/user/delete} page you can see all the data that will be deleted. Note: The deletion is final and cannot be reverted. – Your account gets immediately deleted and cannot be used afterwards. Confirm by clicking the button “Delete my account”. List of all Students | The list of all student accounts can be found at: !https://www.edumaps.de/users/listCreate student accounts | > Student accounts can only be created with an **admin account**. As a customer, you receive the login to the admin account directly from us. The page to create accounts you find here: https://www.edumaps.de/users/create https://www.edumaps.de/file/14830133031664418645.png/t83m9wv Screenshot: Page Create Accounts You can create teacher and students accounts. There are different ways to create accounts: -- Create without names/emails -- Create via list of names/emails -- Create via CSV file Choose the one that suits your needs. Map Formats | > Pinboards, timelines und stickerwalls are called „Maps“. **Pinboard** The pinboard consists of paths. Each path contains boxes. Multiple paths are positioned side by side. https://www.edumaps.de/file/2387536848564589294.png/6rk7bku Map format: Pinboard **Timeline** The paths are horizontally arranged. The boxes are arranged from left to right. Multiple paths are positioned below each other. https://www.edumaps.de/file/10524896192514210868.png/xp3jac8 Map format: Timeline **Stickerwall** The boxes are freely arranged. There are no paths. https://www.edumaps.de/file/530150540731859997.png/0v6kh3d Map format: Stickerwall ❤️ Changing from one map format to another map format is possible at any time. Create Paths and Boxes | A map / pinboard consists of paths and boxes. ## Creating Paths -- First, create a new map. -- Then click on “Add path”. -- In the path editor, give the path a title. Feel free to set various options. https://www.edumaps.de/file/2372130083984256492.png/1ibmi35 Path Settings > Use the {Tutorial: Path Settings}{https://www.edumaps.de/1077/1/322lwjtlaj} to familiarize yourself with the settings. ## Creating Boxes -- For a pinboard or timeline, you have to first create a path before the “Add Box” button appears. -- On a stickerwall, you can add a new box immediately without creating a path. -- In the box editor, give the box a title. You can also set various options. https://www.edumaps.de/file/11415626548144141786.png/4u5qqjq Box Settings > Use the {Tutorial: Box Settings}{https://www.edumaps.de/1078/1/qbg4lumykj} to familiarize yourself with the settings. Insert Material into Box (Media/Files) | You can easily insert material into a box. First click on the edit icon and then upload any file (photo, video, audio, etc.) by drag and drop or upload button. Further, you can start microphone recordings, photo recordings and webcam recordings directly with the according buttons. https://www.edumaps.de/file/818869845266525196.png/vnxrj5o Box Content Editor with File upload and Recording options Edit Box Content | To edit the contents of a box afterwards, click the orange edit icon or double-click on the box background. You can then use the editor to make your texts and materials look appealing. See {Tutorial: Inputs and Formatting in the Box Editor}{https://www.edumaps.de/1003/1/e9o5ybwc3p} Change the Map Data | If you want to change the data of your map, you can click on the map title or on “Map Settings” in the map menu. This will open the map editor. https://www.edumaps.de/file/2262089247078418409.png/klp7afx Map Editor There are several options you can change: -- Map title -- Format -- Access right -- Background -- Font -- Tags -- Grade -- Extras Move Paths and Boxes | To move a path to the left or right, click on the three dots and choose “Move”: https://www.edumaps.de/file/9847939599623381360.png/tf26071 Screenshot: Move Path To move a box to another position on the map, click on the three dots and choose “Move”. Then drag the box to the new position. https://www.edumaps.de/file/240676770630694920.gif/mp4nbrn Recording: Move Box on Map Delete Box or Path | ## Delete Box To delete a box, you click the three dots and choose “Delete Box”. https://www.edumaps.de/file/7652097680260733039.png/f8rivvw Screenshot: Delete Box ## Delete Path To delete a path, you click the three dots and choose “Delete Path”. Note that all boxes inside this path will also be deleted! https://www.edumaps.de/file/6339823486100343329.png/omnrkkj Screenshot: Delete Path Discover Maps and Copy Maps | In the {Edumaps Media Library}{https://www.edumaps.de/search}, you can find maps and media that you can use freely. Use the search and keyword selection directly on the discover page to find interesting maps. Any public map can be copied by you. Simply click on “Copy map” in the top right menu: https://www.edumaps.de/file/3374460499791862452.png/ts74clw Copy Map You can change the copied map as you like, redesign it and distribute it to third parties. ## Maps of your own school If you click on the tab {“Maps of my school”}{https://www.edumaps.de/maps/school}, you will see all the maps that the teachers of your school have shared. Add external Media and copy boxes from other Maps | You can easily add external media or simply copy boxes from other maps. See details in the tutorials: - {Tutorial: Import of external Media}{https://www.edumaps.de/1067/1/9blpyaqff9} - {Tutorial: Import Content as new Maps}{https://www.edumaps.de/1065/1/bck6c6wbih} - {Tutorial: Copy external Boxes}{https://www.edumaps.de/1073/1/4qjuhw8dpj} Share Maps + Access Rights | You share your map by clicking the share button at the top right: https://www.edumaps.de/file/9247202389746863573.png/tbfvc9s Map Share Button A dialog with the share link will then open: https://www.edumaps.de/file/5039598949331828049.png/7iqo65g Map Share Dialog You can send this link to your students or colleagues if they need to work on the map as well. > See tutorials under {Managing and Distributing Maps}{https://www.edumaps.de/folder/14/1/mtpjedbr82} Rating of Boxes | For each box a drop down can be activated that the students can use to gauge their understanding. https://www.edumaps.de/file/14469155783788168434.png/8ccdmhh Dropdown for Ratings There are three types of ratings: 1. Assessment (get feedback on how the contents of a box is rated) 2. Answer (yes/maybe/no - make a poll) 3. Voting (get feedback on which option A, B or C is preferred) Comments for Discussions and Submissions | Comments can be activated for each box. With the help of the comment function, **discussions** can be held or students can submit their **solutions** (directly to the teacher). In the comments the following inputs are possible: - Text input - Image uploads - Microphone recordings - Uploads of media files https://www.edumaps.de/file/18197824286991307653.png/af9rgok Screenshot: Comment Page and Recording Options Comments can be set to be only visible to the teacher or to anyone viewing the map. All comments (including uploads) can be deleted by the teacher with just one click. 💖 Notifications about new comments are displayed directly on to the top right of the Edumaps website.Notification of new comments | The notification for new comments is displayed in yellow in the top right-hand corner. https://www.edumaps.de/file/12168930795091825294.png/xyv81jm Example of notification Upload of Files into Boxes | You can upload any file to the editor. For example photos, videos, PDFs, MP3s, GIFs, Word documents, ... The allowed file formats can be found in the following map: https://www.edumaps.de/1005/1/c1g5yt7t1t Map: File Formats for Uploads The upload works via drag and drop or with the upload button. Thumbnails are generated for almost all uploaded materials. Overview of Uploads | You can find an overview of all your uploads in the {Upload Manager}{https://www.edumaps.de/upload-manager}. https://www.edumaps.de/file/9184306549642361366.png/cz3q0au Screenshot: Example Upload Manager There you will see the name of each file, the upload date, file type and file size. You can delete any of your files at any time. Furthermore, you can see in which box you uploaded the file. Simply click on the “Show box” button. You can also leave information (e.g. a source) as a reference for each file. Simply click on "no info" to open the input field. This information is only displayed to you. The uploads can be filtered according to “All uploads”, “My uploads” and “Uploads of Others”. Audio Recordings and Webcam Recordings | If you want to leave a message for your students, you can activate your microphone directly in the Box Editor using the "Microphone" button. https://www.edumaps.de/file/15448855259297006847.png/5exhrgd Recording Buttons !#webcam Storage Space | Each account has a certain storage space available. Teachers usually have 1 GB. In the {Upload Manager}{https://www.edumaps.de/upload-manager} you can see how much storage space is still available for you: https://www.edumaps.de/file/9085751328418154324.png/x7rxfjj Example: Display of free Storage Space **Accounting for storage space: ** Your storage space will count towards: 1. Your uploads to your own maps. 2. All uploads to your maps from students/colleagues. 3. Uploads at the comments of the boxes of your maps. Create Map | To create a map click on “Create Map” in the main menu. https://www.edumaps.de/file/12236757706387156513.png/00pg7jt Create Map (Map Editor) > Use the {Tutorial: Map Settings}{https://www.edumaps.de/1076/1/82f7f5907r} to familiarize yourself with the settings. Notes: - If you define “My School” under “Access to Map” then your map will show up for all students under {“Maps of my School”}{https://www.edumaps.de/maps/school} - Tags are used to sort your maps on the {“My Maps”}{https://www.edumaps.de/user/maps} page by clicking on them. Delete entire Map | To delete the entire map, you click on the three dots on the top right and choose “Delete Map”. https://www.edumaps.de/file/2151174142008281385.png/81b6b8y Screenshot: Delete Map Deleting an entire map deletes all paths and boxes. Uploads that were in this map are not deleted automatically because they could be used in other maps. To delete them, visit the {upload manager}{https://www.edumaps.de/upload-manager} and delete them manually. Create a Backup of your Map | You can create a backup of your map by exporting the file as a CSV file. To do this, simply click on the top right of the map (in edit mode) and select "Import/Export". https://www.edumaps.de/file/14230707923091280595.png/3c06kdt “Export Map” in the Map Menu Then the following dialog opens: https://www.edumaps.de/file/5961577260240051309.png/w24mvbg Options for Export Here click on “Edumaps (json)” and a JSON file will be created. This JSON file can be imported again at any time via the main menu “Createt Map” → “Import Map” and choose “Edumaps (json)” in the dialogue. Note that a new map will then be created with the same content. Create Classes/Groups | Each teacher can create their own classes or groups on the {Manage classes}{https://www.edumaps.de/users/sets} page. Classes are not “school-wide”, but are created by each teacher for their own account. You can also create any groups instead of classes (e.g. a math remedial course). The maps can then be distributed to the students in the specified groups (“Share map to class”). Each student in the selected group will then receive a notification on Edumaps. Classes or groups are created once and are available to the user in Edumaps and also in Matheretter. Share individual Boxes and Path | Check out the {Tutorial: Distributing Maps - Additional Options}{https://www.edumaps.de/1082/1/0mr8cun2th}. GDPR compliant | https://www.edumaps.de/file/16119568313172475874.png/2uazwbf Edumaps is GDPR compliant General Information | ✔️ With Edumaps you can: - Create pinboards, timelines and stickerwalls - Create weekly plans - Work in collaboration in real time - Upload files in 100+ formats - Embed media from Edupool and Mundo - Manage students and teachers - Record microphone and webcam directly - Import existing Padlets - Export maps as Moodle courses - Create bookings/courses - Automate Certificates of participation - Organize Reservations for Rentals - Write texts with your team in Teamtext - Create content with our AI Assistant Our startpage contains all the important information and details. Please take a look there. Our FAQ is very comprehensive and answers almost all questions: https://www.edumaps.de/faq We wish you and your students a lot of joy and easy organization with Edumaps. Set up your Account | The following simple steps will set up your account: 1. {Login}{https://www.edumaps.de/login} with Username and Password. 2. Go to your {profile}{https://www.edumaps.de/user/profile}. 3. On your profile you see, which school you belong to. 4. There is also a hint that you should set up your account which links to the {setup-account-page}{https://www.edumaps.de/user/init}. 5. There you specify your email and password. Optionally you can add your name and your class. 6. Confirm and your account is set up. 7. Next an email is sent to you with a link to confirm your new email address. Please click this link. Your email address will help to recover your password if you forgot or lose it. Otherwise your teacher can change your password using the admin account of your school. Remove your Data / Delete your Account | ## Remove your Data If you like to delete all your data, you can open your {user profile}{https://www.edumaps.de/user/profile}, scroll down and click „Remove Data“. On the {Remove Data}{https://www.edumaps.de/user/cleardata} page you can see all the data that will be deleted. Note: The deletion is final and cannot be reverted. Confirm by clicking the button “Remove my data”. ## Delete your Account To delete your account, open your {user profile}{https://www.edumaps.de/user/profile}, scroll down and click „Delete Account“. On the {Delete Account}{https://www.edumaps.de/user/delete} page you can see all the data that will be deleted. Note: The deletion is final and cannot be reverted. – Your account gets immediately deleted and cannot be used afterwards. Confirm by clicking the button “Delete my account”. List of all Students | The list of all student accounts can be found at: !https://www.edumaps.de/users/listCreate student accounts | > Student accounts can only be created with an **admin account**. As a customer, you receive the login to the admin account directly from us. The page to create accounts you find here: https://www.edumaps.de/users/create https://www.edumaps.de/file/14830133031664418645.png/t83m9wv Screenshot: Page Create Accounts You can create teacher and students accounts. There are different ways to create accounts: -- Create without names/emails -- Create via list of names/emails -- Create via CSV file Choose the one that suits your needs. Map Formats | > Pinboards, timelines und stickerwalls are called „Maps“. **Pinboard** The pinboard consists of paths. Each path contains boxes. Multiple paths are positioned side by side. https://www.edumaps.de/file/2387536848564589294.png/6rk7bku Map format: Pinboard **Timeline** The paths are horizontally arranged. The boxes are arranged from left to right. Multiple paths are positioned below each other. https://www.edumaps.de/file/10524896192514210868.png/xp3jac8 Map format: Timeline **Stickerwall** The boxes are freely arranged. There are no paths. https://www.edumaps.de/file/530150540731859997.png/0v6kh3d Map format: Stickerwall ❤️ Changing from one map format to another map format is possible at any time. Create Paths and Boxes | A map / pinboard consists of paths and boxes. ## Creating Paths -- First, create a new map. -- Then click on “Add path”. -- In the path editor, give the path a title. Feel free to set various options. https://www.edumaps.de/file/2372130083984256492.png/1ibmi35 Path Settings > Use the {Tutorial: Path Settings}{https://www.edumaps.de/1077/1/322lwjtlaj} to familiarize yourself with the settings. ## Creating Boxes -- For a pinboard or timeline, you have to first create a path before the “Add Box” button appears. -- On a stickerwall, you can add a new box immediately without creating a path. -- In the box editor, give the box a title. You can also set various options. https://www.edumaps.de/file/11415626548144141786.png/4u5qqjq Box Settings > Use the {Tutorial: Box Settings}{https://www.edumaps.de/1078/1/qbg4lumykj} to familiarize yourself with the settings. Insert Material into Box (Media/Files) | You can easily insert material into a box. First click on the edit icon and then upload any file (photo, video, audio, etc.) by drag and drop or upload button. Further, you can start microphone recordings, photo recordings and webcam recordings directly with the according buttons. https://www.edumaps.de/file/818869845266525196.png/vnxrj5o Box Content Editor with File upload and Recording options Edit Box Content | To edit the contents of a box afterwards, click the orange edit icon or double-click on the box background. You can then use the editor to make your texts and materials look appealing. See {Tutorial: Inputs and Formatting in the Box Editor}{https://www.edumaps.de/1003/1/e9o5ybwc3p} Change the Map Data | If you want to change the data of your map, you can click on the map title or on “Map Settings” in the map menu. This will open the map editor. https://www.edumaps.de/file/2262089247078418409.png/klp7afx Map Editor There are several options you can change: -- Map title -- Format -- Access right -- Background -- Font -- Tags -- Grade -- Extras Move Paths and Boxes | To move a path to the left or right, click on the three dots and choose “Move”: https://www.edumaps.de/file/9847939599623381360.png/tf26071 Screenshot: Move Path To move a box to another position on the map, click on the three dots and choose “Move”. Then drag the box to the new position. https://www.edumaps.de/file/240676770630694920.gif/mp4nbrn Recording: Move Box on Map Delete Box or Path | ## Delete Box To delete a box, you click the three dots and choose “Delete Box”. https://www.edumaps.de/file/7652097680260733039.png/f8rivvw Screenshot: Delete Box ## Delete Path To delete a path, you click the three dots and choose “Delete Path”. Note that all boxes inside this path will also be deleted! https://www.edumaps.de/file/6339823486100343329.png/omnrkkj Screenshot: Delete Path Discover Maps and Copy Maps | In the {Edumaps Media Library}{https://www.edumaps.de/search}, you can find maps and media that you can use freely. Use the search and keyword selection directly on the discover page to find interesting maps. Any public map can be copied by you. Simply click on “Copy map” in the top right menu: https://www.edumaps.de/file/3374460499791862452.png/ts74clw Copy Map You can change the copied map as you like, redesign it and distribute it to third parties. ## Maps of your own school If you click on the tab {“Maps of my school”}{https://www.edumaps.de/maps/school}, you will see all the maps that the teachers of your school have shared. Add external Media and copy boxes from other Maps | You can easily add external media or simply copy boxes from other maps. See details in the tutorials: - {Tutorial: Import of external Media}{https://www.edumaps.de/1067/1/9blpyaqff9} - {Tutorial: Import Content as new Maps}{https://www.edumaps.de/1065/1/bck6c6wbih} - {Tutorial: Copy external Boxes}{https://www.edumaps.de/1073/1/4qjuhw8dpj} Share Maps + Access Rights | You share your map by clicking the share button at the top right: https://www.edumaps.de/file/9247202389746863573.png/tbfvc9s Map Share Button A dialog with the share link will then open: https://www.edumaps.de/file/5039598949331828049.png/7iqo65g Map Share Dialog You can send this link to your students or colleagues if they need to work on the map as well. > See tutorials under {Managing and Distributing Maps}{https://www.edumaps.de/folder/14/1/mtpjedbr82} Rating of Boxes | For each box a drop down can be activated that the students can use to gauge their understanding. https://www.edumaps.de/file/14469155783788168434.png/8ccdmhh Dropdown for Ratings There are three types of ratings: 1. Assessment (get feedback on how the contents of a box is rated) 2. Answer (yes/maybe/no - make a poll) 3. Voting (get feedback on which option A, B or C is preferred) Comments for Discussions and Submissions | Comments can be activated for each box. With the help of the comment function, **discussions** can be held or students can submit their **solutions** (directly to the teacher). In the comments the following inputs are possible: - Text input - Image uploads - Microphone recordings - Uploads of media files https://www.edumaps.de/file/18197824286991307653.png/af9rgok Screenshot: Comment Page and Recording Options Comments can be set to be only visible to the teacher or to anyone viewing the map. All comments (including uploads) can be deleted by the teacher with just one click. 💖 Notifications about new comments are displayed directly on to the top right of the Edumaps website.Notification of new comments | The notification for new comments is displayed in yellow in the top right-hand corner. https://www.edumaps.de/file/12168930795091825294.png/xyv81jm Example of notification Upload of Files into Boxes | You can upload any file to the editor. For example photos, videos, PDFs, MP3s, GIFs, Word documents, ... The allowed file formats can be found in the following map: https://www.edumaps.de/1005/1/c1g5yt7t1t Map: File Formats for Uploads The upload works via drag and drop or with the upload button. Thumbnails are generated for almost all uploaded materials. Overview of Uploads | You can find an overview of all your uploads in the {Upload Manager}{https://www.edumaps.de/upload-manager}. https://www.edumaps.de/file/9184306549642361366.png/cz3q0au Screenshot: Example Upload Manager There you will see the name of each file, the upload date, file type and file size. You can delete any of your files at any time. Furthermore, you can see in which box you uploaded the file. Simply click on the “Show box” button. You can also leave information (e.g. a source) as a reference for each file. Simply click on "no info" to open the input field. This information is only displayed to you. The uploads can be filtered according to “All uploads”, “My uploads” and “Uploads of Others”. Audio Recordings and Webcam Recordings | If you want to leave a message for your students, you can activate your microphone directly in the Box Editor using the "Microphone" button. https://www.edumaps.de/file/15448855259297006847.png/5exhrgd Recording Buttons !#webcam Storage Space | Each account has a certain storage space available. Teachers usually have 1 GB. In the {Upload Manager}{https://www.edumaps.de/upload-manager} you can see how much storage space is still available for you: https://www.edumaps.de/file/9085751328418154324.png/x7rxfjj Example: Display of free Storage Space **Accounting for storage space: ** Your storage space will count towards: 1. Your uploads to your own maps. 2. All uploads to your maps from students/colleagues. 3. Uploads at the comments of the boxes of your maps. Create Map | To create a map click on “Create Map” in the main menu. https://www.edumaps.de/file/12236757706387156513.png/00pg7jt Create Map (Map Editor) > Use the {Tutorial: Map Settings}{https://www.edumaps.de/1076/1/82f7f5907r} to familiarize yourself with the settings. Notes: - If you define “My School” under “Access to Map” then your map will show up for all students under {“Maps of my School”}{https://www.edumaps.de/maps/school} - Tags are used to sort your maps on the {“My Maps”}{https://www.edumaps.de/user/maps} page by clicking on them. Delete entire Map | To delete the entire map, you click on the three dots on the top right and choose “Delete Map”. https://www.edumaps.de/file/2151174142008281385.png/81b6b8y Screenshot: Delete Map Deleting an entire map deletes all paths and boxes. Uploads that were in this map are not deleted automatically because they could be used in other maps. To delete them, visit the {upload manager}{https://www.edumaps.de/upload-manager} and delete them manually. Create a Backup of your Map | You can create a backup of your map by exporting the file as a CSV file. To do this, simply click on the top right of the map (in edit mode) and select "Import/Export". https://www.edumaps.de/file/14230707923091280595.png/3c06kdt “Export Map” in the Map Menu Then the following dialog opens: https://www.edumaps.de/file/5961577260240051309.png/w24mvbg Options for Export Here click on “Edumaps (json)” and a JSON file will be created. This JSON file can be imported again at any time via the main menu “Createt Map” → “Import Map” and choose “Edumaps (json)” in the dialogue. Note that a new map will then be created with the same content. -
5.2 Tutorial for Students on Edumaps
Edumaps GDPR compliant | https://www.edumaps.de/file/16119568313172475874.png/2uazwbf Edumaps is GDPR compliant General Information | ✔️ With Edumaps you can: - Create pinboards, timelines and stickerwalls - Create weekly plans - Work in collaboration in real time - Upload files in 100+ formats - Embed media from Edupool and Mundo - Manage students and teachers - Record microphone and webcam directly - Import existing Padlets - Export maps as Moodle courses - Create bookings/courses - Automate Certificates of participation - Organize Reservations for Rentals - Write texts with your team in Teamtext - Create content with our AI Assistant Our startpage contains all the important information and details. Please take a look there. Our FAQ is very comprehensive and answers almost all questions: https://www.edumaps.de/faq We wish you and your students a lot of joy and easy organization with Edumaps. Set up your Account | The following simple steps will set up your account: 1. {Login}{https://www.edumaps.de/login} with Username and Password. 2. Go to your {profile}{https://www.edumaps.de/user/profile}. 3. On your profile you see, which school you belong to. 4. There is also a hint that you should set up your account which links to the {setup-account-page}{https://www.edumaps.de/user/init}. 5. There you specify your email and password. Optionally you can add your name and your class. 6. Confirm and your account is set up. 7. Next an email is sent to you with a link to confirm your new email address. Please click this link. Your email address will help to recover your password if you forgot or lose it. Otherwise your teacher can change your password using the admin account of your school. Remove your Data / Delete your Account | ## Remove your Data If you like to delete all your data, you can open your {user profile}{https://www.edumaps.de/user/profile}, scroll down and click „Remove Data“. On the {Remove Data}{https://www.edumaps.de/user/cleardata} page you can see all the data that will be deleted. Note: The deletion is final and cannot be reverted. Confirm by clicking the button “Remove my data”. ## Delete your Account To delete your account, open your {user profile}{https://www.edumaps.de/user/profile}, scroll down and click „Delete Account“. On the {Delete Account}{https://www.edumaps.de/user/delete} page you can see all the data that will be deleted. Note: The deletion is final and cannot be reverted. – Your account gets immediately deleted and cannot be used afterwards. Confirm by clicking the button “Delete my account”. Map Formats | > Pinboards, timelines, and stickerwalls are collectively called “maps”. **Pinboard** The pinboard consists of paths. Each path contains boxes. Multiple paths are positioned side by side. https://www.edumaps.de/file/2387536848564589294.png/6rk7bku Map format: Pinboard **Timeline** The paths are horizontally arranged. The boxes are arranged from left to right. Multiple paths are positioned below each other. https://www.edumaps.de/file/10524896192514210868.png/xp3jac8 Map format: Timeline **Stickerwall** The boxes are freely arranged. There are no paths. https://www.edumaps.de/file/530150540731859997.png/0v6kh3d Map format: Stickerwall Comments for Discussions and Submissions | Comments can be activated for each box. With the help of the comment function, **discussions** can be held or students can submit their **solutions** (directly to the teacher). In the comments the following inputs are possible: - Text input - Image uploads - Audio recordings - Uploads of media files Comments can be set to be only visible to the teacher or to anyone viewing the map. All comments (including uploads) can be deleted by the teacher with just one click. 💖 Notifications about new comments are displayed directly on to the top right of the Edumaps website.My Uploads | You find all your uploads listed in the {Upload Manager}{https://www.edumaps.de/upload-manager}. Notification of new comments | The notification for new comments is shown in yellow in the upper right corner. https://www.edumaps.de/file/12168930795091825294.png/xyv81jm Example Notification Maps of my school | If you click on the tab {“Maps of my School”}{https://www.edumaps.de/maps/school} you can see all maps that your teachers published for you. Ratings of Boxes | For each box a drop down can be activated that the students can use to gauge their understanding. https://www.edumaps.de/file/14469155783788168434.png/8ccdmhh Dropdown for Ratings There are three types of ratings: 1. Assessment (get feedback on how the contents of a box is rated) 2. Answer (yes/maybe/no - make a poll) 3. Voting (get feedback on which option A, B or C is preferred) GDPR compliant | https://www.edumaps.de/file/16119568313172475874.png/2uazwbf Edumaps is GDPR compliant General Information | ✔️ With Edumaps you can: - Create pinboards, timelines and stickerwalls - Create weekly plans - Work in collaboration in real time - Upload files in 100+ formats - Embed media from Edupool and Mundo - Manage students and teachers - Record microphone and webcam directly - Import existing Padlets - Export maps as Moodle courses - Create bookings/courses - Automate Certificates of participation - Organize Reservations for Rentals - Write texts with your team in Teamtext - Create content with our AI Assistant Our startpage contains all the important information and details. Please take a look there. Our FAQ is very comprehensive and answers almost all questions: https://www.edumaps.de/faq We wish you and your students a lot of joy and easy organization with Edumaps. Set up your Account | The following simple steps will set up your account: 1. {Login}{https://www.edumaps.de/login} with Username and Password. 2. Go to your {profile}{https://www.edumaps.de/user/profile}. 3. On your profile you see, which school you belong to. 4. There is also a hint that you should set up your account which links to the {setup-account-page}{https://www.edumaps.de/user/init}. 5. There you specify your email and password. Optionally you can add your name and your class. 6. Confirm and your account is set up. 7. Next an email is sent to you with a link to confirm your new email address. Please click this link. Your email address will help to recover your password if you forgot or lose it. Otherwise your teacher can change your password using the admin account of your school. Remove your Data / Delete your Account | ## Remove your Data If you like to delete all your data, you can open your {user profile}{https://www.edumaps.de/user/profile}, scroll down and click „Remove Data“. On the {Remove Data}{https://www.edumaps.de/user/cleardata} page you can see all the data that will be deleted. Note: The deletion is final and cannot be reverted. Confirm by clicking the button “Remove my data”. ## Delete your Account To delete your account, open your {user profile}{https://www.edumaps.de/user/profile}, scroll down and click „Delete Account“. On the {Delete Account}{https://www.edumaps.de/user/delete} page you can see all the data that will be deleted. Note: The deletion is final and cannot be reverted. – Your account gets immediately deleted and cannot be used afterwards. Confirm by clicking the button “Delete my account”. Map Formats | > Pinboards, timelines, and stickerwalls are collectively called “maps”. **Pinboard** The pinboard consists of paths. Each path contains boxes. Multiple paths are positioned side by side. https://www.edumaps.de/file/2387536848564589294.png/6rk7bku Map format: Pinboard **Timeline** The paths are horizontally arranged. The boxes are arranged from left to right. Multiple paths are positioned below each other. https://www.edumaps.de/file/10524896192514210868.png/xp3jac8 Map format: Timeline **Stickerwall** The boxes are freely arranged. There are no paths. https://www.edumaps.de/file/530150540731859997.png/0v6kh3d Map format: Stickerwall Comments for Discussions and Submissions | Comments can be activated for each box. With the help of the comment function, **discussions** can be held or students can submit their **solutions** (directly to the teacher). In the comments the following inputs are possible: - Text input - Image uploads - Audio recordings - Uploads of media files Comments can be set to be only visible to the teacher or to anyone viewing the map. All comments (including uploads) can be deleted by the teacher with just one click. 💖 Notifications about new comments are displayed directly on to the top right of the Edumaps website.My Uploads | You find all your uploads listed in the {Upload Manager}{https://www.edumaps.de/upload-manager}. Notification of new comments | The notification for new comments is shown in yellow in the upper right corner. https://www.edumaps.de/file/12168930795091825294.png/xyv81jm Example Notification Maps of my school | If you click on the tab {“Maps of my School”}{https://www.edumaps.de/maps/school} you can see all maps that your teachers published for you. Ratings of Boxes | For each box a drop down can be activated that the students can use to gauge their understanding. https://www.edumaps.de/file/14469155783788168434.png/8ccdmhh Dropdown for Ratings There are three types of ratings: 1. Assessment (get feedback on how the contents of a box is rated) 2. Answer (yes/maybe/no - make a poll) 3. Voting (get feedback on which option A, B or C is preferred) GDPR compliant | https://www.edumaps.de/file/16119568313172475874.png/2uazwbf Edumaps is GDPR compliant General Information | ✔️ With Edumaps you can: - Create pinboards, timelines and stickerwalls - Create weekly plans - Work in collaboration in real time - Upload files in 100+ formats - Embed media from Edupool and Mundo - Manage students and teachers - Record microphone and webcam directly - Import existing Padlets - Export maps as Moodle courses - Create bookings/courses - Automate Certificates of participation - Organize Reservations for Rentals - Write texts with your team in Teamtext - Create content with our AI Assistant Our startpage contains all the important information and details. Please take a look there. Our FAQ is very comprehensive and answers almost all questions: https://www.edumaps.de/faq We wish you and your students a lot of joy and easy organization with Edumaps. Set up your Account | The following simple steps will set up your account: 1. {Login}{https://www.edumaps.de/login} with Username and Password. 2. Go to your {profile}{https://www.edumaps.de/user/profile}. 3. On your profile you see, which school you belong to. 4. There is also a hint that you should set up your account which links to the {setup-account-page}{https://www.edumaps.de/user/init}. 5. There you specify your email and password. Optionally you can add your name and your class. 6. Confirm and your account is set up. 7. Next an email is sent to you with a link to confirm your new email address. Please click this link. Your email address will help to recover your password if you forgot or lose it. Otherwise your teacher can change your password using the admin account of your school. Remove your Data / Delete your Account | ## Remove your Data If you like to delete all your data, you can open your {user profile}{https://www.edumaps.de/user/profile}, scroll down and click „Remove Data“. On the {Remove Data}{https://www.edumaps.de/user/cleardata} page you can see all the data that will be deleted. Note: The deletion is final and cannot be reverted. Confirm by clicking the button “Remove my data”. ## Delete your Account To delete your account, open your {user profile}{https://www.edumaps.de/user/profile}, scroll down and click „Delete Account“. On the {Delete Account}{https://www.edumaps.de/user/delete} page you can see all the data that will be deleted. Note: The deletion is final and cannot be reverted. – Your account gets immediately deleted and cannot be used afterwards. Confirm by clicking the button “Delete my account”. Map Formats | > Pinboards, timelines, and stickerwalls are collectively called “maps”. **Pinboard** The pinboard consists of paths. Each path contains boxes. Multiple paths are positioned side by side. https://www.edumaps.de/file/2387536848564589294.png/6rk7bku Map format: Pinboard **Timeline** The paths are horizontally arranged. The boxes are arranged from left to right. Multiple paths are positioned below each other. https://www.edumaps.de/file/10524896192514210868.png/xp3jac8 Map format: Timeline **Stickerwall** The boxes are freely arranged. There are no paths. https://www.edumaps.de/file/530150540731859997.png/0v6kh3d Map format: Stickerwall Comments for Discussions and Submissions | Comments can be activated for each box. With the help of the comment function, **discussions** can be held or students can submit their **solutions** (directly to the teacher). In the comments the following inputs are possible: - Text input - Image uploads - Audio recordings - Uploads of media files Comments can be set to be only visible to the teacher or to anyone viewing the map. All comments (including uploads) can be deleted by the teacher with just one click. 💖 Notifications about new comments are displayed directly on to the top right of the Edumaps website.My Uploads | You find all your uploads listed in the {Upload Manager}{https://www.edumaps.de/upload-manager}. Notification of new comments | The notification for new comments is shown in yellow in the upper right corner. https://www.edumaps.de/file/12168930795091825294.png/xyv81jm Example Notification Maps of my school | If you click on the tab {“Maps of my School”}{https://www.edumaps.de/maps/school} you can see all maps that your teachers published for you. Ratings of Boxes | For each box a drop down can be activated that the students can use to gauge their understanding. https://www.edumaps.de/file/14469155783788168434.png/8ccdmhh Dropdown for Ratings There are three types of ratings: 1. Assessment (get feedback on how the contents of a box is rated) 2. Answer (yes/maybe/no - make a poll) 3. Voting (get feedback on which option A, B or C is preferred) GDPR compliant | https://www.edumaps.de/file/16119568313172475874.png/2uazwbf Edumaps is GDPR compliant General Information | ✔️ With Edumaps you can: - Create pinboards, timelines and stickerwalls - Create weekly plans - Work in collaboration in real time - Upload files in 100+ formats - Embed media from Edupool and Mundo - Manage students and teachers - Record microphone and webcam directly - Import existing Padlets - Export maps as Moodle courses - Create bookings/courses - Automate Certificates of participation - Organize Reservations for Rentals - Write texts with your team in Teamtext - Create content with our AI Assistant Our startpage contains all the important information and details. Please take a look there. Our FAQ is very comprehensive and answers almost all questions: https://www.edumaps.de/faq We wish you and your students a lot of joy and easy organization with Edumaps. Set up your Account | The following simple steps will set up your account: 1. {Login}{https://www.edumaps.de/login} with Username and Password. 2. Go to your {profile}{https://www.edumaps.de/user/profile}. 3. On your profile you see, which school you belong to. 4. There is also a hint that you should set up your account which links to the {setup-account-page}{https://www.edumaps.de/user/init}. 5. There you specify your email and password. Optionally you can add your name and your class. 6. Confirm and your account is set up. 7. Next an email is sent to you with a link to confirm your new email address. Please click this link. Your email address will help to recover your password if you forgot or lose it. Otherwise your teacher can change your password using the admin account of your school. Remove your Data / Delete your Account | ## Remove your Data If you like to delete all your data, you can open your {user profile}{https://www.edumaps.de/user/profile}, scroll down and click „Remove Data“. On the {Remove Data}{https://www.edumaps.de/user/cleardata} page you can see all the data that will be deleted. Note: The deletion is final and cannot be reverted. Confirm by clicking the button “Remove my data”. ## Delete your Account To delete your account, open your {user profile}{https://www.edumaps.de/user/profile}, scroll down and click „Delete Account“. On the {Delete Account}{https://www.edumaps.de/user/delete} page you can see all the data that will be deleted. Note: The deletion is final and cannot be reverted. – Your account gets immediately deleted and cannot be used afterwards. Confirm by clicking the button “Delete my account”. Map Formats | > Pinboards, timelines, and stickerwalls are collectively called “maps”. **Pinboard** The pinboard consists of paths. Each path contains boxes. Multiple paths are positioned side by side. https://www.edumaps.de/file/2387536848564589294.png/6rk7bku Map format: Pinboard **Timeline** The paths are horizontally arranged. The boxes are arranged from left to right. Multiple paths are positioned below each other. https://www.edumaps.de/file/10524896192514210868.png/xp3jac8 Map format: Timeline **Stickerwall** The boxes are freely arranged. There are no paths. https://www.edumaps.de/file/530150540731859997.png/0v6kh3d Map format: Stickerwall Comments for Discussions and Submissions | Comments can be activated for each box. With the help of the comment function, **discussions** can be held or students can submit their **solutions** (directly to the teacher). In the comments the following inputs are possible: - Text input - Image uploads - Audio recordings - Uploads of media files Comments can be set to be only visible to the teacher or to anyone viewing the map. All comments (including uploads) can be deleted by the teacher with just one click. 💖 Notifications about new comments are displayed directly on to the top right of the Edumaps website.My Uploads | You find all your uploads listed in the {Upload Manager}{https://www.edumaps.de/upload-manager}. Notification of new comments | The notification for new comments is shown in yellow in the upper right corner. https://www.edumaps.de/file/12168930795091825294.png/xyv81jm Example Notification Maps of my school | If you click on the tab {“Maps of my School”}{https://www.edumaps.de/maps/school} you can see all maps that your teachers published for you. Ratings of Boxes | For each box a drop down can be activated that the students can use to gauge their understanding. https://www.edumaps.de/file/14469155783788168434.png/8ccdmhh Dropdown for Ratings There are three types of ratings: 1. Assessment (get feedback on how the contents of a box is rated) 2. Answer (yes/maybe/no - make a poll) 3. Voting (get feedback on which option A, B or C is preferred) GDPR compliant | https://www.edumaps.de/file/16119568313172475874.png/2uazwbf Edumaps is GDPR compliant General Information | ✔️ With Edumaps you can: - Create pinboards, timelines and stickerwalls - Create weekly plans - Work in collaboration in real time - Upload files in 100+ formats - Embed media from Edupool and Mundo - Manage students and teachers - Record microphone and webcam directly - Import existing Padlets - Export maps as Moodle courses - Create bookings/courses - Automate Certificates of participation - Organize Reservations for Rentals - Write texts with your team in Teamtext - Create content with our AI Assistant Our startpage contains all the important information and details. Please take a look there. Our FAQ is very comprehensive and answers almost all questions: https://www.edumaps.de/faq We wish you and your students a lot of joy and easy organization with Edumaps. Set up your Account | The following simple steps will set up your account: 1. {Login}{https://www.edumaps.de/login} with Username and Password. 2. Go to your {profile}{https://www.edumaps.de/user/profile}. 3. On your profile you see, which school you belong to. 4. There is also a hint that you should set up your account which links to the {setup-account-page}{https://www.edumaps.de/user/init}. 5. There you specify your email and password. Optionally you can add your name and your class. 6. Confirm and your account is set up. 7. Next an email is sent to you with a link to confirm your new email address. Please click this link. Your email address will help to recover your password if you forgot or lose it. Otherwise your teacher can change your password using the admin account of your school. Remove your Data / Delete your Account | ## Remove your Data If you like to delete all your data, you can open your {user profile}{https://www.edumaps.de/user/profile}, scroll down and click „Remove Data“. On the {Remove Data}{https://www.edumaps.de/user/cleardata} page you can see all the data that will be deleted. Note: The deletion is final and cannot be reverted. Confirm by clicking the button “Remove my data”. ## Delete your Account To delete your account, open your {user profile}{https://www.edumaps.de/user/profile}, scroll down and click „Delete Account“. On the {Delete Account}{https://www.edumaps.de/user/delete} page you can see all the data that will be deleted. Note: The deletion is final and cannot be reverted. – Your account gets immediately deleted and cannot be used afterwards. Confirm by clicking the button “Delete my account”. Map Formats | > Pinboards, timelines, and stickerwalls are collectively called “maps”. **Pinboard** The pinboard consists of paths. Each path contains boxes. Multiple paths are positioned side by side. https://www.edumaps.de/file/2387536848564589294.png/6rk7bku Map format: Pinboard **Timeline** The paths are horizontally arranged. The boxes are arranged from left to right. Multiple paths are positioned below each other. https://www.edumaps.de/file/10524896192514210868.png/xp3jac8 Map format: Timeline **Stickerwall** The boxes are freely arranged. There are no paths. https://www.edumaps.de/file/530150540731859997.png/0v6kh3d Map format: Stickerwall Comments for Discussions and Submissions | Comments can be activated for each box. With the help of the comment function, **discussions** can be held or students can submit their **solutions** (directly to the teacher). In the comments the following inputs are possible: - Text input - Image uploads - Audio recordings - Uploads of media files Comments can be set to be only visible to the teacher or to anyone viewing the map. All comments (including uploads) can be deleted by the teacher with just one click. 💖 Notifications about new comments are displayed directly on to the top right of the Edumaps website.My Uploads | You find all your uploads listed in the {Upload Manager}{https://www.edumaps.de/upload-manager}. Notification of new comments | The notification for new comments is shown in yellow in the upper right corner. https://www.edumaps.de/file/12168930795091825294.png/xyv81jm Example Notification Maps of my school | If you click on the tab {“Maps of my School”}{https://www.edumaps.de/maps/school} you can see all maps that your teachers published for you. Ratings of Boxes | For each box a drop down can be activated that the students can use to gauge their understanding. https://www.edumaps.de/file/14469155783788168434.png/8ccdmhh Dropdown for Ratings There are three types of ratings: 1. Assessment (get feedback on how the contents of a box is rated) 2. Answer (yes/maybe/no - make a poll) 3. Voting (get feedback on which option A, B or C is preferred) GDPR compliant | https://www.edumaps.de/file/16119568313172475874.png/2uazwbf Edumaps is GDPR compliant General Information | ✔️ With Edumaps you can: - Create pinboards, timelines and stickerwalls - Create weekly plans - Work in collaboration in real time - Upload files in 100+ formats - Embed media from Edupool and Mundo - Manage students and teachers - Record microphone and webcam directly - Import existing Padlets - Export maps as Moodle courses - Create bookings/courses - Automate Certificates of participation - Organize Reservations for Rentals - Write texts with your team in Teamtext - Create content with our AI Assistant Our startpage contains all the important information and details. Please take a look there. Our FAQ is very comprehensive and answers almost all questions: https://www.edumaps.de/faq We wish you and your students a lot of joy and easy organization with Edumaps. Set up your Account | The following simple steps will set up your account: 1. {Login}{https://www.edumaps.de/login} with Username and Password. 2. Go to your {profile}{https://www.edumaps.de/user/profile}. 3. On your profile you see, which school you belong to. 4. There is also a hint that you should set up your account which links to the {setup-account-page}{https://www.edumaps.de/user/init}. 5. There you specify your email and password. Optionally you can add your name and your class. 6. Confirm and your account is set up. 7. Next an email is sent to you with a link to confirm your new email address. Please click this link. Your email address will help to recover your password if you forgot or lose it. Otherwise your teacher can change your password using the admin account of your school. Remove your Data / Delete your Account | ## Remove your Data If you like to delete all your data, you can open your {user profile}{https://www.edumaps.de/user/profile}, scroll down and click „Remove Data“. On the {Remove Data}{https://www.edumaps.de/user/cleardata} page you can see all the data that will be deleted. Note: The deletion is final and cannot be reverted. Confirm by clicking the button “Remove my data”. ## Delete your Account To delete your account, open your {user profile}{https://www.edumaps.de/user/profile}, scroll down and click „Delete Account“. On the {Delete Account}{https://www.edumaps.de/user/delete} page you can see all the data that will be deleted. Note: The deletion is final and cannot be reverted. – Your account gets immediately deleted and cannot be used afterwards. Confirm by clicking the button “Delete my account”. Map Formats | > Pinboards, timelines, and stickerwalls are collectively called “maps”. **Pinboard** The pinboard consists of paths. Each path contains boxes. Multiple paths are positioned side by side. https://www.edumaps.de/file/2387536848564589294.png/6rk7bku Map format: Pinboard **Timeline** The paths are horizontally arranged. The boxes are arranged from left to right. Multiple paths are positioned below each other. https://www.edumaps.de/file/10524896192514210868.png/xp3jac8 Map format: Timeline **Stickerwall** The boxes are freely arranged. There are no paths. https://www.edumaps.de/file/530150540731859997.png/0v6kh3d Map format: Stickerwall Comments for Discussions and Submissions | Comments can be activated for each box. With the help of the comment function, **discussions** can be held or students can submit their **solutions** (directly to the teacher). In the comments the following inputs are possible: - Text input - Image uploads - Audio recordings - Uploads of media files Comments can be set to be only visible to the teacher or to anyone viewing the map. All comments (including uploads) can be deleted by the teacher with just one click. 💖 Notifications about new comments are displayed directly on to the top right of the Edumaps website.My Uploads | You find all your uploads listed in the {Upload Manager}{https://www.edumaps.de/upload-manager}. Notification of new comments | The notification for new comments is shown in yellow in the upper right corner. https://www.edumaps.de/file/12168930795091825294.png/xyv81jm Example Notification Maps of my school | If you click on the tab {“Maps of my School”}{https://www.edumaps.de/maps/school} you can see all maps that your teachers published for you. Ratings of Boxes | For each box a drop down can be activated that the students can use to gauge their understanding. https://www.edumaps.de/file/14469155783788168434.png/8ccdmhh Dropdown for Ratings There are three types of ratings: 1. Assessment (get feedback on how the contents of a box is rated) 2. Answer (yes/maybe/no - make a poll) 3. Voting (get feedback on which option A, B or C is preferred) -
5.3 Tutorial for Admins on Edumaps
Edumaps Create Single-Sign-Ons | With various single sign-on solutions, your teachers and students can also log in to Edumaps. For example: - IServ ({Instructions}{https://www.edumaps.de/1050/1/9p332rdqbb}) - Edupool - various state solutions Important: Admin accounts should never be used personally and are never accessible via single sign-ons. For your own maps, you should definitely use a teacher account. However, you can always use the admin account to manually create accounts without single sign-on. !#sso Merge User Accounts | On the page {List of all Accounts}{https://www.edumaps.de/users/list} you will find the button “Merge accounts”. Here you can merge two accounts with each other, meaning, combine the data. https://www.edumaps.de/file/16664547426370142708.png/ip1uemz Page: Merge accounts Both accounts must be associated with your school. !#merge Update accounts (e.g. school year transition) | To update student accounts (for example, if the class levels change at the end of the school year), you can use the CSV import method. -- Go to the {Create Accounts}{https://www.edumaps.de/users/create} page with your admin account. -- Click on “Create via CSV File" and upload your CSV file. -- **Important: The system requires unique names. The name can only appear once. If "Max Muster" appears twice, you must set "Max Muster 2" for the second user with the same name.** -- The CSV must contain the entry `Name,Email,Class` per line for class updates. The email can be empty, for example: `Max Muster, ,10B` -- Then submit the file. A verification report will be automatically generated by the server indicating which data will be updated. -- Correct the data as needed (you can change the data directly in the verification table). Click "Check All" again and then, if no errors are shown, click the “Create User” button. When importing CSV files, the server checks whether the respective name and email address are already contained in the Edumaps user database. The name takes precedence in the check (names must be unique). After uploading the CSV file, you will see a verification report that lists all changes in detail. Tip: As an admin, before importing CSV files, delete all created classes under {Manage Classes}{https://www.edumaps.de/users/sets}. Then, during the CSV import, activate the option "Create the classes listed in the table as new classes and replace old classes." This way, all classes will be newly created. !#update Create Login Pass for Students | It has been found helpful for young students to create a login pass. The login pass contains all necessary login information as well as a QR code that logs the student in directly upon scanning. > As an admin, you can always print login passes immediately after {creating accounts}{https://www.edumaps.de/users/create}. https://www.edumaps.de/file/11135525094453912591.png/z2ju3yc Example of a login pass Should you wish to create a login pass later, it is only possible by assigning a new password. - Go to the {list of all accounts}{https://www.edumaps.de/users/list}. - Find the student and click on "Edit." - Set the new password. Then the following appears: https://www.edumaps.de/file/15406207708816798663.png/pf2jnn6 By clicking "print here," the login pass for the student will be displayed to you. https://www.edumaps.de/file/6884693863079475564.png/kzrfyjb !#loginpass List of all Accounts | A list of all existing accounts you find on the page {List of Accounts}{https://www.edumaps.de/users/list}. https://www.edumaps.de/file/10303655347133025389.png/j760x8c List of Accounts !#accountlist Create Accounts for Students and Teachers | On the page {Create Accounts}{https://www.edumaps.de/users/create} you can see how many student and teacher accounts can be created and how many have already been created. https://www.edumaps.de/file/5307494396579137730.png/h4e3iit Page: Create Accounts At the bottom you find **3 options** for creating new accounts: - Create without names/emails - Create via list of names/emails - Create via CSV file Choose the option that suits you and create new student and teacher accounts. https://www.edumaps.de/file/5325215568753792250.png/k2l93yg 1. Create Accounts without emails https://www.edumaps.de/file/1538152060655089283.png/5hljcww 2. Create Accounts via List (names/emails) https://www.edumaps.de/file/18205004338966985074.png/vjnxbmx 3. Create Accounts via CSV file Tip: When you create accounts via a CSV file, you can also specify the class name, which is imported into the system, in addition to name and e-mail. !#createaccounts Introduction | ✔️ With an admin account, you have a powerful and responsible tool at your disposal. ✔️ With an admin account, you can manage the following things: **Table of Contents** -- {Create single sign-ons}{!#sso} -- {List of all accounts}{!#accountlist} -- {Create accounts for teachers and students}{!#createaccounts} -- {Edit accounts}{!#editaccounts} -- {Delete accounts}{!#deleteaccounts} -- {Create classes (template for teachers)}{!#createclasses} -- {Invite users to your school}{!#invite} -- {Merge User Accounts}{!#merge} -- {Update accounts (e.g. school year transition)}{!#update} -- {Create Login Pass for Students}{!#loginpass} Create Classes (Presets for Teachers) | In principle, each teacher creates their own classes, but a lot of time can be saved if you create classes with the admin account. Because the classes created by the school admin are available to all your teachers as “Prepared Classes”. With an admin account you can create classes as follows: 1. Go to the {Manage Classes}{https://www.edumaps.de/users/sets} page. 2. Create classes. 3. Add students to each class. https://www.edumaps.de/file/16714247247247611015.png/mp2p12t Add students to the class As soon as you have created classes, all your teachers will see a “Prepared classes” button on the {Manage classes}{https://www.edumaps.de/users/sets} page. When teachers click on it, they come to a page where they can use the prepared classes. !#createclasses Delete Accounts | Accounts can easily be deleted from the {List of Accounts page}{https://www.edumaps.de/users/list}. Just click on the trash icon on the right, check if it is the correct account, and then confirm the deletion. https://www.edumaps.de/file/2036898997612049633.png/yobosdc Button: Delete Account https://www.edumaps.de/file/14915312260944161699.png/co7xnyr Delete Account Page !#deleteaccounts Edit Accounts | On the page {List of Accounts}{https://www.edumaps.de/users/list} you can edit each user that is part of your school/organisation. You can change the usernames, the email and the password by clicking on the pen icon. https://www.edumaps.de/file/15472788044194819663.png/wurt74h List of all users https://www.edumaps.de/file/10313734644658738539.png/iaw2z89 Editing an account !#editaccounts Invite Users to your School | On the {List of Accounts}{https://www.edumaps.de/users/list} page you can also invite existing users to join your school/organization. To do so, click the blue button "Invite user" which brings you to the page {Invite user}{https://www.edumaps.de/users/invite}. https://www.edumaps.de/file/4488098043458063093.png/wzxj1lm Page: Invite user Enter the user's email and s/he will receive an invitation link. Important: The user must already have an account with Edumaps, only then can he be invited. !#invite Create Single-Sign-Ons | With various single sign-on solutions, your teachers and students can also log in to Edumaps. For example: - IServ ({Instructions}{https://www.edumaps.de/1050/1/9p332rdqbb}) - Edupool - various state solutions Important: Admin accounts should never be used personally and are never accessible via single sign-ons. For your own maps, you should definitely use a teacher account. However, you can always use the admin account to manually create accounts without single sign-on. !#sso Merge User Accounts | On the page {List of all Accounts}{https://www.edumaps.de/users/list} you will find the button “Merge accounts”. Here you can merge two accounts with each other, meaning, combine the data. https://www.edumaps.de/file/16664547426370142708.png/ip1uemz Page: Merge accounts Both accounts must be associated with your school. !#merge Update accounts (e.g. school year transition) | To update student accounts (for example, if the class levels change at the end of the school year), you can use the CSV import method. -- Go to the {Create Accounts}{https://www.edumaps.de/users/create} page with your admin account. -- Click on “Create via CSV File" and upload your CSV file. -- **Important: The system requires unique names. The name can only appear once. If "Max Muster" appears twice, you must set "Max Muster 2" for the second user with the same name.** -- The CSV must contain the entry `Name,Email,Class` per line for class updates. The email can be empty, for example: `Max Muster, ,10B` -- Then submit the file. A verification report will be automatically generated by the server indicating which data will be updated. -- Correct the data as needed (you can change the data directly in the verification table). Click "Check All" again and then, if no errors are shown, click the “Create User” button. When importing CSV files, the server checks whether the respective name and email address are already contained in the Edumaps user database. The name takes precedence in the check (names must be unique). After uploading the CSV file, you will see a verification report that lists all changes in detail. Tip: As an admin, before importing CSV files, delete all created classes under {Manage Classes}{https://www.edumaps.de/users/sets}. Then, during the CSV import, activate the option "Create the classes listed in the table as new classes and replace old classes." This way, all classes will be newly created. !#update Create Login Pass for Students | It has been found helpful for young students to create a login pass. The login pass contains all necessary login information as well as a QR code that logs the student in directly upon scanning. > As an admin, you can always print login passes immediately after {creating accounts}{https://www.edumaps.de/users/create}. https://www.edumaps.de/file/11135525094453912591.png/z2ju3yc Example of a login pass Should you wish to create a login pass later, it is only possible by assigning a new password. - Go to the {list of all accounts}{https://www.edumaps.de/users/list}. - Find the student and click on "Edit." - Set the new password. Then the following appears: https://www.edumaps.de/file/15406207708816798663.png/pf2jnn6 By clicking "print here," the login pass for the student will be displayed to you. https://www.edumaps.de/file/6884693863079475564.png/kzrfyjb !#loginpass List of all Accounts | A list of all existing accounts you find on the page {List of Accounts}{https://www.edumaps.de/users/list}. https://www.edumaps.de/file/10303655347133025389.png/j760x8c List of Accounts !#accountlist Create Accounts for Students and Teachers | On the page {Create Accounts}{https://www.edumaps.de/users/create} you can see how many student and teacher accounts can be created and how many have already been created. https://www.edumaps.de/file/5307494396579137730.png/h4e3iit Page: Create Accounts At the bottom you find **3 options** for creating new accounts: - Create without names/emails - Create via list of names/emails - Create via CSV file Choose the option that suits you and create new student and teacher accounts. https://www.edumaps.de/file/5325215568753792250.png/k2l93yg 1. Create Accounts without emails https://www.edumaps.de/file/1538152060655089283.png/5hljcww 2. Create Accounts via List (names/emails) https://www.edumaps.de/file/18205004338966985074.png/vjnxbmx 3. Create Accounts via CSV file Tip: When you create accounts via a CSV file, you can also specify the class name, which is imported into the system, in addition to name and e-mail. !#createaccounts Introduction | ✔️ With an admin account, you have a powerful and responsible tool at your disposal. ✔️ With an admin account, you can manage the following things: **Table of Contents** -- {Create single sign-ons}{!#sso} -- {List of all accounts}{!#accountlist} -- {Create accounts for teachers and students}{!#createaccounts} -- {Edit accounts}{!#editaccounts} -- {Delete accounts}{!#deleteaccounts} -- {Create classes (template for teachers)}{!#createclasses} -- {Invite users to your school}{!#invite} -- {Merge User Accounts}{!#merge} -- {Update accounts (e.g. school year transition)}{!#update} -- {Create Login Pass for Students}{!#loginpass} Create Classes (Presets for Teachers) | In principle, each teacher creates their own classes, but a lot of time can be saved if you create classes with the admin account. Because the classes created by the school admin are available to all your teachers as “Prepared Classes”. With an admin account you can create classes as follows: 1. Go to the {Manage Classes}{https://www.edumaps.de/users/sets} page. 2. Create classes. 3. Add students to each class. https://www.edumaps.de/file/16714247247247611015.png/mp2p12t Add students to the class As soon as you have created classes, all your teachers will see a “Prepared classes” button on the {Manage classes}{https://www.edumaps.de/users/sets} page. When teachers click on it, they come to a page where they can use the prepared classes. !#createclasses Delete Accounts | Accounts can easily be deleted from the {List of Accounts page}{https://www.edumaps.de/users/list}. Just click on the trash icon on the right, check if it is the correct account, and then confirm the deletion. https://www.edumaps.de/file/2036898997612049633.png/yobosdc Button: Delete Account https://www.edumaps.de/file/14915312260944161699.png/co7xnyr Delete Account Page !#deleteaccounts Edit Accounts | On the page {List of Accounts}{https://www.edumaps.de/users/list} you can edit each user that is part of your school/organisation. You can change the usernames, the email and the password by clicking on the pen icon. https://www.edumaps.de/file/15472788044194819663.png/wurt74h List of all users https://www.edumaps.de/file/10313734644658738539.png/iaw2z89 Editing an account !#editaccounts Invite Users to your School | On the {List of Accounts}{https://www.edumaps.de/users/list} page you can also invite existing users to join your school/organization. To do so, click the blue button "Invite user" which brings you to the page {Invite user}{https://www.edumaps.de/users/invite}. https://www.edumaps.de/file/4488098043458063093.png/wzxj1lm Page: Invite user Enter the user's email and s/he will receive an invitation link. Important: The user must already have an account with Edumaps, only then can he be invited. !#invite Create Single-Sign-Ons | With various single sign-on solutions, your teachers and students can also log in to Edumaps. For example: - IServ ({Instructions}{https://www.edumaps.de/1050/1/9p332rdqbb}) - Edupool - various state solutions Important: Admin accounts should never be used personally and are never accessible via single sign-ons. For your own maps, you should definitely use a teacher account. However, you can always use the admin account to manually create accounts without single sign-on. !#sso Merge User Accounts | On the page {List of all Accounts}{https://www.edumaps.de/users/list} you will find the button “Merge accounts”. Here you can merge two accounts with each other, meaning, combine the data. https://www.edumaps.de/file/16664547426370142708.png/ip1uemz Page: Merge accounts Both accounts must be associated with your school. !#merge Update accounts (e.g. school year transition) | To update student accounts (for example, if the class levels change at the end of the school year), you can use the CSV import method. -- Go to the {Create Accounts}{https://www.edumaps.de/users/create} page with your admin account. -- Click on “Create via CSV File" and upload your CSV file. -- **Important: The system requires unique names. The name can only appear once. If "Max Muster" appears twice, you must set "Max Muster 2" for the second user with the same name.** -- The CSV must contain the entry `Name,Email,Class` per line for class updates. The email can be empty, for example: `Max Muster, ,10B` -- Then submit the file. A verification report will be automatically generated by the server indicating which data will be updated. -- Correct the data as needed (you can change the data directly in the verification table). Click "Check All" again and then, if no errors are shown, click the “Create User” button. When importing CSV files, the server checks whether the respective name and email address are already contained in the Edumaps user database. The name takes precedence in the check (names must be unique). After uploading the CSV file, you will see a verification report that lists all changes in detail. Tip: As an admin, before importing CSV files, delete all created classes under {Manage Classes}{https://www.edumaps.de/users/sets}. Then, during the CSV import, activate the option "Create the classes listed in the table as new classes and replace old classes." This way, all classes will be newly created. !#update Create Login Pass for Students | It has been found helpful for young students to create a login pass. The login pass contains all necessary login information as well as a QR code that logs the student in directly upon scanning. > As an admin, you can always print login passes immediately after {creating accounts}{https://www.edumaps.de/users/create}. https://www.edumaps.de/file/11135525094453912591.png/z2ju3yc Example of a login pass Should you wish to create a login pass later, it is only possible by assigning a new password. - Go to the {list of all accounts}{https://www.edumaps.de/users/list}. - Find the student and click on "Edit." - Set the new password. Then the following appears: https://www.edumaps.de/file/15406207708816798663.png/pf2jnn6 By clicking "print here," the login pass for the student will be displayed to you. https://www.edumaps.de/file/6884693863079475564.png/kzrfyjb !#loginpass List of all Accounts | A list of all existing accounts you find on the page {List of Accounts}{https://www.edumaps.de/users/list}. https://www.edumaps.de/file/10303655347133025389.png/j760x8c List of Accounts !#accountlist Create Accounts for Students and Teachers | On the page {Create Accounts}{https://www.edumaps.de/users/create} you can see how many student and teacher accounts can be created and how many have already been created. https://www.edumaps.de/file/5307494396579137730.png/h4e3iit Page: Create Accounts At the bottom you find **3 options** for creating new accounts: - Create without names/emails - Create via list of names/emails - Create via CSV file Choose the option that suits you and create new student and teacher accounts. https://www.edumaps.de/file/5325215568753792250.png/k2l93yg 1. Create Accounts without emails https://www.edumaps.de/file/1538152060655089283.png/5hljcww 2. Create Accounts via List (names/emails) https://www.edumaps.de/file/18205004338966985074.png/vjnxbmx 3. Create Accounts via CSV file Tip: When you create accounts via a CSV file, you can also specify the class name, which is imported into the system, in addition to name and e-mail. !#createaccounts Introduction | ✔️ With an admin account, you have a powerful and responsible tool at your disposal. ✔️ With an admin account, you can manage the following things: **Table of Contents** -- {Create single sign-ons}{!#sso} -- {List of all accounts}{!#accountlist} -- {Create accounts for teachers and students}{!#createaccounts} -- {Edit accounts}{!#editaccounts} -- {Delete accounts}{!#deleteaccounts} -- {Create classes (template for teachers)}{!#createclasses} -- {Invite users to your school}{!#invite} -- {Merge User Accounts}{!#merge} -- {Update accounts (e.g. school year transition)}{!#update} -- {Create Login Pass for Students}{!#loginpass} Create Classes (Presets for Teachers) | In principle, each teacher creates their own classes, but a lot of time can be saved if you create classes with the admin account. Because the classes created by the school admin are available to all your teachers as “Prepared Classes”. With an admin account you can create classes as follows: 1. Go to the {Manage Classes}{https://www.edumaps.de/users/sets} page. 2. Create classes. 3. Add students to each class. https://www.edumaps.de/file/16714247247247611015.png/mp2p12t Add students to the class As soon as you have created classes, all your teachers will see a “Prepared classes” button on the {Manage classes}{https://www.edumaps.de/users/sets} page. When teachers click on it, they come to a page where they can use the prepared classes. !#createclasses Delete Accounts | Accounts can easily be deleted from the {List of Accounts page}{https://www.edumaps.de/users/list}. Just click on the trash icon on the right, check if it is the correct account, and then confirm the deletion. https://www.edumaps.de/file/2036898997612049633.png/yobosdc Button: Delete Account https://www.edumaps.de/file/14915312260944161699.png/co7xnyr Delete Account Page !#deleteaccounts Edit Accounts | On the page {List of Accounts}{https://www.edumaps.de/users/list} you can edit each user that is part of your school/organisation. You can change the usernames, the email and the password by clicking on the pen icon. https://www.edumaps.de/file/15472788044194819663.png/wurt74h List of all users https://www.edumaps.de/file/10313734644658738539.png/iaw2z89 Editing an account !#editaccounts Invite Users to your School | On the {List of Accounts}{https://www.edumaps.de/users/list} page you can also invite existing users to join your school/organization. To do so, click the blue button "Invite user" which brings you to the page {Invite user}{https://www.edumaps.de/users/invite}. https://www.edumaps.de/file/4488098043458063093.png/wzxj1lm Page: Invite user Enter the user's email and s/he will receive an invitation link. Important: The user must already have an account with Edumaps, only then can he be invited. !#invite Create Single-Sign-Ons | With various single sign-on solutions, your teachers and students can also log in to Edumaps. For example: - IServ ({Instructions}{https://www.edumaps.de/1050/1/9p332rdqbb}) - Edupool - various state solutions Important: Admin accounts should never be used personally and are never accessible via single sign-ons. For your own maps, you should definitely use a teacher account. However, you can always use the admin account to manually create accounts without single sign-on. !#sso Merge User Accounts | On the page {List of all Accounts}{https://www.edumaps.de/users/list} you will find the button “Merge accounts”. Here you can merge two accounts with each other, meaning, combine the data. https://www.edumaps.de/file/16664547426370142708.png/ip1uemz Page: Merge accounts Both accounts must be associated with your school. !#merge Update accounts (e.g. school year transition) | To update student accounts (for example, if the class levels change at the end of the school year), you can use the CSV import method. -- Go to the {Create Accounts}{https://www.edumaps.de/users/create} page with your admin account. -- Click on “Create via CSV File" and upload your CSV file. -- **Important: The system requires unique names. The name can only appear once. If "Max Muster" appears twice, you must set "Max Muster 2" for the second user with the same name.** -- The CSV must contain the entry `Name,Email,Class` per line for class updates. The email can be empty, for example: `Max Muster, ,10B` -- Then submit the file. A verification report will be automatically generated by the server indicating which data will be updated. -- Correct the data as needed (you can change the data directly in the verification table). Click "Check All" again and then, if no errors are shown, click the “Create User” button. When importing CSV files, the server checks whether the respective name and email address are already contained in the Edumaps user database. The name takes precedence in the check (names must be unique). After uploading the CSV file, you will see a verification report that lists all changes in detail. Tip: As an admin, before importing CSV files, delete all created classes under {Manage Classes}{https://www.edumaps.de/users/sets}. Then, during the CSV import, activate the option "Create the classes listed in the table as new classes and replace old classes." This way, all classes will be newly created. !#update Create Login Pass for Students | It has been found helpful for young students to create a login pass. The login pass contains all necessary login information as well as a QR code that logs the student in directly upon scanning. > As an admin, you can always print login passes immediately after {creating accounts}{https://www.edumaps.de/users/create}. https://www.edumaps.de/file/11135525094453912591.png/z2ju3yc Example of a login pass Should you wish to create a login pass later, it is only possible by assigning a new password. - Go to the {list of all accounts}{https://www.edumaps.de/users/list}. - Find the student and click on "Edit." - Set the new password. Then the following appears: https://www.edumaps.de/file/15406207708816798663.png/pf2jnn6 By clicking "print here," the login pass for the student will be displayed to you. https://www.edumaps.de/file/6884693863079475564.png/kzrfyjb !#loginpass List of all Accounts | A list of all existing accounts you find on the page {List of Accounts}{https://www.edumaps.de/users/list}. https://www.edumaps.de/file/10303655347133025389.png/j760x8c List of Accounts !#accountlist Create Accounts for Students and Teachers | On the page {Create Accounts}{https://www.edumaps.de/users/create} you can see how many student and teacher accounts can be created and how many have already been created. https://www.edumaps.de/file/5307494396579137730.png/h4e3iit Page: Create Accounts At the bottom you find **3 options** for creating new accounts: - Create without names/emails - Create via list of names/emails - Create via CSV file Choose the option that suits you and create new student and teacher accounts. https://www.edumaps.de/file/5325215568753792250.png/k2l93yg 1. Create Accounts without emails https://www.edumaps.de/file/1538152060655089283.png/5hljcww 2. Create Accounts via List (names/emails) https://www.edumaps.de/file/18205004338966985074.png/vjnxbmx 3. Create Accounts via CSV file Tip: When you create accounts via a CSV file, you can also specify the class name, which is imported into the system, in addition to name and e-mail. !#createaccounts Introduction | ✔️ With an admin account, you have a powerful and responsible tool at your disposal. ✔️ With an admin account, you can manage the following things: **Table of Contents** -- {Create single sign-ons}{!#sso} -- {List of all accounts}{!#accountlist} -- {Create accounts for teachers and students}{!#createaccounts} -- {Edit accounts}{!#editaccounts} -- {Delete accounts}{!#deleteaccounts} -- {Create classes (template for teachers)}{!#createclasses} -- {Invite users to your school}{!#invite} -- {Merge User Accounts}{!#merge} -- {Update accounts (e.g. school year transition)}{!#update} -- {Create Login Pass for Students}{!#loginpass} Create Classes (Presets for Teachers) | In principle, each teacher creates their own classes, but a lot of time can be saved if you create classes with the admin account. Because the classes created by the school admin are available to all your teachers as “Prepared Classes”. With an admin account you can create classes as follows: 1. Go to the {Manage Classes}{https://www.edumaps.de/users/sets} page. 2. Create classes. 3. Add students to each class. https://www.edumaps.de/file/16714247247247611015.png/mp2p12t Add students to the class As soon as you have created classes, all your teachers will see a “Prepared classes” button on the {Manage classes}{https://www.edumaps.de/users/sets} page. When teachers click on it, they come to a page where they can use the prepared classes. !#createclasses Delete Accounts | Accounts can easily be deleted from the {List of Accounts page}{https://www.edumaps.de/users/list}. Just click on the trash icon on the right, check if it is the correct account, and then confirm the deletion. https://www.edumaps.de/file/2036898997612049633.png/yobosdc Button: Delete Account https://www.edumaps.de/file/14915312260944161699.png/co7xnyr Delete Account Page !#deleteaccounts Edit Accounts | On the page {List of Accounts}{https://www.edumaps.de/users/list} you can edit each user that is part of your school/organisation. You can change the usernames, the email and the password by clicking on the pen icon. https://www.edumaps.de/file/15472788044194819663.png/wurt74h List of all users https://www.edumaps.de/file/10313734644658738539.png/iaw2z89 Editing an account !#editaccounts Invite Users to your School | On the {List of Accounts}{https://www.edumaps.de/users/list} page you can also invite existing users to join your school/organization. To do so, click the blue button "Invite user" which brings you to the page {Invite user}{https://www.edumaps.de/users/invite}. https://www.edumaps.de/file/4488098043458063093.png/wzxj1lm Page: Invite user Enter the user's email and s/he will receive an invitation link. Important: The user must already have an account with Edumaps, only then can he be invited. !#invite Create Single-Sign-Ons | With various single sign-on solutions, your teachers and students can also log in to Edumaps. For example: - IServ ({Instructions}{https://www.edumaps.de/1050/1/9p332rdqbb}) - Edupool - various state solutions Important: Admin accounts should never be used personally and are never accessible via single sign-ons. For your own maps, you should definitely use a teacher account. However, you can always use the admin account to manually create accounts without single sign-on. !#sso Merge User Accounts | On the page {List of all Accounts}{https://www.edumaps.de/users/list} you will find the button “Merge accounts”. Here you can merge two accounts with each other, meaning, combine the data. https://www.edumaps.de/file/16664547426370142708.png/ip1uemz Page: Merge accounts Both accounts must be associated with your school. !#merge Update accounts (e.g. school year transition) | To update student accounts (for example, if the class levels change at the end of the school year), you can use the CSV import method. -- Go to the {Create Accounts}{https://www.edumaps.de/users/create} page with your admin account. -- Click on “Create via CSV File" and upload your CSV file. -- **Important: The system requires unique names. The name can only appear once. If "Max Muster" appears twice, you must set "Max Muster 2" for the second user with the same name.** -- The CSV must contain the entry `Name,Email,Class` per line for class updates. The email can be empty, for example: `Max Muster, ,10B` -- Then submit the file. A verification report will be automatically generated by the server indicating which data will be updated. -- Correct the data as needed (you can change the data directly in the verification table). Click "Check All" again and then, if no errors are shown, click the “Create User” button. When importing CSV files, the server checks whether the respective name and email address are already contained in the Edumaps user database. The name takes precedence in the check (names must be unique). After uploading the CSV file, you will see a verification report that lists all changes in detail. Tip: As an admin, before importing CSV files, delete all created classes under {Manage Classes}{https://www.edumaps.de/users/sets}. Then, during the CSV import, activate the option "Create the classes listed in the table as new classes and replace old classes." This way, all classes will be newly created. !#update Create Login Pass for Students | It has been found helpful for young students to create a login pass. The login pass contains all necessary login information as well as a QR code that logs the student in directly upon scanning. > As an admin, you can always print login passes immediately after {creating accounts}{https://www.edumaps.de/users/create}. https://www.edumaps.de/file/11135525094453912591.png/z2ju3yc Example of a login pass Should you wish to create a login pass later, it is only possible by assigning a new password. - Go to the {list of all accounts}{https://www.edumaps.de/users/list}. - Find the student and click on "Edit." - Set the new password. Then the following appears: https://www.edumaps.de/file/15406207708816798663.png/pf2jnn6 By clicking "print here," the login pass for the student will be displayed to you. https://www.edumaps.de/file/6884693863079475564.png/kzrfyjb !#loginpass List of all Accounts | A list of all existing accounts you find on the page {List of Accounts}{https://www.edumaps.de/users/list}. https://www.edumaps.de/file/10303655347133025389.png/j760x8c List of Accounts !#accountlist Create Accounts for Students and Teachers | On the page {Create Accounts}{https://www.edumaps.de/users/create} you can see how many student and teacher accounts can be created and how many have already been created. https://www.edumaps.de/file/5307494396579137730.png/h4e3iit Page: Create Accounts At the bottom you find **3 options** for creating new accounts: - Create without names/emails - Create via list of names/emails - Create via CSV file Choose the option that suits you and create new student and teacher accounts. https://www.edumaps.de/file/5325215568753792250.png/k2l93yg 1. Create Accounts without emails https://www.edumaps.de/file/1538152060655089283.png/5hljcww 2. Create Accounts via List (names/emails) https://www.edumaps.de/file/18205004338966985074.png/vjnxbmx 3. Create Accounts via CSV file Tip: When you create accounts via a CSV file, you can also specify the class name, which is imported into the system, in addition to name and e-mail. !#createaccounts Introduction | ✔️ With an admin account, you have a powerful and responsible tool at your disposal. ✔️ With an admin account, you can manage the following things: **Table of Contents** -- {Create single sign-ons}{!#sso} -- {List of all accounts}{!#accountlist} -- {Create accounts for teachers and students}{!#createaccounts} -- {Edit accounts}{!#editaccounts} -- {Delete accounts}{!#deleteaccounts} -- {Create classes (template for teachers)}{!#createclasses} -- {Invite users to your school}{!#invite} -- {Merge User Accounts}{!#merge} -- {Update accounts (e.g. school year transition)}{!#update} -- {Create Login Pass for Students}{!#loginpass} Create Classes (Presets for Teachers) | In principle, each teacher creates their own classes, but a lot of time can be saved if you create classes with the admin account. Because the classes created by the school admin are available to all your teachers as “Prepared Classes”. With an admin account you can create classes as follows: 1. Go to the {Manage Classes}{https://www.edumaps.de/users/sets} page. 2. Create classes. 3. Add students to each class. https://www.edumaps.de/file/16714247247247611015.png/mp2p12t Add students to the class As soon as you have created classes, all your teachers will see a “Prepared classes” button on the {Manage classes}{https://www.edumaps.de/users/sets} page. When teachers click on it, they come to a page where they can use the prepared classes. !#createclasses Delete Accounts | Accounts can easily be deleted from the {List of Accounts page}{https://www.edumaps.de/users/list}. Just click on the trash icon on the right, check if it is the correct account, and then confirm the deletion. https://www.edumaps.de/file/2036898997612049633.png/yobosdc Button: Delete Account https://www.edumaps.de/file/14915312260944161699.png/co7xnyr Delete Account Page !#deleteaccounts Edit Accounts | On the page {List of Accounts}{https://www.edumaps.de/users/list} you can edit each user that is part of your school/organisation. You can change the usernames, the email and the password by clicking on the pen icon. https://www.edumaps.de/file/15472788044194819663.png/wurt74h List of all users https://www.edumaps.de/file/10313734644658738539.png/iaw2z89 Editing an account !#editaccounts Invite Users to your School | On the {List of Accounts}{https://www.edumaps.de/users/list} page you can also invite existing users to join your school/organization. To do so, click the blue button "Invite user" which brings you to the page {Invite user}{https://www.edumaps.de/users/invite}. https://www.edumaps.de/file/4488098043458063093.png/wzxj1lm Page: Invite user Enter the user's email and s/he will receive an invitation link. Important: The user must already have an account with Edumaps, only then can he be invited. !#invite Create Single-Sign-Ons | With various single sign-on solutions, your teachers and students can also log in to Edumaps. For example: - IServ ({Instructions}{https://www.edumaps.de/1050/1/9p332rdqbb}) - Edupool - various state solutions Important: Admin accounts should never be used personally and are never accessible via single sign-ons. For your own maps, you should definitely use a teacher account. However, you can always use the admin account to manually create accounts without single sign-on. !#sso Merge User Accounts | On the page {List of all Accounts}{https://www.edumaps.de/users/list} you will find the button “Merge accounts”. Here you can merge two accounts with each other, meaning, combine the data. https://www.edumaps.de/file/16664547426370142708.png/ip1uemz Page: Merge accounts Both accounts must be associated with your school. !#merge Update accounts (e.g. school year transition) | To update student accounts (for example, if the class levels change at the end of the school year), you can use the CSV import method. -- Go to the {Create Accounts}{https://www.edumaps.de/users/create} page with your admin account. -- Click on “Create via CSV File" and upload your CSV file. -- **Important: The system requires unique names. The name can only appear once. If "Max Muster" appears twice, you must set "Max Muster 2" for the second user with the same name.** -- The CSV must contain the entry `Name,Email,Class` per line for class updates. The email can be empty, for example: `Max Muster, ,10B` -- Then submit the file. A verification report will be automatically generated by the server indicating which data will be updated. -- Correct the data as needed (you can change the data directly in the verification table). Click "Check All" again and then, if no errors are shown, click the “Create User” button. When importing CSV files, the server checks whether the respective name and email address are already contained in the Edumaps user database. The name takes precedence in the check (names must be unique). After uploading the CSV file, you will see a verification report that lists all changes in detail. Tip: As an admin, before importing CSV files, delete all created classes under {Manage Classes}{https://www.edumaps.de/users/sets}. Then, during the CSV import, activate the option "Create the classes listed in the table as new classes and replace old classes." This way, all classes will be newly created. !#update Create Login Pass for Students | It has been found helpful for young students to create a login pass. The login pass contains all necessary login information as well as a QR code that logs the student in directly upon scanning. > As an admin, you can always print login passes immediately after {creating accounts}{https://www.edumaps.de/users/create}. https://www.edumaps.de/file/11135525094453912591.png/z2ju3yc Example of a login pass Should you wish to create a login pass later, it is only possible by assigning a new password. - Go to the {list of all accounts}{https://www.edumaps.de/users/list}. - Find the student and click on "Edit." - Set the new password. Then the following appears: https://www.edumaps.de/file/15406207708816798663.png/pf2jnn6 By clicking "print here," the login pass for the student will be displayed to you. https://www.edumaps.de/file/6884693863079475564.png/kzrfyjb !#loginpass List of all Accounts | A list of all existing accounts you find on the page {List of Accounts}{https://www.edumaps.de/users/list}. https://www.edumaps.de/file/10303655347133025389.png/j760x8c List of Accounts !#accountlist Create Accounts for Students and Teachers | On the page {Create Accounts}{https://www.edumaps.de/users/create} you can see how many student and teacher accounts can be created and how many have already been created. https://www.edumaps.de/file/5307494396579137730.png/h4e3iit Page: Create Accounts At the bottom you find **3 options** for creating new accounts: - Create without names/emails - Create via list of names/emails - Create via CSV file Choose the option that suits you and create new student and teacher accounts. https://www.edumaps.de/file/5325215568753792250.png/k2l93yg 1. Create Accounts without emails https://www.edumaps.de/file/1538152060655089283.png/5hljcww 2. Create Accounts via List (names/emails) https://www.edumaps.de/file/18205004338966985074.png/vjnxbmx 3. Create Accounts via CSV file Tip: When you create accounts via a CSV file, you can also specify the class name, which is imported into the system, in addition to name and e-mail. !#createaccounts Introduction | ✔️ With an admin account, you have a powerful and responsible tool at your disposal. ✔️ With an admin account, you can manage the following things: **Table of Contents** -- {Create single sign-ons}{!#sso} -- {List of all accounts}{!#accountlist} -- {Create accounts for teachers and students}{!#createaccounts} -- {Edit accounts}{!#editaccounts} -- {Delete accounts}{!#deleteaccounts} -- {Create classes (template for teachers)}{!#createclasses} -- {Invite users to your school}{!#invite} -- {Merge User Accounts}{!#merge} -- {Update accounts (e.g. school year transition)}{!#update} -- {Create Login Pass for Students}{!#loginpass} Create Classes (Presets for Teachers) | In principle, each teacher creates their own classes, but a lot of time can be saved if you create classes with the admin account. Because the classes created by the school admin are available to all your teachers as “Prepared Classes”. With an admin account you can create classes as follows: 1. Go to the {Manage Classes}{https://www.edumaps.de/users/sets} page. 2. Create classes. 3. Add students to each class. https://www.edumaps.de/file/16714247247247611015.png/mp2p12t Add students to the class As soon as you have created classes, all your teachers will see a “Prepared classes” button on the {Manage classes}{https://www.edumaps.de/users/sets} page. When teachers click on it, they come to a page where they can use the prepared classes. !#createclasses Delete Accounts | Accounts can easily be deleted from the {List of Accounts page}{https://www.edumaps.de/users/list}. Just click on the trash icon on the right, check if it is the correct account, and then confirm the deletion. https://www.edumaps.de/file/2036898997612049633.png/yobosdc Button: Delete Account https://www.edumaps.de/file/14915312260944161699.png/co7xnyr Delete Account Page !#deleteaccounts Edit Accounts | On the page {List of Accounts}{https://www.edumaps.de/users/list} you can edit each user that is part of your school/organisation. You can change the usernames, the email and the password by clicking on the pen icon. https://www.edumaps.de/file/15472788044194819663.png/wurt74h List of all users https://www.edumaps.de/file/10313734644658738539.png/iaw2z89 Editing an account !#editaccounts Invite Users to your School | On the {List of Accounts}{https://www.edumaps.de/users/list} page you can also invite existing users to join your school/organization. To do so, click the blue button "Invite user" which brings you to the page {Invite user}{https://www.edumaps.de/users/invite}. https://www.edumaps.de/file/4488098043458063093.png/wzxj1lm Page: Invite user Enter the user's email and s/he will receive an invitation link. Important: The user must already have an account with Edumaps, only then can he be invited. !#invite -
5.4 Superadmin / Media center - Distributing maps to schools
Edumaps Introduction | If we have set up your account as a media center (so-called "Superadmin"), you can distribute any maps to your schools. Each school assigned to your media center will find the "Media Center Maps" item in the main menu: https://www.edumaps.de/file/2691004184466206293.png/i0grus1 "Media Center Maps" in the main menu Here, you as a media center can distribute your maps specific to school types. The page "{Media Center Maps}{https://www.edumaps.de/maps/mediacenter}" is visible to all school admins and all teachers, but not to the students. Teachers can copy the maps you have unlocked for their own use. Or only selected boxes with content. Release Map for Schools | If you have created a map and you want to share it with your school, proceed as follows: 1. In the map settings, choose under Share: "All Schools (Distribution List)" https://www.edumaps.de/file/10143473210938924522.png/wnl4rs7 2. Scroll all the way down, there you will find the keywords. With the help of the keywords, you can determine whether all your schools should see the map or only specific school types. 3. Use the pre-made school types for selection. Simply click: https://www.edumaps.de/file/5011463331565216988.png/5f6pevc 4. The keyword `all` displays the map to all your schools on the page {Maps Media Center}{https://www.edumaps.de/maps/mediacenter}: 4. Once you click “Save”, all schools will find this map on the page {Maps Media Center}{https://www.edumaps.de/maps/mediacenter}. https://www.edumaps.de/file/17800021918178397338.png/gt5xtan Page: Media Center Maps Distribute by school types | You can define school types by using one or more of the following keywords: - `all` All schools - `gs` Primary school - `hs` Secondary general school - `rs` Intermediate school - `ge` Comprehensive school - `gy` Grammar school - `fö` Special needs school - `bk` Vocational college/vocational school Example: The map is tagged with `gs`, `ge`, and `rs`. This means the map will only be shown to the following schools: Primary school, Comprehensive school, and Intermediate school. Distribute by school numbers | If the schools assigned to you are provided with school numbers, you can enter the school number in the keyword field in the Map Editor and thus specifically provide the map only for this school. Who sees your maps? | If shared by school type, the shared map will appear to all school administrators of this school type as well as the teachers there. If shared by school number, the shared map will appear to the school administrator with this school number as well as the teachers there. Students do not have access to the page "{Media Center Maps}{https://www.edumaps.de/maps/mediacenter}". Introduction | If we have set up your account as a media center (so-called "Superadmin"), you can distribute any maps to your schools. Each school assigned to your media center will find the "Media Center Maps" item in the main menu: https://www.edumaps.de/file/2691004184466206293.png/i0grus1 "Media Center Maps" in the main menu Here, you as a media center can distribute your maps specific to school types. The page "{Media Center Maps}{https://www.edumaps.de/maps/mediacenter}" is visible to all school admins and all teachers, but not to the students. Teachers can copy the maps you have unlocked for their own use. Or only selected boxes with content. Release Map for Schools | If you have created a map and you want to share it with your school, proceed as follows: 1. In the map settings, choose under Share: "All Schools (Distribution List)" https://www.edumaps.de/file/10143473210938924522.png/wnl4rs7 2. Scroll all the way down, there you will find the keywords. With the help of the keywords, you can determine whether all your schools should see the map or only specific school types. 3. Use the pre-made school types for selection. Simply click: https://www.edumaps.de/file/5011463331565216988.png/5f6pevc 4. The keyword `all` displays the map to all your schools on the page {Maps Media Center}{https://www.edumaps.de/maps/mediacenter}: 4. Once you click “Save”, all schools will find this map on the page {Maps Media Center}{https://www.edumaps.de/maps/mediacenter}. https://www.edumaps.de/file/17800021918178397338.png/gt5xtan Page: Media Center Maps Distribute by school types | You can define school types by using one or more of the following keywords: - `all` All schools - `gs` Primary school - `hs` Secondary general school - `rs` Intermediate school - `ge` Comprehensive school - `gy` Grammar school - `fö` Special needs school - `bk` Vocational college/vocational school Example: The map is tagged with `gs`, `ge`, and `rs`. This means the map will only be shown to the following schools: Primary school, Comprehensive school, and Intermediate school. Distribute by school numbers | If the schools assigned to you are provided with school numbers, you can enter the school number in the keyword field in the Map Editor and thus specifically provide the map only for this school. Who sees your maps? | If shared by school type, the shared map will appear to all school administrators of this school type as well as the teachers there. If shared by school number, the shared map will appear to the school administrator with this school number as well as the teachers there. Students do not have access to the page "{Media Center Maps}{https://www.edumaps.de/maps/mediacenter}". Introduction | If we have set up your account as a media center (so-called "Superadmin"), you can distribute any maps to your schools. Each school assigned to your media center will find the "Media Center Maps" item in the main menu: https://www.edumaps.de/file/2691004184466206293.png/i0grus1 "Media Center Maps" in the main menu Here, you as a media center can distribute your maps specific to school types. The page "{Media Center Maps}{https://www.edumaps.de/maps/mediacenter}" is visible to all school admins and all teachers, but not to the students. Teachers can copy the maps you have unlocked for their own use. Or only selected boxes with content. Release Map for Schools | If you have created a map and you want to share it with your school, proceed as follows: 1. In the map settings, choose under Share: "All Schools (Distribution List)" https://www.edumaps.de/file/10143473210938924522.png/wnl4rs7 2. Scroll all the way down, there you will find the keywords. With the help of the keywords, you can determine whether all your schools should see the map or only specific school types. 3. Use the pre-made school types for selection. Simply click: https://www.edumaps.de/file/5011463331565216988.png/5f6pevc 4. The keyword `all` displays the map to all your schools on the page {Maps Media Center}{https://www.edumaps.de/maps/mediacenter}: 4. Once you click “Save”, all schools will find this map on the page {Maps Media Center}{https://www.edumaps.de/maps/mediacenter}. https://www.edumaps.de/file/17800021918178397338.png/gt5xtan Page: Media Center Maps Distribute by school types | You can define school types by using one or more of the following keywords: - `all` All schools - `gs` Primary school - `hs` Secondary general school - `rs` Intermediate school - `ge` Comprehensive school - `gy` Grammar school - `fö` Special needs school - `bk` Vocational college/vocational school Example: The map is tagged with `gs`, `ge`, and `rs`. This means the map will only be shown to the following schools: Primary school, Comprehensive school, and Intermediate school. Distribute by school numbers | If the schools assigned to you are provided with school numbers, you can enter the school number in the keyword field in the Map Editor and thus specifically provide the map only for this school. Who sees your maps? | If shared by school type, the shared map will appear to all school administrators of this school type as well as the teachers there. If shared by school number, the shared map will appear to the school administrator with this school number as well as the teachers there. Students do not have access to the page "{Media Center Maps}{https://www.edumaps.de/maps/mediacenter}". Introduction | If we have set up your account as a media center (so-called "Superadmin"), you can distribute any maps to your schools. Each school assigned to your media center will find the "Media Center Maps" item in the main menu: https://www.edumaps.de/file/2691004184466206293.png/i0grus1 "Media Center Maps" in the main menu Here, you as a media center can distribute your maps specific to school types. The page "{Media Center Maps}{https://www.edumaps.de/maps/mediacenter}" is visible to all school admins and all teachers, but not to the students. Teachers can copy the maps you have unlocked for their own use. Or only selected boxes with content. Release Map for Schools | If you have created a map and you want to share it with your school, proceed as follows: 1. In the map settings, choose under Share: "All Schools (Distribution List)" https://www.edumaps.de/file/10143473210938924522.png/wnl4rs7 2. Scroll all the way down, there you will find the keywords. With the help of the keywords, you can determine whether all your schools should see the map or only specific school types. 3. Use the pre-made school types for selection. Simply click: https://www.edumaps.de/file/5011463331565216988.png/5f6pevc 4. The keyword `all` displays the map to all your schools on the page {Maps Media Center}{https://www.edumaps.de/maps/mediacenter}: 4. Once you click “Save”, all schools will find this map on the page {Maps Media Center}{https://www.edumaps.de/maps/mediacenter}. https://www.edumaps.de/file/17800021918178397338.png/gt5xtan Page: Media Center Maps Distribute by school types | You can define school types by using one or more of the following keywords: - `all` All schools - `gs` Primary school - `hs` Secondary general school - `rs` Intermediate school - `ge` Comprehensive school - `gy` Grammar school - `fö` Special needs school - `bk` Vocational college/vocational school Example: The map is tagged with `gs`, `ge`, and `rs`. This means the map will only be shown to the following schools: Primary school, Comprehensive school, and Intermediate school. Distribute by school numbers | If the schools assigned to you are provided with school numbers, you can enter the school number in the keyword field in the Map Editor and thus specifically provide the map only for this school. Who sees your maps? | If shared by school type, the shared map will appear to all school administrators of this school type as well as the teachers there. If shared by school number, the shared map will appear to the school administrator with this school number as well as the teachers there. Students do not have access to the page "{Media Center Maps}{https://www.edumaps.de/maps/mediacenter}". Introduction | If we have set up your account as a media center (so-called "Superadmin"), you can distribute any maps to your schools. Each school assigned to your media center will find the "Media Center Maps" item in the main menu: https://www.edumaps.de/file/2691004184466206293.png/i0grus1 "Media Center Maps" in the main menu Here, you as a media center can distribute your maps specific to school types. The page "{Media Center Maps}{https://www.edumaps.de/maps/mediacenter}" is visible to all school admins and all teachers, but not to the students. Teachers can copy the maps you have unlocked for their own use. Or only selected boxes with content. Release Map for Schools | If you have created a map and you want to share it with your school, proceed as follows: 1. In the map settings, choose under Share: "All Schools (Distribution List)" https://www.edumaps.de/file/10143473210938924522.png/wnl4rs7 2. Scroll all the way down, there you will find the keywords. With the help of the keywords, you can determine whether all your schools should see the map or only specific school types. 3. Use the pre-made school types for selection. Simply click: https://www.edumaps.de/file/5011463331565216988.png/5f6pevc 4. The keyword `all` displays the map to all your schools on the page {Maps Media Center}{https://www.edumaps.de/maps/mediacenter}: 4. Once you click “Save”, all schools will find this map on the page {Maps Media Center}{https://www.edumaps.de/maps/mediacenter}. https://www.edumaps.de/file/17800021918178397338.png/gt5xtan Page: Media Center Maps Distribute by school types | You can define school types by using one or more of the following keywords: - `all` All schools - `gs` Primary school - `hs` Secondary general school - `rs` Intermediate school - `ge` Comprehensive school - `gy` Grammar school - `fö` Special needs school - `bk` Vocational college/vocational school Example: The map is tagged with `gs`, `ge`, and `rs`. This means the map will only be shown to the following schools: Primary school, Comprehensive school, and Intermediate school. Distribute by school numbers | If the schools assigned to you are provided with school numbers, you can enter the school number in the keyword field in the Map Editor and thus specifically provide the map only for this school. Who sees your maps? | If shared by school type, the shared map will appear to all school administrators of this school type as well as the teachers there. If shared by school number, the shared map will appear to the school administrator with this school number as well as the teachers there. Students do not have access to the page "{Media Center Maps}{https://www.edumaps.de/maps/mediacenter}". Introduction | If we have set up your account as a media center (so-called "Superadmin"), you can distribute any maps to your schools. Each school assigned to your media center will find the "Media Center Maps" item in the main menu: https://www.edumaps.de/file/2691004184466206293.png/i0grus1 "Media Center Maps" in the main menu Here, you as a media center can distribute your maps specific to school types. The page "{Media Center Maps}{https://www.edumaps.de/maps/mediacenter}" is visible to all school admins and all teachers, but not to the students. Teachers can copy the maps you have unlocked for their own use. Or only selected boxes with content. Release Map for Schools | If you have created a map and you want to share it with your school, proceed as follows: 1. In the map settings, choose under Share: "All Schools (Distribution List)" https://www.edumaps.de/file/10143473210938924522.png/wnl4rs7 2. Scroll all the way down, there you will find the keywords. With the help of the keywords, you can determine whether all your schools should see the map or only specific school types. 3. Use the pre-made school types for selection. Simply click: https://www.edumaps.de/file/5011463331565216988.png/5f6pevc 4. The keyword `all` displays the map to all your schools on the page {Maps Media Center}{https://www.edumaps.de/maps/mediacenter}: 4. Once you click “Save”, all schools will find this map on the page {Maps Media Center}{https://www.edumaps.de/maps/mediacenter}. https://www.edumaps.de/file/17800021918178397338.png/gt5xtan Page: Media Center Maps Distribute by school types | You can define school types by using one or more of the following keywords: - `all` All schools - `gs` Primary school - `hs` Secondary general school - `rs` Intermediate school - `ge` Comprehensive school - `gy` Grammar school - `fö` Special needs school - `bk` Vocational college/vocational school Example: The map is tagged with `gs`, `ge`, and `rs`. This means the map will only be shown to the following schools: Primary school, Comprehensive school, and Intermediate school. Distribute by school numbers | If the schools assigned to you are provided with school numbers, you can enter the school number in the keyword field in the Map Editor and thus specifically provide the map only for this school. Who sees your maps? | If shared by school type, the shared map will appear to all school administrators of this school type as well as the teachers there. If shared by school number, the shared map will appear to the school administrator with this school number as well as the teachers there. Students do not have access to the page "{Media Center Maps}{https://www.edumaps.de/maps/mediacenter}". -
5.5 Tutorial: User Roles on Edumaps
Edumaps Teacher account | - can create classes/groups with students - can share maps to classes (students get a notification) - can share maps internally for their own school - sees **which students** were active on the map (map history) - sees **which students** have rated boxes - sees **which students** have submitted material or commented on a box - can access the media licensed for the school at Edupool For details see: {Tutorial for Teachers on Edumaps}{https://www.edumaps.de/1006/1/42ns564tsr/6rupugfcnr} !#teacher Student account | - can access internal school maps (go to “Discover” → “Public Maps” and choose the tab {“Maps of my School”}{https://www.edumaps.de/maps/school}) - can upload material in box (comment) - can have discussions in comments - can access the media licensed for the school at Edupool For details see: {Tutorial for Students on Edumaps}{https://www.edumaps.de/1007/1/xvzlo8huq4/h4om9t7ny6} !#student Admin account (School account) | - Can create accounts for teachers and students - {create}{https://www.edumaps.de/users/create} - {edit}{https://www.edumaps.de/users/list} - {delete}{https://www.edumaps.de/users/list} - {merge}{https://www.edumaps.de/users/merge} - Access to {list of all accounts}{https://www.edumaps.de/users/list} - {Create classes}{https://www.edumaps.de/users/sets} - Change emails, passwords and real names - Invite registered users to school For details see: {Tutorial for Admins on Edumaps}{https://www.edumaps.de/1008/1/bpk12qmwjr/zdo0glozn4} !#admin Technical Notes | - Username is based on school ID - e.g. Admin with "he4556" - teacher with "he4566.t1" - Student with "he4566.123" - Search and license access to Edupool media depending on the school/media center !#notes Features at Matheretter | Additional functions at Matheretter: - Access learning status analysis of all students belonging to the school - View learning progress (diagrams) !#matheretter Introduction | ✔️ Edumaps offers four different user roles. Here we briefly show you the essential rights of these users. **Table of Contents** -- {Admin account (School account)}{!#admin} -- {Teacher account}{!#teacher} -- {Student account}{!#student} -- {Superadmin (Media center)}{!#superadmin} -- {Technical Notes}{!#notes} -- {Functions at Matheretter}{!#matheretter} Superadmin | - Can edit school, teacher and student accounts on the {User Management}{https://www.edumaps.de/users/superadmin} page: - Change names - Change emails - Change passwords - Access to {Activated Accounts}{https://www.edumaps.de/users/activated} - Access to {List of Schools}{https://www.edumaps.de/users/list} See also {Superadmin / Media center - Distributing maps to schools}{https://www.edumaps.de/1068/1/gxuqtu9bwo/mv0l9vlyoe} !#superadmin Teacher account | - can create classes/groups with students - can share maps to classes (students get a notification) - can share maps internally for their own school - sees **which students** were active on the map (map history) - sees **which students** have rated boxes - sees **which students** have submitted material or commented on a box - can access the media licensed for the school at Edupool For details see: {Tutorial for Teachers on Edumaps}{https://www.edumaps.de/1006/1/42ns564tsr/6rupugfcnr} !#teacher Student account | - can access internal school maps (go to “Discover” → “Public Maps” and choose the tab {“Maps of my School”}{https://www.edumaps.de/maps/school}) - can upload material in box (comment) - can have discussions in comments - can access the media licensed for the school at Edupool For details see: {Tutorial for Students on Edumaps}{https://www.edumaps.de/1007/1/xvzlo8huq4/h4om9t7ny6} !#student Admin account (School account) | - Can create accounts for teachers and students - {create}{https://www.edumaps.de/users/create} - {edit}{https://www.edumaps.de/users/list} - {delete}{https://www.edumaps.de/users/list} - {merge}{https://www.edumaps.de/users/merge} - Access to {list of all accounts}{https://www.edumaps.de/users/list} - {Create classes}{https://www.edumaps.de/users/sets} - Change emails, passwords and real names - Invite registered users to school For details see: {Tutorial for Admins on Edumaps}{https://www.edumaps.de/1008/1/bpk12qmwjr/zdo0glozn4} !#admin Technical Notes | - Username is based on school ID - e.g. Admin with "he4556" - teacher with "he4566.t1" - Student with "he4566.123" - Search and license access to Edupool media depending on the school/media center !#notes Features at Matheretter | Additional functions at Matheretter: - Access learning status analysis of all students belonging to the school - View learning progress (diagrams) !#matheretter Introduction | ✔️ Edumaps offers four different user roles. Here we briefly show you the essential rights of these users. **Table of Contents** -- {Admin account (School account)}{!#admin} -- {Teacher account}{!#teacher} -- {Student account}{!#student} -- {Superadmin (Media center)}{!#superadmin} -- {Technical Notes}{!#notes} -- {Functions at Matheretter}{!#matheretter} Superadmin | - Can edit school, teacher and student accounts on the {User Management}{https://www.edumaps.de/users/superadmin} page: - Change names - Change emails - Change passwords - Access to {Activated Accounts}{https://www.edumaps.de/users/activated} - Access to {List of Schools}{https://www.edumaps.de/users/list} See also {Superadmin / Media center - Distributing maps to schools}{https://www.edumaps.de/1068/1/gxuqtu9bwo/mv0l9vlyoe} !#superadmin Teacher account | - can create classes/groups with students - can share maps to classes (students get a notification) - can share maps internally for their own school - sees **which students** were active on the map (map history) - sees **which students** have rated boxes - sees **which students** have submitted material or commented on a box - can access the media licensed for the school at Edupool For details see: {Tutorial for Teachers on Edumaps}{https://www.edumaps.de/1006/1/42ns564tsr/6rupugfcnr} !#teacher Student account | - can access internal school maps (go to “Discover” → “Public Maps” and choose the tab {“Maps of my School”}{https://www.edumaps.de/maps/school}) - can upload material in box (comment) - can have discussions in comments - can access the media licensed for the school at Edupool For details see: {Tutorial for Students on Edumaps}{https://www.edumaps.de/1007/1/xvzlo8huq4/h4om9t7ny6} !#student Admin account (School account) | - Can create accounts for teachers and students - {create}{https://www.edumaps.de/users/create} - {edit}{https://www.edumaps.de/users/list} - {delete}{https://www.edumaps.de/users/list} - {merge}{https://www.edumaps.de/users/merge} - Access to {list of all accounts}{https://www.edumaps.de/users/list} - {Create classes}{https://www.edumaps.de/users/sets} - Change emails, passwords and real names - Invite registered users to school For details see: {Tutorial for Admins on Edumaps}{https://www.edumaps.de/1008/1/bpk12qmwjr/zdo0glozn4} !#admin Technical Notes | - Username is based on school ID - e.g. Admin with "he4556" - teacher with "he4566.t1" - Student with "he4566.123" - Search and license access to Edupool media depending on the school/media center !#notes Features at Matheretter | Additional functions at Matheretter: - Access learning status analysis of all students belonging to the school - View learning progress (diagrams) !#matheretter Introduction | ✔️ Edumaps offers four different user roles. Here we briefly show you the essential rights of these users. **Table of Contents** -- {Admin account (School account)}{!#admin} -- {Teacher account}{!#teacher} -- {Student account}{!#student} -- {Superadmin (Media center)}{!#superadmin} -- {Technical Notes}{!#notes} -- {Functions at Matheretter}{!#matheretter} Superadmin | - Can edit school, teacher and student accounts on the {User Management}{https://www.edumaps.de/users/superadmin} page: - Change names - Change emails - Change passwords - Access to {Activated Accounts}{https://www.edumaps.de/users/activated} - Access to {List of Schools}{https://www.edumaps.de/users/list} See also {Superadmin / Media center - Distributing maps to schools}{https://www.edumaps.de/1068/1/gxuqtu9bwo/mv0l9vlyoe} !#superadmin Teacher account | - can create classes/groups with students - can share maps to classes (students get a notification) - can share maps internally for their own school - sees **which students** were active on the map (map history) - sees **which students** have rated boxes - sees **which students** have submitted material or commented on a box - can access the media licensed for the school at Edupool For details see: {Tutorial for Teachers on Edumaps}{https://www.edumaps.de/1006/1/42ns564tsr/6rupugfcnr} !#teacher Student account | - can access internal school maps (go to “Discover” → “Public Maps” and choose the tab {“Maps of my School”}{https://www.edumaps.de/maps/school}) - can upload material in box (comment) - can have discussions in comments - can access the media licensed for the school at Edupool For details see: {Tutorial for Students on Edumaps}{https://www.edumaps.de/1007/1/xvzlo8huq4/h4om9t7ny6} !#student Admin account (School account) | - Can create accounts for teachers and students - {create}{https://www.edumaps.de/users/create} - {edit}{https://www.edumaps.de/users/list} - {delete}{https://www.edumaps.de/users/list} - {merge}{https://www.edumaps.de/users/merge} - Access to {list of all accounts}{https://www.edumaps.de/users/list} - {Create classes}{https://www.edumaps.de/users/sets} - Change emails, passwords and real names - Invite registered users to school For details see: {Tutorial for Admins on Edumaps}{https://www.edumaps.de/1008/1/bpk12qmwjr/zdo0glozn4} !#admin Technical Notes | - Username is based on school ID - e.g. Admin with "he4556" - teacher with "he4566.t1" - Student with "he4566.123" - Search and license access to Edupool media depending on the school/media center !#notes Features at Matheretter | Additional functions at Matheretter: - Access learning status analysis of all students belonging to the school - View learning progress (diagrams) !#matheretter Introduction | ✔️ Edumaps offers four different user roles. Here we briefly show you the essential rights of these users. **Table of Contents** -- {Admin account (School account)}{!#admin} -- {Teacher account}{!#teacher} -- {Student account}{!#student} -- {Superadmin (Media center)}{!#superadmin} -- {Technical Notes}{!#notes} -- {Functions at Matheretter}{!#matheretter} Superadmin | - Can edit school, teacher and student accounts on the {User Management}{https://www.edumaps.de/users/superadmin} page: - Change names - Change emails - Change passwords - Access to {Activated Accounts}{https://www.edumaps.de/users/activated} - Access to {List of Schools}{https://www.edumaps.de/users/list} See also {Superadmin / Media center - Distributing maps to schools}{https://www.edumaps.de/1068/1/gxuqtu9bwo/mv0l9vlyoe} !#superadmin Teacher account | - can create classes/groups with students - can share maps to classes (students get a notification) - can share maps internally for their own school - sees **which students** were active on the map (map history) - sees **which students** have rated boxes - sees **which students** have submitted material or commented on a box - can access the media licensed for the school at Edupool For details see: {Tutorial for Teachers on Edumaps}{https://www.edumaps.de/1006/1/42ns564tsr/6rupugfcnr} !#teacher Student account | - can access internal school maps (go to “Discover” → “Public Maps” and choose the tab {“Maps of my School”}{https://www.edumaps.de/maps/school}) - can upload material in box (comment) - can have discussions in comments - can access the media licensed for the school at Edupool For details see: {Tutorial for Students on Edumaps}{https://www.edumaps.de/1007/1/xvzlo8huq4/h4om9t7ny6} !#student Admin account (School account) | - Can create accounts for teachers and students - {create}{https://www.edumaps.de/users/create} - {edit}{https://www.edumaps.de/users/list} - {delete}{https://www.edumaps.de/users/list} - {merge}{https://www.edumaps.de/users/merge} - Access to {list of all accounts}{https://www.edumaps.de/users/list} - {Create classes}{https://www.edumaps.de/users/sets} - Change emails, passwords and real names - Invite registered users to school For details see: {Tutorial for Admins on Edumaps}{https://www.edumaps.de/1008/1/bpk12qmwjr/zdo0glozn4} !#admin Technical Notes | - Username is based on school ID - e.g. Admin with "he4556" - teacher with "he4566.t1" - Student with "he4566.123" - Search and license access to Edupool media depending on the school/media center !#notes Features at Matheretter | Additional functions at Matheretter: - Access learning status analysis of all students belonging to the school - View learning progress (diagrams) !#matheretter Introduction | ✔️ Edumaps offers four different user roles. Here we briefly show you the essential rights of these users. **Table of Contents** -- {Admin account (School account)}{!#admin} -- {Teacher account}{!#teacher} -- {Student account}{!#student} -- {Superadmin (Media center)}{!#superadmin} -- {Technical Notes}{!#notes} -- {Functions at Matheretter}{!#matheretter} Superadmin | - Can edit school, teacher and student accounts on the {User Management}{https://www.edumaps.de/users/superadmin} page: - Change names - Change emails - Change passwords - Access to {Activated Accounts}{https://www.edumaps.de/users/activated} - Access to {List of Schools}{https://www.edumaps.de/users/list} See also {Superadmin / Media center - Distributing maps to schools}{https://www.edumaps.de/1068/1/gxuqtu9bwo/mv0l9vlyoe} !#superadmin Teacher account | - can create classes/groups with students - can share maps to classes (students get a notification) - can share maps internally for their own school - sees **which students** were active on the map (map history) - sees **which students** have rated boxes - sees **which students** have submitted material or commented on a box - can access the media licensed for the school at Edupool For details see: {Tutorial for Teachers on Edumaps}{https://www.edumaps.de/1006/1/42ns564tsr/6rupugfcnr} !#teacher Student account | - can access internal school maps (go to “Discover” → “Public Maps” and choose the tab {“Maps of my School”}{https://www.edumaps.de/maps/school}) - can upload material in box (comment) - can have discussions in comments - can access the media licensed for the school at Edupool For details see: {Tutorial for Students on Edumaps}{https://www.edumaps.de/1007/1/xvzlo8huq4/h4om9t7ny6} !#student Admin account (School account) | - Can create accounts for teachers and students - {create}{https://www.edumaps.de/users/create} - {edit}{https://www.edumaps.de/users/list} - {delete}{https://www.edumaps.de/users/list} - {merge}{https://www.edumaps.de/users/merge} - Access to {list of all accounts}{https://www.edumaps.de/users/list} - {Create classes}{https://www.edumaps.de/users/sets} - Change emails, passwords and real names - Invite registered users to school For details see: {Tutorial for Admins on Edumaps}{https://www.edumaps.de/1008/1/bpk12qmwjr/zdo0glozn4} !#admin Technical Notes | - Username is based on school ID - e.g. Admin with "he4556" - teacher with "he4566.t1" - Student with "he4566.123" - Search and license access to Edupool media depending on the school/media center !#notes Features at Matheretter | Additional functions at Matheretter: - Access learning status analysis of all students belonging to the school - View learning progress (diagrams) !#matheretter Introduction | ✔️ Edumaps offers four different user roles. Here we briefly show you the essential rights of these users. **Table of Contents** -- {Admin account (School account)}{!#admin} -- {Teacher account}{!#teacher} -- {Student account}{!#student} -- {Superadmin (Media center)}{!#superadmin} -- {Technical Notes}{!#notes} -- {Functions at Matheretter}{!#matheretter} Superadmin | - Can edit school, teacher and student accounts on the {User Management}{https://www.edumaps.de/users/superadmin} page: - Change names - Change emails - Change passwords - Access to {Activated Accounts}{https://www.edumaps.de/users/activated} - Access to {List of Schools}{https://www.edumaps.de/users/list} See also {Superadmin / Media center - Distributing maps to schools}{https://www.edumaps.de/1068/1/gxuqtu9bwo/mv0l9vlyoe} !#superadmin -
5.6 Tutorial: Setup Single Sign-On with IServ
Edumaps Introduction | ✔️ iServ is a school management software that also offers a single sign-on solution, which means that users can log in to multiple external services with a single login. ✔️ Specifically: iServ users can be directed to Edumaps with just one click from iServ and be automatically logged in. ✔️ Here you will learn how to set up this single sign-on as an admin. Creating IServ-SSO for Edumaps | {For Edumaps:}{#FFC57B#} As a school admin in IServ: **Step 1** Open the IServ administration panel. Then: Administration - System - Single Sign On. **Step 2** + Add - Add OAuth-Client https://www.edumaps.de/file/7125329982367396046.png/ndsy6rb **Step 3** Copy the Client ID and Client Secret. **Step 4** Click the "Restrictions" tab and activate the scopes there. https://www.edumaps.de/file/2507553215521786671.png/e31fevy **Step 5** Click the "Application" tab and add "Redirect URIs" with `https://www.edumaps.de/sso/iserv` (must correspond to your server, so replace `www` with, e.g., `he` or `nrw`). Then save. **Step 6** Create a WebModule - Administration - System - Navigation - click **+ Add** - and fill it out as seen in the screenshot - important! Replace **he1234** with the **username** of your Edumaps admin account. Then save! https://www.edumaps.de/file/5518686052761013752.png/z0hjvns Make sure to enter the correct Edumaps server here. Instead of "www", use "he", "nrw", etc. **Step 7** Switch to Edumaps. Log in with your admin account. Go to "My Profile". There you will find a button "Create Single Sign-On". Click on it. Now enter the IServ-SSO data: - URL of your IServ server: e.g., `https://yourschool-iserv.de` (without "/iserv/auth" etc.) - Client ID - Client Secret Done.Creating IServ-SSO for Matheretter | {For Matheretter:}{#FFC57B#} As a school admin on IServ: **Step 1** Open the IServ administration. Then: Management - System - Single Sign-On. **Step 2** + Add - Add OAuth Client https://www.edumaps.de/file/7125329982367396046.png/ndsy6rb **Step 3** Copy Client ID and Client Secret. **Step 4** Click on the "Restrictions" tab and activate Scopes there. https://www.edumaps.de/file/2507553215521786671.png/e31fevy **Step 5** Click on the "Application" tab and add "Redirect URLs" `https://www.matheretter.de/sso/iserv` (must match your server, so instead of `www` set, for example, `he` or `nrw`). Then save. **Step 6** Create WebModule - Management - System - Navigation - Click **+ Add** - and then fill out as shown in the screenshot - important! Replace **he1234** with the **username** of your Edumaps admin account. Then save! https://www.edumaps.de/file/4833414310369776825.png/gk9mrou Make sure to enter the correct Edumaps server here. So instead of "www" then "he", "nrw", etc. **Step 7** Switch to Matheretter. Log in with your admin account. Go to "My Profile". There you will find a button "Create Single Sign-On". Click on it. Now enter the IServ SSO data: - URL of your IServ server: e.g., `https://yourschool-iserv.de` (without "/iserv/auth" etc.) - Client ID - Client Secret Done.Introduction | ✔️ iServ is a school management software that also offers a single sign-on solution, which means that users can log in to multiple external services with a single login. ✔️ Specifically: iServ users can be directed to Edumaps with just one click from iServ and be automatically logged in. ✔️ Here you will learn how to set up this single sign-on as an admin. Creating IServ-SSO for Edumaps | {For Edumaps:}{#FFC57B#} As a school admin in IServ: **Step 1** Open the IServ administration panel. Then: Administration - System - Single Sign On. **Step 2** + Add - Add OAuth-Client https://www.edumaps.de/file/7125329982367396046.png/ndsy6rb **Step 3** Copy the Client ID and Client Secret. **Step 4** Click the "Restrictions" tab and activate the scopes there. https://www.edumaps.de/file/2507553215521786671.png/e31fevy **Step 5** Click the "Application" tab and add "Redirect URIs" with `https://www.edumaps.de/sso/iserv` (must correspond to your server, so replace `www` with, e.g., `he` or `nrw`). Then save. **Step 6** Create a WebModule - Administration - System - Navigation - click **+ Add** - and fill it out as seen in the screenshot - important! Replace **he1234** with the **username** of your Edumaps admin account. Then save! https://www.edumaps.de/file/5518686052761013752.png/z0hjvns Make sure to enter the correct Edumaps server here. Instead of "www", use "he", "nrw", etc. **Step 7** Switch to Edumaps. Log in with your admin account. Go to "My Profile". There you will find a button "Create Single Sign-On". Click on it. Now enter the IServ-SSO data: - URL of your IServ server: e.g., `https://yourschool-iserv.de` (without "/iserv/auth" etc.) - Client ID - Client Secret Done.Creating IServ-SSO for Matheretter | {For Matheretter:}{#FFC57B#} As a school admin on IServ: **Step 1** Open the IServ administration. Then: Management - System - Single Sign-On. **Step 2** + Add - Add OAuth Client https://www.edumaps.de/file/7125329982367396046.png/ndsy6rb **Step 3** Copy Client ID and Client Secret. **Step 4** Click on the "Restrictions" tab and activate Scopes there. https://www.edumaps.de/file/2507553215521786671.png/e31fevy **Step 5** Click on the "Application" tab and add "Redirect URLs" `https://www.matheretter.de/sso/iserv` (must match your server, so instead of `www` set, for example, `he` or `nrw`). Then save. **Step 6** Create WebModule - Management - System - Navigation - Click **+ Add** - and then fill out as shown in the screenshot - important! Replace **he1234** with the **username** of your Edumaps admin account. Then save! https://www.edumaps.de/file/4833414310369776825.png/gk9mrou Make sure to enter the correct Edumaps server here. So instead of "www" then "he", "nrw", etc. **Step 7** Switch to Matheretter. Log in with your admin account. Go to "My Profile". There you will find a button "Create Single Sign-On". Click on it. Now enter the IServ SSO data: - URL of your IServ server: e.g., `https://yourschool-iserv.de` (without "/iserv/auth" etc.) - Client ID - Client Secret Done.Introduction | ✔️ iServ is a school management software that also offers a single sign-on solution, which means that users can log in to multiple external services with a single login. ✔️ Specifically: iServ users can be directed to Edumaps with just one click from iServ and be automatically logged in. ✔️ Here you will learn how to set up this single sign-on as an admin. Creating IServ-SSO for Edumaps | {For Edumaps:}{#FFC57B#} As a school admin in IServ: **Step 1** Open the IServ administration panel. Then: Administration - System - Single Sign On. **Step 2** + Add - Add OAuth-Client https://www.edumaps.de/file/7125329982367396046.png/ndsy6rb **Step 3** Copy the Client ID and Client Secret. **Step 4** Click the "Restrictions" tab and activate the scopes there. https://www.edumaps.de/file/2507553215521786671.png/e31fevy **Step 5** Click the "Application" tab and add "Redirect URIs" with `https://www.edumaps.de/sso/iserv` (must correspond to your server, so replace `www` with, e.g., `he` or `nrw`). Then save. **Step 6** Create a WebModule - Administration - System - Navigation - click **+ Add** - and fill it out as seen in the screenshot - important! Replace **he1234** with the **username** of your Edumaps admin account. Then save! https://www.edumaps.de/file/5518686052761013752.png/z0hjvns Make sure to enter the correct Edumaps server here. Instead of "www", use "he", "nrw", etc. **Step 7** Switch to Edumaps. Log in with your admin account. Go to "My Profile". There you will find a button "Create Single Sign-On". Click on it. Now enter the IServ-SSO data: - URL of your IServ server: e.g., `https://yourschool-iserv.de` (without "/iserv/auth" etc.) - Client ID - Client Secret Done.Creating IServ-SSO for Matheretter | {For Matheretter:}{#FFC57B#} As a school admin on IServ: **Step 1** Open the IServ administration. Then: Management - System - Single Sign-On. **Step 2** + Add - Add OAuth Client https://www.edumaps.de/file/7125329982367396046.png/ndsy6rb **Step 3** Copy Client ID and Client Secret. **Step 4** Click on the "Restrictions" tab and activate Scopes there. https://www.edumaps.de/file/2507553215521786671.png/e31fevy **Step 5** Click on the "Application" tab and add "Redirect URLs" `https://www.matheretter.de/sso/iserv` (must match your server, so instead of `www` set, for example, `he` or `nrw`). Then save. **Step 6** Create WebModule - Management - System - Navigation - Click **+ Add** - and then fill out as shown in the screenshot - important! Replace **he1234** with the **username** of your Edumaps admin account. Then save! https://www.edumaps.de/file/4833414310369776825.png/gk9mrou Make sure to enter the correct Edumaps server here. So instead of "www" then "he", "nrw", etc. **Step 7** Switch to Matheretter. Log in with your admin account. Go to "My Profile". There you will find a button "Create Single Sign-On". Click on it. Now enter the IServ SSO data: - URL of your IServ server: e.g., `https://yourschool-iserv.de` (without "/iserv/auth" etc.) - Client ID - Client Secret Done.Introduction | ✔️ iServ is a school management software that also offers a single sign-on solution, which means that users can log in to multiple external services with a single login. ✔️ Specifically: iServ users can be directed to Edumaps with just one click from iServ and be automatically logged in. ✔️ Here you will learn how to set up this single sign-on as an admin. Creating IServ-SSO for Edumaps | {For Edumaps:}{#FFC57B#} As a school admin in IServ: **Step 1** Open the IServ administration panel. Then: Administration - System - Single Sign On. **Step 2** + Add - Add OAuth-Client https://www.edumaps.de/file/7125329982367396046.png/ndsy6rb **Step 3** Copy the Client ID and Client Secret. **Step 4** Click the "Restrictions" tab and activate the scopes there. https://www.edumaps.de/file/2507553215521786671.png/e31fevy **Step 5** Click the "Application" tab and add "Redirect URIs" with `https://www.edumaps.de/sso/iserv` (must correspond to your server, so replace `www` with, e.g., `he` or `nrw`). Then save. **Step 6** Create a WebModule - Administration - System - Navigation - click **+ Add** - and fill it out as seen in the screenshot - important! Replace **he1234** with the **username** of your Edumaps admin account. Then save! https://www.edumaps.de/file/5518686052761013752.png/z0hjvns Make sure to enter the correct Edumaps server here. Instead of "www", use "he", "nrw", etc. **Step 7** Switch to Edumaps. Log in with your admin account. Go to "My Profile". There you will find a button "Create Single Sign-On". Click on it. Now enter the IServ-SSO data: - URL of your IServ server: e.g., `https://yourschool-iserv.de` (without "/iserv/auth" etc.) - Client ID - Client Secret Done.Creating IServ-SSO for Matheretter | {For Matheretter:}{#FFC57B#} As a school admin on IServ: **Step 1** Open the IServ administration. Then: Management - System - Single Sign-On. **Step 2** + Add - Add OAuth Client https://www.edumaps.de/file/7125329982367396046.png/ndsy6rb **Step 3** Copy Client ID and Client Secret. **Step 4** Click on the "Restrictions" tab and activate Scopes there. https://www.edumaps.de/file/2507553215521786671.png/e31fevy **Step 5** Click on the "Application" tab and add "Redirect URLs" `https://www.matheretter.de/sso/iserv` (must match your server, so instead of `www` set, for example, `he` or `nrw`). Then save. **Step 6** Create WebModule - Management - System - Navigation - Click **+ Add** - and then fill out as shown in the screenshot - important! Replace **he1234** with the **username** of your Edumaps admin account. Then save! https://www.edumaps.de/file/4833414310369776825.png/gk9mrou Make sure to enter the correct Edumaps server here. So instead of "www" then "he", "nrw", etc. **Step 7** Switch to Matheretter. Log in with your admin account. Go to "My Profile". There you will find a button "Create Single Sign-On". Click on it. Now enter the IServ SSO data: - URL of your IServ server: e.g., `https://yourschool-iserv.de` (without "/iserv/auth" etc.) - Client ID - Client Secret Done.Introduction | ✔️ iServ is a school management software that also offers a single sign-on solution, which means that users can log in to multiple external services with a single login. ✔️ Specifically: iServ users can be directed to Edumaps with just one click from iServ and be automatically logged in. ✔️ Here you will learn how to set up this single sign-on as an admin. Creating IServ-SSO for Edumaps | {For Edumaps:}{#FFC57B#} As a school admin in IServ: **Step 1** Open the IServ administration panel. Then: Administration - System - Single Sign On. **Step 2** + Add - Add OAuth-Client https://www.edumaps.de/file/7125329982367396046.png/ndsy6rb **Step 3** Copy the Client ID and Client Secret. **Step 4** Click the "Restrictions" tab and activate the scopes there. https://www.edumaps.de/file/2507553215521786671.png/e31fevy **Step 5** Click the "Application" tab and add "Redirect URIs" with `https://www.edumaps.de/sso/iserv` (must correspond to your server, so replace `www` with, e.g., `he` or `nrw`). Then save. **Step 6** Create a WebModule - Administration - System - Navigation - click **+ Add** - and fill it out as seen in the screenshot - important! Replace **he1234** with the **username** of your Edumaps admin account. Then save! https://www.edumaps.de/file/5518686052761013752.png/z0hjvns Make sure to enter the correct Edumaps server here. Instead of "www", use "he", "nrw", etc. **Step 7** Switch to Edumaps. Log in with your admin account. Go to "My Profile". There you will find a button "Create Single Sign-On". Click on it. Now enter the IServ-SSO data: - URL of your IServ server: e.g., `https://yourschool-iserv.de` (without "/iserv/auth" etc.) - Client ID - Client Secret Done.Creating IServ-SSO for Matheretter | {For Matheretter:}{#FFC57B#} As a school admin on IServ: **Step 1** Open the IServ administration. Then: Management - System - Single Sign-On. **Step 2** + Add - Add OAuth Client https://www.edumaps.de/file/7125329982367396046.png/ndsy6rb **Step 3** Copy Client ID and Client Secret. **Step 4** Click on the "Restrictions" tab and activate Scopes there. https://www.edumaps.de/file/2507553215521786671.png/e31fevy **Step 5** Click on the "Application" tab and add "Redirect URLs" `https://www.matheretter.de/sso/iserv` (must match your server, so instead of `www` set, for example, `he` or `nrw`). Then save. **Step 6** Create WebModule - Management - System - Navigation - Click **+ Add** - and then fill out as shown in the screenshot - important! Replace **he1234** with the **username** of your Edumaps admin account. Then save! https://www.edumaps.de/file/4833414310369776825.png/gk9mrou Make sure to enter the correct Edumaps server here. So instead of "www" then "he", "nrw", etc. **Step 7** Switch to Matheretter. Log in with your admin account. Go to "My Profile". There you will find a button "Create Single Sign-On". Click on it. Now enter the IServ SSO data: - URL of your IServ server: e.g., `https://yourschool-iserv.de` (without "/iserv/auth" etc.) - Client ID - Client Secret Done.Introduction | ✔️ iServ is a school management software that also offers a single sign-on solution, which means that users can log in to multiple external services with a single login. ✔️ Specifically: iServ users can be directed to Edumaps with just one click from iServ and be automatically logged in. ✔️ Here you will learn how to set up this single sign-on as an admin. Creating IServ-SSO for Edumaps | {For Edumaps:}{#FFC57B#} As a school admin in IServ: **Step 1** Open the IServ administration panel. Then: Administration - System - Single Sign On. **Step 2** + Add - Add OAuth-Client https://www.edumaps.de/file/7125329982367396046.png/ndsy6rb **Step 3** Copy the Client ID and Client Secret. **Step 4** Click the "Restrictions" tab and activate the scopes there. https://www.edumaps.de/file/2507553215521786671.png/e31fevy **Step 5** Click the "Application" tab and add "Redirect URIs" with `https://www.edumaps.de/sso/iserv` (must correspond to your server, so replace `www` with, e.g., `he` or `nrw`). Then save. **Step 6** Create a WebModule - Administration - System - Navigation - click **+ Add** - and fill it out as seen in the screenshot - important! Replace **he1234** with the **username** of your Edumaps admin account. Then save! https://www.edumaps.de/file/5518686052761013752.png/z0hjvns Make sure to enter the correct Edumaps server here. Instead of "www", use "he", "nrw", etc. **Step 7** Switch to Edumaps. Log in with your admin account. Go to "My Profile". There you will find a button "Create Single Sign-On". Click on it. Now enter the IServ-SSO data: - URL of your IServ server: e.g., `https://yourschool-iserv.de` (without "/iserv/auth" etc.) - Client ID - Client Secret Done.Creating IServ-SSO for Matheretter | {For Matheretter:}{#FFC57B#} As a school admin on IServ: **Step 1** Open the IServ administration. Then: Management - System - Single Sign-On. **Step 2** + Add - Add OAuth Client https://www.edumaps.de/file/7125329982367396046.png/ndsy6rb **Step 3** Copy Client ID and Client Secret. **Step 4** Click on the "Restrictions" tab and activate Scopes there. https://www.edumaps.de/file/2507553215521786671.png/e31fevy **Step 5** Click on the "Application" tab and add "Redirect URLs" `https://www.matheretter.de/sso/iserv` (must match your server, so instead of `www` set, for example, `he` or `nrw`). Then save. **Step 6** Create WebModule - Management - System - Navigation - Click **+ Add** - and then fill out as shown in the screenshot - important! Replace **he1234** with the **username** of your Edumaps admin account. Then save! https://www.edumaps.de/file/4833414310369776825.png/gk9mrou Make sure to enter the correct Edumaps server here. So instead of "www" then "he", "nrw", etc. **Step 7** Switch to Matheretter. Log in with your admin account. Go to "My Profile". There you will find a button "Create Single Sign-On". Click on it. Now enter the IServ SSO data: - URL of your IServ server: e.g., `https://yourschool-iserv.de` (without "/iserv/auth" etc.) - Client ID - Client Secret Done.